diff options
4 files changed, 54 insertions, 23 deletions
diff --git a/core/s2smanager.lua b/core/s2smanager.lua
index 0ef8e241..b57f2124 100644
--- a/core/s2smanager.lua
+++ b/core/s2smanager.lua
@@ -36,7 +36,9 @@ local sha256_hash = require "util.hashes".sha256;
local dialback_secret = sha256_hash(tostring{} .. math.random() .. socket.gettime(), true);
-local dns = require "net.dns";
+local adns = require "net.adns";
+local debug = debug;
incoming_s2s = {};
local incoming_s2s = incoming_s2s;
@@ -105,7 +107,7 @@ function send_to_host(from_host, to_host, data)
local host_session = new_outgoing(from_host, to_host);
-- Store in buffer
host_session.sendq = { {tostring(data), st.reply(data)} };
- if not host_session.conn then destroy_session(host_session); end
+ if (not host_session.connecting) and (not host_session.conn) then destroy_session(host_session); end
@@ -143,29 +145,35 @@ end
function attempt_connection(host_session, err)
local from_host, to_host = host_session.from_host, host_session.to_host;
- local conn, handler = socket.tcp()
local connect_host, connect_port = idna_to_ascii(to_host), 5269;
if not err then -- This is our first attempt
- local answer = dns.lookup("_xmpp-server._tcp."..connect_host..".", "SRV");
- if answer then
- log("debug", to_host.." has SRV records, handling...");
- local srv_hosts = {};
- host_session.srv_hosts = srv_hosts;
- for _, record in ipairs(answer) do
- t_insert(srv_hosts, record.srv);
+ host_session.connecting = true;
+ local answer =
+ adns.lookup(function (answer)
+ host_session.connecting = nil;
+ if answer then
+ log("debug", to_host.." has SRV records, handling...");
+ local srv_hosts = {};
+ host_session.srv_hosts = srv_hosts;
+ for _, record in ipairs(answer) do
+ t_insert(srv_hosts, record.srv);
+ end
+ t_sort(srv_hosts, compare_srv_priorities);
+ local srv_choice = srv_hosts[1];
+ host_session.srv_choice = 1;
+ if srv_choice then
+ connect_host, connect_port = srv_choice.target or to_host, srv_choice.port or connect_port;
+ log("debug", "Best record found, will connect to %s:%d", connect_host, connect_port);
+ end
+ else
+ log("debug", to_host.." has no SRV records, falling back to A");
- t_sort(srv_hosts, compare_srv_priorities);
- local srv_choice = srv_hosts[1];
- host_session.srv_choice = 1;
- if srv_choice then
- connect_host, connect_port = srv_choice.target or to_host, srv_choice.port or connect_port;
- log("debug", "Best record found, will connect to %s:%d", connect_host, connect_port);
- end
- end
+ -- Try with SRV, or just the plain hostname if no SRV
+ return try_connect(host_session, connect_host, connect_port);
+ end, "_xmpp-server._tcp."..connect_host..".", "SRV");
+ return true; -- Attempt in progress
elseif host_session.srv_hosts and #host_session.srv_hosts > host_session.srv_choice then -- Not our first attempt, and we also have SRV
host_session.srv_choice = host_session.srv_choice + 1;
local srv_choice = host_session.srv_hosts[host_session.srv_choice];
@@ -182,7 +190,17 @@ function attempt_connection(host_session, err)
return false;
+ return try_connect(host_session, connect_host, connect_port);
+function try_connect(host_session, connect_host, connect_port)
+ log("debug", "Beginning new connection attempt to %s (%s:%d)", host_session.to_host, connect_host, connect_port);
-- Ok, we're going to try to connect
+ local from_host, to_host = host_session.from_host, host_session.to_host;
+ local conn, handler = socket.tcp()
local success, err = conn:connect(connect_host, connect_port);
if not success and err ~= "timeout" then
@@ -194,14 +212,19 @@ function attempt_connection(host_session, err)
conn = wrapclient(conn, connect_host, connect_port, cl, cl.default_mode or 1, hosts[from_host].ssl_ctx, false );
host_session.conn = conn;
+ log("debug", "conn wrapped")
-- Register this outgoing connection so that xmppserver_listener knows about it
-- otherwise it will assume it is a new incoming connection
cl.register_outgoing(conn, host_session);
+ log("debug", "outgoing registered")
local w = conn.write;
host_session.sends2s = function (t) log("debug", "sending: %s", tostring(t)); w(tostring(t)); end
conn.write(format([[<stream:stream xmlns='jabber:server' xmlns:db='jabber:server:dialback' xmlns:stream='http://etherx.jabber.org/streams' from='%s' to='%s' version='1.0'>]], from_host, to_host));
+ log("debug", "Connection attempt in progress...");
+ print("foo")
return true;
@@ -315,6 +338,7 @@ end
function destroy_session(session)
(session.log or log)("info", "Destroying "..tostring(session.direction).." session "..tostring(session.from_host).."->"..tostring(session.to_host));
+ log("debug", debug.traceback());
if session.direction == "outgoing" then
hosts[session.from_host].s2sout[session.to_host] = nil;
diff --git a/net/adns.lua b/net/adns.lua
index cb784d40..fb68ea71 100644
--- a/net/adns.lua
+++ b/net/adns.lua
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ local dns = require "net.dns";
local log = require "util.logger".init("adns");
-local coroutine, tostring = coroutine, tostring;
+local coroutine, tostring, pcall = coroutine, tostring, pcall;
module "adns"
@@ -14,7 +14,10 @@ function lookup(handler, qname, qtype, qclass)
dns.query(qname, qtype, qclass);
coroutine.yield(nil); -- Wait for reply
log("debug", "Reply for "..qname.." (%s)", tostring(coroutine.running()));
- handler(dns.peek(qname, qtype, qclass));
+ local ok, err = pcall(handler, dns.peek(qname, qtype, qclass));
+ if not ok then
+ log("debug", "Error in DNS response handler: %s", tostring(err));
+ end
diff --git a/net/xmppserver_listener.lua b/net/xmppserver_listener.lua
index 66fa2f95..0770a355 100644
--- a/net/xmppserver_listener.lua
+++ b/net/xmppserver_listener.lua
@@ -131,7 +131,9 @@ function xmppserver.disconnect(conn, err)
local session = sessions[conn];
if session then
if err and err ~= "closed" and session.srv_hosts then
+ (session.log or log)("debug", "s2s connection closed unexpectedly");
if s2s_attempt_connect(session, err) then
+ (session.log or log)("debug", "...so we're going to try again");
return; -- Session lives for now
diff --git a/util/logger.lua b/util/logger.lua
index fab9e4c3..42da9b57 100644
--- a/util/logger.lua
+++ b/util/logger.lua
@@ -49,6 +49,8 @@ function init(name)
if not log_this then return function () end end
+ if name == "modulemanager" or name:match("^c2s") or name == "datamanager" then return function () end; end
--name = nil; -- While this line is not commented, will automatically fill in file/line number info
local namelen = #name;
return function (level, message, ...)