//! Simple USB host-side driver for boot protocol keyboards. #![no_std] use log::{debug, error, info}; use usb_host::{ ConfigurationDescriptor, DescriptorType, DeviceDescriptor, Direction, Driver, DriverError, Endpoint, RequestCode, RequestDirection, RequestKind, RequestRecipient, RequestType, TransferError, TransferType, USBHost, WValue, }; use core::mem::{self, MaybeUninit}; use core::ptr; // How long to wait before talking to the device again after setting // its address. cf ยง9.2.6.3 of USB 2.0 const SETTLE_DELAY: usize = 2; // How many total devices this driver can support. const MAX_DEVICES: usize = 1; // And how many endpoints we can support per-device. const MAX_ENDPOINTS: usize = 2; pub struct BootKeyboard { devices: [Option; MAX_DEVICES], } impl core::fmt::Debug for BootKeyboard { fn fmt(&self, f: &mut core::fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> core::fmt::Result { write!(f, "BootKeyboard") } } impl BootKeyboard { pub fn new() -> Self { Self { devices: [None; MAX_DEVICES], } } } impl Driver for BootKeyboard { fn want_device(&self, _device: &DeviceDescriptor) -> bool { true } fn add_device(&mut self, _device: DeviceDescriptor, address: u8) -> Result<(), DriverError> { for i in 0..self.devices.len() { if self.devices[i].is_none() { self.devices[i] = Some(Device::new(address)); return Ok(()); } } Err(DriverError::Permanent(address, "out of devices")) } fn remove_device(&mut self, address: u8) { for i in 0..self.devices.len() { if let Some(ref dev) = self.devices[i] { if dev.addr == address { self.devices[i] = None; return; } } } } fn tick(&mut self, millis: usize, host: &mut dyn USBHost) -> Result<(), DriverError> { for d in &mut self.devices[..] { if let Some(ref mut dev) = d { if let Err(TransferError::Permanent(e)) = dev.fsm(millis, host) { return Err(DriverError::Permanent(dev.addr, e)); } } } Ok(()) } } #[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug, PartialEq)] enum DeviceState { Addressed, WaitForSettle(usize), GetConfig, SetConfig, SetIdle, SetReport, Running, } struct Device { addr: u8, ep0: EP, endpoints: [Option; MAX_ENDPOINTS], state: DeviceState, } impl Device { fn new(addr: u8) -> Self { let endpoints: [Option; MAX_ENDPOINTS] = { let mut eps: [MaybeUninit>; MAX_ENDPOINTS] = unsafe { mem::MaybeUninit::uninit().assume_init() }; for ep in &mut eps[..] { unsafe { ptr::write(ep.as_mut_ptr(), None) } } unsafe { mem::transmute(eps) } }; Self { addr: addr, ep0: EP::new(addr, 0, TransferType::Control, Direction::In), endpoints: endpoints, state: DeviceState::Addressed, } } fn fsm(&mut self, millis: usize, host: &mut dyn USBHost) -> Result<(), TransferError> { // TODO: either we need another `control_transfer` that // doesn't take data, or this `none` value needs to be put in // the usb-host layer. None of these options are good. let none: Option<&mut [u8]> = None; unsafe { static mut LAST_STATE: DeviceState = DeviceState::Addressed; if LAST_STATE != self.state { debug!("{:?} -> {:?}", LAST_STATE, self.state); LAST_STATE = self.state; } } match self.state { DeviceState::Addressed => { self.state = DeviceState::WaitForSettle(millis + SETTLE_DELAY) } DeviceState::WaitForSettle(until) => { if millis > until { let mut dev_desc: MaybeUninit = MaybeUninit::uninit(); let buf = unsafe { to_slice_mut(&mut dev_desc) }; let len = host.control_transfer( &mut self.ep0, RequestType::from(( RequestDirection::DeviceToHost, RequestKind::Standard, RequestRecipient::Device, )), RequestCode::GetDescriptor, WValue::from((0, DescriptorType::Device as u8)), 0, Some(buf), )?; assert!(len == mem::size_of::()); self.state = DeviceState::GetConfig } } DeviceState::GetConfig => { let mut conf_desc: MaybeUninit = MaybeUninit::uninit(); let buf = unsafe { to_slice_mut(&mut conf_desc) }; let len = host.control_transfer( &mut self.ep0, RequestType::from(( RequestDirection::DeviceToHost, RequestKind::Standard, RequestRecipient::Device, )), RequestCode::GetDescriptor, WValue::from((0, DescriptorType::Configuration as u8)), 0, Some(buf), )?; assert!(len == mem::size_of::()); let conf_desc = unsafe { conf_desc.assume_init() }; // TODO: do a real allocation later. assert!(conf_desc.w_total_length < 64); let mut buf: [u8; 64] = [0; 64]; let mut tmp = &mut buf[..conf_desc.w_total_length as usize]; let len = host.control_transfer( &mut self.ep0, RequestType::from(( RequestDirection::DeviceToHost, RequestKind::Standard, RequestRecipient::Device, )), RequestCode::GetDescriptor, WValue::from((0, DescriptorType::Configuration as u8)), 0, Some(&mut tmp), )?; assert!(len == conf_desc.w_total_length as usize); self.state = DeviceState::SetConfig } DeviceState::SetConfig => { // TODO: extract real configuration to choose. let conf: u8 = 1; host.control_transfer( &mut self.ep0, RequestType::from(( RequestDirection::HostToDevice, RequestKind::Standard, RequestRecipient::Device, )), RequestCode::SetConfiguration, WValue::from((conf, 0)), 0, none, )?; self.endpoints[0] = Some(EP::new( self.addr, 1, TransferType::Interrupt, Direction::In, )); self.state = DeviceState::SetIdle } DeviceState::SetIdle => { host.control_transfer( &mut self.ep0, RequestType::from(( RequestDirection::HostToDevice, RequestKind::Class, RequestRecipient::Interface, )), RequestCode::GetInterface, WValue::from((0, 0)), 0, none, )?; self.state = DeviceState::SetReport } DeviceState::SetReport => { let mut report: [u8; 1] = [0]; host.control_transfer( &mut self.ep0, RequestType::from(( RequestDirection::HostToDevice, RequestKind::Class, RequestRecipient::Interface, )), RequestCode::SetConfiguration, WValue::from((0, 2)), 0, Some(&mut report), )?; self.state = DeviceState::Running } DeviceState::Running => { let mut buf: [u8; 8] = [0; 8]; if let Some(ref mut ep) = self.endpoints[0] { match host.in_transfer(ep, &mut buf) { Err(TransferError::Permanent(msg)) => error!("reading report: {}", msg), Err(TransferError::Retry(_)) => return Ok(()), Ok(len) => info!("report: {} - {:?}", len, buf), } } } } Ok(()) } } unsafe fn to_slice_mut(v: &mut T) -> &mut [u8] { let ptr = v as *mut T as *mut u8; let len = mem::size_of::(); core::slice::from_raw_parts_mut(ptr, len) } struct EP { addr: u8, num: u8, transfer_type: TransferType, direction: Direction, in_toggle: bool, out_toggle: bool, } impl EP { fn new(addr: u8, num: u8, transfer_type: TransferType, direction: Direction) -> Self { Self { addr: addr, num: num, transfer_type: transfer_type, direction: direction, in_toggle: false, out_toggle: false, } } } impl Endpoint for EP { fn address(&self) -> u8 { self.addr } fn endpoint_num(&self) -> u8 { self.num } fn transfer_type(&self) -> TransferType { self.transfer_type } fn direction(&self) -> Direction { self.direction } fn max_packet_size(&self) -> u16 { 8 } fn in_toggle(&self) -> bool { self.in_toggle } fn set_in_toggle(&mut self, toggle: bool) { self.in_toggle = toggle } fn out_toggle(&self) -> bool { self.out_toggle } fn set_out_toggle(&mut self, toggle: bool) { self.out_toggle = toggle } }