path: root/plugins/mod_pep_plus.lua
diff options
authorMatthew Wild <mwild1@gmail.com>2018-08-01 19:08:09 +0100
committerMatthew Wild <mwild1@gmail.com>2018-08-01 19:08:09 +0100
commit860e165c3b562637da22441ae9cd51877dd3dfb6 (patch)
treeb9151e29ade2d26396dda8152ad1c08bd6fe0604 /plugins/mod_pep_plus.lua
parent5d94b20a6267a2517d47b86af3063115b8b34425 (diff)
mod_pep -> mod_pep_simple, mod_pep_plus -> mod_pep
Diffstat (limited to 'plugins/mod_pep_plus.lua')
1 files changed, 2 insertions, 498 deletions
diff --git a/plugins/mod_pep_plus.lua b/plugins/mod_pep_plus.lua
index 89c1f820..503315d2 100644
--- a/plugins/mod_pep_plus.lua
+++ b/plugins/mod_pep_plus.lua
@@ -1,498 +1,2 @@
-local pubsub = require "util.pubsub";
-local jid_bare = require "util.jid".bare;
-local jid_split = require "util.jid".split;
-local jid_join = require "util.jid".join;
-local set_new = require "util.set".new;
-local st = require "util.stanza";
-local calculate_hash = require "util.caps".calculate_hash;
-local is_contact_subscribed = require "core.rostermanager".is_contact_subscribed;
-local cache = require "util.cache";
-local set = require "util.set";
-local xmlns_pubsub = "http://jabber.org/protocol/pubsub";
-local xmlns_pubsub_event = "http://jabber.org/protocol/pubsub#event";
-local xmlns_pubsub_owner = "http://jabber.org/protocol/pubsub#owner";
-local lib_pubsub = module:require "pubsub";
-local empty_set = set_new();
-local services = {};
-local recipients = {};
-local hash_map = {};
-local host = module.host;
-local node_config = module:open_store("pep", "map");
-local known_nodes = module:open_store("pep");
-function module.save()
- return { services = services };
-function module.restore(data)
- services = data.services;
-function is_item_stanza(item)
- return st.is_stanza(item) and item.attr.xmlns == xmlns_pubsub and item.name == "item";
-local function subscription_presence(username, recipient)
- local user_bare = jid_join(username, host);
- local recipient_bare = jid_bare(recipient);
- if (recipient_bare == user_bare) then return true; end
- return is_contact_subscribed(username, host, recipient_bare);
-local function nodestore(username)
- -- luacheck: ignore 212/self
- local store = {};
- function store:get(node)
- local data, err = node_config:get(username, node)
- if data == true then
- -- COMPAT Previously stored only a boolean representing 'persist_items'
- data = {
- name = node;
- config = {};
- subscribers = {};
- affiliations = {};
- };
- end
- return data, err;
- end
- function store:set(node, data)
- if data then
- -- Save the data without subscriptions
- -- TODO Save explicit subscriptions maybe?
- data = {
- name = data.name;
- config = data.config;
- affiliations = data.affiliations;
- subscribers = {};
- };
- end
- return node_config:set(username, node, data);
- end
- function store:users()
- return pairs(known_nodes:get(username) or {});
- end
- return store;
-local function simple_itemstore(username)
- return function (config, node)
- if config["persist_items"] then
- module:log("debug", "Creating new persistent item store for user %s, node %q", username, node);
- local archive = module:open_store("pep_"..node, "archive");
- return lib_pubsub.archive_itemstore(archive, config, username, node, false);
- else
- module:log("debug", "Creating new ephemeral item store for user %s, node %q", username, node);
- return cache.new(tonumber(config["max_items"]));
- end
- end
-local function get_broadcaster(username)
- local user_bare = jid_join(username, host);
- local function simple_broadcast(kind, node, jids, item)
- local message = st.message({ from = user_bare, type = "headline" })
- :tag("event", { xmlns = xmlns_pubsub_event })
- :tag(kind, { node = node });
- if item then
- item = st.clone(item);
- item.attr.xmlns = nil; -- Clear the pubsub namespace
- message:add_child(item);
- end
- for jid in pairs(jids) do
- module:log("debug", "Sending notification to %s from %s: %s", jid, user_bare, tostring(item));
- message.attr.to = jid;
- module:send(message);
- end
- end
- return simple_broadcast;
-function get_pep_service(username)
- module:log("debug", "get_pep_service(%q)", username);
- local user_bare = jid_join(username, host);
- local service = services[username];
- if service then
- return service;
- end
- service = pubsub.new({
- capabilities = {
- none = {
- create = false;
- publish = false;
- retract = false;
- get_nodes = false;
- subscribe = false;
- unsubscribe = false;
- get_subscription = false;
- get_subscriptions = false;
- get_items = false;
- subscribe_other = false;
- unsubscribe_other = false;
- get_subscription_other = false;
- get_subscriptions_other = false;
- be_subscribed = true;
- be_unsubscribed = true;
- set_affiliation = false;
- };
- subscriber = {
- create = false;
- publish = false;
- retract = false;
- get_nodes = true;
- subscribe = true;
- unsubscribe = true;
- get_subscription = true;
- get_subscriptions = true;
- get_items = true;
- subscribe_other = false;
- unsubscribe_other = false;
- get_subscription_other = false;
- get_subscriptions_other = false;
- be_subscribed = true;
- be_unsubscribed = true;
- set_affiliation = false;
- };
- publisher = {
- create = false;
- publish = true;
- retract = true;
- get_nodes = true;
- subscribe = true;
- unsubscribe = true;
- get_subscription = true;
- get_subscriptions = true;
- get_items = true;
- subscribe_other = false;
- unsubscribe_other = false;
- get_subscription_other = false;
- get_subscriptions_other = false;
- be_subscribed = true;
- be_unsubscribed = true;
- set_affiliation = false;
- };
- owner = {
- create = true;
- publish = true;
- retract = true;
- delete = true;
- get_nodes = true;
- configure = true;
- subscribe = true;
- unsubscribe = true;
- get_subscription = true;
- get_subscriptions = true;
- get_items = true;
- subscribe_other = true;
- unsubscribe_other = true;
- get_subscription_other = true;
- get_subscriptions_other = true;
- be_subscribed = true;
- be_unsubscribed = true;
- set_affiliation = true;
- };
- };
- node_defaults = {
- ["max_items"] = 1;
- ["persist_items"] = true;
- };
- autocreate_on_publish = true;
- autocreate_on_subscribe = true;
- nodestore = nodestore(username);
- itemstore = simple_itemstore(username);
- broadcaster = get_broadcaster(username);
- itemcheck = is_item_stanza;
- get_affiliation = function (jid)
- if jid_bare(jid) == user_bare then
- return "owner";
- elseif subscription_presence(username, jid) then
- return "subscriber";
- end
- end;
- normalize_jid = jid_bare;
- });
- local nodes, err = known_nodes:get(username);
- if nodes then
- module:log("debug", "Restoring nodes for user %s", username);
- for node in pairs(nodes) do
- module:log("debug", "Restoring node %q", node);
- service:create(node, true);
- end
- elseif err then
- module:log("error", "Could not restore nodes for %s: %s", username, err);
- else
- module:log("debug", "No known nodes");
- end
- services[username] = service;
- module:add_item("pep-service", { service = service, jid = user_bare });
- return service;
-function handle_pubsub_iq(event)
- local origin, stanza = event.origin, event.stanza;
- local service_name = origin.username;
- if stanza.attr.to ~= nil then
- service_name = jid_split(stanza.attr.to);
- end
- local service = get_pep_service(service_name);
- return lib_pubsub.handle_pubsub_iq(event, service)
-module:hook("iq/bare/"..xmlns_pubsub..":pubsub", handle_pubsub_iq);
-module:hook("iq/bare/"..xmlns_pubsub_owner..":pubsub", handle_pubsub_iq);
-module:add_identity("pubsub", "pep", module:get_option_string("name", "Prosody"));
-local function get_caps_hash_from_presence(stanza, current)
- local t = stanza.attr.type;
- if not t then
- local child = stanza:get_child("c", "http://jabber.org/protocol/caps");
- if child then
- local attr = child.attr;
- if attr.hash then -- new caps
- if attr.hash == 'sha-1' and attr.node and attr.ver then
- return attr.ver, attr.node.."#"..attr.ver;
- end
- else -- legacy caps
- if attr.node and attr.ver then
- return attr.node.."#"..attr.ver.."#"..(attr.ext or ""), attr.node.."#"..attr.ver;
- end
- end
- end
- return; -- no or bad caps
- elseif t == "unavailable" or t == "error" then
- return;
- end
- return current; -- no caps, could mean caps optimization, so return current
-local function resend_last_item(jid, node, service)
- local ok, id, item = service:get_last_item(node, jid);
- if not ok then return; end
- if not id then return; end
- service.config.broadcaster("items", node, { [jid] = true }, item);
-local function update_subscriptions(recipient, service_name, nodes)
- nodes = nodes or empty_set;
- local service_recipients = recipients[service_name];
- if not service_recipients then
- service_recipients = {};
- recipients[service_name] = service_recipients;
- end
- local current = service_recipients[recipient];
- if not current or type(current) ~= "table" then
- current = empty_set;
- end
- if (current == empty_set or current:empty()) and (nodes == empty_set or nodes:empty()) then
- return;
- end
- local service = get_pep_service(service_name);
- for node in current - nodes do
- service:remove_subscription(node, recipient, recipient);
- end
- for node in nodes - current do
- service:add_subscription(node, recipient, recipient);
- resend_last_item(recipient, node, service);
- end
- if nodes == empty_set or nodes:empty() then
- nodes = nil;
- end
- service_recipients[recipient] = nodes;
-module:hook("presence/bare", function(event)
- -- inbound presence to bare JID received
- local origin, stanza = event.origin, event.stanza;
- local t = stanza.attr.type;
- local is_self = not stanza.attr.to;
- local username = jid_split(stanza.attr.to);
- local user_bare = jid_bare(stanza.attr.to);
- if is_self then
- username = origin.username;
- user_bare = jid_join(username, host);
- end
- if not t then -- available presence
- if is_self or subscription_presence(username, stanza.attr.from) then
- local recipient = stanza.attr.from;
- local current = recipients[username] and recipients[username][recipient];
- local hash, query_node = get_caps_hash_from_presence(stanza, current);
- if current == hash or (current and current == hash_map[hash]) then return; end
- if not hash then
- update_subscriptions(recipient, username);
- else
- recipients[username] = recipients[username] or {};
- if hash_map[hash] then
- update_subscriptions(recipient, username, hash_map[hash]);
- else
- recipients[username][recipient] = hash;
- local from_bare = origin.type == "c2s" and origin.username.."@"..origin.host;
- if is_self or origin.type ~= "c2s" or (recipients[from_bare] and recipients[from_bare][origin.full_jid]) ~= hash then
- -- COMPAT from ~= stanza.attr.to because OneTeam can't deal with missing from attribute
- origin.send(
- st.stanza("iq", {from=user_bare, to=stanza.attr.from, id="disco", type="get"})
- :tag("query", {xmlns = "http://jabber.org/protocol/disco#info", node = query_node})
- );
- end
- end
- end
- end
- elseif t == "unavailable" then
- update_subscriptions(stanza.attr.from, username);
- elseif not is_self and t == "unsubscribe" then
- local from = jid_bare(stanza.attr.from);
- local subscriptions = recipients[username];
- if subscriptions then
- for subscriber in pairs(subscriptions) do
- if jid_bare(subscriber) == from then
- update_subscriptions(subscriber, username);
- end
- end
- end
- end
-end, 10);
-module:hook("iq-result/bare/disco", function(event)
- local origin, stanza = event.origin, event.stanza;
- local disco = stanza:get_child("query", "http://jabber.org/protocol/disco#info");
- if not disco then
- return;
- end
- -- Process disco response
- local is_self = stanza.attr.to == nil;
- local user_bare = jid_bare(stanza.attr.to);
- local username = jid_split(stanza.attr.to);
- if is_self then
- username = origin.username;
- user_bare = jid_join(username, host);
- end
- local contact = stanza.attr.from;
- local current = recipients[username] and recipients[username][contact];
- if type(current) ~= "string" then return; end -- check if waiting for recipient's response
- local ver = current;
- if not string.find(current, "#") then
- ver = calculate_hash(disco.tags); -- calculate hash
- end
- local notify = set_new();
- for _, feature in pairs(disco.tags) do
- if feature.name == "feature" and feature.attr.var then
- local nfeature = feature.attr.var:match("^(.*)%+notify$");
- if nfeature then notify:add(nfeature); end
- end
- end
- hash_map[ver] = notify; -- update hash map
- if is_self then
- -- Optimization: Fiddle with other local users
- for jid, item in pairs(origin.roster) do -- for all interested contacts
- if jid then
- local contact_node, contact_host = jid_split(jid);
- if contact_host == host and (item.subscription == "both" or item.subscription == "from") then
- update_subscriptions(user_bare, contact_node, notify);
- end
- end
- end
- end
- update_subscriptions(contact, username, notify);
-module:hook("account-disco-info-node", function(event)
- local stanza, origin = event.stanza, event.origin;
- local service_name = origin.username;
- if stanza.attr.to ~= nil then
- service_name = jid_split(stanza.attr.to);
- end
- local service = get_pep_service(service_name);
- return lib_pubsub.handle_disco_info_node(event, service);
-module:hook("account-disco-info", function(event)
- local origin, reply = event.origin, event.reply;
- reply:tag('identity', {category='pubsub', type='pep'}):up();
- local username = jid_split(reply.attr.from) or origin.username;
- local service = get_pep_service(username);
- local supported_features = lib_pubsub.get_feature_set(service) + set.new{
- -- Features not covered by the above
- "access-presence",
- "auto-subscribe",
- "filtered-notifications",
- "last-published",
- "persistent-items",
- "presence-notifications",
- "presence-subscribe",
- };
- for feature in supported_features do
- reply:tag('feature', {var=xmlns_pubsub.."#"..feature}):up();
- end
-module:hook("account-disco-items-node", function(event)
- local stanza, origin = event.stanza, event.origin;
- local is_self = stanza.attr.to == nil;
- local username = jid_split(stanza.attr.to);
- if is_self then
- username = origin.username;
- end
- local service = get_pep_service(username);
- return lib_pubsub.handle_disco_items_node(event, service);
-module:hook("account-disco-items", function(event)
- local reply, stanza, origin = event.reply, event.stanza, event.origin;
- local is_self = stanza.attr.to == nil;
- local user_bare = jid_bare(stanza.attr.to);
- local username = jid_split(stanza.attr.to);
- if is_self then
- username = origin.username;
- user_bare = jid_join(username, host);
- end
- local service = get_pep_service(username);
- local ok, ret = service:get_nodes(jid_bare(stanza.attr.from));
- if not ok then return; end
- for node, node_obj in pairs(ret) do
- reply:tag("item", { jid = user_bare, node = node, name = node_obj.config.name }):up();
- end
+module:log("error", "mod_pep_plus has been renamed to mod_pep, please update your config file. Auto-loading mod_pep...");