Frequently Asked Questions

Click on a topic to the left to find out more about it, or click on a question below to find the answer.

How do I use groups?

You can use groups to organize files in your library. For instance, you might want to create a group for all your image files, for all the files in a project you're working on, or to share files with other Liaison users.

To create a group:
1 Select "New group" from the File menu.
To add files to a group:
1 Select the list of files in the library, and drag them to the newly created group.
To rename a group:
1 Double-click its entry in the group list and type in a new name.
How do I share my files?

You can share any file in your library by putting it in a group.

How do I download a shared file?

Double-click on it, or drag it from Liaison to the Finder.

What is meta-data and how do I edit it?

Meta-data is information about the file itself, such as when it was created, to what groups it belongs, its icon, its filename, and other ways of referencing a file.

To edit meta-data, you can double click on a field in the file list, or edit it via the inspector.

©2003 Brian Cully