diff options
2 files changed, 185 insertions, 39 deletions
diff --git a/plugins/mod_saslauth.lua b/plugins/mod_saslauth.lua
index 24c82a1c..4f4f29d4 100644
--- a/plugins/mod_saslauth.lua
+++ b/plugins/mod_saslauth.lua
@@ -15,50 +15,55 @@ local xmlns_stanzas ='urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:xmpp-stanzas';
local new_sasl = require "util.sasl".new;
-add_handler("c2s_unauthed", "auth", xmlns_sasl,
- function (session, stanza)
- if not session.sasl_handler then
- session.sasl_handler = new_sasl(stanza.attr.mechanism,
- function (username, password)
- -- onAuth
- require "core.usermanager"
- if usermanager_validate_credentials(session.host, username, password) then
- return true;
- end
- return false;
- end,
- function (username)
- -- onSuccess
- local success, err = sessionmanager.make_authenticated(session, username);
- if not success then
- sessionmanager.destroy_session(session);
- return;
- end
- session.sasl_handler = nil;
- session:reset_stream();
- end,
- function (reason)
- -- onFail
- log("debug", "SASL failure, reason: %s", reason);
- end,
- function (stanza)
- -- onWrite
- log("debug", "SASL writes: %s", tostring(stanza));
- send(session, stanza);
- end
- );
- session.sasl_handler:feed(stanza);
- else
- error("Client tried to negotiate SASL again", 0);
+add_handler("c2s_unauthed", "auth", xmlns_sasl, function (session, stanza)
+ if not session.sasl_handler then
+ session.sasl_handler = new_sasl(stanza.attr.mechanism,
+ function (username, password)
+ -- onAuth
+ require "core.usermanager"
+ if usermanager_validate_credentials(session.host, username, password) then
+ return true;
+ end
+ return false;
+ end,
+ function (username)
+ -- onSuccess
+ local success, err = sessionmanager.make_authenticated(session, username);
+ if not success then
+ sessionmanager.destroy_session(session);
+ return;
+ end
+ session.sasl_handler = nil;
+ session:reset_stream();
+ end,
+ function (reason)
+ -- onFail
+ log("debug", "SASL failure, reason: %s", reason);
+ end,
+ function (stanza)
+ -- onWrite
+ log("debug", "SASL writes: %s", tostring(stanza));
+ send(session, stanza);
- end);
+ );
+ session.sasl_handler:feed(stanza);
+ else
+ error("Client tried to negotiate SASL again", 0);
+ end
+add_handler("c2s_unauthed", "response", xmlns_sasl, function (session, stanza)
+ if session.sasl_handler then
+ session.sasl_handler:feed(stanza);
+ end
function (session, features)
if not session.username then
t_insert(features, "<mechanisms xmlns='urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:xmpp-sasl'>");
t_insert(features, "<mechanism>PLAIN</mechanism>");
+ t_insert(features, "<mechanism>DIGEST-MD5</mechanism>");
t_insert(features, "</mechanisms>");
t_insert(features, "<bind xmlns='urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:xmpp-bind'><required/></bind>");
diff --git a/util/sasl.lua b/util/sasl.lua
index dbd6326a..f2ff6592 100644
--- a/util/sasl.lua
+++ b/util/sasl.lua
@@ -1,16 +1,24 @@
local base64 = require "base64"
+local md5 = require "md5"
+local crypto = require "crypto"
local log = require "util.logger".init("sasl");
local tostring = tostring;
local st = require "util.stanza";
+local generate_uuid = require "util.uuid".generate;
local s_match = string.match;
-module "sasl"
+local gmatch = string.gmatch
+local math = require "math"
+local type = type
+local error = error
+local print = print
+module "sasl"
local function new_plain(onAuth, onSuccess, onFail, onWrite)
local object = { mechanism = "PLAIN", onAuth = onAuth, onSuccess = onSuccess, onFail = onFail,
onWrite = onWrite}
- --local challenge = base64.encode("");
+ local challenge = base64.encode("");
--onWrite(st.stanza("challenge", {xmlns = "urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:xmpp-sasl"}):text(challenge))
object.feed = function(self, stanza)
if stanza.name ~= "response" and stanza.name ~= "auth" then self.onFail("invalid-stanza-tag") end
@@ -30,9 +38,142 @@ local function new_plain(onAuth, onSuccess, onFail, onWrite)
+CLIENT: username="tobiasfar",nonce="3145176401",cnonce="pJiW7hzeZLvOSAf7gBzwTzLWe4obYOVDlnNESzQCzGg=",nc=00000001,digest-uri="xmpp/jabber.org",qop=auth,response=99a93ba75235136e6403c3a2ba37089d,charset=utf-8
+local function new_digest_md5(onAuth, onSuccess, onFail, onWrite)
+ local function H(s)
+ return md5.sum(s)
+ end
+ local function KD(k, s)
+ return H(k..":"..s)
+ end
+ local function HEX(n)
+ return md5.sumhexa(n)
+ end
+ local function HMAC(k, s)
+ return crypto.hmac.digest("md5", s, k, true)
+ end
+ local function serialize(message)
+ local data = ""
+ if type(message) ~= "table" then error("serialize needs an argument of type table.") end
+ -- testing all possible values
+ if message["nonce"] then data = data..[[nonce="]]..message.nonce..[[",]] end
+ if message["qop"] then data = data..[[qop="]]..message.qop..[[",]] end
+ if message["charset"] then data = data..[[charset=]]..message.charset.."," end
+ if message["algorithm"] then data = data..[[algorithm=]]..message.algorithm.."," end
+ if message["rspauth"] then data = data..[[rspauth=]]..message.algorith.."," end
+ data = data:gsub(",$", "")
+ return data
+ end
+ local function parse(data)
+ message = {}
+ for k, v in gmatch(data, [[([%w%-]+)="?([%w%-%/%.]+)"?,?]]) do
+ message[k] = v
+ end
+ return message
+ end
+ local object = { mechanism = "DIGEST-MD5", onAuth = onAuth, onSuccess = onSuccess, onFail = onFail,
+ onWrite = onWrite }
+ --TODO: something better than math.random would be nice, maybe OpenSSL's random number generator
+ object.nonce = math.random(0, 9)
+ for i = 1, 9 do object.nonce = object.nonce..math.random(0, 9) end
+ object.step = 1
+ object.nonce_count = {}
+ local challenge = base64.encode(serialize({ nonce = object.nonce,
+ qop = "auth",
+ charset = "utf-8",
+ algorithm = "md5-sess"} ));
+ object.onWrite(st.stanza("challenge", {xmlns = "urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:xmpp-sasl"}):text(challenge))
+ object.feed = function(self, stanza)
+ if stanza.name ~= "response" and stanza.name ~= "auth" then self.onFail("invalid-stanza-tag") end
+ if stanza.attr.xmlns ~= "urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:xmpp-sasl" then self.onFail("invalid-stanza-namespace") end
+ if stanza.name == "auth" then return end
+ self.step = self.step + 1
+ if (self.step == 2) then
+ local response = parse(base64.decode(stanza[1]))
+ -- check for replay attack
+ if response["nonce-count"] then
+ if self.nonce_count[response["nonce-count"]] then self.onFail("not-authorized") end
+ end
+ -- check for username, it's REQUIRED by RFC 2831
+ if not response["username"] then
+ self.onFail("malformed-request")
+ end
+ -- check for nonce, ...
+ if not response["nonce"] then
+ self.onFail("malformed-request")
+ else
+ -- check if it's the right nonce
+ if response["nonce"] ~= self.nonce then self.onFail("malformed-request") end
+ end
+ if not response["cnonce"] then self.onFail("malformed-request") end
+ if not response["qop"] then response["qop"] = "auth" end
+ local hostname = ""
+ local protocol = ""
+ if response["digest-uri"] then
+ protocol, hostname = response["digest-uri"]:match("(%w+)/(.*)$")
+ else
+ error("No digest-uri")
+ end
+ -- compare response_value with own calculation
+ --local A1 = usermanager.get_md5(response["username"], hostname)..":"..response["nonce"]..response["cnonce"]
+ local A1 = H("tobias:luaetta.ath.cx:tobias")..":"..response["nonce"]..response["cnonce"]
+ local A2 = "AUTHENTICATE:"..response["digest-uri"]
+ local response_value = HEX(KD(HEX(H(A1)), response["nonce"]..":"..response["nonce-count"]..":"..response["cnonce-value"]..":"..response["qop"]..":"..HEX(H(A2))))
+ log("debug", "response_value: "..response_value);
+ if response["qop"] == "auth" then
+ else
+ end
+ --local response_value = HEX(KD(HEX(H(A1)), response["nonce"]..":"..response["nonce-count"]..":"..response["cnonce-value"]..":"..response["qop"]..":"..HEX(H(A2))))
+ end
+ --[[
+ local authorization = s_match(response, "([^&%z]+)")
+ local authentication = s_match(response, "%z([^&%z]+)%z")
+ local password = s_match(response, "%z[^&%z]+%z([^&%z]+)")
+ if self.onAuth(authentication, password) == true then
+ self.onWrite(st.stanza("success", {xmlns = "urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:xmpp-sasl"}))
+ self.onSuccess(authentication)
+ else
+ self.onWrite(st.stanza("failure", {xmlns = "urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:xmpp-sasl"}):tag("temporary-auth-failure"));
+ end]]--
+ end
+ return object
function new(mechanism, onAuth, onSuccess, onFail, onWrite)
local object
if mechanism == "PLAIN" then object = new_plain(onAuth, onSuccess, onFail, onWrite)
+ elseif mechanism == "DIGEST-MD5" then object = new_digest_md5(onAuth, onSuccess, onFail, onWrite)
log("debug", "Unsupported SASL mechanism: "..tostring(mechanism));