BranchCommit messageAuthorAge
masterSmall style changes.Brian Cully15 years
pass-1Work in progressBrian Cully15 years
splitAdd rebase -i example.Brian Cully15 years
squashAdd hubrisBrian Cully15 years
pass-1dvcs-git-slides-pass-1.tar.gz  Brian Cully15 years
AgeCommit messageAuthorFilesLines
2009-04-01Small style changes.HEADmasterBrian Cully1-0/+0
2009-03-30Add more workflows, and better remotes descriptions.Brian Cully1-0/+0
2009-03-30Add more stuff on remotes section.Brian Cully1-0/+0
2009-03-30Add notes to secrets.Brian Cully1-0/+0
2009-03-30Add examples to slides.Brian Cully1-0/+0
2009-03-30Fix a bug when reading the last object in a tree.Brian Cully1-0/+4
2009-03-30WIPBrian Cully2-7/+16
2009-03-30Add copyrightBrian Cully2-1/+2
2009-03-30Add perldoc.Brian Cully1-0/+74
2009-03-29Shorten code a little.Brian Cully1-3/+1