# Add -DSHADOW to OPTFLAGS if you want to use have shadow passwords. # Where to place things. #PREFIX= /opt PREFIX= /Users/bjc BINDIR= ${PREFIX}/bin SBINDIR= ${PREFIX}/sbin DATADIR= ${PREFIX}/libdata/nast INCDIR= ${PREFIX}/include LIBDIR= ${PREFIX}/lib SRCDIR= . # Set this to NO if you don't want the perl library built. PERL= NO # Purify options #PURIFY= purify # MySQL library and include file location. MYSQL_INCDIR= /usr/local/mysql/include MYSQL_LIBDIR= /usr/local/mysql/lib # Generic Database configuration. DBUSER= \"root\" DBPASS= NULL #DBPASS= \"h4x0rZ,uhb0und!\" DBHOST= NULL #DBHOST= \"mysql.dev.rcn.net\" DBNAME= \"password\" DBTBL= \"master\" DBSELECT= "\"SELECT %s FROM %s WHERE %s='%s'"\" # Location of Objective C include files. OBJCINC= -I/usr/include/objc # Debugging flags. DEBUGFLAGS= -g -DTEST -DVERBOSE -Wall -Werror #DEBUGFLAGS= -DTEST -DVERBOSE #PROFFLAGS= -pg # Optimization flags to the C compiler. #OPTFLAGS= -O