diff options
5 files changed, 200 insertions, 9 deletions
diff --git a/core/stanza_router.lua b/core/stanza_router.lua
index c1819651..2b0e1f4b 100644
--- a/core/stanza_router.lua
+++ b/core/stanza_router.lua
@@ -50,7 +50,7 @@ function core_process_stanza(origin, stanza)
error("Client MUST bind resource after auth");
- -- TODO also, stazas should be returned to their original state before the function ends
+ -- TODO also, stanzas should be returned to their original state before the function ends
if origin.type == "c2s" then
stanza.attr.from = origin.full_jid;
@@ -88,7 +88,7 @@ function core_process_stanza(origin, stanza)
component_handle_stanza(origin, stanza);
elseif origin.type == "c2s" and stanza.name == "presence" and stanza.attr.type ~= nil and stanza.attr.type ~= "unavailable" then
handle_outbound_presence_subscriptions_and_probes(origin, stanza, from_bare, to_bare);
- elseif stanza.name == "iq" and not resource then -- directed at bare JID
+ elseif origin.type ~= "c2s" and stanza.name == "iq" and not resource then -- directed at bare JID
core_handle_stanza(origin, stanza);
core_route_stanza(origin, stanza);
diff --git a/net/xmppclient_listener.lua b/net/xmppclient_listener.lua
index 914dd78e..b475237f 100644
--- a/net/xmppclient_listener.lua
+++ b/net/xmppclient_listener.lua
@@ -73,15 +73,16 @@ function xmppclient.listener(conn, data)
-function xmppclient.disconnect(conn)
+function xmppclient.disconnect(conn, err)
local session = sessions[conn];
if session then
- if session.last_presence and session.last_presence.attr.type ~= "unavailable" then
+ if session.presence and session.presence.attr.type ~= "unavailable" then
local pres = st.presence{ type = "unavailable" };
- if err == "closed" then err = "connection closed"; end --FIXME where did err come from?
+ if err == "closed" then err = "connection closed"; end
pres:tag("status"):text("Disconnected: "..err);
+ session.log("info", "Client disconnected: %s", err);
sessions[conn] = nil;
session = nil;
diff --git a/tests/test.lua b/tests/test.lua
index 108dd9a4..c0a27abd 100644
--- a/tests/test.lua
+++ b/tests/test.lua
@@ -1,9 +1,18 @@
local verbosity = tonumber(arg[1]) or 2;
-function assert_equal(a, b)
+package.path = package.path..";../?.lua";
+require "util.import"
+local env_mt = { __index = function (t,k) return rawget(_G, k) or print("WARNING: Attempt to access nil global '"..tostring(k).."'"); end };
+function testlib_new_env(t)
+ return setmetatable(t or {}, env_mt);
+function assert_equal(a, b, message)
if not (a == b) then
- error(getfenv(2).__unit.."assert_equal failed: "..tostring(a).." ~= "..tostring(b), 2);
+ error("\n assert_equal failed: "..tostring(a).." ~= "..tostring(b)..(message and ("\n Message: "..message) or ""), 2);
elseif verbosity >= 4 then
print("assert_equal succeeded: "..tostring(a).." == "..tostring(b));
@@ -52,7 +61,8 @@ function dotest(unitname)
local success, ret = pcall(tests[name], f, unit);
if not success then
- print("TEST FAILED: ", unitname, name, ret);
+ print("TEST FAILED! Unit: ["..unitname.."] Function: ["..name.."]");
+ print(" Location: "..ret:gsub(":%s*\n", "\n"));
elseif verbosity >= 2 then
print("TEST SUCCEEDED: ", unitname, name);
@@ -60,5 +70,15 @@ function dotest(unitname)
-dotest "util.jid"
+function runtest(f, msg)
+ local success, ret = pcall(f);
+ if success and verbosity >= 2 then
+ print("SUBTEST PASSED: "..(msg or "(no description)"));
+ elseif (not success) and verbosity >= 1 then
+ print("SUBTEST FAILED: "..(msg or "(no description)"));
+ error(ret, 0);
+ end
+dotest "util.jid"
+dotest "core.stanza_router"
diff --git a/tests/test_core_stanza_router.lua b/tests/test_core_stanza_router.lua
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..49c1f90f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/test_core_stanza_router.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,134 @@
+function core_process_stanza(core_process_stanza)
+ local s2sout_session = { to_host = "remotehost", from_host = "localhost", type = "s2sout" }
+ local local_host_session = { host = "localhost", type = "local" }
+ local local_user_session = { username = "user", host = "localhost", resource = "resource", full_jid = "user@localhost/resource", type = "c2s" }
+ local hosts = {
+ ["localhost"] = local_host_session;
+ }
+ -- Test message routing
+ local function test_message_full_jid()
+ local env = testlib_new_env();
+ local msg = stanza.stanza("message", { to = "user@localhost/resource", type = "chat" }):tag("body"):text("Hello world");
+ local target_routed;
+ function env.core_route_stanza(p_origin, p_stanza)
+ assert_equal(p_origin, local_user_session, "origin of routed stanza is not correct");
+ assert_equal(p_stanza, msg, "routed stanza is not correct one: "..p_stanza:pretty_print());
+ target_routed = true;
+ end
+ env.hosts = hosts;
+ setfenv(core_process_stanza, env);
+ assert_equal(core_process_stanza(local_user_session, msg), nil, "core_process_stanza returned incorrect value");
+ assert_equal(target_routed, true, "stanza was not routed successfully");
+ end
+ local function test_message_bare_jid()
+ local env = testlib_new_env();
+ local msg = stanza.stanza("message", { to = "user@localhost", type = "chat" }):tag("body"):text("Hello world");
+ local target_routed;
+ function env.core_route_stanza(p_origin, p_stanza)
+ assert_equal(p_origin, local_user_session, "origin of routed stanza is not correct");
+ assert_equal(p_stanza, msg, "routed stanza is not correct one: "..p_stanza:pretty_print());
+ target_routed = true;
+ end
+ env.hosts = hosts;
+ setfenv(core_process_stanza, env);
+ assert_equal(core_process_stanza(local_user_session, msg), nil, "core_process_stanza returned incorrect value");
+ assert_equal(target_routed, true, "stanza was not routed successfully");
+ end
+ local function test_message_no_to()
+ local env = testlib_new_env();
+ local msg = stanza.stanza("message", { type = "chat" }):tag("body"):text("Hello world");
+ local target_handled;
+ function env.core_route_stanza(p_origin, p_stanza)
+ end
+ function env.core_handle_stanza(p_origin, p_stanza)
+ assert_equal(p_origin, local_user_session, "origin of handled stanza is not correct");
+ assert_equal(p_stanza, msg, "handled stanza is not correct one: "..p_stanza:pretty_print());
+ target_handled = true;
+ end
+ env.hosts = hosts;
+ setfenv(core_process_stanza, env);
+ assert_equal(core_process_stanza(local_user_session, msg), nil, "core_process_stanza returned incorrect value");
+ assert_equal(target_handled, true, "stanza was not handled successfully");
+ end
+ local function test_message_to_remote_bare()
+ local env = testlib_new_env();
+ local msg = stanza.stanza("message", { to = "user@remotehost", type = "chat" }):tag("body"):text("Hello world");
+ local target_routed;
+ function env.core_route_stanza(p_origin, p_stanza)
+ assert_equal(p_origin, local_user_session, "origin of handled stanza is not correct");
+ assert_equal(p_stanza, msg, "handled stanza is not correct one: "..p_stanza:pretty_print());
+ target_routed = true;
+ end
+ env.hosts = hosts;
+ setfenv(core_process_stanza, env);
+ assert_equal(core_process_stanza(local_user_session, msg), nil, "core_process_stanza returned incorrect value");
+ assert_equal(target_routed, true, "stanza was not routed successfully");
+ end
+ local function test_message_to_remote_server()
+ local env = testlib_new_env();
+ local msg = stanza.stanza("message", { to = "remotehost", type = "chat" }):tag("body"):text("Hello world");
+ local target_routed;
+ function env.core_route_stanza(p_origin, p_stanza)
+ assert_equal(p_origin, local_user_session, "origin of handled stanza is not correct");
+ assert_equal(p_stanza, msg, "handled stanza is not correct one: "..p_stanza:pretty_print());
+ target_routed = true;
+ end
+ env.hosts = hosts;
+ setfenv(core_process_stanza, env);
+ assert_equal(core_process_stanza(local_user_session, msg), nil, "core_process_stanza returned incorrect value");
+ assert_equal(target_routed, true, "stanza was not routed successfully");
+ end
+ --IQ tests
+ local function test_iq_to_remote_server()
+ local env = testlib_new_env();
+ local msg = stanza.stanza("iq", { to = "remotehost", type = "chat" }):tag("body"):text("Hello world");
+ local target_routed;
+ function env.core_route_stanza(p_origin, p_stanza)
+ assert_equal(p_origin, local_user_session, "origin of handled stanza is not correct");
+ assert_equal(p_stanza, msg, "handled stanza is not correct one: "..p_stanza:pretty_print());
+ target_routed = true;
+ end
+ function env.core_handle_stanza(p_origin, p_stanza)
+ end
+ env.hosts = hosts;
+ setfenv(core_process_stanza, env);
+ assert_equal(core_process_stanza(local_user_session, msg), nil, "core_process_stanza returned incorrect value");
+ assert_equal(target_routed, true, "stanza was not routed successfully");
+ end
+ runtest(test_message_full_jid, "Messages with full JID destinations get routed");
+ runtest(test_message_bare_jid, "Messages with bare JID destinations get routed");
+ runtest(test_message_no_to, "Messages with no destination are handled by the server");
+ runtest(test_message_to_remote_bare, "Messages to a remote user are routed by the server");
+ runtest(test_message_to_remote_server, "Messages to a remote server's JID are routed");
+ runtest(test_iq_to_remote_server, "iq to a remote server's JID are routed");
diff --git a/tests/util/logger.lua b/tests/util/logger.lua
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..ce0a2302
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/util/logger.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
+local format = string.format;
+local print = print;
+local debug = debug;
+local tostring = tostring;
+local getstyle, getstring = require "util.termcolours".getstyle, require "util.termcolours".getstring;
+local do_pretty_printing = not os.getenv("WINDIR");
+module "logger"
+local logstyles = {};
+--TODO: This should be done in config, but we don't have proper config yet
+if do_pretty_printing then
+ logstyles["info"] = getstyle("bold");
+ logstyles["warn"] = getstyle("bold", "yellow");
+ logstyles["error"] = getstyle("bold", "red");
+function init(name)
+ --name = nil; -- While this line is not commented, will automatically fill in file/line number info
+ return function (level, message, ...)
+ if level == "debug" or level == "info" then return; end
+ if not name then
+ local inf = debug.getinfo(3, 'Snl');
+ level = level .. ","..tostring(inf.short_src):match("[^/]*$")..":"..inf.currentline;
+ end
+ if ... then
+ print(name, getstring(logstyles[level], level), format(message, ...));
+ else
+ print(name, getstring(logstyles[level], level), message);
+ end
+ end
+return _M;