import { randomItem, ordinalSuffix } from './utils.mjs' import AminoAcid from './amino-acid.mjs' import AminoAcidSelector from './amino-acid-selector.mjs' import Genome from './genome.mjs' import Nucleotide from './nucleotide.mjs' import Die from './die.mjs' import GenomeList from './genome-list.mjs' import NucleotideSelector from './nucleotide-selector.mjs' import Error from './error.mjs' class CloneNucleotide { constructor(rules) { this.rules = rules = 'clone-nucleotide' this._boundClickHandler = this.clickHandler.bind(this) } enter() { this.rules.cloneButton.addEventListener('click', this._boundClickHandler) this.rules.cloneButton.disabled = false } exit() { this.rules.cloneButton.removeEventListener('click', this._boundClickHandler) this.rules.cloneButton.disabled = true } clickHandler(evt) { const genome = this.rules.currentGenome.clone() this.rules.genomeList.push(genome) RollForNucleotide(this.rules)) } } class RollForNucleotide { constructor(rules) { this.rules = rules = 'roll-for-nucleotide' } enter() { this.rules.die.value = '--' this.rules.die.onChanged = this.handleDieRoll.bind(this) this.rules.die.enable() } exit() { this.rules.die.disable() this.rules.die.onChanged = undefined } handleDieRoll() { if (this.rules.die.value > Rules.initialGenomeBases.length) { this.rules.iterations-- if (this.rules.isLastIteration) { DoNothing(this.rules)) } else { CloneNucleotide(this.rules)) } } else { NucleotideSelect(this.rules)) } } } class NucleotideSelect { constructor(rules) { this.rules = rules = 'nucleotide-select' } enter() { this.want = this.rules.die.value this.rules.instructions.querySelector('#select-number').innerHTML = `${this.want}${ordinalSuffix(this.want)}` this.rules.currentGenome.onNucleotideSelectionChanged = this.handleSelectionChanged.bind(this) this.rules.currentGenome.unlock() } exit() { this.rules.currentGenome.lock() this.rules.currentGenome.onNucleotideSelectionChanged = undefined; } handleSelectionChanged(nucleotide, i) { i++; if (i != this.rules.die.value) { this.rules.error.innerHTML = `You selected the ${i}${ordinalSuffix(i)} nucleotide. Please select the ${this.want}${ordinalSuffix(this.want)} one.` ShowError(this.rules, this)) return } RollForMutation(this.rules)) } } class RollForMutation { constructor(rules) { this.rules = rules = 'roll-for-mutation' } enter() { this.rules.die.value = '--' this.rules.die.onChanged = this.handleDieRoll.bind(this) this.rules.die.enable() } exit() { this.rules.die.disable() this.rules.die.onChanged = undefined } handleDieRoll() { PerformMutation(this.rules)) } } class PerformMutation { constructor(rules) { this.rules = rules = 'perform-mutation' } enter() { const selector = this.rules.nucleotideSelector selector.onItemSelected = this.handleItemSelected.bind(this) selector.attach(this.selectedNucleotide) } exit() { this.rules.nucleotideSelector.detach() } validMutation(from, to) { return to == this.expectedMutation[from] } get expectedMutation() { if (this.rules.die.value <= 14) { return Nucleotide.transition } else if (this.rules.die.value <= 17) { return Nucleotide.complementingTransversion } else { return Nucleotide.defaultTransversion } } get selectedNucleotide() { return this.rules.currentGenome.selectedNucleotide } get errorTransitionHTML() { return `Select the base that corresponds to a transition of ${this.selectedNucleotide.value}.` } get errorComplementingTransversionHTML() { return `Select the base that corresponds to a complementing transversion of ${this.selectedNucleotide.value}.` } get errorDefaultTransversionHTML() { return `Select the base that corresponds to the other transversion of ${this.selectedNucleotide.value}.` } get errorHTML() { if (this.expectedMutation == Nucleotide.transition) { return this.errorTransitionHTML } else if (this.expectedMutation == Nucleotide.complementingTransversion) { return this.errorComplementingTransversionHTML } else { return this.errorDefaultTransversionHTML } } handleItemSelected(base) { if (!this.validMutation(this.selectedNucleotide.value, base)) { this.rules.error.innerHTML = this.errorHTML ShowError(this.rules, this)) return } SelectAminoAcid(this.rules)) } } class SelectAminoAcid { constructor(rules) { this.rules = rules ='amino-acid-select' } enter() { const selector = this.rules.aminoAcidSelector this.codon = this.rules.currentGenome.selectedCodon.value this.expected = AminoAcid.codonMap[this.codon] let x = selector.elt.querySelector('#amino-acid-selector .codon').innerHTML = this.codon selector.onItemSelected = this.handleItemSelected.bind(this) selector.attach(this.selectedNucleotide) this.rules.aminoAcidSelector.attach() } exit() { this.rules.aminoAcidSelector.detach() } validSelection(aminoAcid) { console.debug('aa:', this.expected) return aminoAcid == this.expected } handleItemSelected(aminoAcid) { console.debug('selected', aminoAcid) if (!this.validSelection(aminoAcid)) { this.rules.error.innerHTML = `The codon ${this.codon} does not code for ${aminoAcid}` ShowError(this.rules, this)) return } MarkAsLethal(this.rules)) } } class MarkAsLethal { constructor(rules) { this.rules = rules = 'mark-as-lethal' } enter() { // Enable lethal/non-lethal selector. // Attach validator to selector and change state if possible. } exit() { // Disable lethal/non-lethal selector. this.rules.iterations-- if (this.rules.isLastIteration) { DoNothing(this.rules)) } else { CloneNucleotide(this.rules)) } } } class DoNothing { constructor(rules) { this.rules = rules = 'print-results' this._boundClickHandler = this.clickHandler.bind(this) } enter() { this.rules.printButton.addEventListener('click', this._boundClickHandler) this.rules.printButton.disabled = false } exit() { this.rules.printButton.disabled = true this.rules.printButton.removeEventListener('click', this._boundClickHandler) } clickHandler() { window.print() } } class ShowError { constructor(rules, nextState) { this.rules = rules this.nextState = nextState this._boundClickHandler = this.clickHandler.bind(this) } enter() { this.rules.error.onClick = this._boundClickHandler } exit() { this.rules.error.hide() this.rules.error.onClick = undefined } clickHandler() { } } class Rules { constructor(die, instructions, genomeList, aminoAcidSelector, nucleotideSelector, cloneButton, remainingIterations, printButton, errors) { this.die = new Die(die) this.instructions = instructions this.genomeList = new GenomeList(genomeList) this.aminoAcidSelector = new AminoAcidSelector(aminoAcidSelector) this.nucleotideSelector = new NucleotideSelector(nucleotideSelector) this.cloneButton = cloneButton this.remainingIterations = remainingIterations this.printButton = printButton this.error = new Error(errors) this.iterations = Rules.maxIterations this.cloneButton.disabled = true this.genomeList.push(new Genome(Rules.initialGenomeBases)) if (false) { this._debugStartAtRollForMutation() } else if (false) { this._debugStartAtPerformMutation(4) } else if (true) { this._debugStartAtSelectAminoAcid() } else if (false) { this._debugStartWithError() } else { this.currentState = new CloneNucleotide(this) } this.enterState() } get iterations() { return Number(this.remainingIterations.innerText) } set iterations(val) { this.remainingIterations.innerText = val } get isLastIteration() { return this.iterations == 0 } _debugStartAtRollForMutation() { this.currentState = new RollForMutation(this) const nucleotide = this.currentGenome.nucleotides[2] this.currentGenome.selectedNucleotide = nucleotide } _debugStartAtPerformMutation(n) { [...Array(n)].forEach(i => { const n = randomItem(this.currentGenome.nucleotides) n.value = randomItem(Nucleotide.bases) this.currentGenome.selectedNucleotide = n const g = this.currentGenome.clone() window.g = g this.genomeList.push(g) }) this.currentState = new PerformMutation(this) this.die.value = 15 const nucleotide = this.currentGenome.nucleotides[15] this.currentGenome.selectedNucleotide = nucleotide } _debugStartAtSelectAminoAcid() { this.currentState = new SelectAminoAcid(this) this.die.value = 15 const nucleotide = this.currentGenome.nucleotides[15] nucleotide.value = 'A' this.currentGenome.selectedNucleotide = nucleotide } _debugStartWithError() { this.currentState = new ShowError(this, new CloneNucleotide(this)) this.error.innerHTML = 'test an error' } get currentGenome() { return this.genomeList.last } showCurrent() { if ( === undefined) { return } const elt = this.instructions.querySelector(`#${}`) elt.classList.add('current') elt.scrollIntoView(true) } hideCurrent() { if ( === undefined) { return } const elt = this.instructions.querySelector(`#${}`) elt.classList.remove('current') } enterState() { this.currentState.enter() this.showCurrent() } exitState() { this.hideCurrent() this.currentState.exit() } next(nextState) { this.exitState() this.currentState = nextState this.enterState() } } Rules.maxIterations = 10 Rules.initialGenomeBases = [ 'G', 'C', 'A', 'C', 'T', 'C', 'G', 'G', 'A', 'T', 'C', 'G', 'A', 'A', 'T', 'T', 'C', 'T' ] export default Rules