/* Errors for file rename operations. */ LiGenericRenameErrorHeader = "The file couldn't be renamed."; LiGenericRenameErrorContents = "Try shaking a dead chicken (or chicken substitute) at the screen."; LiBadFilenameErrorHeader = "The file couldn't be renamed because it contained an illegal character."; LiBadFilenameErrorContents = "You can try to rename the file without the slash \"/\" or colon \":\" characters."; LiReadOnlyFileSytemErrorHeader = "The file couldn't be modified because the filesystem is read-only."; LiReadOnlyFileSytemErrorContents = "You need to talk to your system administrator to fix this."; LiPermissionDeniedErrorHeader = "The file couldn't be modified because you lack permission to change the file."; LiPermissionDeniedErrorContents = "You can modify your folder permissions in the Finder.";