path: root/core/s2smanager.lua
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Diffstat (limited to 'core/s2smanager.lua')
1 files changed, 53 insertions, 366 deletions
diff --git a/core/s2smanager.lua b/core/s2smanager.lua
index 0589e024..06d3f2c9 100644
--- a/core/s2smanager.lua
+++ b/core/s2smanager.lua
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
-- Prosody IM
--- Copyright (C) 2008-2009 Matthew Wild
--- Copyright (C) 2008-2009 Waqas Hussain
+-- Copyright (C) 2008-2010 Matthew Wild
+-- Copyright (C) 2008-2010 Waqas Hussain
-- This project is MIT/X11 licensed. Please see the
-- COPYING file in the source package for more information.
@@ -8,404 +8,91 @@
-local hosts = hosts;
-local sessions = sessions;
-local core_process_stanza = function(a, b) core_process_stanza(a, b); end
-local add_task = require "util.timer".add_task;
-local socket = require "socket";
-local format = string.format;
-local t_insert, t_sort = table.insert, table.sort;
-local get_traceback = debug.traceback;
-local tostring, pairs, ipairs, getmetatable, newproxy, error, tonumber
- = tostring, pairs, ipairs, getmetatable, newproxy, error, tonumber;
-local idna_to_ascii = require "util.encodings".idna.to_ascii;
-local connlisteners_get = require "net.connlisteners".get;
-local wrapclient = require "net.server".wrapclient;
-local modulemanager = require "core.modulemanager";
-local st = require "stanza";
-local stanza = st.stanza;
-local nameprep = require "util.encodings".stringprep.nameprep;
-local uuid_gen = require "util.uuid".generate;
+local hosts = prosody.hosts;
+local tostring, pairs, setmetatable
+ = tostring, pairs, setmetatable;
local logger_init = require "util.logger".init;
local log = logger_init("s2smanager");
-local sha256_hash = require "util.hashes".sha256;
-local dialback_secret = uuid_gen();
-local adns = require "net.adns";
-local dns_timeout = config.get("*", "core", "dns_timeout") or 60;
+local prosody = _G.prosody;
incoming_s2s = {};
+prosody.incoming_s2s = incoming_s2s;
local incoming_s2s = incoming_s2s;
+local fire_event = prosody.events.fire_event;
module "s2smanager"
-local function compare_srv_priorities(a,b) return a.priority < b.priority or a.weight < b.weight; end
-local function bounce_sendq(session)
- local sendq = session.sendq;
- if sendq then
- session.log("info", "sending error replies for "..#sendq.." queued stanzas because of failed outgoing connection to "..tostring(session.to_host));
- local dummy = {
- type = "s2sin";
- send = function(s)
- (session.log or log)("error", "Replying to to an s2s error reply, please report this! Traceback: %s", get_traceback());
- end;
- dummy = true;
- };
- for i, data in ipairs(sendq) do
- local reply = data[2];
- local xmlns = reply.attr.xmlns;
- if not xmlns or xmlns == "jabber:client" or xmlns == "jabber:server" then
- reply.attr.type = "error";
- reply:tag("error", {type = "cancel"})
- :tag("remote-server-not-found", {xmlns = "urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:xmpp-stanzas"}):up();
- core_process_stanza(dummy, reply);
- end
- sendq[i] = nil;
- end
- session.sendq = nil;
- end
-function send_to_host(from_host, to_host, data)
- local host = hosts[from_host].s2sout[to_host];
- if host then
- -- We have a connection to this host already
- if host.type == "s2sout_unauthed" and data.name ~= "db:verify" and ((not data.xmlns) or data.xmlns == "jabber:client" or data.xmlns == "jabber:server") then
- (host.log or log)("debug", "trying to send over unauthed s2sout to "..to_host);
- if not host.notopen and not host.dialback_key and host.sends2s then
- host.log("debug", "dialback had not been initiated");
- initiate_dialback(host);
- end
- -- Queue stanza until we are able to send it
- if host.sendq then t_insert(host.sendq, {tostring(data), st.reply(data)});
- else host.sendq = { {tostring(data), st.reply(data)} }; end
- host.log("debug", "stanza [%s] queued ", data.name);
- elseif host.type == "local" or host.type == "component" then
- log("error", "Trying to send a stanza to ourselves??")
- log("error", "Traceback: %s", get_traceback());
- log("error", "Stanza: %s", tostring(data));
- else
- (host.log or log)("debug", "going to send stanza to "..to_host.." from "..from_host);
- -- FIXME
- if host.from_host ~= from_host then
- log("error", "WARNING! This might, possibly, be a bug, but it might not...");
- log("error", "We are going to send from %s instead of %s", tostring(host.from_host), tostring(from_host));
- end
- host.sends2s(data);
- host.log("debug", "stanza sent over "..host.type);
- end
- else
- log("debug", "opening a new outgoing connection for this stanza");
- local host_session = new_outgoing(from_host, to_host);
- -- Store in buffer
- host_session.sendq = { {tostring(data), st.reply(data)} };
- log("debug", "stanza [%s] queued until connection complete", tostring(data.name));
- if (not host_session.connecting) and (not host_session.conn) then
- log("warn", "Connection to %s failed already, destroying session...", to_host);
- destroy_session(host_session);
- end
- end
-local open_sessions = 0;
function new_incoming(conn)
local session = { conn = conn, type = "s2sin_unauthed", direction = "incoming", hosts = {} };
- if true then
- session.trace = newproxy(true);
- getmetatable(session.trace).__gc = function () open_sessions = open_sessions - 1; end;
- end
- open_sessions = open_sessions + 1;
- local w, log = conn.write, logger_init("s2sin"..tostring(conn):match("[a-f0-9]+$"));
- session.sends2s = function (t) log("debug", "sending: %s", tostring(t)); w(tostring(t)); end
+ session.log = logger_init("s2sin"..tostring(session):match("[a-f0-9]+$"));
incoming_s2s[session] = true;
return session;
function new_outgoing(from_host, to_host)
- local host_session = { to_host = to_host, from_host = from_host, notopen = true, type = "s2sout_unauthed", direction = "outgoing" };
- hosts[from_host].s2sout[to_host] = host_session;
- local log;
- do
- local conn_name = "s2sout"..tostring(host_session):match("[a-f0-9]*$");
- log = logger_init(conn_name);
- host_session.log = log;
- end
- -- This is the first call, can't fail (the first step is DNS lookup)
- attempt_connection(host_session);
- if not host_session.sends2s then
- -- A sends2s which buffers data (until the stream is opened)
- -- note that data in this buffer will be sent before the stream is authed
- -- and will not be ack'd in any way, successful or otherwise
- local buffer;
- function host_session.sends2s(data)
- if not buffer then
- buffer = {};
- host_session.send_buffer = buffer;
- end
- log("debug", "Buffering data on unconnected s2sout to %s", to_host);
- buffer[#buffer+1] = data;
- log("debug", "Buffered item %d: %s", #buffer, tostring(data));
- end
- end
- return host_session;
+ local host_session = { to_host = to_host, from_host = from_host, host = from_host,
+ notopen = true, type = "s2sout_unauthed", direction = "outgoing" };
+ hosts[from_host].s2sout[to_host] = host_session;
+ local conn_name = "s2sout"..tostring(host_session):match("[a-f0-9]*$");
+ host_session.log = logger_init(conn_name);
+ return host_session;
-function attempt_connection(host_session, err)
- local from_host, to_host = host_session.from_host, host_session.to_host;
- local connect_host, connect_port = idna_to_ascii(to_host), 5269;
- if not err then -- This is our first attempt
- log("debug", "First attempt to connect to %s, starting with SRV lookup...", to_host);
- host_session.connecting = true;
- local answer, handle;
- handle = adns.lookup(function (answer)
- handle = nil;
- host_session.connecting = nil;
- if answer then
- log("debug", to_host.." has SRV records, handling...");
- local srv_hosts = {};
- host_session.srv_hosts = srv_hosts;
- for _, record in ipairs(answer) do
- t_insert(srv_hosts, record.srv);
- end
- t_sort(srv_hosts, compare_srv_priorities);
- local srv_choice = srv_hosts[1];
- host_session.srv_choice = 1;
- if srv_choice then
- connect_host, connect_port = srv_choice.target or to_host, srv_choice.port or connect_port;
- log("debug", "Best record found, will connect to %s:%d", connect_host, connect_port);
- end
- else
- log("debug", to_host.." has no SRV records, falling back to A");
- end
- -- Try with SRV, or just the plain hostname if no SRV
- local ok, err = try_connect(host_session, connect_host, connect_port);
- if not ok then
- if not attempt_connection(host_session, err) then
- -- No more attempts will be made
- destroy_session(host_session);
- end
- end
- end, "_xmpp-server._tcp."..connect_host..".", "SRV");
- -- Set handler for DNS timeout
- add_task(dns_timeout, function ()
- if handle then
- adns.cancel(handle, true);
- end
- end);
- log("debug", "DNS lookup for %s sent, waiting for response before we can connect", to_host);
- return true; -- Attempt in progress
- elseif host_session.srv_hosts and #host_session.srv_hosts > host_session.srv_choice then -- Not our first attempt, and we also have SRV
- host_session.srv_choice = host_session.srv_choice + 1;
- local srv_choice = host_session.srv_hosts[host_session.srv_choice];
- connect_host, connect_port = srv_choice.target or to_host, srv_choice.port or connect_port;
- host_session.log("info", "Connection failed (%s). Attempt #%d: This time to %s:%d", tostring(err), host_session.srv_choice, connect_host, connect_port);
- else
- host_session.log("info", "Out of connection options, can't connect to %s", tostring(host_session.to_host));
- -- We're out of options
- return false;
- end
- if not (connect_host and connect_port) then
- -- Likely we couldn't resolve DNS
- log("warn", "Hmm, we're without a host (%s) and port (%s) to connect to for %s, giving up :(", tostring(connect_host), tostring(connect_port), tostring(to_host));
- return false;
- end
- return try_connect(host_session, connect_host, connect_port);
-function try_connect(host_session, connect_host, connect_port)
- host_session.log("info", "Beginning new connection attempt to %s (%s:%d)", host_session.to_host, connect_host, connect_port);
- -- Ok, we're going to try to connect
- local from_host, to_host = host_session.from_host, host_session.to_host;
- local conn, handler = socket.tcp()
- conn:settimeout(0);
- local success, err = conn:connect(connect_host, connect_port);
- if not success and err ~= "timeout" then
- log("warn", "s2s connect() to %s (%s:%d) failed: %s", host_session.to_host, connect_host, connect_port, err);
- return false, err;
- end
- local cl = connlisteners_get("xmppserver");
- conn = wrapclient(conn, connect_host, connect_port, cl, cl.default_mode or 1, hosts[from_host].ssl_ctx, false );
- host_session.conn = conn;
- -- Register this outgoing connection so that xmppserver_listener knows about it
- -- otherwise it will assume it is a new incoming connection
- cl.register_outgoing(conn, host_session);
- local w = conn.write;
- host_session.sends2s = function (t) log("debug", "sending: %s", tostring(t)); w(tostring(t)); end
- conn.write(format([[<stream:stream xmlns='jabber:server' xmlns:db='jabber:server:dialback' xmlns:stream='http://etherx.jabber.org/streams' from='%s' to='%s' version='1.0' xml:lang='en'>]], from_host, to_host));
- log("debug", "Connection attempt in progress...");
- return true;
-function streamopened(session, attr)
- local send = session.sends2s;
- -- TODO: #29: SASL/TLS on s2s streams
- session.version = 0; --tonumber(attr.version) or 0;
- if session.version >= 1.0 and not (attr.to and attr.from) then
- log("warn", (session.to_host or "(unknown)").." failed to specify 'to' or 'from' hostname as per RFC");
- end
- if session.direction == "incoming" then
- -- Send a reply stream header
- session.to_host = attr.to and nameprep(attr.to);
- session.from_host = attr.from and nameprep(attr.from);
- session.streamid = uuid_gen();
- (session.log or log)("debug", "incoming s2s received <stream:stream>");
- send("<?xml version='1.0'?>");
- send(stanza("stream:stream", { xmlns='jabber:server', ["xmlns:db"]='jabber:server:dialback',
- ["xmlns:stream"]='http://etherx.jabber.org/streams', id=session.streamid, from=session.to_host }):top_tag());
- if session.to_host and not hosts[session.to_host] then
- -- Attempting to connect to a host we don't serve
- session:close({ condition = "host-unknown"; text = "This host does not serve "..session.to_host });
- return;
- end
- if session.version >= 1.0 then
- send(st.stanza("stream:features")
- :tag("dialback", { xmlns='urn:xmpp:features:dialback' }):tag("optional"):up():up());
- end
- elseif session.direction == "outgoing" then
- -- If we are just using the connection for verifying dialback keys, we won't try and auth it
- if not attr.id then error("stream response did not give us a streamid!!!"); end
- session.streamid = attr.id;
- -- Send unauthed buffer
- -- (stanzas which are fine to send before dialback)
- -- Note that this is *not* the stanza queue (which
- -- we can only send if auth succeeds) :)
- local send_buffer = session.send_buffer;
- if send_buffer and #send_buffer > 0 then
- log("debug", "Sending s2s send_buffer now...");
- for i, data in ipairs(send_buffer) do
- session.sends2s(tostring(data));
- send_buffer[i] = nil;
- end
- end
- session.send_buffer = nil;
- if not session.dialback_verifying then
- initiate_dialback(session);
- else
- mark_connected(session);
+local resting_session = { -- Resting, not dead
+ destroyed = true;
+ type = "s2s_destroyed";
+ open_stream = function (session)
+ session.log("debug", "Attempt to open stream on resting session");
+ end;
+ close = function (session)
+ session.log("debug", "Attempt to close already-closed session");
+ end;
+ filter = function (type, data) return data; end;
+ }; resting_session.__index = resting_session;
+function retire_session(session, reason)
+ local log = session.log or log;
+ for k in pairs(session) do
+ if k ~= "log" and k ~= "id" and k ~= "conn" then
+ session[k] = nil;
- session.notopen = nil;
-function streamclosed(session)
- (session.log or log)("debug", "</stream:stream>");
- if session.sends2s then
- session.sends2s("</stream:stream>");
- end
- session.notopen = true;
-function initiate_dialback(session)
- -- generate dialback key
- session.dialback_key = generate_dialback(session.streamid, session.to_host, session.from_host);
- session.sends2s(format("<db:result from='%s' to='%s'>%s</db:result>", session.from_host, session.to_host, session.dialback_key));
- session.log("info", "sent dialback key on outgoing s2s stream");
-function generate_dialback(id, to, from)
- return sha256_hash(id..to..from..dialback_secret, true);
+ session.destruction_reason = reason;
-function verify_dialback(id, to, from, key)
- return key == generate_dialback(id, to, from);
+ function session.send(data) log("debug", "Discarding data sent to resting session: %s", tostring(data)); end
+ function session.data(data) log("debug", "Discarding data received from resting session: %s", tostring(data)); end
+ return setmetatable(session, resting_session);
-function make_authenticated(session, host)
- if session.type == "s2sout_unauthed" then
- session.type = "s2sout";
- elseif session.type == "s2sin_unauthed" then
- session.type = "s2sin";
- if host then
- session.hosts[host].authed = true;
- end
- elseif session.type == "s2sin" and host then
- session.hosts[host].authed = true;
- else
- return false;
- end
- session.log("debug", "connection %s->%s is now authenticated", session.from_host or "(unknown)", session.to_host or "(unknown)");
- mark_connected(session);
- return true;
-function mark_connected(session)
- local sendq, send = session.sendq, session.sends2s;
- local from, to = session.from_host, session.to_host;
- session.log("info", session.direction.." s2s connection "..from.."->"..to.." complete");
- local send_to_host = send_to_host;
- function session.send(data) send_to_host(to, from, data); end
- if session.direction == "outgoing" then
- if sendq then
- session.log("debug", "sending "..#sendq.." queued stanzas across new outgoing connection to "..session.to_host);
- for i, data in ipairs(sendq) do
- send(data[1]);
- sendq[i] = nil;
- end
- session.sendq = nil;
- end
- session.srv_hosts = nil;
- end
-function destroy_session(session)
- (session.log or log)("info", "Destroying "..tostring(session.direction).." session "..tostring(session.from_host).."->"..tostring(session.to_host));
+function destroy_session(session, reason)
+ if session.destroyed then return; end
+ (session.log or log)("debug", "Destroying "..tostring(session.direction).." session "..tostring(session.from_host).."->"..tostring(session.to_host)..(reason and (": "..reason) or ""));
if session.direction == "outgoing" then
hosts[session.from_host].s2sout[session.to_host] = nil;
- bounce_sendq(session);
+ session:bounce_sendq(reason);
elseif session.direction == "incoming" then
incoming_s2s[session] = nil;
- for k in pairs(session) do
- if k ~= "trace" then
- session[k] = nil;
+ local event_data = { session = session, reason = reason };
+ if session.type == "s2sout" then
+ fire_event("s2sout-destroyed", event_data);
+ if hosts[session.from_host] then
+ hosts[session.from_host].events.fire_event("s2sout-destroyed", event_data);
+ end
+ elseif session.type == "s2sin" then
+ fire_event("s2sin-destroyed", event_data);
+ if hosts[session.to_host] then
+ hosts[session.to_host].events.fire_event("s2sin-destroyed", event_data);
+ retire_session(session, reason); -- Clean session until it is GC'd
+ return true;
return _M;