path: root/tests/test.lua
diff options
authorWaqas Hussain <waqas20@gmail.com>2017-09-15 17:07:57 -0400
committerWaqas Hussain <waqas20@gmail.com>2017-09-15 17:07:57 -0400
commitf9ead37d008e58daf1e3263298cfd4a1ab54d09c (patch)
treeb5cd2d09f0ee7e1e9e13feec26defe4f7d9f5003 /tests/test.lua
parent2547ccfe3d26fbf57e0ecddf5cfd5d21377c3633 (diff)
Port tests to the `busted` test runner
Diffstat (limited to 'tests/test.lua')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 256 deletions
diff --git a/tests/test.lua b/tests/test.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index ab029cc4..00000000
--- a/tests/test.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,256 +0,0 @@
--- Prosody IM
--- Copyright (C) 2008-2010 Matthew Wild
--- Copyright (C) 2008-2010 Waqas Hussain
--- This project is MIT/X11 licensed. Please see the
--- COPYING file in the source package for more information.
-local tests_passed = true;
-function run_all_tests()
- package.loaded["net.connlisteners"] = { get = function () return {} end };
- dotest "util.jid"
- dotest "util.multitable"
- dotest "util.rfc6724"
- dotest "util.http"
- dotest "core.stanza_router"
- dotest "core.s2smanager"
- dotest "core.configmanager"
- dotest "util.ip"
- dotest "util.json"
- dotest "util.stanza"
- dotest "util.sasl.scram"
- dotest "util.async"
- dotest "util.cache"
- dotest "util.throttle"
- dotest "util.uuid"
- dotest "util.random"
- dotest "util.xml"
- dotest "util.xmppstream"
- dotest "util.queue"
- dotest "net.http.parser"
- dosingletest("test_sasl.lua", "latin1toutf8");
- dosingletest("test_utf8.lua", "valid");
-local verbosity = tonumber(arg[1]) or 2;
-if os.getenv("WINDIR") then
- package.path = package.path..";..\\?.lua";
- package.cpath = package.cpath..";..\\?.dll";
- package.path = package.path..";../?.lua";
- package.cpath = package.cpath..";../?.so";
-local _realG = _G;
-require "util.import"
-local envloadfile = require "util.envload".envloadfile;
-local env_mt = { __index = function (t,k) return rawget(_realG, k) or print("WARNING: Attempt to access nil global '"..tostring(k).."'"); end };
-function testlib_new_env(t)
- return setmetatable(t or {}, env_mt);
-function assert_equal(a, b, message, level)
- if not (a == b) then
- error("\n assert_equal failed: "..tostring(a).." ~= "..tostring(b)..(message and ("\n Message: "..message) or ""), (level or 1) + 1);
- elseif verbosity >= 4 then
- print("assert_equal succeeded: "..tostring(a).." == "..tostring(b));
- end
-function assert_table(a, message, level)
- assert_equal(type(a), "table", message, (level or 1) + 1);
-function assert_function(a, message, level)
- assert_equal(type(a), "function", message, (level or 1) + 1);
-function assert_string(a, message, level)
- assert_equal(type(a), "string", message, (level or 1) + 1);
-function assert_boolean(a, message)
- assert_equal(type(a), "boolean", message);
-function assert_is(a, message)
- assert_equal(not not a, true, message);
-function assert_is_not(a, message)
- assert_equal(not not a, false, message);
-function dosingletest(testname, fname)
- local tests = setmetatable({}, { __index = _realG });
- tests.__unit = testname;
- tests.__test = fname;
- local chunk, err = envloadfile(testname, tests);
- if not chunk then
- print("WARNING: ", "Failed to load tests for "..testname, err);
- return;
- end
- local success, err = pcall(chunk);
- if not success then
- print("WARNING: ", "Failed to initialise tests for "..testname, err);
- return;
- end
- if type(tests[fname]) ~= "function" then
- error(testname.." has no test '"..fname.."'", 0);
- end
- local line_hook, line_info = new_line_coverage_monitor(testname);
- debug.sethook(line_hook, "l")
- local success, ret = pcall(tests[fname]);
- debug.sethook();
- if not success then
- tests_passed = false;
- print("TEST FAILED! Unit: ["..testname.."] Function: ["..fname.."]");
- print(" Location: "..ret:gsub(":%s*\n", "\n"));
- line_info(fname, false, report_file);
- elseif verbosity >= 2 then
- print("TEST SUCCEEDED: ", testname, fname);
- print(string.format("TEST COVERED %d/%d lines", line_info(fname, true, report_file)));
- else
- line_info(name, success, report_file);
- end
-function dotest(unitname)
- local _fakeG = setmetatable({}, {__index = _realG});
- _fakeG._G = _fakeG;
- local tests = setmetatable({}, { __index = _fakeG });
- tests.__unit = unitname;
- local chunk, err = envloadfile("test_"..unitname:gsub("%.", "_")..".lua", tests);
- if not chunk then
- print("WARNING: ", "Failed to load tests for "..unitname, err);
- return;
- end
- local success, err = pcall(chunk);
- if not success then
- print("WARNING: ", "Failed to initialise tests for "..unitname, err);
- return;
- end
- if tests.env then setmetatable(tests.env, { __index = _realG }); end
- local unit = setmetatable({}, { __index = setmetatable({ _G = tests.env or _fakeG }, { __index = tests.env or _fakeG }) });
- local fn = "../"..unitname:gsub("%.", "/")..".lua";
- local chunk, err = envloadfile(fn, unit);
- if not chunk then
- print("WARNING: ", "Failed to load module: "..unitname, err);
- return;
- end
- local oldmodule, old_M = _fakeG.module, _fakeG._M;
- _fakeG.module = function ()
- setmetatable(unit, nil);
- unit._M = unit;
- end
- local success, ret = pcall(chunk);
- _fakeG.module, _fakeG._M = oldmodule, old_M;
- if not success then
- print("WARNING: ", "Failed to initialise module: "..unitname, ret);
- return;
- end
- if type(ret) == "table" then
- for k,v in pairs(ret) do
- unit[k] = v;
- end
- end
- for name, f in pairs(unit) do
- local test = rawget(tests, name);
- if type(f) ~= "function" then
- if verbosity >= 3 then
- print("INFO: ", "Skipping "..unitname.."."..name.." because it is not a function");
- end
- elseif type(test) ~= "function" then
- if verbosity >= 1 then
- print("WARNING: ", unitname.."."..name.." has no test!");
- end
- else
- if verbosity >= 4 then
- print("INFO: ", "Testing "..unitname.."."..name);
- end
- local line_hook, line_info = new_line_coverage_monitor(fn);
- debug.sethook(line_hook, "l")
- local success, ret = pcall(test, f, unit);
- debug.sethook();
- if not success then
- tests_passed = false;
- print("TEST FAILED! Unit: ["..unitname.."] Function: ["..name.."]");
- print(" Location: "..ret:gsub(":%s*\n", "\n"));
- line_info(name, false, report_file);
- elseif verbosity >= 2 then
- print("TEST SUCCEEDED: ", unitname, name);
- print(string.format("TEST COVERED %d/%d lines", line_info(name, true, report_file)));
- else
- line_info(name, success, report_file);
- end
- end
- end
-function runtest(f, msg)
- if not f then print("SUBTEST NOT FOUND: "..(msg or "(no description)")); return; end
- local success, ret = pcall(f);
- if success and verbosity >= 2 then
- print("SUBTEST PASSED: "..(msg or "(no description)"));
- elseif (not success) and verbosity >= 0 then
- tests_passed = false;
- print("SUBTEST FAILED: "..(msg or "(no description)"));
- error(ret, 0);
- end
-function new_line_coverage_monitor(file)
- local lines_hit, funcs_hit = {}, {};
- local total_lines, covered_lines = 0, 0;
- for line in io.lines(file) do
- total_lines = total_lines + 1;
- end
- return function (event, line) -- Line hook
- if not lines_hit[line] then
- local info = debug.getinfo(2, "fSL")
- if not info.source:find(file) then return; end
- if not funcs_hit[info.func] and info.activelines then
- funcs_hit[info.func] = true;
- for line in pairs(info.activelines) do
- lines_hit[line] = false; -- Marks it as hittable, but not hit yet
- end
- end
- if lines_hit[line] == false then
- --print("New line hit: "..line.." in "..debug.getinfo(2, "S").source);
- lines_hit[line] = true;
- covered_lines = covered_lines + 1;
- end
- end
- end,
- function (test_name, success) -- Get info
- local fn = file:gsub("^%W*", "");
- local total_active_lines = 0;
- local coverage_file = io.open("reports/coverage_"..fn:gsub("%W+", "_")..".report", "a+");
- for line, active in pairs(lines_hit) do
- if active ~= nil then total_active_lines = total_active_lines + 1; end
- if coverage_file then
- if active == false then coverage_file:write(fn, "|", line, "|", name or "", "|miss\n");
- else coverage_file:write(fn, "|", line, "|", name or "", "|", tostring(success), "\n"); end
- end
- end
- if coverage_file then coverage_file:close(); end
- return covered_lines, total_active_lines, lines_hit;
- end
-os.exit(tests_passed and 0 or 1);