diff options
2 files changed, 119 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/event_buffer.c b/src/event_buffer.c
index 4d65273..110a41c 100644
--- a/src/event_buffer.c
+++ b/src/event_buffer.c
@@ -68,6 +68,7 @@ static int event_buffer_gc(lua_State* L) {
progressively adds items to the buffer
if arg[*] is string, treat as a string:format call
if arg[*] is a buffer, perform event_add_buffer
+ expects at least 1 other argument
returns number of bytes added
static int event_buffer_add(lua_State* L) {
@@ -76,6 +77,7 @@ static int event_buffer_add(lua_State* L) {
int oldLength = EVBUFFER_LENGTH(buffer);
int last = lua_gettop(L);
int i;
+ if(last == 1) luaL_error(L, "Not enough arguments to add: expects at least 1 additional operand");
for(i = 2; i <= last; i++) {
if(!lua_isstring(L, i) && !is_event_buffer(L, i))
luaL_argerror(L, i, "Argument is not a string or buffer object");
diff --git a/test/event_buffer-tests.lua b/test/event_buffer-tests.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..02c25fc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/event_buffer-tests.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,117 @@
+local buffer = luaevent.core.buffer
+bufferTests = TestCase("bufferTests")
+function bufferTests:setup()
+ self.buffer = buffer.new()
+ self.buffer2 = buffer.new()
+function bufferTests:teardown()
+ self.buffer:close()
+ self.buffer2:close()
+local function testDataEqual(expected, actual, msg)
+ msg = msg or ''
+ assert_equal(expected, actual:get_data(), "Buffer not the same: " .. msg)
+ assert_equal(#expected, actual:length(), "Buffer length not the same: " .. msg)
+ assert_equal(expected, tostring(actual), "Buffer (from tostring) not the same: " .. msg)
+ assert_equal(#expected, #actual, "Buffer length (from #) not zero: " .. msg)
+function bufferTests:test_empty()
+ testDataEqual("", self.buffer, "Buffer not empty")
+ testDataEqual("", self.buffer2, "Buffer2 not empty")
+function bufferTests:test_addSimpleString()
+ self.buffer:add("Hello")
+ testDataEqual("Hello", self.buffer)
+ self.buffer:add("Hello")
+ testDataEqual("HelloHello", self.buffer)
+function bufferTests:test_addMultipleStrings()
+ self.buffer:add("Hello", "Hello")
+ testDataEqual("HelloHello", self.buffer)
+function bufferTests:test_addDigits()
+ self.buffer:add(1,2,3,4)
+ testDataEqual("1234", self.buffer)
+ self.buffer:add(100)
+ testDataEqual("1234100", self.buffer)
+ self.buffer:add(1.1)
+ testDataEqual("12341001.1", self.buffer)
+function bufferTests:test_addBuffer()
+ self.buffer:add(self.buffer2)
+ testDataEqual("", self.buffer)
+ testDataEqual("", self.buffer2)
+ self.buffer2:add("Hello")
+ testDataEqual("Hello", self.buffer2)
+ self.buffer:add(self.buffer2)
+ testDataEqual("Hello", self.buffer)
+ testDataEqual("", self.buffer2)
+ assert_error("Cannot self-add buffers", function()
+ self.buffer:add(self.buffer)
+ end)
+ assert_error("Cannot self-add buffers", function()
+ self.buffer2:add(self.buffer2)
+ end)
+ testDataEqual("Hello", self.buffer, "Failures should not affect data content")
+ testDataEqual("", self.buffer2, "Failures should not affect data content")
+function bufferTests:test_addBadValues_fail()
+ assert_error("Should not be able to add no values", function()
+ self.buffer:add()
+ end)
+ assert_error("Should not be able to add boolean true", function()
+ self.buffer:add(true)
+ end)
+ assert_error("Should not be able to add boolean false", function()
+ self.buffer:add(false)
+ end)
+ assert_error("Should not be able to add functions", function()
+ self.buffer:add(function() end)
+ end)
+ assert_error("Should not be able to add threads", function()
+ self.buffer:add(coroutine.create(function() end))
+ end)
+ assert_error("Should not be able to add non-buffer userdata", function()
+ self.buffer:add(newproxy())
+ end)
+ assert_error("Should not be able to add nil values", function()
+ self.buffer:add(nil)
+ end)
+ assert_error("Multiples including valid values should not affect failure results", function()
+ self.buffer:add("Hello", 1, bufferb, true, false, function() end, newproxy(), nil)
+ end)
+ testDataEqual("", self.buffer, "Buffer not empty after failing additions")
+function bufferTests:test_drain()
+ self.buffer:add("123456789")
+ testDataEqual("123456789", self.buffer)
+ assert_error("Cannot call drain w/ no args", function()
+ self.buffer:drain()
+ end)
+ self.buffer:drain(1)
+ testDataEqual("23456789", self.buffer)
+ self.buffer:drain(4)
+ testDataEqual("6789", self.buffer)
+ assert_pass("Should be able to apply draining beyond actual buffer length", function()
+ self.buffer:drain(5)
+ end)
+ testDataEqual("", self.buffer)
+lunit.run() \ No newline at end of file