path: root/plugins/muc/muc.lib.lua
diff options
authorMatthew Wild <mwild1@gmail.com>2018-05-16 12:14:21 +0100
committerMatthew Wild <mwild1@gmail.com>2018-05-16 12:14:21 +0100
commit98148f5e63f5111ac3d0d3c900c6b14dde2732b5 (patch)
tree58f4e9dc644beee0c99b2c392ae8fc56d3846d1c /plugins/muc/muc.lib.lua
parent9fa6dd939e0282e164c590008000f89f69c296c7 (diff)
MUC: Import revised, more comprehensive patch for 8da11142fabf (#345)
Diffstat (limited to 'plugins/muc/muc.lib.lua')
1 files changed, 207 insertions, 95 deletions
diff --git a/plugins/muc/muc.lib.lua b/plugins/muc/muc.lib.lua
index 4674f323..77ac0b87 100644
--- a/plugins/muc/muc.lib.lua
+++ b/plugins/muc/muc.lib.lua
@@ -804,15 +804,19 @@ function room_mt:handle_to_room(origin, stanza) -- presence changes and groupcha
local role = current_nick and self._occupants[current_nick].role or self:get_default_role(affiliation);
if type == "set" then
local at_least_one_item_provided = false;
+ local callback = function() origin.send(st.reply(stanza)); end
+ -- Gather all changes to affiliations and roles
+ local jid_affiliation = {};
+ local jidnick_role = {};
for item in stanza.tags[1]:childtags("item") do
at_least_one_item_provided = true;
- local callback = function() origin.send(st.reply(stanza)); end
if item.attr.jid then -- Validate provided JID
item.attr.jid = jid_prep(item.attr.jid);
if not item.attr.jid then
origin.send(st.error_reply(stanza, "modify", "jid-malformed"));
+ return;
if not item.attr.jid and item.attr.nick then -- COMPAT Workaround for Miranda sending 'nick' instead of 'jid' when changing affiliation
@@ -822,13 +826,12 @@ function room_mt:handle_to_room(origin, stanza) -- presence changes and groupcha
local nick = self._jid_nick[item.attr.jid];
if nick then item.attr.nick = select(3, jid_split(nick)); end
local reason = item.tags[1] and item.tags[1].name == "reason" and #item.tags[1] == 1 and item.tags[1][1];
if item.attr.affiliation and item.attr.jid and not item.attr.role then
- local success, errtype, err = self:set_affiliation(actor, item.attr.jid, item.attr.affiliation, callback, reason);
- if not success then origin.send(st.error_reply(stanza, errtype, err)); end
+ jid_affiliation[item.attr.jid] = { ["affiliation"] = item.attr.affiliation, ["reason"] = reason };
elseif item.attr.role and item.attr.nick and not item.attr.affiliation then
- local success, errtype, err = self:set_role(actor, self.jid.."/"..item.attr.nick, item.attr.role, callback, reason);
- if not success then origin.send(st.error_reply(stanza, errtype, err)); end
+ jidnick_role[item.attr.jid.."/"..item.attr.nick] = { ["role"] = item.attr.role, ["reason"] = reason };
origin.send(st.error_reply(stanza, "cancel", "bad-request"));
@@ -838,6 +841,36 @@ function room_mt:handle_to_room(origin, stanza) -- presence changes and groupcha
if not at_least_one_item_provided then
origin.send(st.error_reply(stanza, "cancel", "bad-request"));
+ else
+ local can_set_affiliations, errtype_aff, err_aff = self:can_set_affiliations(actor, jid_affiliation)
+ local can_set_roles, errtype_role, err_role = self:can_set_roles(actor, jidnick_role)
+ if can_set_affiliations and can_set_roles then
+ local nb_affiliation_changes = 0;
+ for _ in pairs(jid_affiliation) do nb_affiliation_changes = nb_affiliation_changes + 1; end
+ local nb_role_changes = 0;
+ for _ in pairs(jidnick_role) do nb_role_changes = nb_role_changes + 1; end
+ if nb_affiliation_changes > 0 and nb_role_changes > 0 then
+ origin.send(st.error_reply(stanza, "cancel", "bad-request"));
+ end
+ if nb_affiliation_changes > 0 then
+ self:set_affiliations(actor, jid_affiliation, callback);
+ end
+ if nb_role_changes > 0 then
+ self:set_roles(actor, jidnick_role, callback);
+ end
+ else
+ if not can_set_affiliations then
+ origin.send(st.error_reply(stanza, errtype_aff, err_aff));
+ elseif not can_set_roles then
+ origin.send(st.error_reply(stanza, errtype_role, err_role));
+ else
+ origin.send(st.error_reply(stanza, "cancel", "bad-request"));
+ end
+ return;
+ end
elseif type == "get" then
local item = stanza.tags[1].tags[1];
@@ -1009,82 +1042,125 @@ function room_mt:get_affiliation(jid)
if not result and self._affiliations[host] == "outcast" then result = "outcast"; end -- host banned
return result;
-function room_mt:set_affiliation(actor, jid, affiliation, callback, reason)
- jid = jid_bare(jid);
- if affiliation == "none" then affiliation = nil; end
- if affiliation and affiliation ~= "outcast" and affiliation ~= "owner" and affiliation ~= "admin" and affiliation ~= "member" then
- return nil, "modify", "not-acceptable";
- end
+--- Checks whether the given affiliation changes in jid_affiliation can be applied by actor.
+-- Note: Empty tables can always be applied and won't have any effect.
+function room_mt:can_set_affiliations(actor, jid_affiliation)
+ local actor_affiliation;
if actor ~= true then
- local actor_affiliation = self:get_affiliation(actor);
- local target_affiliation = self:get_affiliation(jid);
- if target_affiliation == affiliation then -- no change, shortcut
- if callback then callback(); end
- return true;
+ actor_affiliation = self:get_affiliation(actor);
+ end
+ -- First let's see if there are any problems with the affiliations given
+ -- in jid_affiliation
+ for jid, value in pairs(jid_affiliation) do
+ local affiliation = value["affiliation"];
+ jid = jid_bare(jid);
+ if affiliation == "none" then affiliation = nil; end
+ if affiliation and affiliation ~= "outcast" and affiliation ~= "owner" and affiliation ~= "admin" and affiliation ~= "member" then
+ return false, "modify", "not-acceptable";
- if actor_affiliation ~= "owner" then
- if affiliation == "owner" or affiliation == "admin" or actor_affiliation ~= "admin" or target_affiliation == "owner" or target_affiliation == "admin" then
- return nil, "cancel", "not-allowed";
- end
- elseif target_affiliation == "owner" and jid_bare(actor) == jid then -- self change
- local is_last = true;
- for j, aff in pairs(self._affiliations) do if j ~= jid and aff == "owner" then is_last = false; break; end end
- if is_last then
- return nil, "cancel", "conflict";
+ local target_affiliation = self:get_affiliation(jid);
+ if target_affiliation == affiliation then
+ -- no change, no error checking necessary
+ else
+ if actor ~= true and actor_affiliation ~= "owner" then
+ if affiliation == "owner" or affiliation == "admin" or actor_affiliation ~= "admin" or target_affiliation == "owner" or target_affiliation == "admin" then
+ return false, "cancel", "not-allowed";
+ end
+ elseif target_affiliation == "owner" and jid_bare(actor) == jid then -- self change
+ local is_last = true;
+ for j, aff in pairs(self._affiliations) do if j ~= jid and aff == "owner" then is_last = false; break; end end
+ if is_last then
+ return false, "cancel", "conflict";
+ end
- self._affiliations[jid] = affiliation;
- local role = self:get_default_role(affiliation);
- local x = st.stanza("x", {xmlns = "http://jabber.org/protocol/muc#user"})
- :tag("item", {affiliation=affiliation or "none", role=role or "none"})
- :tag("reason"):text(reason or ""):up()
- :up();
- local presence_type = nil;
- if not role then -- getting kicked
- presence_type = "unavailable";
- if affiliation == "outcast" then
- x:tag("status", {code="301"}):up(); -- banned
- else
- x:tag("status", {code="321"}):up(); -- affiliation change
- end
+ return true;
+--- Updates the room affiliations by applying the ones given here.
+-- Takes the affiliations given in jid_affiliation and applies them to
+-- the room, overwriting a potentially existing affiliation for any given
+-- jid.
+-- @param jid_affiliation A table associating a jid with a table consisting
+-- of two subkeys: `affilation` and `reason`. The jids
+-- within must not be malformed.
+function room_mt:set_affiliations(actor, jid_affiliation, callback)
+ local can_set, err_type, err_condition = self:can_set_affiliations(actor, jid_affiliation)
+ if not can_set then
+ return false, err_type, err_condition;
-- Your own presence should have status 110
- local self_x = st.clone(x);
- self_x:tag("status", {code="110"});
local modified_nicks = {};
- for nick, occupant in pairs(self._occupants) do
- if jid_bare(occupant.jid) == jid then
- if not role then -- getting kicked
- self._occupants[nick] = nil;
+ local nb_modified_nicks = 0;
+ -- Now we can be sure that jid_affiliation causes no problems
+ -- We can actually set them
+ for jid, value in pairs(jid_affiliation) do
+ local affiliation = value["affiliation"];
+ local reason = value["reason"];
+ self._affiliations[jid] = affiliation;
+ local role = self:get_default_role(affiliation);
+ local x = st.stanza("x", {xmlns = "http://jabber.org/protocol/muc#user"})
+ :tag("item", {affiliation=affiliation or "none", role=role or "none"})
+ :tag("reason"):text(reason or ""):up()
+ :up();
+ local self_x = st.clone(x);
+ self_x:tag("status", {code="110"});
+ local presence_type = nil;
+ if not role then -- getting kicked
+ presence_type = "unavailable";
+ if affiliation == "outcast" then
+ x:tag("status", {code="301"}):up(); -- banned
- occupant.affiliation, occupant.role = affiliation, role;
+ x:tag("status", {code="321"}):up(); -- affiliation change
- for jid,pres in pairs(occupant.sessions) do -- remove for all sessions of the nick
- if not role then self._jid_nick[jid] = nil; end
- local p = st.clone(pres);
- p.attr.from = nick;
- p.attr.type = presence_type;
- p.attr.to = jid;
- if occupant.jid == jid then
+ end
+ for nick, occupant in pairs(self._occupants) do
+ if jid_bare(occupant.jid) == jid then
+ if not role then -- getting kicked
+ self._occupants[nick] = nil;
+ else
+ occupant.affiliation, occupant.role = affiliation, role;
+ end
+ for jid,pres in pairs(occupant.sessions) do -- remove for all sessions of the nick
+ if not role then self._jid_nick[jid] = nil; end
+ local p = st.clone(pres);
+ p.attr.from = nick;
+ p.attr.type = presence_type;
+ p.attr.to = jid;
+ self:_route_stanza(p);
+ if occupant.jid == jid then
-- Broadcast this presence to everyone else later, with the public <x> variant
- local bp = st.clone(p);
- bp:add_child(x);
- modified_nicks[nick] = bp;
+ local bp = st.clone(p);
+ bp:add_child(x);
+ modified_nicks[nick] = bp;
+ nb_modified_nicks = nb_modified_nicks + 1;
+ end
+ p:add_child(self_x);
+ self:_route_stanza(p);
- p:add_child(self_x);
- self:_route_stanza(p);
- if self.save then self:save(); end
- if callback then callback(); end
+ if nb_modified_nicks > 0 then
+ if self.save then self:save(); end
+ if callback then callback(); end
+ end
for nick,p in pairs(modified_nicks) do
p.attr.from = nick;
self:broadcast_except_nick(p, nick);
return true;
+function room_mt:set_affiliation(actor, jid, affiliation, callback, reason)
+ return self.set_affiliations(actor, { [jid] = { ["affiliation"] = affiliation, ["reason"] = reason } }, callback)
function room_mt:get_role(nick)
local session = self._occupants[nick];
@@ -1108,45 +1184,81 @@ function room_mt:can_set_role(actor_jid, occupant_jid, role)
return nil, "cancel", "not-allowed";
-function room_mt:set_role(actor, occupant_jid, role, callback, reason)
- if role == "none" then role = nil; end
- if role and role ~= "moderator" and role ~= "participant" and role ~= "visitor" then return nil, "modify", "not-acceptable"; end
- local allowed, err_type, err_condition = self:can_set_role(actor, occupant_jid, role);
- if not allowed then return allowed, err_type, err_condition; end
- local occupant = self._occupants[occupant_jid];
- local x = st.stanza("x", {xmlns = "http://jabber.org/protocol/muc#user"})
- :tag("item", {affiliation=occupant.affiliation or "none", nick=select(3, jid_split(occupant_jid)), role=role or "none"})
- :tag("reason"):text(reason or ""):up()
- :up();
- local presence_type = nil;
- if not role then -- kick
- presence_type = "unavailable";
- self._occupants[occupant_jid] = nil;
- for jid in pairs(occupant.sessions) do -- remove for all sessions of the nick
- self._jid_nick[jid] = nil;
+--- Checks whether the given role changes in jidnick_role can be applied by actor.
+-- Note: Empty tables can always be applied and won't have any effect.
+function room_mt:can_set_roles(actor, jidnick_role)
+ for jidnick, role in pairs(jidnick_role) do
+ if role == "none" then role = nil; end
+ if role and role ~= "moderator" and role ~= "participant" and role ~= "visitor" then return false, "modify", "not-acceptable"; end
+ local can_set, err_type, err_condition = self:can_set_role(actor, jidnick, role)
+ if not can_set then
+ return false, err_type, err_condition;
- x:tag("status", {code = "307"}):up();
- else
- occupant.role = role;
- local self_x = st.clone(x);
- self_x:tag("status", {code = "110"}):up();
- local bp;
- for jid,pres in pairs(occupant.sessions) do -- send to all sessions of the nick
- local p = st.clone(pres);
- p.attr.from = occupant_jid;
- p.attr.type = presence_type;
- p.attr.to = jid;
- if occupant.jid == jid then
- bp = st.clone(p);
- bp:add_child(x);
+ return true;
+--- Updates the room roles by applying the ones given here.
+-- Takes the roles given in jidnick_role and applies them to
+-- the room, overwriting a potentially existing role for any given
+-- jid.
+-- @param jidnick_role A table associating a jid/nick with a table consisting
+-- of two subkeys: `role` and `reason`. The jids within
+-- must not be malformed.
+function room_mt:set_roles(actor, jidnick_role, callback)
+ local allowed, err_type, err_condition = self:can_set_roles(actor, jidnick_role);
+ if not allowed then return allowed, err_type, err_condition; end
+ local modified_nicks = {};
+ local nb_modified_nicks = 0;
+ for jidnick, value in pairs(jidnick_role) do
+ local occupant_jid = jidnick;
+ local role = value["role"];
+ local reason = value["reason"];
+ local occupant = self._occupants[occupant_jid];
+ local x = st.stanza("x", {xmlns = "http://jabber.org/protocol/muc#user"})
+ :tag("item", {affiliation=occupant.affiliation or "none", nick=select(3, jid_split(occupant_jid)), role=role or "none"})
+ :tag("reason"):text(reason or ""):up()
+ :up();
+ local presence_type = nil;
+ if not role then -- kick
+ presence_type = "unavailable";
+ self._occupants[occupant_jid] = nil;
+ for jid in pairs(occupant.sessions) do -- remove for all sessions of the nick
+ self._jid_nick[jid] = nil;
+ end
+ x:tag("status", {code = "307"}):up();
+ else
+ occupant.role = role;
+ end
+ local self_x = st.clone(x);
+ self_x:tag("status", {code = "110"}):up();
+ local bp;
+ for jid,pres in pairs(occupant.sessions) do -- send to all sessions of the nick
+ local p = st.clone(pres);
+ p.attr.from = occupant_jid;
+ p.attr.type = presence_type;
+ p.attr.to = jid;
+ self:_route_stanza(p);
+ if occupant.jid == jid then
+ bp = st.clone(p);
+ bp:add_child(x);
+ modified_nicks[occupant_jid] = p;
+ nb_modified_nicks = nb_modified_nicks + 1;
+ end
+ p:add_child(self_x);
+ self:route_stanza(p);
- p:add_child(self_x);
- self:_route_stanza(p);
- if callback then callback(); end
- if bp then
- self:broadcast_except_nick(bp, occupant_jid);
+ if nb_modified_nicks > 0 then
+ if callback then callback(); end
+ end
+ for nick,p in pairs(modified_nicks) do
+ self:broadcast_except_nick(p, nick);
return true;