# atsamd-usb-host This is a [usb-host](https://github.com/bjc/usb-host) driver for Atmel's SAMD series of chips. # Examples ## (Sort of) Simple Example This assumes you have an [Adafruit Trinket M0](https://www.adafruit.com/product/3500). You'll need to make modifications to `Makefile` and `examples/simple/main.rs` for your board otherwise. You'll need at least `bossac` installed somewhere in your path in order to actually do the flashing. You'll also need rust installed for your target device. 1) Connect a serial port to your device (the Trinket M0 uses pin 4 to do UART transmission at TTL voltage). 2) Plug the device in, put it into firmware-update mode (double-tap the reset button on the Trinket M0) and run `make flash`. When it's done you should see boot messages on your serial device. 3) Unplug the device from the computer, hook it up to another power supply somehow (I wire GND to ground and USB to 5V), plug in a keyboard, and hit some keys. You should see it print out the keyboard reports as keys are pressed and released. Alternately, you may see error messages if something is broken.