path: root/plugins/mod_storage_sql1.lua
diff options
authorMatthew Wild <mwild1@gmail.com>2015-12-03 14:59:55 +0000
committerMatthew Wild <mwild1@gmail.com>2015-12-03 14:59:55 +0000
commit5656b525d3b72b09964fe9fbc2b70ceda54ab66b (patch)
tree0a45f803690602626615b39fd3c0b17e3df266e7 /plugins/mod_storage_sql1.lua
parent630248084188d2bbc01da354ec022db6b18aebc7 (diff)
parentcf88b880cd19bd21161f6b3e8688fb752a96f64d (diff)
Merge 0.10->trunk
Diffstat (limited to 'plugins/mod_storage_sql1.lua')
1 files changed, 414 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/plugins/mod_storage_sql1.lua b/plugins/mod_storage_sql1.lua
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..a5bb5bfa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/plugins/mod_storage_sql1.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,414 @@
+DB Tables:
+ Prosody - key-value, map
+ | host | user | store | key | type | value |
+ ProsodyArchive - list
+ | host | user | store | key | time | stanzatype | jsonvalue |
+ Roster - Prosody
+ | host | user | "roster" | "contactjid" | type | value |
+ | host | user | "roster" | NULL | "json" | roster[false] data |
+ Account - Prosody
+ | host | user | "accounts" | "username" | type | value |
+ Offline - ProsodyArchive
+ | host | user | "offline" | "contactjid" | time | "message" | json|XML |
+local type = type;
+local tostring = tostring;
+local tonumber = tonumber;
+local pairs = pairs;
+local next = next;
+local setmetatable = setmetatable;
+local xpcall = xpcall;
+local json = require "util.json";
+local build_url = require"socket.url".build;
+local DBI;
+local connection;
+local host,user,store = module.host;
+local params = module:get_option("sql");
+local dburi;
+local connections = module:shared "/*/sql/connection-cache";
+local function db2uri(params)
+ return build_url{
+ scheme = params.driver,
+ user = params.username,
+ password = params.password,
+ host = params.host,
+ port = params.port,
+ path = params.database,
+ };
+local resolve_relative_path = require "util.paths".resolve_relative_path;
+local function test_connection()
+ if not connection then return nil; end
+ if connection:ping() then
+ return true;
+ else
+ module:log("debug", "Database connection closed");
+ connection = nil;
+ connections[dburi] = nil;
+ end
+local function connect()
+ if not test_connection() then
+ prosody.unlock_globals();
+ local dbh, err = DBI.Connect(
+ params.driver, params.database,
+ params.username, params.password,
+ params.host, params.port
+ );
+ prosody.lock_globals();
+ if not dbh then
+ module:log("debug", "Database connection failed: %s", tostring(err));
+ return nil, err;
+ end
+ module:log("debug", "Successfully connected to database");
+ dbh:autocommit(false); -- don't commit automatically
+ connection = dbh;
+ connections[dburi] = dbh;
+ end
+ return connection;
+local function create_table()
+ if not module:get_option("sql_manage_tables", true) then
+ return;
+ end
+ local create_sql = "CREATE TABLE `prosody` (`host` TEXT, `user` TEXT, `store` TEXT, `key` TEXT, `type` TEXT, `value` TEXT);";
+ if params.driver == "PostgreSQL" then
+ create_sql = create_sql:gsub("`", "\"");
+ elseif params.driver == "MySQL" then
+ create_sql = create_sql:gsub("`value` TEXT", "`value` MEDIUMTEXT");
+ end
+ local stmt, err = connection:prepare(create_sql);
+ if stmt then
+ local ok = stmt:execute();
+ local commit_ok = connection:commit();
+ if ok and commit_ok then
+ module:log("info", "Initialized new %s database with prosody table", params.driver);
+ local index_sql = "CREATE INDEX `prosody_index` ON `prosody` (`host`, `user`, `store`, `key`)";
+ if params.driver == "PostgreSQL" then
+ index_sql = index_sql:gsub("`", "\"");
+ elseif params.driver == "MySQL" then
+ index_sql = index_sql:gsub("`([,)])", "`(20)%1");
+ end
+ local stmt, err = connection:prepare(index_sql);
+ local ok, commit_ok, commit_err;
+ if stmt then
+ ok, err = stmt:execute();
+ commit_ok, commit_err = connection:commit();
+ end
+ if not(ok and commit_ok) then
+ module:log("warn", "Failed to create index (%s), lookups may not be optimised", err or commit_err);
+ end
+ elseif params.driver == "MySQL" then -- COMPAT: Upgrade tables from 0.8.0
+ -- Failed to create, but check existing MySQL table here
+ local stmt = connection:prepare("SHOW COLUMNS FROM prosody WHERE Field='value' and Type='text'");
+ local ok = stmt:execute();
+ local commit_ok = connection:commit();
+ if ok and commit_ok then
+ if stmt:rowcount() > 0 then
+ module:log("info", "Upgrading database schema...");
+ local stmt = connection:prepare("ALTER TABLE prosody MODIFY COLUMN `value` MEDIUMTEXT");
+ local ok, err = stmt:execute();
+ local commit_ok = connection:commit();
+ if ok and commit_ok then
+ module:log("info", "Database table automatically upgraded");
+ else
+ module:log("error", "Failed to upgrade database schema (%s), please see "
+ .."http://prosody.im/doc/mysql for help",
+ err or "unknown error");
+ end
+ end
+ repeat until not stmt:fetch();
+ end
+ end
+ elseif params.driver ~= "SQLite3" then -- SQLite normally fails to prepare for existing table
+ module:log("warn", "Prosody was not able to automatically check/create the database table (%s), "
+ .."see http://prosody.im/doc/modules/mod_storage_sql#table_management for help.",
+ err or "unknown error");
+ end
+do -- process options to get a db connection
+ local ok;
+ prosody.unlock_globals();
+ ok, DBI = pcall(require, "DBI");
+ if not ok then
+ package.loaded["DBI"] = {};
+ module:log("error", "Failed to load the LuaDBI library for accessing SQL databases: %s", DBI);
+ module:log("error", "More information on installing LuaDBI can be found at http://prosody.im/doc/depends#luadbi");
+ end
+ prosody.lock_globals();
+ if not ok or not DBI.Connect then
+ return; -- Halt loading of this module
+ end
+ params = params or { driver = "SQLite3" };
+ if params.driver == "SQLite3" then
+ params.database = resolve_relative_path(prosody.paths.data or ".", params.database or "prosody.sqlite");
+ end
+ assert(params.driver and params.database, "Both the SQL driver and the database need to be specified");
+ dburi = db2uri(params);
+ connection = connections[dburi];
+ assert(connect());
+ -- Automatically create table, ignore failure (table probably already exists)
+ create_table();
+local function serialize(value)
+ local t = type(value);
+ if t == "string" or t == "boolean" or t == "number" then
+ return t, tostring(value);
+ elseif t == "table" then
+ local value,err = json.encode(value);
+ if value then return "json", value; end
+ return nil, err;
+ end
+ return nil, "Unhandled value type: "..t;
+local function deserialize(t, value)
+ if t == "string" then return value;
+ elseif t == "boolean" then
+ if value == "true" then return true;
+ elseif value == "false" then return false; end
+ elseif t == "number" then return tonumber(value);
+ elseif t == "json" then
+ return json.decode(value);
+ end
+local function dosql(sql, ...)
+ if params.driver == "PostgreSQL" then
+ sql = sql:gsub("`", "\"");
+ end
+ -- do prepared statement stuff
+ local stmt, err = connection:prepare(sql);
+ if not stmt and not test_connection() then error("connection failed"); end
+ if not stmt then module:log("error", "QUERY FAILED: %s %s", err, debug.traceback()); return nil, err; end
+ -- run query
+ local ok, err = stmt:execute(...);
+ if not ok and not test_connection() then error("connection failed"); end
+ if not ok then return nil, err; end
+ return stmt;
+local function getsql(sql, ...)
+ return dosql(sql, host or "", user or "", store or "", ...);
+local function setsql(sql, ...)
+ local stmt, err = getsql(sql, ...);
+ if not stmt then return stmt, err; end
+ return stmt:affected();
+local function transact(...)
+ -- ...
+local function rollback(...)
+ if connection then connection:rollback(); end -- FIXME check for rollback error?
+ return ...;
+local function commit(...)
+ local success,err = connection:commit();
+ if not success then return nil, "SQL commit failed: "..tostring(err); end
+ return ...;
+local function keyval_store_get()
+ local stmt, err = getsql("SELECT * FROM `prosody` WHERE `host`=? AND `user`=? AND `store`=?");
+ if not stmt then return rollback(nil, err); end
+ local haveany;
+ local result = {};
+ for row in stmt:rows(true) do
+ haveany = true;
+ local k = row.key;
+ local v = deserialize(row.type, row.value);
+ if k and v then
+ if k ~= "" then result[k] = v; elseif type(v) == "table" then
+ for a,b in pairs(v) do
+ result[a] = b;
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ return commit(haveany and result or nil);
+local function keyval_store_set(data)
+ local affected, err = setsql("DELETE FROM `prosody` WHERE `host`=? AND `user`=? AND `store`=?");
+ if not affected then return rollback(affected, err); end
+ if data and next(data) ~= nil then
+ local extradata = {};
+ for key, value in pairs(data) do
+ if type(key) == "string" and key ~= "" then
+ local t, value = serialize(value);
+ if not t then return rollback(t, value); end
+ local ok, err = setsql("INSERT INTO `prosody` (`host`,`user`,`store`,`key`,`type`,`value`) VALUES (?,?,?,?,?,?)", key, t, value);
+ if not ok then return rollback(ok, err); end
+ else
+ extradata[key] = value;
+ end
+ end
+ if next(extradata) ~= nil then
+ local t, extradata = serialize(extradata);
+ if not t then return rollback(t, extradata); end
+ local ok, err = setsql("INSERT INTO `prosody` (`host`,`user`,`store`,`key`,`type`,`value`) VALUES (?,?,?,?,?,?)", "", t, extradata);
+ if not ok then return rollback(ok, err); end
+ end
+ end
+ return commit(true);
+local keyval_store = {};
+keyval_store.__index = keyval_store;
+function keyval_store:get(username)
+ user,store = username,self.store;
+ if not connection and not connect() then return nil, "Unable to connect to database"; end
+ local success, ret, err = xpcall(keyval_store_get, debug.traceback);
+ if not connection and connect() then
+ success, ret, err = xpcall(keyval_store_get, debug.traceback);
+ end
+ if success then return ret, err; else return rollback(nil, ret); end
+function keyval_store:set(username, data)
+ user,store = username,self.store;
+ if not connection and not connect() then return nil, "Unable to connect to database"; end
+ local success, ret, err = xpcall(function() return keyval_store_set(data); end, debug.traceback);
+ if not connection and connect() then
+ success, ret, err = xpcall(function() return keyval_store_set(data); end, debug.traceback);
+ end
+ if success then return ret, err; else return rollback(nil, ret); end
+function keyval_store:users()
+ local stmt, err = dosql("SELECT DISTINCT `user` FROM `prosody` WHERE `host`=? AND `store`=?", host, self.store);
+ if not stmt then
+ return rollback(nil, err);
+ end
+ local next = stmt:rows();
+ return commit(function()
+ local row = next();
+ return row and row[1];
+ end);
+local function map_store_get(key)
+ local stmt, err = getsql("SELECT * FROM `prosody` WHERE `host`=? AND `user`=? AND `store`=? AND `key`=?", key or "");
+ if not stmt then return rollback(nil, err); end
+ local haveany;
+ local result = {};
+ for row in stmt:rows(true) do
+ haveany = true;
+ local k = row.key;
+ local v = deserialize(row.type, row.value);
+ if k and v then
+ if k ~= "" then result[k] = v; elseif type(v) == "table" then
+ for a,b in pairs(v) do
+ result[a] = b;
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ return commit(haveany and result[key] or nil);
+local function map_store_set(key, data)
+ local affected, err = setsql("DELETE FROM `prosody` WHERE `host`=? AND `user`=? AND `store`=? AND `key`=?", key or "");
+ if not affected then return rollback(affected, err); end
+ if data and next(data) ~= nil then
+ if type(key) == "string" and key ~= "" then
+ local t, value = serialize(data);
+ if not t then return rollback(t, value); end
+ local ok, err = setsql("INSERT INTO `prosody` (`host`,`user`,`store`,`key`,`type`,`value`) VALUES (?,?,?,?,?,?)", key, t, value);
+ if not ok then return rollback(ok, err); end
+ else
+ -- TODO non-string keys
+ end
+ end
+ return commit(true);
+local map_store = {};
+map_store.__index = map_store;
+function map_store:get(username, key)
+ user,store = username,self.store;
+ local success, ret, err = xpcall(function() return map_store_get(key); end, debug.traceback);
+ if success then return ret, err; else return rollback(nil, ret); end
+function map_store:set(username, key, data)
+ user,store = username,self.store;
+ local success, ret, err = xpcall(function() return map_store_set(key, data); end, debug.traceback);
+ if success then return ret, err; else return rollback(nil, ret); end
+local list_store = {};
+list_store.__index = list_store;
+function list_store:scan(username, from, to, jid, typ)
+ user,store = username,self.store;
+ local cols = {"from", "to", "jid", "typ"};
+ local vals = { from , to , jid , typ };
+ local stmt, err;
+ local query = "SELECT * FROM `prosodyarchive` WHERE `host`=? AND `user`=? AND `store`=?";
+ query = query.." ORDER BY time";
+ --local stmt, err = getsql("SELECT * FROM `prosody` WHERE `host`=? AND `user`=? AND `store`=? AND `key`=?", key or "");
+ return nil, "not-implemented"
+local driver = {};
+function driver:open(store, typ)
+ if typ and typ ~= "keyval" then
+ return nil, "unsupported-store";
+ end
+ return setmetatable({ store = store }, keyval_store);
+function driver:stores(username)
+ local sql = "SELECT DISTINCT `store` FROM `prosody` WHERE `host`=? AND `user`" ..
+ (username == true and "!=?" or "=?");
+ if username == true or not username then
+ username = "";
+ end
+ local stmt, err = dosql(sql, host, username);
+ if not stmt then
+ return rollback(nil, err);
+ end
+ local next = stmt:rows();
+ return commit(function()
+ local row = next();
+ return row and row[1];
+ end);
+function driver:purge(username)
+ local stmt, err = dosql("DELETE FROM `prosody` WHERE `host`=? AND `user`=?", host, username);
+ if not stmt then return rollback(stmt, err); end
+ local changed, err = stmt:affected();
+ if not changed then return rollback(changed, err); end
+ return commit(true, changed);
+module:provides("storage", driver);