// // LispREPLController.m // Moxie // // Created by Brian Cully on Mon Aug 09 2004. // Copyright (c) 2004 Brian Cully. All rights reserved. // #import "LispREPLController.h" enum repl_lock_condition { NO_DATA, HAS_DATA }; @implementation LispREPLController + (LispREPLController *)sharedController { static LispREPLController *sharedController = nil; if (sharedController == nil) { sharedController = [[LispREPLController alloc] init]; } return sharedController; } - (id)init { self = [self initWithWindowNibName: @"LispREPL"]; if (self) { theHistoryLevel = 0; waitingForResult = YES; [self setWindowFrameAutosaveName: @"lispREPLWindow"]; // Make sure the window is there, so we get all the output even if it isn't open. [self window]; } return self; } - (void)dealloc { NSNotificationCenter *defaultCenter; defaultCenter = [NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter]; [defaultCenter removeObserver: self]; [theUpdates release]; [theREPLUpdateLock release]; [super dealloc]; } - (void)scrollToEnd: (NSTextView *)aTextView { NSScroller *verticalScroller; NSScrollView *myScrollView; myScrollView = (NSScrollView *)[[aTextView superview] superview]; verticalScroller = [myScrollView verticalScroller]; [aTextView scrollRangeToVisible: NSMakeRange([[aTextView textStorage] length], 0)]; // if ([verticalScroller isEnabled] == NO || (1.0 - [verticalScroller floatValue]) < 0.000001) // [aTextView scrollRangeToVisible: NSMakeRange([[aTextView textStorage] length], 0)]; } // Add a newline, print the prompt, and set the mark to the end of the buffer. - (void)updateREPLFont { NSTextStorage *ts; NSUserDefaults *defaults; defaults = [NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults]; ts = [[self textView] textStorage]; [ts addAttribute: NSFontAttributeName value: [defaults REPLFont] range: NSMakeRange(0, [ts length])]; } // TODO: // Optimize redraw by caching previous values and checking for deltas. // Unfortunately, the notification posted for changes doesn't include said deltas. - (void)redisplay { NSRect fontRect; NSTextView *tv; NSUserDefaults *defaults; defaults = [NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults]; tv = [self textView]; [tv setBackgroundColor: [defaults REPLBackgroundColor]]; [tv setInsertionPointColor: [defaults REPLInputTextColor]]; [tv setTypingAttributes: [self REPLInputAttributes]]; [self updateREPLFont]; fontRect = [[defaults REPLFont] boundingRectForFont]; if (fontRect.size.height > 0) { [[self window] setContentResizeIncrements: NSMakeSize(fontRect.size.width, fontRect.size.height)]; } } - (void)windowDidLoad { NSNotificationCenter *defaultCenter; [super windowDidLoad]; [[self window] setOpaque: NO]; [[LispREPL sharedREPL] addCommand: @":REPL-RESULT" handler: self selector: @selector(setLispResult:)]; [[LispREPL sharedREPL] addCommand: @":REPL-DBG" handler: self selector: @selector(lispInDebugger:)]; [[LispREPL sharedREPL] addCommand: @":REGISTER-KEYSTROKE" handler: self selector: @selector(registerKeystrokeMacro:)]; [[LispREPL sharedREPL] addCommand: @":UNREGISTER-KEYSTROKE" handler: self selector: @selector(unregisterKeystrokeMacro:)]; theREPLUpdateLock = [[NSConditionLock alloc] initWithCondition: NO_DATA]; theUpdates = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init]; [NSThread detachNewThreadSelector: @selector(readREPLData:) toTarget: self withObject: [[LispREPL sharedREPL] stdoutReader]]; [LispREPL sharedREPL]; theREPLUpdateTimer = [NSTimer scheduledTimerWithTimeInterval: 0.1 target: self selector: @selector(scanForREPLData:) userInfo: nil repeats: YES]; defaultCenter = [NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter]; [defaultCenter addObserver: self selector: @selector(preferencesChanged:) name: NSUserDefaultsDidChangeNotification object: [NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults]]; [self redisplay]; } - (LispSymbol *)keystrokeFromEvent: (NSEvent *)anEvent { LispSymbol *rc; rc = nil; if ([anEvent type] == NSKeyDown) { NSString *characters; NSString *modifier, *keycode; unsigned int i; modifier = @""; if ([anEvent modifierFlags] & NSCommandKeyMask) { modifier = [modifier stringByAppendingString: @"CMD-"]; } if ([anEvent modifierFlags] & NSAlternateKeyMask) { modifier = [modifier stringByAppendingString: @"OPT-"]; } if ([anEvent modifierFlags] & NSControlKeyMask) { modifier = [modifier stringByAppendingString: @"CTRL-"]; } if ([anEvent modifierFlags] & NSShiftKeyMask) { modifier = [modifier stringByAppendingString: @"SHIFT-"]; } if ([anEvent modifierFlags] & NSNumericPadKeyMask) { modifier = [modifier stringByAppendingString: @"NUMPAD-"]; } // This sucks. We should be encoding things in a structure, not a keyword. keycode = @""; characters = [anEvent charactersIgnoringModifiers]; for (i = 0; i < [characters length]; i++) { switch ([characters characterAtIndex: i]) { case '(': keycode = @"LPAREN"; break; case ')': keycode = @"RPAREN"; break; case ':': keycode = @"COLON"; break; case '|': keycode = @"PIPE"; break; case ';': keycode = @"SEMICOLON"; break; case '\\': keycode = @"BACKSLASH"; break; case '\'': keycode = @"QUOTE"; break; case '`': keycode = @"BACKQUOTE"; break; case '\t': keycode = @"TAB"; break; case 27: keycode = @"ESC"; break; case 127: keycode = @"BACKSPACE"; break; case 3: case 13: keycode = @"RETURN"; break; case NSUpArrowFunctionKey: keycode = @"UP"; break; case NSDownArrowFunctionKey: keycode = @"DOWN"; break; case NSLeftArrowFunctionKey: keycode = @"LEFT"; break; case NSRightArrowFunctionKey: keycode = @"RIGHT"; break; case NSF1FunctionKey: keycode = @"F1"; break; case NSF2FunctionKey: keycode = @"F2"; break; case NSF3FunctionKey: keycode = @"F3"; break; case NSF4FunctionKey: keycode = @"F4"; break; case NSF5FunctionKey: keycode = @"F5"; break; case NSF6FunctionKey: keycode = @"F6"; break; case NSF7FunctionKey: keycode = @"F7"; break; case NSF8FunctionKey: keycode = @"F8"; break; case NSF9FunctionKey: keycode = @"F9"; break; case NSF10FunctionKey: keycode = @"F10"; break; case NSF11FunctionKey: keycode = @"F11"; break; case NSF12FunctionKey: keycode = @"F12"; break; case NSF13FunctionKey: keycode = @"F13"; break; case NSF14FunctionKey: keycode = @"F14"; break; case NSF15FunctionKey: keycode = @"F15"; break; case NSF16FunctionKey: keycode = @"F16"; break; case NSF17FunctionKey: keycode = @"F17"; break; case NSF18FunctionKey: keycode = @"F18"; break; case NSF19FunctionKey: keycode = @"F19"; break; case NSF20FunctionKey: keycode = @"F20"; break; case NSF21FunctionKey: keycode = @"F21"; break; case NSF22FunctionKey: keycode = @"F22"; break; case NSF23FunctionKey: keycode = @"F23"; break; case NSF24FunctionKey: keycode = @"F24"; break; case NSF25FunctionKey: keycode = @"F25"; break; case NSF26FunctionKey: keycode = @"F26"; break; case NSF27FunctionKey: keycode = @"F27"; break; case NSF28FunctionKey: keycode = @"F28"; break; case NSF29FunctionKey: keycode = @"F29"; break; case NSF30FunctionKey: keycode = @"F30"; break; case NSF31FunctionKey: keycode = @"F31"; break; case NSF32FunctionKey: keycode = @"F32"; break; case NSF33FunctionKey: keycode = @"F33"; break; case NSF34FunctionKey: keycode = @"F34"; break; case NSF35FunctionKey: keycode = @"F35"; break; case NSInsertFunctionKey: keycode = @"INS"; break; case NSDeleteFunctionKey: keycode = @"DEL"; break; case NSHomeFunctionKey: keycode = @"HOME"; break; case NSBeginFunctionKey: keycode = @"BEGIN"; break; case NSEndFunctionKey: keycode = @"END"; break; case NSPageUpFunctionKey: keycode = @"PAGEUP"; break; case NSPageDownFunctionKey: keycode = @"PAGEDOWN"; break; case NSClearLineFunctionKey: keycode = @"CLEAR"; break; default: keycode = [NSString stringWithFormat: @"%c", [characters characterAtIndex: i]]; } } rc = [LispSymbol symbolNamed: [NSString stringWithFormat: @":%@%@", modifier, keycode]]; } NSLog(@"DEBUG: sending keycode: %@", rc); return rc; } - (BOOL)dispatchKeystrokeMacro: (NSEvent *)anEvent fromID: (NSNumber *)anID { LispSymbol *keystroke; BOOL rc; rc = NO; keystroke = [self keystrokeFromEvent: anEvent]; if (keystroke) { if ([[self keystrokeMacros] containsObject: keystroke]) { [[LispREPL sharedREPL] eval: [NSString stringWithFormat: @"(moxie::world-event %@ :keystroke-macro-hook %@)", anID, [keystroke lispForm]]]; rc = YES; } } return rc; } - (void)registerKeystrokeMacro: (NSArray *)form { LispSymbol *keystroke; keystroke = [form objectAtIndex: 0]; [[self keystrokeMacros] addObject: keystroke]; } - (void)unregisterKeystrokeMacro: (NSArray *)form { LispSymbol *keystroke; keystroke = [form objectAtIndex: 0]; [[self keystrokeMacros] removeObject: keystroke]; } - (void)goBackwardInHistory { if (theHistoryLevel > 0) { NSMutableString *buffer; buffer = [[[self textView] textStorage] mutableString]; if (NO) { [[self inputHistory] addObject: [buffer substringWithRange: NSMakeRange(0, [buffer length])]]; theInputViewIsDirty = NO; theHistoryLevel = [[self inputHistory] count] - 1; } theHistoryLevel--; [buffer replaceCharactersInRange: NSMakeRange([self mark], [buffer length] - [self mark]) withString: [[self inputHistory] objectAtIndex: theHistoryLevel]]; [self scrollToEnd: [self textView]]; } } - (void)goForwardInHistory { if (theHistoryLevel < [[self inputHistory] count]-1) { NSMutableString *buffer; buffer = [[[self textView] textStorage] mutableString]; if (theInputViewIsDirty) { [[self inputHistory] addObject: [buffer substringWithRange: NSMakeRange(0, [buffer length])]]; theInputViewIsDirty = NO; theHistoryLevel = [[self inputHistory] count]; } else theHistoryLevel++; [buffer replaceCharactersInRange: NSMakeRange([self mark], [buffer length] - [self mark]) withString: [[self inputHistory] objectAtIndex: theHistoryLevel]]; [self scrollToEnd: [self textView]]; } } - (void)textDidChange: (NSNotification *)aNotification { if ([aNotification object] == theTextView) { // Flag the input view as changed. theInputViewIsDirty = YES; } } // XXX - this needs to change badly. We need to do full form // parsing here or figure out a way around it entirely. // // This can probably tie into the indentation system. - (BOOL)isValidLispForm: (NSString *)aForm { int parenCount; int i, formLen; formLen = [aForm length]; parenCount = 0; for (i = 0; i < formLen; i++) { switch ([aForm characterAtIndex: i]) { case '(': parenCount++; break; case ')': parenCount--; break; } } return parenCount == 0; } - (void)sendInputToLisp: (NSString *)aForm { int formLen; // Get the new text, which is between the old mark and the end of the buffer. formLen = [aForm length]; if (formLen > 0) { NSMutableString *buffer; NSTextStorage *ts; // Save line in history. if (theInputViewIsDirty || theHistoryLevel < [[self inputHistory] count]-1) { [[self inputHistory] addObject: [aForm substringWithRange: NSMakeRange(0, formLen)]]; theInputViewIsDirty = NO; } theHistoryLevel = [[self inputHistory] count]; // Update the marks when we send data to lisp. ts = [[self textView] textStorage]; buffer = [[[self textView] textStorage] mutableString]; [self setMark: [buffer length]]; [self setValueMark: [buffer length]]; if (waitingForResult) [[LispREPL sharedREPL] eval: aForm]; else [self sendEvent: @":eval" withArg: [LispSymbol symbolNamed: aForm]]; // XXX: This is a cheap and dirty way to avoid getting // the string quoted. We should just parse out the tree // and send that array. waitingForResult = YES; } } - (void)setLispResult: (NSArray *)alist { NSArray *result; NSDictionary *resultDict; NSMutableString *resultStr; NSMutableString *buffer; NSTextStorage *ts; NSString *prompt; ts = [[self textView] textStorage]; buffer = [[[self textView] textStorage] mutableString]; resultDict = [NSDictionary dictionaryWithAlist: alist]; prompt = [[resultDict objectForKey: @":PROMPT"] objectAtIndex: 0]; result = [resultDict objectForKey: @":VALUES"]; if (result) { resultStr = [NSMutableString stringWithString: @"=>"]; if ([result isKindOfClass: [NSArray class]]) { NSEnumerator *resultEnum; id obj; resultEnum = [result objectEnumerator]; while ((obj = [resultEnum nextObject]) != nil) [resultStr appendFormat: @" %@", [obj lispForm]]; } else [resultStr appendFormat: @" %@", [result lispForm]]; [resultStr appendString: @"\n"]; [buffer appendString: resultStr]; [ts addAttributes: [self REPLReturnValueAttributes] range: NSMakeRange([self valueMark], [resultStr length])]; } [self setMark: [buffer length]]; if (prompt) { waitingForResult = NO; [buffer appendString: prompt]; [ts addAttributes: [self REPLPromptAttributes] range: NSMakeRange([self mark], [prompt length])]; } [self setMark: [buffer length]]; [ts addAttributes: [self REPLInputAttributes] range: NSMakeRange([self mark] - 1, 1)]; [[self textView] setTypingAttributes: [self REPLInputAttributes]]; [self scrollToEnd: [self textView]]; } /* * When we're in the debugger, let it use its own prompt. And in the event that we've already printed our * prompt, delete it. */ - (void)lispInDebugger: (NSArray *)args { NSMutableString *buffer; NSRange range; waitingForResult = YES; buffer = [[[self textView] textStorage] mutableString]; range = NSMakeRange([self valueMark], [self mark] - [self valueMark]); [buffer deleteCharactersInRange: range]; [self setMark: [self mark] - range.length]; } - (void)scanForREPLData: (NSDictionary *)userInfo { [theREPLUpdateLock lock]; while ([theUpdates count] > 0) { NSAttributedString *replString; NSData *updateData; NSTextStorage *ts; updateData = [theUpdates objectAtIndex: 0]; replString = [NSAttributedString attributedStringWithString: [NSString stringWithCString: [updateData bytes] length: [updateData length]] attributes: [self REPLOutputAttributes]]; // Insert before values, and update marks. ts = [[self textView] textStorage]; [ts insertAttributedString: replString atIndex: [self valueMark]]; [self setMark: [self mark] + [replString length]]; [self setValueMark: [self valueMark] + [replString length]]; [self scrollToEnd: [self textView]]; [theUpdates removeObjectAtIndex: 0]; } [theREPLUpdateLock unlock]; } - (void)readREPLData: (NSFileHandle *)stdoutInput { while (1) { NSAutoreleasePool *rp; NSData *inputData; rp = [[NSAutoreleasePool alloc] init]; inputData = [stdoutInput availableData]; if ([inputData length] == 0) continue; [theREPLUpdateLock lock]; [theUpdates addObject: inputData]; [theREPLUpdateLock unlock]; [rp release]; } } - (void)preferencesChanged: (NSNotification *)aNotification { [self redisplay]; } - (void)changeFont: (id)sender { NSDictionary *attrs; NSFont *oldFont, *newFont; attrs = [[self textView] typingAttributes]; oldFont = [attrs objectForKey: NSFontAttributeName]; newFont = [sender convertFont: oldFont]; [[NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults] setREPLFontData: [NSArchiver archivedDataWithRootObject: newFont]]; } - (BOOL)textView: (NSTextView *)aTextView shouldChangeTextInRange: (NSRange)affectedCharRange replacementString: (NSString *)replacementString { if (replacementString && affectedCharRange.location < (unsigned)[self mark]) { NSBeep(); [[self textView] setSelectedRange: NSMakeRange([self mark], 0)]; [self scrollToEnd: [self textView]]; return NO; } return YES; } - (NSArray *)textView: (NSTextView *)textView completions: (NSArray *)words forPartialWordRange: (NSRange)charRange indexOfSelectedItem: (int *)i { NSLog(@"[LispREPLController textView %@ completions: %@ forPartialWordRange: (%d, %d) indexOfSelectedItem: %d]", textView, words, charRange.location, charRange.length, *i); return words; } - (void)sendEvent: (NSString *)anEvent { [self sendEventWithArgs: anEvent, nil]; } - (void)sendEvent: (NSString *)anEvent withArg: (id)anArg { [self sendEventWithArgs: anEvent, anArg, nil]; } -(void)sendEventWithArgs: (NSString *)anEvent, ... { va_list ap; va_start(ap, anEvent); [self sendEvent: anEvent arguments: ap]; va_end(ap); } -(void)sendEvent: (NSString *)anEvent arguments: (va_list)args { NSMutableArray *argArray; id arg; argArray = [NSMutableArray arrayWithObject: [LispSymbol symbolNamed: anEvent]]; while ((arg = va_arg(args, id)) != nil) { [argArray addObject: arg]; } [[LispREPL sharedREPL] eval: [NSString stringWithFormat: @"(apply #'moxie::moxie-event-handler '%@)", [argArray lispForm]]]; } - (NSNumber *)handleEvent: (NSEvent *)anEvent from: (id)sender { BOOL rc; rc = NO; if ([anEvent type] == NSKeyDown) { NSMutableString *buffer; NSString *characters; unsigned int i; buffer = [[[self textView] textStorage] mutableString]; characters = [anEvent charactersIgnoringModifiers]; for (i = 0; i < [characters length]; i++) { switch ([characters characterAtIndex: i]) { case '\r': case '\n': { NSString *changedBuffer; changedBuffer = [buffer substringFromIndex: [self mark]]; if ([self isValidLispForm: changedBuffer]) { [buffer appendString: @"\n"]; [self sendInputToLisp: changedBuffer]; [[self textView] setSelectedRange: NSMakeRange([buffer length], 0)]; rc = YES; } break; } case NSUpArrowFunctionKey: if ([anEvent modifierFlags] & NSCommandKeyMask) { [self goBackwardInHistory]; rc = YES; } break; case NSDownArrowFunctionKey: if ([anEvent modifierFlags] & NSCommandKeyMask) { [self goForwardInHistory]; rc = YES; } break; } } } return [NSNumber numberWithBool: rc]; } @end @implementation LispREPLController (TextAttributes) - (NSDictionary *)REPLPromptAttributes { NSMutableDictionary *myAttrs; NSUserDefaults *defaults; defaults = [NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults]; myAttrs = [NSMutableDictionary dictionary]; [myAttrs setObject: [defaults REPLFont] forKey: NSFontAttributeName]; [myAttrs setObject: [defaults REPLPromptColor] forKey: NSForegroundColorAttributeName]; [myAttrs setObject: @"prompt" forKey: @"REPL.style"]; return myAttrs; } - (NSDictionary *)REPLInputAttributes { NSMutableDictionary *myAttrs; NSUserDefaults *defaults; defaults = [NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults]; myAttrs = [NSMutableDictionary dictionary]; [myAttrs setObject: [defaults REPLFont] forKey: NSFontAttributeName]; [myAttrs setObject: [defaults REPLInputTextColor] forKey: NSForegroundColorAttributeName]; [myAttrs setObject: @"input" forKey: @"REPL.style"]; return myAttrs; } - (NSDictionary *)REPLOutputAttributes { NSMutableDictionary *myAttrs; NSUserDefaults *defaults; defaults = [NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults]; myAttrs = [NSMutableDictionary dictionary]; [myAttrs setObject: [defaults REPLFont] forKey: NSFontAttributeName]; [myAttrs setObject: [defaults REPLOutputTextColor] forKey: NSForegroundColorAttributeName]; [myAttrs setObject: @"output" forKey: @"REPL.style"]; return myAttrs; } - (NSDictionary *)REPLReturnValueAttributes { NSMutableDictionary *myAttrs; NSUserDefaults *defaults; defaults = [NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults]; myAttrs = [NSMutableDictionary dictionary]; [myAttrs setObject: [defaults REPLFont] forKey: NSFontAttributeName]; [myAttrs setObject: [defaults REPLReturnValueColor] forKey: NSForegroundColorAttributeName]; [myAttrs setObject: @"result" forKey: @"REPL.style"]; return myAttrs; } @end @implementation LispREPLController (Accessors) - (NSTextView *)textView { return theTextView; } - (int)mark { return theMark; } - (void)setMark: (int)aPoint { theMark = aPoint; } - (NSMutableSet *)keystrokeMacros { if (theKeystrokeMacros == nil) [self setKeystrokeMacros: [NSMutableSet set]]; return theKeystrokeMacros; } - (void)setKeystrokeMacros: (NSMutableSet *)macros { [macros retain]; [theKeystrokeMacros release]; theKeystrokeMacros = macros; } - (NSMutableArray *)inputHistory { if (theInputHistory == nil) [self setInputHistory: [NSMutableArray array]]; return theInputHistory; } - (int)valueMark { return theValueMark; } - (void)setValueMark: (int)aPoint { theValueMark = aPoint; } - (void)setInputHistory: (NSMutableArray *)aHistory { [aHistory retain]; [theInputHistory release]; theInputHistory = aHistory; } @end