diff options
4 files changed, 316 insertions, 3 deletions
diff --git a/core/modulemanager.lua b/core/modulemanager.lua
index 5afe3144..76ea0bc0 100644
--- a/core/modulemanager.lua
+++ b/core/modulemanager.lua
@@ -212,6 +212,7 @@ function handle_stanza(host, origin, stanza)
local handlers = stanza_handlers:get(host, origin_type, name, xmlns);
+ if not handlers then handlers = stanza_handlers:get("*", origin_type, name, xmlns); end
if handlers then
log("debug", "Passing stanza to mod_%s", handler_info[handlers[1]].name);
(handlers[1])(origin, stanza);
@@ -299,6 +300,14 @@ addDiscoInfoHandler("*host", function(reply, to, from, node)
+ for module, features in pairs(features_table:get("*") or NULL) do -- for each module
+ for feature in pairs(features) do
+ if not done[feature] then
+ reply:tag("feature", {var = feature}):up(); -- TODO cache
+ done[feature] = true;
+ end
+ end
+ end
return next(done) ~= nil;
diff --git a/plugins/mod_muc.lua b/plugins/mod_muc.lua
index 1f8d04e9..0a4a7b71 100644
--- a/plugins/mod_muc.lua
+++ b/plugins/mod_muc.lua
@@ -71,6 +71,30 @@ local presence_filters = {["http://jabber.org/protocol/muc"]=true;["http://jabbe
function get_filtered_presence(stanza)
return filter_xmlns_from_stanza(st.clone(stanza), presence_filters);
+local kickable_error_conditions = {
+ ["gone"] = true;
+ ["internal-server-error"] = true;
+ ["item-not-found"] = true;
+ ["jid-malformed"] = true;
+ ["recipient-unavailable"] = true;
+ ["redirect"] = true;
+ ["remote-server-not-found"] = true;
+ ["remote-server-timeout"] = true;
+ ["service-unavailable"] = true;
+function get_kickable_error(stanza)
+ for _, tag in ipairs(stanza.tags) do
+ if tag.name == "error" and tag.attr.xmlns == "jabber:client" then
+ for _, cond in ipairs(tag.tags) do
+ if cond.attr.xmlns == "urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:xmpp-stanzas" then
+ return kickable_error_conditions[cond.name] and cond.name;
+ end
+ end
+ return true; -- malformed error message
+ end
+ end
+ return true; -- malformed error message
function getUsingPath(stanza, path, getText)
local tag = stanza;
for _, name in ipairs(path) do
@@ -291,7 +315,7 @@ function handle_to_occupant(origin, stanza) -- PM, vCards, etc
origin.send(st.error_reply(stanza, "cancel", "not-acceptable"));
elseif stanza.name == "message" and type == "groupchat" then -- groupchat messages not allowed in PM
origin.send(st.error_reply(stanza, "modify", "bad-request"));
- elseif stanza.name == "message" and type == "error" then
+ elseif stanza.name == "message" and type == "error" and get_kickable_error(stanza) then
log("debug", "%s kicked from %s for sending an error message", current_nick, room);
handle_to_occupant(origin, st.presence({type='unavailable', from=from, to=to}):tag('status'):text('This participant is kicked from the room because he sent an error message to another occupant')); -- send unavailable
else -- private stanza
@@ -302,7 +326,7 @@ function handle_to_occupant(origin, stanza) -- PM, vCards, etc
if stanza.name=='iq' and type=='get' and stanza.tags[1].attr.xmlns == 'vcard-temp' then jid = jid_bare(jid); end
stanza.attr.to, stanza.attr.from = jid, current_nick;
core_route_stanza(component, stanza);
- else -- recipient not in room
+ elseif type ~= "error" and type ~= "result" then -- recipient not in room
origin.send(st.error_reply(stanza, "cancel", "item-not-found", "Recipient not in room"));
@@ -342,7 +366,7 @@ function handle_to_room(origin, stanza) -- presence changes and groupchat messag
stanza.attr.to = current_nick;
handle_to_occupant(origin, stanza);
stanza.attr.to = to;
- else
+ elseif type ~= "error" and type ~= "result" then
origin.send(st.error_reply(stanza, "cancel", "service-unavailable"));
diff --git a/plugins/mod_xmlrpc.lua b/plugins/mod_xmlrpc.lua
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..6fdfe8be
--- /dev/null
+++ b/plugins/mod_xmlrpc.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,117 @@
+-- Prosody IM v0.3
+-- Copyright (C) 2008-2009 Matthew Wild
+-- Copyright (C) 2008-2009 Waqas Hussain
+-- This project is MIT/X11 licensed. Please see the
+-- COPYING file in the source package for more information.
+module.host = "*" -- Global module
+local httpserver = require "net.httpserver";
+local st = require "util.stanza";
+local pcall = pcall;
+local unpack = unpack;
+local tostring = tostring;
+local translate_request = require "util.xmlrpc".translate_request;
+local create_response = require "util.xmlrpc".create_response;
+local create_error_response = require "util.xmlrpc".create_error_response;
+local entity_map = setmetatable({
+ ["amp"] = "&";
+ ["gt"] = ">";
+ ["lt"] = "<";
+ ["apos"] = "'";
+ ["quot"] = "\"";
+}, {__index = function(_, s)
+ if s:sub(1,1) == "#" then
+ if s:sub(2,2) == "x" then
+ return string.char(tonumber(s:sub(3), 16));
+ else
+ return string.char(tonumber(s:sub(2)));
+ end
+ end
+ end
+local function xml_unescape(str)
+ return (str:gsub("&(.-);", entity_map));
+local function parse_xml(xml)
+ local stanza = st.stanza("root");
+ local regexp = "<([^>]*)>([^<]*)";
+ for elem, text in xml:gmatch(regexp) do
+ --print("[<"..elem..">|"..text.."]");
+ if elem:sub(1,1) == "!" or elem:sub(1,1) == "?" then -- neglect comments and processing-instructions
+ elseif elem:sub(1,1) == "/" then -- end tag
+ elem = elem:sub(2);
+ stanza:up(); -- TODO check for start-end tag name match
+ elseif elem:sub(-1,-1) == "/" then -- empty tag
+ elem = elem:sub(1,-2);
+ stanza:tag(elem):up();
+ else -- start tag
+ stanza:tag(elem);
+ end
+ if #text ~= 0 then -- text
+ stanza:text(xml_unescape(text));
+ end
+ end
+ return stanza.tags[1];
+local function get_method(method)
+ return function(...)
+ return {method = method; args = {...}};
+ end
+local function handle_xmlrpc_request(method, args)
+ method = get_method(method);
+ if not method then return create_error_response(404, "method not found"); end
+ args = args or {};
+ local success, result = pcall(method, unpack(args));
+ if success then
+ success, result = pcall(create_response, result or "nil");
+ if success then
+ return result;
+ end
+ return create_error_response(500, "Error in creating response: "..result);
+ end
+ return create_error_response(0, result or "nil");
+local function handle_xmpp_request(origin, stanza)
+ local query = stanza.tags[1];
+ if query.name == "query" then
+ if #query.tags == 1 then
+ local success, method, args = pcall(translate_request, query.tags[1]);
+ if success then
+ local result = handle_xmlrpc_request(method, args);
+ origin.send(st.reply(stanza):tag('query', {xmlns='jabber:iq:rpc'}):add_child(result));
+ else
+ origin.send(st.error_reply(stanza, "modify", "bad-request", method));
+ end
+ else
+ origin.send(st.error_reply(stanza, "modify", "bad-request", "No content in XML-RPC request"));
+ end
+ else
+ origin.send(st.error_reply(stanza, "cancel", "service-unavailable"));
+ end
+module:add_iq_handler({"c2s", "s2sin"}, "jabber:iq:rpc", handle_xmpp_request);
+local default_headers = { ["Content-Type"] = "text/xml" };
+local function handle_http_request(method, body, request)
+ local stanza = body and parse_xml(body);
+ if (not stanza) or request.method ~= "POST" then
+ return "<html><body>You really don't look like an XML-RPC client to me... what do you want?</body></html>";
+ end
+ local success, method, args = pcall(translate_request, stanza);
+ if success then
+ return { headers = default_headers; body = tostring(handle_xmlrpc_request(method, args)) };
+ end
+ return "<html><body>Error parsing XML-RPC request: "..tostring(method).."</body></html>";
+httpserver.new{ port = 9000, base = "xmlrpc", handler = handle_http_request }
diff --git a/util/xmlrpc.lua b/util/xmlrpc.lua
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..5a391754
--- /dev/null
+++ b/util/xmlrpc.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,163 @@
+-- Prosody IM v0.3
+-- Copyright (C) 2008-2009 Matthew Wild
+-- Copyright (C) 2008-2009 Waqas Hussain
+-- This project is MIT/X11 licensed. Please see the
+-- COPYING file in the source package for more information.
+local pairs = pairs;
+local type = type;
+local error = error;
+local t_concat = table.concat;
+local t_insert = table.insert;
+local tostring = tostring;
+local tonumber = tonumber;
+local st = require "util.stanza";
+module "xmlrpc"
+local _lua_to_xmlrpc;
+local map = {
+ table=function(stanza, object)
+ stanza:tag("struct");
+ for name, value in pairs(object) do
+ stanza:tag("member");
+ stanza:tag("name"):text(tostring(name)):up();
+ stanza:tag("value");
+ _lua_to_xmlrpc(stanza, value);
+ stanza:up();
+ stanza:up();
+ end
+ stanza:up();
+ end;
+ boolean=function(stanza, object)
+ stanza:tag("boolean"):text(object and "1" or "0"):up();
+ end;
+ string=function(stanza, object)
+ stanza:tag("string"):text(object):up();
+ end;
+ number=function(stanza, object)
+ stanza:tag("int"):text(tostring(object)):up();
+ end;
+_lua_to_xmlrpc = function(stanza, object)
+ local h = map[type(object)];
+ if h then
+ h(stanza, object);
+ else
+ error("Type not supported by XML-RPC: " .. type(object));
+ end
+function create_response(object)
+ local stanza = st.stanza("methodResponse"):tag("params"):tag("param"):tag("value");
+ _lua_to_xmlrpc(stanza, object);
+ stanza:up():up():up();
+ return stanza;
+function create_error_response(faultCode, faultString)
+ local stanza = st.stanza("methodResponse"):tag("fault"):tag("value");
+ _lua_to_xmlrpc(stanza, {faultCode=faultCode, faultString=faultString});
+ stanza:up():up();
+ return stanza;
+local _xmlrpc_to_lua;
+local int_parse = function(stanza)
+ if #stanza.tags ~= 0 or #stanza == 0 then error("<"..stanza.name.."> must have a single text child"); end
+ local n = tonumber(t_concat(stanza));
+ if n then return n; end
+ error("Failed to parse content of <"..stanza.name..">");
+local rmap = {
+ methodCall=function(stanza)
+ if #stanza.tags ~= 2 then error("<methodCall> must have exactly two subtags"); end -- FIXME <params> is optional
+ if stanza.tags[1].name ~= "methodName" then error("First <methodCall> child tag must be <methodName>") end
+ if stanza.tags[2].name ~= "params" then error("Second <methodCall> child tag must be <params>") end
+ return _xmlrpc_to_lua(stanza.tags[1]), _xmlrpc_to_lua(stanza.tags[2]);
+ end;
+ methodName=function(stanza)
+ if #stanza.tags ~= 0 then error("<methodName> must not have any subtags"); end
+ if #stanza == 0 then error("<methodName> must have text content"); end
+ return t_concat(stanza);
+ end;
+ params=function(stanza)
+ local t = {};
+ for _, child in pairs(stanza.tags) do
+ if child.name ~= "param" then error("<params> can only have <param> children"); end;
+ t_insert(t, _xmlrpc_to_lua(child));
+ end
+ return t;
+ end;
+ param=function(stanza)
+ if not(#stanza.tags == 1 and stanza.tags[1].name == "value") then error("<param> must have exactly one <value> child"); end
+ return _xmlrpc_to_lua(stanza.tags[1]);
+ end;
+ value=function(stanza)
+ if #stanza.tags == 0 then return t_concat(stanza); end
+ if #stanza.tags ~= 1 then error("<value> must have a single child"); end
+ return _xmlrpc_to_lua(stanza.tags[1]);
+ end;
+ int=int_parse;
+ i4=int_parse;
+ double=int_parse;
+ boolean=function(stanza)
+ if #stanza.tags ~= 0 or #stanza == 0 then error("<boolean> must have a single text child"); end
+ local b = t_concat(stanza);
+ if b ~= "1" and b ~= "0" then error("Failed to parse content of <boolean>"); end
+ return b == "1" and true or false;
+ end;
+ string=function(stanza)
+ if #stanza.tags ~= 0 then error("<string> must have a single text child"); end
+ return t_concat(stanza);
+ end;
+ array=function(stanza)
+ if #stanza.tags ~= 1 then error("<array> must have a single <data> child"); end
+ return _xmlrpc_to_lua(stanza.tags[1]);
+ end;
+ data=function(stanza)
+ local t = {};
+ for _,child in pairs(stanza.tags) do
+ if child.name ~= "value" then error("<data> can only have <value> children"); end
+ t_insert(t, _xmlrpc_to_lua(child));
+ end
+ return t;
+ end;
+ struct=function(stanza)
+ local t = {};
+ for _,child in pairs(stanza.tags) do
+ if child.name ~= "member" then error("<struct> can only have <member> children"); end
+ local name, value = _xmlrpc_to_lua(child);
+ t[name] = value;
+ end
+ return t;
+ end;
+ member=function(stanza)
+ if #stanza.tags ~= 2 then error("<member> must have exactly two subtags"); end -- FIXME <params> is optional
+ if stanza.tags[1].name ~= "name" then error("First <member> child tag must be <name>") end
+ if stanza.tags[2].name ~= "value" then error("Second <member> child tag must be <value>") end
+ return _xmlrpc_to_lua(stanza.tags[1]), _xmlrpc_to_lua(stanza.tags[2]);
+ end;
+ name=function(stanza)
+ if #stanza.tags ~= 0 then error("<name> must have a single text child"); end
+ local n = t_concat(stanza)
+ if tostring(tonumber(n)) == n then n = tonumber(n); end
+ return n;
+ end;
+_xmlrpc_to_lua = function(stanza)
+ local h = rmap[stanza.name];
+ if h then
+ return h(stanza);
+ else
+ error("Unknown element: "..stanza.name);
+ end
+function translate_request(stanza)
+ if stanza.name ~= "methodCall" then error("XML-RPC requests must have <methodCall> as root element"); end
+ return _xmlrpc_to_lua(stanza);
+return _M;