diff options
authorMatthew Wild <mwild1@gmail.com>2020-06-26 16:41:31 +0100
committerMatthew Wild <mwild1@gmail.com>2020-06-26 16:41:31 +0100
commitfb8e10737dfe14aaaa5fbc0295044f1f57dc9ad0 (patch)
parent0f8937fc27f535fe33480e4db3f0ccb8b7af50ce (diff)
util.dbuffer: dynamic string buffer
Similar to util.ringbuffer (and shares almost identical API). Differences: - size limit is optional and dynamic - does not allocate a fixed buffer of max_size bytes - focus on simply storing references to existing string objects where possible, avoiding unnecessary allocations - references are still stored in a ring buffer to enable use as a fast FIFO Optional second parameter to new() provides the number of ring buffer segments. On Lua 5.2 on my laptop, a segment is ~19 bytes. If the ring buffer fills up, the next write will compact all strings into a single item.
3 files changed, 273 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/spec/util_dbuffer_spec.lua b/spec/util_dbuffer_spec.lua
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..854f3125
--- /dev/null
+++ b/spec/util_dbuffer_spec.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,95 @@
+local dbuffer = require "util.dbuffer";
+describe("util.dbuffer", function ()
+ describe("#new", function ()
+ it("has a constructor", function ()
+ assert.Function(dbuffer.new);
+ end);
+ it("can be created", function ()
+ assert.truthy(dbuffer.new());
+ end);
+ it("won't create an empty buffer", function ()
+ assert.falsy(dbuffer.new(0));
+ end);
+ it("won't create a negatively sized buffer", function ()
+ assert.falsy(dbuffer.new(-1));
+ end);
+ end);
+ describe(":write", function ()
+ local b = dbuffer.new();
+ it("works", function ()
+ assert.truthy(b:write("hi"));
+ end);
+ end);
+ describe(":discard", function ()
+ local b = dbuffer.new();
+ it("works", function ()
+ assert.truthy(b:write("hello world"));
+ assert.truthy(b:discard(6));
+ assert.equal(5, #b);
+ assert.equal("world", b:read(5));
+ end);
+ end);
+ describe(":sub", function ()
+ -- Helper function to compare buffer:sub() with string:sub()
+ local s = "hello world";
+ local function test_sub(b, x, y)
+ local string_result, buffer_result = s:sub(x, y), b:sub(x, y);
+ assert.equals(string_result, buffer_result, ("buffer:sub(%d, %s) does not match string:sub()"):format(x, y and ("%d"):format(y) or "nil"));
+ end
+ it("works", function ()
+ local b = dbuffer.new();
+ assert.truthy(b:write("hello world"));
+ assert.equals("hello", b:sub(1, 5));
+ end);
+ it("supports optional end parameter", function ()
+ local b = dbuffer.new();
+ assert.truthy(b:write("hello world"));
+ assert.equals("hello world", b:sub(1));
+ assert.equals("world", b:sub(-5));
+ end);
+ it("is equivalent to string:sub", function ()
+ local b = dbuffer.new(11);
+ assert.truthy(b:write(s));
+ for i = -13, 13 do
+ for j = -13, 13 do
+ test_sub(b, i, j);
+ end
+ end
+ end);
+ end);
+ describe(":byte", function ()
+ -- Helper function to compare buffer:byte() with string:byte()
+ local s = "hello world"
+ local function test_byte(b, x, y)
+ local string_result, buffer_result = {s:byte(x, y)}, {b:byte(x, y)};
+ assert.same(string_result, buffer_result, ("buffer:byte(%d, %s) does not match string:byte()"):format(x, y and ("%d"):format(y) or "nil"));
+ end
+ it("is equivalent to string:byte", function ()
+ local b = dbuffer.new(11);
+ assert.truthy(b:write(s));
+ test_byte(b, 1);
+ test_byte(b, 3);
+ test_byte(b, -1);
+ test_byte(b, -3);
+ for i = -13, 13 do
+ for j = -13, 13 do
+ test_byte(b, i, j);
+ end
+ end
+ end);
+ it("works with characters > 127", function ()
+ local b = dbuffer.new();
+ b:write(string.char(0, 140));
+ local r = { b:byte(1, 2) };
+ assert.same({ 0, 140 }, r);
+ end);
+ end);
diff --git a/util/dbuffer.lua b/util/dbuffer.lua
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..c38a16f5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/util/dbuffer.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,171 @@
+local queue = require "util.queue";
+local dbuffer_methods = {};
+local dynamic_buffer_mt = { __index = dbuffer_methods };
+function dbuffer_methods:write(data)
+ if self.max_size and #data + self._length > self.max_size then
+ return nil;
+ end
+ local ok = self.items:push(data);
+ if not ok then
+ self:collapse();
+ ok = self.items:push(data);
+ end
+ if not ok then
+ return nil;
+ end
+ self._length = self._length + #data;
+ return true;
+function dbuffer_methods:read_chunk(requested_bytes)
+ local chunk, consumed = self.items:peek(), self.front_consumed;
+ if not chunk then return; end
+ local chunk_length = #chunk;
+ local remaining_chunk_length = chunk_length - consumed;
+ if remaining_chunk_length <= requested_bytes then
+ self.front_consumed = 0;
+ self._length = self._length - remaining_chunk_length;
+ self.items:pop();
+ assert(#chunk:sub(consumed + 1, -1) == remaining_chunk_length);
+ return chunk:sub(consumed + 1, -1), remaining_chunk_length;
+ end
+ local end_pos = consumed + requested_bytes;
+ self.front_consumed = end_pos;
+ self._length = self._length - requested_bytes;
+ assert(#chunk:sub(consumed + 1, end_pos) == requested_bytes);
+ return chunk:sub(consumed + 1, end_pos), requested_bytes;
+function dbuffer_methods:read(requested_bytes)
+ local chunks;
+ if requested_bytes > self._length then
+ return nil;
+ end
+ local chunk, read_bytes = self:read_chunk(requested_bytes);
+ if chunk then
+ requested_bytes = requested_bytes - read_bytes;
+ if requested_bytes == 0 then -- Already read everything we need
+ return chunk;
+ end
+ chunks = {};
+ else
+ return nil;
+ end
+ -- Need to keep reading more chunks
+ while chunk do
+ table.insert(chunks, chunk);
+ if requested_bytes > 0 then
+ chunk, read_bytes = self:read_chunk(requested_bytes);
+ requested_bytes = requested_bytes - read_bytes;
+ else
+ break;
+ end
+ end
+ return table.concat(chunks);
+function dbuffer_methods:discard(requested_bytes)
+ if requested_bytes > self._length then
+ return nil;
+ end
+ local chunk, read_bytes = self:read_chunk(requested_bytes);
+ if chunk then
+ requested_bytes = requested_bytes - read_bytes;
+ if requested_bytes == 0 then -- Already read everything we need
+ return true;
+ end
+ else
+ return nil;
+ end
+ while chunk do
+ if requested_bytes > 0 then
+ chunk, read_bytes = self:read_chunk(requested_bytes);
+ requested_bytes = requested_bytes - read_bytes;
+ else
+ break;
+ end
+ end
+ return true;
+function dbuffer_methods:sub(i, j)
+ if j == nil then
+ j = -1;
+ end
+ if j < 0 then
+ j = self._length + (j+1);
+ end
+ if i < 0 then
+ i = self._length + (i+1);
+ end
+ if i < 1 then
+ i = 1;
+ end
+ if j > self._length then
+ j = self._length;
+ end
+ if i > j then
+ return "";
+ end
+ self:collapse(j);
+ return self.items:peek():sub(i, j);
+function dbuffer_methods:byte(i, j)
+ i = i or 1;
+ j = j or i;
+ return string.byte(self:sub(i, j), 1, -1);
+function dbuffer_methods:length()
+ return self._length;
+dynamic_buffer_mt.__len = dbuffer_methods.length; -- support # operator
+function dbuffer_methods:collapse(bytes)
+ bytes = bytes or self._length;
+ local front_chunk = self.items:peek();
+ if #front_chunk - self.front_consumed >= bytes then
+ return;
+ end
+ local front_chunks = { front_chunk:sub(self.front_consumed+1) };
+ local front_bytes = #front_chunks[1];
+ while front_bytes < bytes do
+ self.items:pop();
+ local chunk = self.items:peek();
+ front_bytes = front_bytes + #chunk;
+ table.insert(front_chunks, chunk);
+ end
+ self.items:replace(table.concat(front_chunks));
+ self.front_consumed = 0;
+local function new(max_size, max_chunks)
+ if max_size and max_size <= 0 then
+ return nil;
+ end
+ return setmetatable({
+ front_consumed = 0;
+ _length = 0;
+ max_size = max_size;
+ items = queue.new(max_chunks or 32);
+ }, dynamic_buffer_mt);
+return {
+ new = new;
diff --git a/util/queue.lua b/util/queue.lua
index 66ed098b..c94c62ae 100644
--- a/util/queue.lua
+++ b/util/queue.lua
@@ -51,6 +51,13 @@ local function new(size, allow_wrapping)
return t[tail];
+ replace = function (self, data)
+ if items == 0 then
+ return self:push(data);
+ end
+ t[tail] = data;
+ return true;
+ end;
items = function (self)
return function (_, pos)
if pos >= items then