--[[-------------------------------------------------------------------------- This file is part of lunit 0.4pre (alpha). For Details about lunit look at: http://www.nessie.de/mroth/lunit/ Author: Michael Roth Copyright (c) 2004 Michael Roth Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. --]]-------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------- -- Intialize package -- ----------------------- local P = { } lunit = P -- Import local type = type local print = print local ipairs = ipairs local pairs = pairs local string = string local table = table local pcall = pcall local xpcall = xpcall local traceback = debug.traceback local error = error local setmetatable = setmetatable local rawset = rawset local orig_assert = assert local getfenv = getfenv local setfenv = setfenv local tostring = tostring -- Start package scope setfenv(1, P) -------------------------------- -- Private data and functions -- -------------------------------- local run_testcase local do_assert, check_msg local stats = { } local testcases = { } local stats_inc, tc_mt -------------------------- -- Type check functions -- -------------------------- function is_nil(x) return type(x) == "nil" end function is_boolean(x) return type(x) == "boolean" end function is_number(x) return type(x) == "number" end function is_string(x) return type(x) == "string" end function is_table(x) return type(x) == "table" end function is_function(x) return type(x) == "function" end function is_thread(x) return type(x) == "thread" end function is_userdata(x) return type(x) == "userdata" end ---------------------- -- Assert functions -- ---------------------- function assert(assertion, msg) stats_inc("assertions") check_msg("assert", msg) do_assert(not not assertion, "assertion failed (was: "..tostring(assertion)..")", msg) -- (convert assertion to bool) return assertion end function assert_fail(msg) stats_inc("assertions") check_msg("assert_fail", msg) do_assert(false, "failure", msg) end function assert_true(actual, msg) stats_inc("assertions") check_msg("assert_true", msg) do_assert(is_boolean(actual), "true expected but was a "..type(actual), msg) do_assert(actual == true, "true expected but was false", msg) return actual end function assert_false(actual, msg) stats_inc("assertions") check_msg("assert_false", msg) do_assert(is_boolean(actual), "false expected but was a "..type(actual), msg) do_assert(actual == false, "false expected but was true", msg) return actual end function assert_equal(expected, actual, msg) stats_inc("assertions") check_msg("assert_equal", msg) do_assert(expected == actual, "expected '"..tostring(expected).."' but was '"..tostring(actual).."'", msg) return actual end function assert_not_equal(unexpected, actual, msg) stats_inc("assertions") check_msg("assert_not_equal", msg) do_assert(unexpected ~= actual, "'"..tostring(expected).."' not expected but was one", msg) return actual end function assert_match(pattern, actual, msg) stats_inc("assertions") check_msg("assert_match", msg) do_assert(is_string(pattern), "assert_match expects the pattern as a string") do_assert(is_string(actual), "expected a string to match pattern '"..pattern.."' but was a '"..type(actual).."'", msg) do_assert(not not string.find(actual, pattern), "expected '"..actual.."' to match pattern '"..pattern.."' but doesn't", msg) return actual end function assert_not_match(pattern, actual, msg) stats_inc("assertions") check_msg("assert_not_match", msg) do_assert(is_string(actual), "expected a string to not match pattern '"..pattern.."' but was a '"..type(actual).."'", msg) do_assert(string.find(actual, pattern) == nil, "expected '"..actual.."' to not match pattern '"..pattern.."' but it does", msg) return actual end function assert_nil(actual, msg) stats_inc("assertions") check_msg("assert_nil", msg) do_assert(is_nil(actual), "nil expected but was a "..type(actual), msg) return actual end function assert_not_nil(actual, msg) stats_inc("assertions") check_msg("assert_not_nil", msg) do_assert(not is_nil(actual), "nil not expected but was one", msg) return actual end function assert_boolean(actual, msg) stats_inc("assertions") check_msg("assert_boolean", msg) do_assert(is_boolean(actual), "boolean expected but was a "..type(actual), msg) return actual end function assert_not_boolean(actual, msg) stats_inc("assertions") check_msg("assert_not_boolean", msg) do_assert(not is_boolean(actual), "boolean not expected but was one", msg) return actual end function assert_number(actual, msg) stats_inc("assertions") check_msg("assert_number", msg) do_assert(is_number(actual), "number expected but was a "..type(actual), msg) return actual end function assert_not_number(actual, msg) stats_inc("assertions") check_msg("assert_not_number", msg) do_assert(not is_number(actual), "number not expected but was one", msg) return actual end function assert_string(actual, msg) stats_inc("assertions") check_msg("assert_string", msg) do_assert(is_string(actual), "string expected but was a "..type(actual), msg) return actual end function assert_not_string(actual, msg) stats_inc("assertions") check_msg("assert_not_string", msg) do_assert(not is_string(actual), "string not expected but was one", msg) return actual end function assert_table(actual, msg) stats_inc("assertions") check_msg("assert_table", msg) do_assert(is_table(actual), "table expected but was a "..type(actual), msg) return actual end function assert_not_table(actual, msg) stats_inc("assertions") check_msg("assert_not_table", msg) do_assert(not is_table(actual), "table not expected but was one", msg) return actual end function assert_function(actual, msg) stats_inc("assertions") check_msg("assert_function", msg) do_assert(is_function(actual), "function expected but was a "..type(actual), msg) return actual end function assert_not_function(actual, msg) stats_inc("assertions") check_msg("assert_not_function", msg) do_assert(not is_function(actual), "function not expected but was one", msg) return actual end function assert_thread(actual, msg) stats_inc("assertions") check_msg("assert_thread", msg) do_assert(is_thread(actual), "thread expected but was a "..type(actual), msg) return actual end function assert_not_thread(actual, msg) stats_inc("assertions") check_msg("assert_not_thread", msg) do_assert(not is_thread(actual), "thread not expected but was one", msg) return actual end function assert_userdata(actual, msg) stats_inc("assertions") check_msg("assert_userdata", msg) do_assert(is_userdata(actual), "userdata expected but was a "..type(actual), msg) return actual end function assert_not_userdata(actual, msg) stats_inc("assertions") check_msg("assert_not_userdata", msg) do_assert(not is_userdata(actual), "userdata not expected but was one", msg) return actual end function assert_error(msg, func) stats_inc("assertions") if is_nil(func) then func, msg = msg, nil end check_msg("assert_error", msg) do_assert(is_function(func), "assert_error expects a function as the last argument but it was a "..type(func)) local ok, errmsg = pcall(func) do_assert(ok == false, "error expected but no error occurred", msg) end function assert_pass(msg, func) stats_inc("assertions") if is_nil(func) then func, msg = msg, nil end check_msg("assert_pass", msg) do_assert(is_function(func), "assert_pass expects a function as the last argument but it was a "..type(func)) local ok, errmsg = pcall(func) if not ok then do_assert(ok == true, "no error expected but error was: "..errmsg, msg) end end ----------------------------------------------------------- -- Assert implementation that assumes it was called from -- -- lunit code which was called directly from user code. -- ----------------------------------------------------------- function do_assert(assertion, base_msg, user_msg) orig_assert(is_boolean(assertion)) orig_assert(is_string(base_msg)) orig_assert(is_string(user_msg) or is_nil(user_msg)) if not assertion then if user_msg then error(base_msg..": "..user_msg, 3) else error(base_msg.."!", 3) end end end ------------------------------------------- -- Checks the msg argument in assert_xxx -- ------------------------------------------- function check_msg(name, msg) orig_assert(is_string(name)) if not (is_nil(msg) or is_string(msg)) then error("lunit."..name.."() expects the optional message as a string but it was a "..type(msg).."!" ,3) end end ------------------------------------- -- Creates a new TestCase 'Object' -- ------------------------------------- function TestCase(name) do_assert(is_string(name), "lunit.TestCase() needs a string as an argument") local tc = { __lunit_name = name; __lunit_setup = nil; __lunit_tests = { }; __lunit_teardown = nil; } setmetatable(tc, tc_mt) table.insert(testcases, tc) return tc end tc_mt = { __newindex = function(tc, key, value) rawset(tc, key, value) if is_string(key) and is_function(value) then local name = string.lower(key) if string.find(name, "^test") or string.find(name, "test$") then table.insert(tc.__lunit_tests, key) elseif name == "setup" then tc.__lunit_setup = value elseif name == "teardown" then tc.__lunit_teardown = value end end end } ----------------------------------------- -- Wrap Functions in a TestCase object -- ----------------------------------------- function wrap(name, ...) if is_function(name) then table.insert(arg, 1, name) name = "Anonymous Testcase" end local tc = TestCase(name) for index, test in ipairs(arg) do tc["Test #"..index] = test end return tc end ---------------------------------- -- Runs the complete Test Suite -- ---------------------------------- function run() --------------------------- -- Initialize statistics -- --------------------------- stats.testcases = 0 -- Total number of Test Cases stats.tests = 0 -- Total number of all Tests in all Test Cases stats.run = 0 -- Number of Tests run stats.notrun = 0 -- Number of Tests not run stats.failed = 0 -- Number of Tests failed stats.warnings = 0 -- Number of Warnings (teardown) stats.errors = 0 -- Number of Errors (setup) stats.passed = 0 -- Number of Test passed stats.assertions = 0 -- Number of all assertions made in all Test in all Test Cases -------------------------------- -- Count Test Cases and Tests -- -------------------------------- stats.testcases = table.getn(testcases) for _, tc in ipairs(testcases) do stats_inc("tests" , table.getn(tc.__lunit_tests)) end ------------------ -- Print Header -- ------------------ print() print("#### Test Suite with "..stats.tests.." Tests in "..stats.testcases.." Test Cases loaded.") ------------------------ -- Run all Test Cases -- ------------------------ for _, tc in ipairs(testcases) do run_testcase(tc) end ------------------ -- Print Footer -- ------------------ print() print("#### Test Suite finished.") local msg_assertions = stats.assertions.." Assertions checked. " local msg_passed = stats.passed == stats.tests and "All Tests passed" or stats.passed.." Tests passed" local msg_failed = stats.failed > 0 and ", "..stats.failed.." failed" or "" local msg_run = stats.notrun > 0 and ", "..stats.notrun.." not run" or "" local msg_warn = stats.warnings > 0 and ", "..stats.warnings.." warnings" or "" print() print(msg_assertions..msg_passed..msg_failed..msg_run..msg_warn.."!") ----------------- -- Return code -- ----------------- if stats.passed == stats.tests then return 0 else return 1 end end ----------------------------- -- Runs a single Test Case -- ----------------------------- function run_testcase(tc) orig_assert(is_table(tc)) orig_assert(is_table(tc.__lunit_tests)) orig_assert(is_string(tc.__lunit_name)) orig_assert(is_nil(tc.__lunit_setup) or is_function(tc.__lunit_setup)) orig_assert(is_nil(tc.__lunit_teardown) or is_function(tc.__lunit_teardown)) ---------------------------------- -- Protected call to a function -- ---------------------------------- local function call(errprefix, func) orig_assert(is_string(errprefix)) orig_assert(is_function(func)) local ok, errmsg = xpcall(function() func(tc) end, traceback) if not ok then print() print(errprefix..": "..errmsg) end return ok end ------------------------------------ -- Calls setup() on the Test Case -- ------------------------------------ local function setup(testname) if tc.__lunit_setup then return call("ERROR: "..testname..": setup() failed", tc.__lunit_setup) else return true end end ------------------------------------------ -- Calls a single Test on the Test Case -- ------------------------------------------ local function run(testname) orig_assert(is_string(testname)) orig_assert(is_function(tc[testname])) local ok = call("FAIL: "..testname, tc[testname]) if not ok then stats_inc("failed") else stats_inc("passed") end return ok end --------------------------------------- -- Calls teardown() on the Test Case -- --------------------------------------- local function teardown(testname) if tc.__lunit_teardown then if not call("WARNING: "..testname..": teardown() failed", tc.__lunit_teardown) then stats_inc("warnings") end end end --------------------------------- -- Run all Tests on a TestCase -- --------------------------------- print() print("#### Running '"..tc.__lunit_name.."' ("..table.getn(tc.__lunit_tests).." Tests)...") for _, testname in ipairs(tc.__lunit_tests) do if setup(testname) then run(testname) stats_inc("run") teardown(testname) else print("WARN: Skipping '"..testname.."'...") stats_inc("notrun") end end end --------------------- -- Import function -- --------------------- function import(name) do_assert(is_string(name), "lunit.import() expects a single string as argument") local user_env = getfenv(2) -------------------------------------------------- -- Installs a specific function in the user env -- -------------------------------------------------- local function install(funcname) user_env[funcname] = P[funcname] end ---------------------------------------------------------- -- Install functions matching a pattern in the user env -- ---------------------------------------------------------- local function install_pattern(pattern) for funcname, _ in pairs(P) do if string.find(funcname, pattern) then install(funcname) end end end ------------------------------------------------------------ -- Installs assert() and all assert_xxx() in the user env -- ------------------------------------------------------------ local function install_asserts() install_pattern("^assert.*") end ------------------------------------------- -- Installs all is_xxx() in the user env -- ------------------------------------------- local function install_tests() install_pattern("^is_.+") end if name == "asserts" or name == "assertions" then install_asserts() elseif name == "tests" or name == "checks" then install_tests() elseif name == "all" then install_asserts() install_tests() install("TestCase") elseif string.find(name, "^assert.*") and P[name] then install(name) elseif string.find(name, "^is_.+") and P[name] then install(name) elseif name == "TestCase" then install("TestCase") else error("luniit.import(): invalid function '"..name.."' to import", 2) end end -------------------------------------------------- -- Installs a private environment on the caller -- -------------------------------------------------- function setprivfenv() local new_env = { } local new_env_mt = { __index = getfenv(2) } setmetatable(new_env, new_env_mt) setfenv(2, new_env) end -------------------------------------------------- -- Increments a counter in the statistics table -- -------------------------------------------------- function stats_inc(varname, value) orig_assert(is_table(stats)) orig_assert(is_string(varname)) orig_assert(is_nil(value) or is_number(value)) if not stats[varname] then return end stats[varname] = stats[varname] + (value or 1) end