diff options
authormatthew <matthew@silver>2008-08-24 18:01:20 +0100
committermatthew <matthew@silver>2008-08-24 18:01:20 +0100
commit5ea14b62950a6a9cbdc96c7354afddcf637d9d41 (patch)
Added all the files to please hg :/
11 files changed, 1305 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/TODO b/TODO
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..f35f9b0d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/TODO
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+- SASL login support
+- Roster manipulation support
+- On-the-fly code updates
+- S2S \o/
+Further down the line:
+- Clustering
+- Pubsub/PEP
+- Plugins!
diff --git a/core/offlinemessage.lua b/core/offlinemessage.lua
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..dda9b7d8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/core/offlinemessage.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+require "util.datamanager"
+local datamanager = datamanager;
+local t_insert = table.insert;
+module "offlinemessage"
+function new(user, host, stanza)
+ local offlinedata = datamanager.load(user, host, "offlinemsg") or {};
+ t_insert(offlinedata, stanza);
+ return datamanager.store(user, host, "offlinemsg", offlinedata);
diff --git a/core/rostermanager.lua b/core/rostermanager.lua
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..b31ca21b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/core/rostermanager.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+local mainlog = log;
+local function log(type, message)
+ mainlog(type, "rostermanager", message);
+local setmetatable = setmetatable;
+local format = string.format;
+local loadfile, setfenv, pcall = loadfile, setfenv, pcall;
+require "util.datamanager"
+local datamanager = datamanager;
+module "rostermanager"
+function getroster(username, host)
+ return {
+ ["mattj@localhost"] = true,
+ ["tobias@getjabber.ath.cx"] = true,
+ ["waqas@getjabber.ath.cx"] = true,
+ ["thorns@getjabber.ath.cx"] = true,
+ ["idw@getjabber.ath.cx"] = true,
+ }
+-- return datamanager.load(username, host, "roster") or {};
diff --git a/core/stanza_dispatch.lua b/core/stanza_dispatch.lua
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..2c835517
--- /dev/null
+++ b/core/stanza_dispatch.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,150 @@
+require "util.stanza"
+local st = stanza;
+local t_concat = table.concat;
+local format = string.format;
+function init_stanza_dispatcher(session)
+ local iq_handlers = {};
+ local session_log = session.log;
+ local log = function (type, msg) session_log(type, "stanza_dispatcher", msg); end
+ local send = session.send;
+ local send_to;
+ do
+ local _send_to = session.send_to;
+ send_to = function (...) _send_to(session, ...); end
+ end
+ iq_handlers["jabber:iq:auth"] =
+ function (stanza)
+ local username = stanza.tags[1]:child_with_name("username");
+ local password = stanza.tags[1]:child_with_name("password");
+ local resource = stanza.tags[1]:child_with_name("resource");
+ if not (username and password and resource) then
+ local reply = st.reply(stanza);
+ send(reply:query("jabber:iq:auth")
+ :tag("username"):up()
+ :tag("password"):up()
+ :tag("resource"):up());
+ return true;
+ else
+ username, password, resource = t_concat(username), t_concat(password), t_concat(resource);
+ print(username, password, resource)
+ local reply = st.reply(stanza);
+ require "core.usermanager"
+ if usermanager.validate_credentials(session.host, username, password) then
+ -- Authentication successful!
+ session.username = username;
+ session.resource = resource;
+ session.full_jid = username.."@"..session.host.."/"..session.resource;
+ if not hosts[session.host].sessions[username] then
+ hosts[session.host].sessions[username] = { sessions = {} };
+ end
+ hosts[session.host].sessions[username].sessions[resource] = session;
+ send(st.reply(stanza));
+ return true;
+ else
+ local reply = st.reply(stanza);
+ reply.attr.type = "error";
+ reply:tag("error", { code = "401", type = "auth" })
+ :tag("not-authorized", { xmlns = "urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:xmpp-stanzas" });
+ send(reply);
+ return true;
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ iq_handlers["jabber:iq:roster"] =
+ function (stanza)
+ if stanza.attr.type == "get" then
+ session.roster = session.roster or rostermanager.getroster(session.username, session.host);
+ if session.roster == false then
+ send(st.reply(stanza)
+ :tag("error", { type = "wait" })
+ :tag("internal-server-error", { xmlns = "urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:xmpp-stanzas"}));
+ return true;
+ else session.roster = session.roster or {};
+ end
+ local roster = st.reply(stanza)
+ :query("jabber:iq:roster");
+ for jid in pairs(session.roster) do
+ roster:tag("item", { jid = jid, subscription = "none" }):up();
+ end
+ send(roster);
+ return true;
+ end
+ end
+ return function (stanza)
+ log("info", "--> "..tostring(stanza));
+ if (not stanza.attr.to) or (hosts[stanza.attr.to] and hosts[stanza.attr.to].type == "local") then
+ if stanza.name == "iq" then
+ if not stanza.tags[1] then log("warn", "<iq> without child is invalid"); return; end
+ if not stanza.attr.id then log("warn", "<iq> without id attribute is invalid"); end
+ local xmlns = (stanza.tags[1].attr and stanza.tags[1].attr.xmlns) or nil;
+ if not xmlns then log("warn", "Child of <iq> has no xmlns - invalid"); return; end
+ if (((not stanza.attr.to) or stanza.attr.to == session.host or stanza.attr.to:match("@[^/]+$")) and (stanza.attr.type == "get" or stanza.attr.type == "set")) then -- Stanza sent to us
+ if iq_handlers[xmlns] then
+ if iq_handlers[xmlns](stanza) then return; end;
+ end
+ log("warn", "Unhandled namespace: "..xmlns);
+ send(format("<iq type='error' id='%s'><error type='cancel'><service-unavailable/></error></iq>", stanza.attr.id));
+ return;
+ end
+ elseif stanza.name == "presence" then
+ if session.roster then
+ local initial_presence = not session.last_presence;
+ session.last_presence = stanza;
+ -- Broadcast presence and probes
+ local broadcast = st.presence({ from = session.full_jid, type = stanza.attr.type });
+ --local probe = st.presence { from = broadcast.attr.from, type = "probe" };
+ for child in stanza:childtags() do
+ broadcast:add_child(child);
+ end
+ for contact_jid in pairs(session.roster) do
+ broadcast.attr.to = contact_jid;
+ send_to(contact_jid, broadcast);
+ if initial_presence then
+ print("Initital presence");
+ local node, host = jid.split(contact_jid);
+ if hosts[host] and hosts[host].type == "local" then
+ local contact = hosts[host].sessions[node]
+ if contact then
+ local pres = st.presence { to = session.full_jid };
+ for resource, contact_session in pairs(contact.sessions) do
+ if contact_session.last_presence then
+ pres.tags = contact_session.last_presence.tags;
+ pres.attr.from = contact_session.full_jid;
+ send(pres);
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ --FIXME: Do we send unavailable if they are offline?
+ else
+ probe.attr.to = contact;
+ send_to(contact, probe);
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ -- Probe for our contacts' presence
+ end
+ end
+ else
+ --end
+ --if stanza.attr.to and ((not hosts[stanza.attr.to]) or hosts[stanza.attr.to].type ~= "local") then
+ -- Need to route stanza
+ stanza.attr.from = session.username.."@"..session.host;
+ session:send_to(stanza.attr.to, stanza);
+ end
+ end
diff --git a/core/usermanager.lua b/core/usermanager.lua
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..c98a1918
--- /dev/null
+++ b/core/usermanager.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+require "util.datamanager"
+local datamanager = datamanager;
+module "usermanager"
+function validate_credentials(host, username, password)
+ local credentials = datamanager.load(username, host, "accounts") or {};
+ if password == credentials.password then return true; end
+ return false;
diff --git a/core/xmlhandlers.lua b/core/xmlhandlers.lua
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..4d536ce3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/core/xmlhandlers.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,92 @@
+require "util.stanza"
+local st = stanza;
+local tostring = tostring;
+local format = string.format;
+local m_random = math.random;
+local t_insert = table.insert;
+local t_remove = table.remove;
+local t_concat = table.concat;
+local t_concatall = function (t, sep) local tt = {}; for _, s in ipairs(t) do t_insert(tt, tostring(s)); end return t_concat(tt, sep); end
+local error = error;
+module "xmlhandlers"
+function init_xmlhandlers(session)
+ local ns_stack = { "" };
+ local curr_ns = "";
+ local curr_tag;
+ local chardata = {};
+ local xml_handlers = {};
+ local log = session.log;
+ local print = function (...) log("info", "xmlhandlers", t_concatall({...}, "\t")); end
+ local send = session.send;
+ local stanza
+ function xml_handlers:StartElement(name, attr)
+ if stanza and #chardata > 0 then
+ stanza:text(t_concat(chardata));
+ print("Char data:", t_concat(chardata));
+ chardata = {};
+ end
+ curr_ns,name = name:match("^(.+):(%w+)$");
+ print("Tag received:", name, tostring(curr_ns));
+ if not stanza then
+ if session.notopen then
+ if name == "stream" then
+ session.host = attr.to or error("Client failed to specify destination hostname");
+ session.version = attr.version or 0;
+ session.streamid = m_random(1000000, 99999999);
+ print(session, session.host, "Client opened stream");
+ send("<?xml version='1.0'?>");
+ send(format("<stream:stream xmlns='jabber:client' xmlns:stream='http://etherx.jabber.org/streams' id='%s' from='%s' >", session.streamid, session.host));
+ --send("<stream:features>");
+ --send("<mechanism>PLAIN</mechanism>");
+ --send [[<register xmlns="http://jabber.org/features/iq-register"/> ]]
+ --send("</stream:features>");
+ log("info", "core", "Stream opened successfully");
+ session.notopen = nil;
+ return;
+ end
+ error("Client failed to open stream successfully");
+ end
+ if name ~= "iq" and name ~= "presence" and name ~= "message" then
+ error("Client sent invalid top-level stanza");
+ end
+ stanza = st.stanza(name, { to = attr.to, type = attr.type, id = attr.id, xmlns = curr_ns });
+ curr_tag = stanza;
+ else
+ attr.xmlns = curr_ns;
+ stanza:tag(name, attr);
+ end
+ end
+ function xml_handlers:CharacterData(data)
+ if stanza then
+ t_insert(chardata, data);
+ end
+ end
+ function xml_handlers:EndElement(name)
+ curr_ns,name = name:match("^(.+):(%w+)$");
+ --print("<"..name.."/>", tostring(stanza), tostring(#stanza.last_add < 1), tostring(stanza.last_add[#stanza.last_add].name));
+ if (not stanza) or #stanza.last_add < 0 or (#stanza.last_add > 0 and name ~= stanza.last_add[#stanza.last_add].name) then error("XML parse error in client stream"); end
+ if stanza and #chardata > 0 then
+ stanza:text(t_concat(chardata));
+ print("Char data:", t_concat(chardata));
+ chardata = {};
+ end
+ -- Complete stanza
+ print(name, tostring(#stanza.last_add));
+ if #stanza.last_add == 0 then
+ session.stanza_dispatch(stanza);
+ stanza = nil;
+ else
+ stanza:up();
+ end
+ end
+ return xml_handlers;
+return init_xmlhandlers;
diff --git a/main.lua b/main.lua
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..7a423f47
--- /dev/null
+++ b/main.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,168 @@
+require "luarocks.require"
+server = require "server"
+require "socket"
+require "ssl"
+require "lxp"
+function log(type, area, message)
+ print(type, area, message);
+require "core.stanza_dispatch"
+init_xmlhandlers = require "core.xmlhandlers"
+require "core.rostermanager"
+require "core.offlinemessage"
+require "core.usermanager"
+require "util.stanza"
+require "util.jid"
+-- Locals for faster access --
+local t_insert = table.insert;
+local t_concat = table.concat;
+local t_concatall = function (t, sep) local tt = {}; for _, s in ipairs(t) do t_insert(tt, tostring(s)); end return t_concat(tt, sep); end
+local m_random = math.random;
+local format = string.format;
+local st = stanza;
+sessions = {};
+hosts = {
+ ["localhost"] = {
+ type = "local";
+ connected = true;
+ sessions = {};
+ };
+ ["getjabber.ath.cx"] = {
+ type = "local";
+ connected = true;
+ sessions = {};
+ };
+ }
+local hosts, users = hosts, users;
+--local ssl_ctx, msg = ssl.newcontext { mode = "server", protocol = "sslv23", key = "/home/matthew/ssl_cert/server.key",
+-- certificate = "/home/matthew/ssl_cert/server.crt", capath = "/etc/ssl/certs", verify = "none", }
+--if not ssl_ctx then error("Failed to initialise SSL/TLS support: "..tostring(msg)); end
+local ssl_ctx = { mode = "server", protocol = "sslv23", key = "/home/matthew/ssl_cert/server.key",
+ certificate = "/home/matthew/ssl_cert/server.crt", capath = "/etc/ssl/certs", verify = "none", }
+function connect_host(host)
+ hosts[host] = { type = "remote", sendbuffer = {} };
+local function send_to(session, to, stanza)
+ local node, host, resource = jid.split(to);
+ if not hosts[host] then
+ -- s2s
+ elseif hosts[host].type == "local" then
+ print(" ...is to a local user")
+ local destuser = hosts[host].sessions[node];
+ if destuser and destuser.sessions then
+ if not destuser.sessions[resource] then
+ local best_session;
+ for resource, session in pairs(destuser.sessions) do
+ if not best_session then best_session = session;
+ elseif session.priority >= best_session.priority and session.priority >= 0 then
+ best_session = session;
+ end
+ end
+ if not best_session then
+ offlinemessage.new(node, host, stanza);
+ else
+ print("resource '"..resource.."' was not online, have chosen to send to '"..best_session.username.."@"..best_session.host.."/"..best_session.resource.."'");
+ resource = best_session.resource;
+ end
+ end
+ if destuser.sessions[resource] == session then
+ log("warn", "core", "Attempt to send stanza to self, dropping...");
+ else
+ print("...sending...", tostring(stanza));
+ --destuser.sessions[resource].conn.write(tostring(data));
+ print(" to conn ", destuser.sessions[resource].conn);
+ destuser.sessions[resource].conn.write(tostring(stanza));
+ print("...sent")
+ end
+ elseif stanza.name == "message" then
+ print(" ...will be stored offline");
+ offlinemessage.new(node, host, stanza);
+ elseif stanza.name == "iq" then
+ print(" ...is an iq");
+ session.send(st.reply(stanza)
+ :tag("error", { type = "cancel" })
+ :tag("service-unavailable", { xmlns = "urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:xmpp-stanzas" }));
+ end
+ print(" ...done routing");
+ end
+function handler(conn, data, err)
+ local session = sessions[conn];
+ if not session then
+ sessions[conn] = { conn = conn, notopen = true, priority = 0 };
+ session = sessions[conn];
+ -- Logging functions --
+ local mainlog, log = log;
+ do
+ local conn_name = tostring(conn):match("%w+$");
+ log = function (type, area, message) mainlog(type, conn_name, message); end
+ end
+ local print = function (...) log("info", "core", t_concatall({...}, "\t")); end
+ session.log = log;
+ -- -- --
+ -- Send buffers --
+ local send = function (data) print("Sending...", tostring(data)); conn.write(tostring(data)); end;
+ session.send, session.send_to = send, send_to;
+ print("Client connected");
+ session.stanza_dispatch = init_stanza_dispatcher(session);
+ session.xml_handlers = init_xmlhandlers(session);
+ session.parser = lxp.new(session.xml_handlers, ":");
+ function session.disconnect(err)
+ if session.last_presence.attr.type ~= "unavailable" then
+ local pres = st.presence{ type = "unavailable" };
+ if err == "closed" then err = "connection closed"; end
+ pres:tag("status"):text("Disconnected: "..err);
+ session.stanza_dispatch(pres);
+ end
+ hosts[session.host].sessions[session.username] = nil;
+ session = nil;
+ print("Disconnected: "..err);
+ end
+ end
+ if data then
+ session.parser:parse(data);
+ end
+ --log("info", "core", "Client disconnected, connection closed");
+function disconnect(conn, err)
+ sessions[conn].disconnect(err);
+print("ssl_ctx:", type(ssl_ctx));
+setmetatable(_G, { __index = function (t, k) print("WARNING: ATTEMPT TO READ A NIL GLOBAL!!!", k); error("Attempt to read a non-existent global. Naughty boy.", 2); end, __newindex = function (t, k, v) print("ATTEMPT TO SET A GLOBAL!!!!", tostring(k).." = "..tostring(v)); error("Attempt to set a global. Naughty boy.", 2); end }) --]][][[]][];
+local protected_handler = function (...) local success, ret = pcall(handler, ...); if not success then print("ERROR on "..tostring((select(1, ...)))..": "..ret); end end;
+local protected_disconnect = function (...) local success, ret = pcall(disconnect, ...); if not success then print("ERROR on "..tostring((select(1, ...))).." disconnect: "..ret); end end;
+print( server.add( { listener = protected_handler, disconnect = protected_disconnect }, 5222, "*", 1, nil ) ) -- server.add will send a status message
+print( server.add( { listener = protected_handler, disconnect = protected_disconnect }, 5223, "*", 1, ssl_ctx ) ) -- server.add will send a status message
diff --git a/server.lua b/server.lua
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..0f731315
--- /dev/null
+++ b/server.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,611 @@
+ server.lua by blastbeat
+ - this script contains the server loop of the program
+ - other scripts can reg a server here
+----------------------------------// DECLARATION //--
+--// constants //--
+local STAT_UNIT = 1 / ( 1024 * 1024 ) -- mb
+--// lua functions //--
+local function use( what ) return _G[ what ] end
+local type = use "type"
+local pairs = use "pairs"
+local ipairs = use "ipairs"
+local tostring = use "tostring"
+local collectgarbage = use "collectgarbage"
+--// lua libs //--
+local table = use "table"
+local coroutine = use "coroutine"
+--// lua lib methods //--
+local table_concat = table.concat
+local table_remove = table.remove
+local string_sub = use'string'.sub
+local coroutine_wrap = coroutine.wrap
+local coroutine_yield = coroutine.yield
+local print = print;
+local out_put = function () end --print;
+local out_error = print;
+--// extern libs //--
+local luasec = require "ssl"
+local luasocket = require "socket"
+--// extern lib methods //--
+local ssl_wrap = ( luasec and luasec.wrap )
+local socket_bind = luasocket.bind
+local socket_select = luasocket.select
+local ssl_newcontext = ( luasec and luasec.newcontext )
+--// functions //--
+local loop
+local stats
+local addtimer
+local closeall
+local addserver
+local firetimer
+local closesocket
+local removesocket
+local wrapserver
+local wraptcpclient
+local wrapsslclient
+--// tables //--
+local listener
+local readlist
+local writelist
+local socketlist
+local timelistener
+--// simple data types //--
+local _
+local readlen = 0 -- length of readlist
+local writelen = 0 -- lenght of writelist
+local sendstat= 0
+local receivestat = 0
+----------------------------------// DEFINITION //--
+listener = { } -- key = port, value = table
+readlist = { } -- array with sockets to read from
+writelist = { } -- arrary with sockets to write to
+socketlist = { } -- key = socket, value = wrapped socket
+timelistener = { }
+stats = function( )
+ return receivestat, sendstat
+wrapserver = function( listener, socket, ip, serverport, mode, sslctx ) -- this function wraps a server
+ local dispatch, disconnect = listener.listener, listener.disconnect -- dangerous
+ local wrapclient, err
+ if sslctx then
+ if not ssl_newcontext then
+ return nil, "luasec not found"
+-- elseif not cfg_get "use_ssl" then
+-- return nil, "ssl is deactivated"
+ end
+ if type( sslctx ) ~= "table" then
+ out_error "server.lua: wrong server sslctx"
+ return nil, "wrong server sslctx"
+ end
+ sslctx, err = ssl_newcontext( sslctx )
+ if not sslctx then
+ err = err or "wrong sslctx parameters"
+ out_error( "server.lua: ", err )
+ return nil, err
+ end
+ wrapclient = wrapsslclient
+ else
+ wrapclient = wraptcpclient
+ end
+ local accept = socket.accept
+ local close = socket.close
+ --// public methods of the object //--
+ local handler = { }
+ handler.shutdown = function( ) end
+ --[[handler.listener = function( data, err )
+ return ondata( handler, data, err )
+ end]]
+ handler.ssl = function( )
+ return sslctx and true or false
+ end
+ handler.close = function( closed )
+ _ = not closed and close( socket )
+ writelen = removesocket( writelist, socket, writelen )
+ readlen = removesocket( readlist, socket, readlen )
+ socketlist[ socket ] = nil
+ handler = nil
+ end
+ handler.ip = function( )
+ return ip
+ end
+ handler.serverport = function( )
+ return serverport
+ end
+ handler.socket = function( )
+ return socket
+ end
+ handler.receivedata = function( )
+ local client, err = accept( socket ) -- try to accept
+ if client then
+ local ip, clientport = client:getpeername( )
+ client:settimeout( 0 )
+ local handler, client, err = wrapclient( listener, client, ip, serverport, clientport, mode, sslctx ) -- wrap new client socket
+ if err then -- error while wrapping ssl socket
+ return false
+ end
+ out_put( "server.lua: accepted new client connection from ", ip, ":", clientport )
+ return dispatch( handler )
+ elseif err then -- maybe timeout or something else
+ out_put( "server.lua: error with new client connection: ", err )
+ return false
+ end
+ end
+ return handler
+wrapsslclient = function( listener, socket, ip, serverport, clientport, mode, sslctx ) -- this function wraps a ssl cleint
+ local dispatch, disconnect = listener.listener, listener.disconnect
+ --// transform socket to ssl object //--
+ local err
+ socket, err = ssl_wrap( socket, sslctx ) -- wrap socket
+ if err then
+ out_put( "server.lua: ssl error: ", err )
+ return nil, nil, err -- fatal error
+ end
+ socket:settimeout( 0 )
+ --// private closures of the object //--
+ local writequeue = { } -- buffer for messages to send
+ local eol -- end of buffer
+ local sstat, rstat = 0, 0
+ --// local import of socket methods //--
+ local send = socket.send
+ local receive = socket.receive
+ local close = socket.close
+ --local shutdown = socket.shutdown
+ --// public methods of the object //--
+ local handler = { }
+ handler.getstats = function( )
+ return rstat, sstat
+ end
+ handler.listener = function( data, err )
+ return listener( handler, data, err )
+ end
+ handler.ssl = function( )
+ return true
+ end
+ handler.send = function( _, data, i, j )
+ return send( socket, data, i, j )
+ end
+ handler.receive = function( pattern, prefix )
+ return receive( socket, pattern, prefix )
+ end
+ handler.shutdown = function( pattern )
+ --return shutdown( socket, pattern )
+ end
+ handler.close = function( closed )
+ close( socket )
+ writelen = ( eol and removesocket( writelist, socket, writelen ) ) or writelen
+ readlen = removesocket( readlist, socket, readlen )
+ socketlist[ socket ] = nil
+ out_put "server.lua: closed handler and removed socket from list"
+ end
+ handler.ip = function( )
+ return ip
+ end
+ handler.serverport = function( )
+ return serverport
+ end
+ handler.clientport = function( )
+ return clientport
+ end
+ handler.write = function( data )
+ if not eol then
+ writelen = writelen + 1
+ writelist[ writelen ] = socket
+ eol = 0
+ end
+ eol = eol + 1
+ writequeue[ eol ] = data
+ end
+ handler.writequeue = function( )
+ return writequeue
+ end
+ handler.socket = function( )
+ return socket
+ end
+ handler.mode = function( )
+ return mode
+ end
+ handler._receivedata = function( )
+ local data, err, part = receive( socket, mode ) -- receive data in "mode"
+ if not err or ( err == "timeout" or err == "wantread" ) then -- received something
+ local data = data or part or ""
+ local count = #data * STAT_UNIT
+ rstat = rstat + count
+ receivestat = receivestat + count
+ out_put( "server.lua: read data '", data, "', error: ", err )
+ return dispatch( handler, data, err )
+ else -- connections was closed or fatal error
+ out_put( "server.lua: client ", ip, ":", clientport, " error: ", err )
+ handler.close( )
+ disconnect( handler, err )
+ writequeue = nil
+ handler = nil
+ return false
+ end
+ end
+ handler._dispatchdata = function( ) -- this function writes data to handlers
+ local buffer = table_concat( writequeue, "", 1, eol )
+ local succ, err, byte = send( socket, buffer )
+ local count = ( succ or 0 ) * STAT_UNIT
+ sstat = sstat + count
+ sendstat = sendstat + count
+ out_put( "server.lua: sended '", buffer, "', bytes: ", succ, ", error: ", err, ", part: ", byte, ", to: ", ip, ":", clientport )
+ if succ then -- sending succesful
+ --writequeue = { }
+ eol = nil
+ writelen = removesocket( writelist, socket, writelen ) -- delete socket from writelist
+ return true
+ elseif byte and ( err == "timeout" or err == "wantwrite" ) then -- want write
+ buffer = string_sub( buffer, byte + 1, -1 ) -- new buffer
+ writequeue[ 1 ] = buffer -- insert new buffer in queue
+ eol = 1
+ return true
+ else -- connection was closed during sending or fatal error
+ out_put( "server.lua: client ", ip, ":", clientport, " error: ", err )
+ handler.close( )
+ disconnect( handler, err )
+ writequeue = nil
+ handler = nil
+ return false
+ end
+ end
+ -- // COMPAT // --
+ handler.getIp = handler.ip
+ handler.getPort = handler.clientport
+ --// handshake //--
+ local wrote
+ handler.handshake = coroutine_wrap( function( client )
+ local err
+ for i = 1, 10 do -- 10 handshake attemps
+ _, err = client:dohandshake( )
+ if not err then
+ out_put( "server.lua: ssl handshake done" )
+ writelen = ( wrote and removesocket( writelist, socket, writelen ) ) or writelen
+ handler.receivedata = handler._receivedata -- when handshake is done, replace the handshake function with regular functions
+ handler.dispatchdata = handler._dispatchdata
+ return dispatch( handler )
+ else
+ out_put( "server.lua: error during ssl handshake: ", err )
+ if err == "wantwrite" then
+ if wrote == nil then
+ writelen = writelen + 1
+ writelist[ writelen ] = client
+ wrote = true
+ end
+ end
+ coroutine_yield( handler, nil, err ) -- handshake not finished
+ end
+ end
+ _ = err ~= "closed" and close( socket )
+ handler.close( )
+ disconnect( handler, err )
+ writequeue = nil
+ handler = nil
+ return false -- handshake failed
+ end
+ )
+ handler.receivedata = handler.handshake
+ handler.dispatchdata = handler.handshake
+ handler.handshake( socket ) -- do handshake
+ socketlist[ socket ] = handler
+ readlen = readlen + 1
+ readlist[ readlen ] = socket
+ return handler, socket
+wraptcpclient = function( listener, socket, ip, serverport, clientport, mode ) -- this function wraps a socket
+ local dispatch, disconnect = listener.listener, listener.disconnect
+ --// private closures of the object //--
+ local writequeue = { } -- list for messages to send
+ local eol
+ local rstat, sstat = 0, 0
+ --// local import of socket methods //--
+ local send = socket.send
+ local receive = socket.receive
+ local close = socket.close
+ local shutdown = socket.shutdown
+ --// public methods of the object //--
+ local handler = { }
+ handler.getstats = function( )
+ return rstat, sstat
+ end
+ handler.listener = function( data, err )
+ return listener( handler, data, err )
+ end
+ handler.ssl = function( )
+ return false
+ end
+ handler.send = function( _, data, i, j )
+ return send( socket, data, i, j )
+ end
+ handler.receive = function( pattern, prefix )
+ return receive( socket, pattern, prefix )
+ end
+ handler.shutdown = function( pattern )
+ return shutdown( socket, pattern )
+ end
+ handler.close = function( closed )
+ _ = not closed and shutdown( socket )
+ _ = not closed and close( socket )
+ writelen = ( eol and removesocket( writelist, socket, writelen ) ) or writelen
+ readlen = removesocket( readlist, socket, readlen )
+ socketlist[ socket ] = nil
+ out_put "server.lua: closed handler and removed socket from list"
+ end
+ handler.ip = function( )
+ return ip
+ end
+ handler.serverport = function( )
+ return serverport
+ end
+ handler.clientport = function( )
+ return clientport
+ end
+ handler.write = function( data )
+ if not eol then
+ writelen = writelen + 1
+ writelist[ writelen ] = socket
+ eol = 0
+ end
+ eol = eol + 1
+ writequeue[ eol ] = data
+ end
+ handler.writequeue = function( )
+ return writequeue
+ end
+ handler.socket = function( )
+ return socket
+ end
+ handler.mode = function( )
+ return mode
+ end
+ handler.receivedata = function( )
+ local data, err, part = receive( socket, mode ) -- receive data in "mode"
+ if not err or ( err == "timeout" or err == "wantread" ) then -- received something
+ local data = data or part or ""
+ local count = #data * STAT_UNIT
+ rstat = rstat + count
+ receivestat = receivestat + count
+ out_put( "server.lua: read data '", data, "', error: ", err )
+ return dispatch( handler, data, err )
+ else -- connections was closed or fatal error
+ out_put( "server.lua: client ", ip, ":", clientport, " error: ", err )
+ handler.close( )
+ disconnect( handler, err )
+ writequeue = nil
+ handler = nil
+ return false
+ end
+ end
+ handler.dispatchdata = function( ) -- this function writes data to handlers
+ local buffer = table_concat( writequeue, "", 1, eol )
+ local succ, err, byte = send( socket, buffer )
+ local count = ( succ or 0 ) * STAT_UNIT
+ sstat = sstat + count
+ sendstat = sendstat + count
+ out_put( "server.lua: sended '", buffer, "', bytes: ", succ, ", error: ", err, ", part: ", byte, ", to: ", ip, ":", clientport )
+ if succ then -- sending succesful
+ --writequeue = { }
+ eol = nil
+ writelen = removesocket( writelist, socket, writelen ) -- delete socket from writelist
+ return true
+ elseif byte and ( err == "timeout" or err == "wantwrite" ) then -- want write
+ buffer = string_sub( buffer, byte + 1, -1 ) -- new buffer
+ writequeue[ 1 ] = buffer -- insert new buffer in queue
+ eol = 1
+ return true
+ else -- connection was closed during sending or fatal error
+ out_put( "server.lua: client ", ip, ":", clientport, " error: ", err )
+ handler.close( )
+ disconnect( handler, err )
+ writequeue = nil
+ handler = nil
+ return false
+ end
+ end
+ -- // COMPAT // --
+ handler.getIp = handler.ip
+ handler.getPort = handler.clientport
+ socketlist[ socket ] = handler
+ readlen = readlen + 1
+ readlist[ readlen ] = socket
+ return handler, socket
+addtimer = function( listener )
+ timelistener[ #timelistener + 1 ] = listener
+firetimer = function( listener )
+ for i, listener in ipairs( timelistener ) do
+ listener( )
+ end
+addserver = function( listeners, port, addr, mode, sslctx ) -- this function provides a way for other scripts to reg a server
+ local err
+ if type( listeners ) ~= "table" then
+ err = "invalid listener table"
+ else
+ for name, func in pairs( listeners ) do
+ if type( func ) ~= "function" then
+ err = "invalid listener function"
+ break
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ if not type( port ) == "number" or not ( port >= 0 and port <= 65535 ) then
+ err = "invalid port"
+ elseif listener[ port ] then
+ err= "listeners on port '" .. port .. "' already exist"
+ elseif sslctx and not luasec then
+ err = "luasec not found"
+ end
+ if err then
+ out_error( "server.lua: ", err )
+ return nil, err
+ end
+ addr = addr or "*"
+ local server, err = socket_bind( addr, port )
+ if err then
+ out_error( "server.lua: ", err )
+ return nil, err
+ end
+ local handler, err = wrapserver( listeners, server, addr, port, mode, sslctx ) -- wrap new server socket
+ if not handler then
+ server:close( )
+ return nil, err
+ end
+ server:settimeout( 0 )
+ readlen = readlen + 1
+ readlist[ readlen ] = server
+ listener[ port ] = listeners
+ socketlist[ server ] = handler
+ out_put( "server.lua: new server listener on ", addr, ":", port )
+ return true
+removesocket = function( tbl, socket, len ) -- this function removes sockets from a list
+ for i, target in ipairs( tbl ) do
+ if target == socket then
+ len = len - 1
+ table_remove( tbl, i )
+ return len
+ end
+ end
+ return len
+closeall = function( )
+ for _, handler in pairs( socketlist ) do
+ handler.shutdown( )
+ handler.close( )
+ socketlist[ _ ] = nil
+ end
+ writelist, readlist, socketlist = { }, { }, { }
+closesocket = function( socket )
+ writelen = removesocket( writelist, socket, writelen )
+ readlen = removesocket( readlist, socket, readlen )
+ socketlist[ socket ] = nil
+ socket:close( )
+loop = function( ) -- this is the main loop of the program
+ --signal_set( "hub", "run" )
+ repeat
+ local read, write, err = socket_select( readlist, writelist, 1 ) -- 1 sec timeout, nice for timers
+ for i, socket in ipairs( write ) do -- send data waiting in writequeues
+ local handler = socketlist[ socket ]
+ if handler then
+ handler.dispatchdata( )
+ else
+ closesocket( socket )
+ out_put "server.lua: found no handler and closed socket (writelist)" -- this should not happen
+ end
+ end
+ for i, socket in ipairs( read ) do -- receive data
+ local handler = socketlist[ socket ]
+ if handler then
+ handler.receivedata( )
+ else
+ closesocket( socket )
+ out_put "server.lua: found no handler and closed socket (readlist)" -- this can happen
+ end
+ end
+ firetimer( )
+ --collectgarbage "collect"
+ until false --signal_get "hub" ~= "run"
+ return --signal_get "hub"
+----------------------------------// BEGIN //--
+----------------------------------// PUBLIC INTERFACE //--
+return {
+ add = addserver,
+ loop = loop,
+ stats = stats,
+ closeall = closeall,
+ addtimer = addtimer,
diff --git a/util/datamanager.lua b/util/datamanager.lua
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..be63673e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/util/datamanager.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,79 @@
+local format = string.format;
+local setmetatable, type = setmetatable, type;
+local pairs = pairs;
+local char = string.char;
+local loadfile, setfenv, pcall = loadfile, setfenv, pcall;
+local log = log;
+local io_open = io.open;
+module "datamanager"
+---- utils -----
+local encode, decode;
+local log = function (type, msg) return log(type, "datamanager", msg); end
+ local urlcodes = setmetatable({}, { __index = function (t, k) t[k] = char(tonumber("0x"..k)); return t[k]; end });
+ decode = function (s)
+ return s and (s:gsub("+", " "):gsub("%%([a-fA-F0-9][a-fA-F0-9])", urlcodes));
+ end
+ encode = function (s)
+ return s and (s:gsub("%W", function (c) return format("%%%x", c:byte()); end));
+ end
+local function basicSerialize (o)
+ if type(o) == "number" or type(o) == "boolean" then
+ return tostring(o)
+ else -- assume it is a string
+ return string.format("%q", tostring(o))
+ end
+local function simplesave (f, o)
+ if type(o) == "number" then
+ f:write(o)
+ elseif type(o) == "string" then
+ f:write(format("%q", o))
+ elseif type(o) == "table" then
+ f:write("{\n")
+ for k,v in pairs(o) do
+ f:write(" [", format("%q", k), "] = ")
+ simplesave(f, v)
+ f:write(",\n")
+ end
+ f:write("}\n")
+ else
+ error("cannot serialize a " .. type(o))
+ end
+ end
+------- API -------------
+function getpath(username, host, datastore)
+ return format("data/%s/%s/%s.dat", encode(host), datastore, encode(username));
+function load(username, host, datastore)
+ local data, ret = loadfile(getpath(username, host, datastore));
+ if not data then log("warn", "Failed to load "..datastore.." storage ('"..ret.."') for user: "..username.."@"..host); return nil; end
+ setfenv(data, {});
+ local success, ret = pcall(data);
+ if not success then log("error", "Unable to load "..datastore.." storage ('"..ret.."') for user: "..username.."@"..host); return nil; end
+ return ret;
+function store(username, host, datastore, data)
+ local f, msg = io_open(getpath(username, host, datastore), "w+");
+ if not f then log("error", "Unable to write to "..datastore.." storage ('"..msg.."') for user: "..username.."@"..host); return nil; end
+ f:write("return ");
+ simplesave(f, data);
+ f:close();
+ return true;
diff --git a/util/jid.lua b/util/jid.lua
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..9d01e2af
--- /dev/null
+++ b/util/jid.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+local match = string.match;
+module "jid"
+function split(jid)
+ return match(jid, "^([^@]+)@([^/]+)/?(.*)$");
diff --git a/util/stanza.lua b/util/stanza.lua
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..35277e9c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/util/stanza.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,138 @@
+local t_insert = table.insert;
+local t_remove = table.remove;
+local format = string.format;
+local tostring = tostring;
+local setmetatable = setmetatable;
+local pairs = pairs;
+local ipairs = ipairs;
+local type = type;
+local s_gsub = string.gsub;
+module "stanza"
+stanza_mt = {};
+stanza_mt.__index = stanza_mt;
+function stanza(name, attr)
+ local stanza = { name = name, attr = attr or {}, tags = {}, last_add = {}};
+ return setmetatable(stanza, stanza_mt);
+function stanza_mt:iq(attrs)
+ return self + stanza("iq", attrs)
+function stanza_mt:message(attrs)
+ return self + stanza("message", attrs)
+function stanza_mt:presence(attrs)
+ return self + stanza("presence", attrs)
+function stanza_mt:query(xmlns)
+ return self:tag("query", { xmlns = xmlns });
+function stanza_mt:tag(name, attrs)
+ local s = stanza(name, attrs);
+ (self.last_add[#self.last_add] or self):add_child(s);
+ t_insert(self.last_add, s);
+ return self;
+function stanza_mt:text(text)
+ (self.last_add[#self.last_add] or self):add_child(text);
+ return self;
+function stanza_mt:up()
+ t_remove(self.last_add);
+ return self;
+function stanza_mt:add_child(child)
+ if type(child) == "table" then
+ t_insert(self.tags, child);
+ end
+ t_insert(self, child);
+function stanza_mt:child_with_name(name)
+ for _, child in ipairs(self) do
+ if child.name == name then return child; end
+ end
+function stanza_mt:children()
+ local i = 0;
+ return function (a)
+ i = i + 1
+ local v = a[i]
+ if v then return v; end
+ end, self, i;
+function stanza_mt:childtags()
+ local i = 0;
+ return function (a)
+ i = i + 1
+ local v = self.tags[i]
+ if v then return v; end
+ end, self.tags[1], i;
+ local xml_entities = { ["'"] = "&apos;", ["\""] = "&quot;", ["<"] = "&lt;", [">"] = "&gt;", ["&"] = "&amp;" };
+ function xml_escape(s) return s_gsub(s, "['&<>\"]", xml_entities); end
+local xml_escape = xml_escape;
+function stanza_mt.__tostring(t)
+ local children_text = "";
+ for n, child in ipairs(t) do
+ if type(child) == "string" then
+ children_text = children_text .. xml_escape(child);
+ else
+ children_text = children_text .. tostring(child);
+ end
+ end
+ local attr_string = "";
+ if t.attr then
+ for k, v in pairs(t.attr) do if type(k) == "string" then attr_string = attr_string .. format(" %s='%s'", k, tostring(v)); end end
+ end
+ return format("<%s%s>%s</%s>", t.name, attr_string, children_text, t.name);
+function stanza_mt.__add(s1, s2)
+ return s1:add_child(s2);
+ local id = 0;
+ function new_id()
+ id = id + 1;
+ return "lx"..id;
+ end
+function message(attr, body)
+ if not body then
+ return stanza("message", attr);
+ else
+ return stanza("message", attr):tag("body"):text(body);
+ end
+function iq(attr)
+ if attr and not attr.id then attr.id = new_id(); end
+ return stanza("iq", attr or { id = new_id() });
+function reply(orig)
+ return stanza(orig.name, orig.attr and { to = orig.attr.from, from = orig.attr.to, id = orig.attr.id, type = ((orig.name == "iq" and "result") or nil) });
+function presence(attr)
+ return stanza("presence", attr);