path: root/net
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authordaurnimator <quae@daurnimator.com>2014-09-03 15:28:46 -0400
committerdaurnimator <quae@daurnimator.com>2014-09-03 15:28:46 -0400
commit143508d67561dbf75f7edd3a6576722f4c56c087 (patch)
tree451107628723058c090aa9da8ee23ca90c10174c /net
parent514241bc26d3020da96dc77c815ef901eeb0705a (diff)
net/websocket: Add new websocket client code
Diffstat (limited to 'net')
2 files changed, 459 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/net/websocket.lua b/net/websocket.lua
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..db65caa4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/net/websocket.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,264 @@
+-- Prosody IM
+-- Copyright (C) 2012 Florian Zeitz
+-- Copyright (C) 2014 Daurnimator
+-- This project is MIT/X11 licensed. Please see the
+-- COPYING file in the source package for more information.
+local http = require "net.http";
+local frames = require "net.websocket.frames";
+local base64 = require "util.encodings".base64;
+local sha1 = require "util.hashes".sha1;
+local random_bytes = require "util.random".bytes;
+local timer = require "util.timer";
+local log = require "util.logger".init "websocket";
+local close_timeout = 3; -- Seconds to wait after sending close frame until closing connection.
+local websockets = {};
+local websocket_listeners = {};
+function websocket_listeners.ondisconnect(handler, err)
+ local s = websockets[handler];
+ websockets[handler] = nil;
+ if s.close_timer then
+ timer.stop(s.close_timer);
+ s.close_timer = nil;
+ end
+ s.readyState = 3;
+ if s.close_code == nil and s.onerror then s:onerror(err); end
+ if s.onclose then s:onclose(s.close_code, s.close_message or err); end
+function websocket_listeners.ondetach(handler)
+ websockets[handler] = nil;
+local function fail(s, code, reason)
+ module:log("warn", "WebSocket connection failed, closing. %d %s", code, reason);
+ s:close(code, reason);
+ s.handler:close();
+ return false
+function websocket_listeners.onincoming(handler, buffer, err)
+ local s = websockets[handler];
+ s.readbuffer = s.readbuffer..buffer;
+ while true do
+ local frame, len = frames.parse(s.readbuffer);
+ if frame == nil then break end
+ s.readbuffer = s.readbuffer:sub(len+1);
+ log("debug", "Websocket received frame: opcode=%0x, %i bytes", frame.opcode, #frame.data);
+ -- Error cases
+ if frame.RSV1 or frame.RSV2 or frame.RSV3 then -- Reserved bits non zero
+ return fail(s, 1002, "Reserved bits not zero");
+ end
+ if frame.opcode < 0x8 then
+ local databuffer = s.databuffer;
+ if frame.opcode == 0x0 then -- Continuation frames
+ if not databuffer then
+ return fail(s, 1002, "Unexpected continuation frame");
+ end
+ databuffer[#databuffer+1] = frame.data;
+ elseif frame.opcode == 0x1 or frame.opcode == 0x2 then -- Text or Binary frame
+ if databuffer then
+ return fail(s, 1002, "Continuation frame expected");
+ end
+ databuffer = {type=frame.opcode, frame.data};
+ s.databuffer = databuffer;
+ else
+ return fail(s, 1002, "Reserved opcode");
+ end
+ if frame.FIN then
+ s.databuffer = nil;
+ if s.onmessage then
+ s:onmessage(table.concat(databuffer), databuffer.type);
+ end
+ end
+ else -- Control frame
+ if frame.length > 125 then -- Control frame with too much payload
+ return fail(s, 1002, "Payload too large");
+ elseif not frame.FIN then -- Fragmented control frame
+ return fail(s, 1002, "Fragmented control frame");
+ end
+ if frame.opcode == 0x8 then -- Close request
+ if frame.length == 1 then
+ return fail(s, 1002, "Close frame with payload, but too short for status code");
+ end
+ local status_code, message = frames.parse_close(frame.data);
+ if status_code == nil then
+ --[[ RFC 6455 7.4.1
+ 1005 is a reserved value and MUST NOT be set as a status code in a
+ Close control frame by an endpoint. It is designated for use in
+ applications expecting a status code to indicate that no status
+ code was actually present.
+ ]]
+ status_code = 1005
+ elseif status_code < 1000 then
+ return fail(s, 1002, "Closed with invalid status code");
+ elseif ((status_code > 1003 and status_code < 1007) or status_code > 1011) and status_code < 3000 then
+ return fail(s, 1002, "Closed with reserved status code");
+ end
+ s.close_code, s.close_message = status_code, message;
+ s:close(1000);
+ return true;
+ elseif frame.opcode == 0x9 then -- Ping frame
+ frame.opcode = 0xA;
+ frame.MASK = true; -- RFC 6455 6.1.5: If the data is being sent by the client, the frame(s) MUST be masked
+ handler:write(frames.build(frame));
+ elseif frame.opcode == 0xA then -- Pong frame
+ log("debug", "Received unexpected pong frame: " .. tostring(frame.data));
+ else
+ return fail(s, 1002, "Reserved opcode");
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ return true;
+local websocket_methods = {};
+local function close_timeout_cb(now, timerid, s)
+ s.close_timer = nil;
+ log("warn", "Close timeout waiting for server to close, closing manually.");
+ s.handler:close();
+function websocket_methods:close(code, reason)
+ if self.readyState < 2 then
+ code = code or 1000;
+ log("debug", "closing WebSocket with code %i: %s" , code , tostring(reason));
+ self.readyState = 2;
+ local handler = self.handler;
+ handler:write(frames.build_close(code, reason));
+ -- Do not close socket straight away, wait for acknowledgement from server.
+ self.close_timer = timer.add_task(close_timeout, close_timeout_cb, self);
+ elseif self.readyState == 2 then
+ log("debug", "tried to close a closing WebSocket, closing the raw socket.");
+ -- Stop timer
+ if self.close_timer then
+ timer.stop(self.close_timer);
+ self.close_timer = nil;
+ end
+ local handler = self.handler;
+ handler:close();
+ else
+ log("debug", "tried to close a closed WebSocket, ignoring.");
+ end
+function websocket_methods:send(data, opcode)
+ if self.readyState < 1 then
+ return nil, "WebSocket not open yet, unable to send data.";
+ elseif self.readyState >= 2 then
+ return nil, "WebSocket closed, unable to send data.";
+ end
+ if opcode == "text" or opcode == nil then
+ opcode = 0x1;
+ elseif opcode == "binary" then
+ opcode = 0x2;
+ end
+ local frame = {
+ FIN = true;
+ MASK = true; -- RFC 6455 6.1.5: If the data is being sent by the client, the frame(s) MUST be masked
+ opcode = opcode;
+ data = tostring(data);
+ };
+ log("debug", "WebSocket sending frame: opcode=%0x, %i bytes", frame.opcode, #frame.data);
+ return self.handler:write(frames.build(frame));
+local websocket_metatable = {
+ __index = websocket_methods;
+local function connect(url, ex, listeners)
+ ex = ex or {};
+ --[[RFC 6455 4.1.7:
+ The request MUST include a header field with the name
+ |Sec-WebSocket-Key|. The value of this header field MUST be a
+ nonce consisting of a randomly selected 16-byte value that has
+ been base64-encoded (see Section 4 of [RFC4648]). The nonce
+ MUST be selected randomly for each connection.
+ ]]
+ local key = base64.encode(random_bytes(16));
+ -- Either a single protocol string or an array of protocol strings.
+ local protocol = ex.protocol;
+ if type(protocol) == "table" then
+ protocol = table.concat(protocol, ", ");
+ end
+ local headers = {
+ ["Upgrade"] = "websocket";
+ ["Connection"] = "Upgrade";
+ ["Sec-WebSocket-Key"] = key;
+ ["Sec-WebSocket-Protocol"] = protocol;
+ ["Sec-WebSocket-Version"] = "13";
+ ["Sec-WebSocket-Extensions"] = ex.extensions;
+ }
+ if ex.headers then
+ for k,v in pairs(ex.headers) do
+ headers[k] = v;
+ end
+ end
+ local s = setmetatable({
+ readbuffer = "";
+ databuffer = nil;
+ handler = nil;
+ close_code = nil;
+ close_message = nil;
+ close_timer = nil;
+ readyState = 0;
+ protocol = nil;
+ url = url;
+ onopen = listeners.onopen;
+ onclose = listeners.onclose;
+ onmessage = listeners.onmessage;
+ onerror = listeners.onerror;
+ }, websocket_metatable);
+ local http_url = url:gsub("^(ws)", "http");
+ local http_req = http.request(http_url, {
+ method = "GET";
+ headers = headers;
+ sslctx = ex.sslctx;
+ }, function(b, c, r, http_req)
+ if c ~= 101
+ or r.headers["connection"]:lower() ~= "upgrade"
+ or r.headers["upgrade"] ~= "websocket"
+ or r.headers["sec-websocket-accept"] ~= base64.encode(sha1(key .. "258EAFA5-E914-47DA-95CA-C5AB0DC85B11"))
+ -- TODO: check "Sec-WebSocket-Protocol"
+ then
+ s.readyState = 3;
+ log("warn", "WebSocket connection to %s failed: %s", url, tostring(b));
+ if s.onerror then s:onerror("connecting-failed"); end
+ return;
+ end
+ s.protocol = r.headers["sec-websocket-protocol"];
+ -- Take possession of socket from http
+ http_req.conn = nil;
+ local handler = http_req.handler;
+ s.handler = handler;
+ websockets[handler] = s;
+ handler:setlistener(websocket_listeners);
+ log("debug", "WebSocket connected successfully to %s", url);
+ s.readyState = 1;
+ if s.onopen then s:onopen(); end
+ websocket_listeners.onincoming(handler, b);
+ end);
+ return s;
+return {
+ connect = connect;
diff --git a/net/websocket/frames.lua b/net/websocket/frames.lua
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..8bbddd1c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/net/websocket/frames.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,195 @@
+-- Prosody IM
+-- Copyright (C) 2012 Florian Zeitz
+-- Copyright (C) 2014 Daurnimator
+-- This project is MIT/X11 licensed. Please see the
+-- COPYING file in the source package for more information.
+local softreq = require "util.dependencies".softreq;
+local log = require "util.logger".init "websocket.frames";
+local random_bytes = require "util.random".bytes;
+local bit;
+pcall(function() bit = require"bit"; end);
+bit = bit or softreq"bit32"
+if not bit then log("error", "No bit module found. Either LuaJIT 2, lua-bitop or Lua 5.2 is required"); end
+local band = bit.band;
+local bor = bit.bor;
+local bxor = bit.bxor;
+local lshift = bit.lshift;
+local rshift = bit.rshift;
+local t_concat = table.concat;
+local s_byte = string.byte;
+local s_char= string.char;
+local s_sub = string.sub;
+local function read_uint16be(str, pos)
+ local l1, l2 = s_byte(str, pos, pos+1);
+ return l1*256 + l2;
+-- FIXME: this may lose precision
+local function read_uint64be(str, pos)
+ local l1, l2, l3, l4, l5, l6, l7, l8 = s_byte(str, pos, pos+7);
+ return lshift(l1, 56) + lshift(l2, 48) + lshift(l3, 40) + lshift(l4, 32)
+ + lshift(l5, 24) + lshift(l6, 16) + lshift(l7, 8) + l8;
+local function pack_uint16be(x)
+ return s_char(rshift(x, 8), band(x, 0xFF));
+local function get_byte(x, n)
+ return band(rshift(x, n), 0xFF);
+local function pack_uint64be(x)
+ return s_char(rshift(x, 56), get_byte(x, 48), get_byte(x, 40), get_byte(x, 32),
+ get_byte(x, 24), get_byte(x, 16), get_byte(x, 8), band(x, 0xFF));
+local function parse_frame_header(frame)
+ if #frame < 2 then return; end
+ local byte1, byte2 = s_byte(frame, 1, 2);
+ local result = {
+ FIN = band(byte1, 0x80) > 0;
+ RSV1 = band(byte1, 0x40) > 0;
+ RSV2 = band(byte1, 0x20) > 0;
+ RSV3 = band(byte1, 0x10) > 0;
+ opcode = band(byte1, 0x0F);
+ MASK = band(byte2, 0x80) > 0;
+ length = band(byte2, 0x7F);
+ };
+ local length_bytes = 0;
+ if result.length == 126 then
+ length_bytes = 2;
+ elseif result.length == 127 then
+ length_bytes = 8;
+ end
+ local header_length = 2 + length_bytes + (result.MASK and 4 or 0);
+ if #frame < header_length then return; end
+ if length_bytes == 2 then
+ result.length = read_uint16be(frame, 3);
+ elseif length_bytes == 8 then
+ result.length = read_uint64be(frame, 3);
+ end
+ if result.MASK then
+ result.key = { s_byte(frame, length_bytes+3, length_bytes+6) };
+ end
+ return result, header_length;
+-- XORs the string `str` with the array of bytes `key`
+-- TODO: optimize
+local function apply_mask(str, key, from, to)
+ from = from or 1
+ if from < 0 then from = #str + from + 1 end -- negative indicies
+ to = to or #str
+ if to < 0 then to = #str + to + 1 end -- negative indicies
+ local key_len = #key
+ local counter = 0;
+ local data = {};
+ for i = from, to do
+ local key_index = counter%key_len + 1;
+ counter = counter + 1;
+ data[counter] = s_char(bxor(key[key_index], s_byte(str, i)));
+ end
+ return t_concat(data);
+local function parse_frame_body(frame, header, pos)
+ if header.MASK then
+ return apply_mask(frame, header.key, pos, pos + header.length - 1);
+ else
+ return frame:sub(pos, pos + header.length - 1);
+ end
+local function parse_frame(frame)
+ local result, pos = parse_frame_header(frame);
+ if result == nil or #frame < (pos + result.length) then return; end
+ result.data = parse_frame_body(frame, result, pos+1);
+ return result, pos + result.length;
+local function build_frame(desc)
+ local data = desc.data or "";
+ assert(desc.opcode and desc.opcode >= 0 and desc.opcode <= 0xF, "Invalid WebSocket opcode");
+ if desc.opcode >= 0x8 then
+ -- RFC 6455 5.5
+ assert(#data <= 125, "WebSocket control frames MUST have a payload length of 125 bytes or less.");
+ end
+ local b1 = bor(desc.opcode,
+ desc.FIN and 0x80 or 0,
+ desc.RSV1 and 0x40 or 0,
+ desc.RSV2 and 0x20 or 0,
+ desc.RSV3 and 0x10 or 0);
+ local b2 = #data;
+ local length_extra;
+ if b2 <= 125 then -- 7-bit length
+ length_extra = "";
+ elseif b2 <= 0xFFFF then -- 2-byte length
+ b2 = 126;
+ length_extra = pack_uint16be(#data);
+ else -- 8-byte length
+ b2 = 127;
+ length_extra = pack_uint64be(#data);
+ end
+ local key = ""
+ if desc.MASK then
+ local key_a = desc.key
+ if key_a then
+ key = s_char(unpack(key_a, 1, 4));
+ else
+ key = random_bytes(4);
+ key_a = {key:byte(1,4)};
+ end
+ b2 = bor(b2, 0x80);
+ data = apply_mask(data, key_a);
+ end
+ return s_char(b1, b2) .. length_extra .. key .. data
+local function parse_close(data)
+ local code, message
+ if #data >= 2 then
+ code = read_uint16be(data, 1);
+ if #data > 2 then
+ message = s_sub(data, 3);
+ end
+ end
+ return code, message
+local function build_close(code, message)
+ local data = pack_uint16be(code);
+ if message then
+ assert(#message<=123, "Close reason must be <=123 bytes");
+ data = data .. message;
+ end
+ return build_frame({
+ opcode = 0x8;
+ FIN = true;
+ MASK = true;
+ data = data;
+ });
+return {
+ parse_header = parse_frame_header;
+ parse_body = parse_frame_body;
+ parse = parse_frame;
+ build = build_frame;
+ parse_close = parse_close;
+ build_close = build_close;