---- Functions: [[toc levels=1]] ## Read/Write/Error Callback: * Input: `(bufferevent, what)` * `bufferevent` - Reference to the bufferevent that raised the callback * `what` - What happened: * == `EVBUFFER_READ` - Buffer contains at least low-watermark length and no more than high-watermark length * == `EVBUFFER_WRITE` - Buffer ready to write to * (other) - Error condition * May be or-ed/added with `EVBUFFER_READ`/`EVBUFFER_WRITE` to specify where it happened * `EVBUFFER_ERROR` - Marks error condition (need to look at 'errno' for error.. not exposed yet) * `EVBUFFER_TIMEOUT` - Marks activity timeout * `EVBUFFER_EOF` - Marks disconnection/end-of-file condition ## bufferevent.new * Input: `(fd, read, write, error)` * `fd` - File descriptor to watch * `read` - (may be nil) - callback to call when data in buffer is above the low watermark * `write` - (may be nil) - callback to call when the output buffer contains less data than the low watermark * `error` - callback to call when there is an erroneous condition ## bufferevent (__gc) * Releases the bufferevent * Disconnects event buffers since they were owned by the bufferevent object in 'C' land * Disconnects all references so that any erroneous callbacks don't cause failures ## bufferevent:get_read * Obtains the input buffer associated w/ the bufferevent ## bufferevent:get_write * Obtains the output buffer associated w/ the bufferevent