path: root/plugins/mod_http_files.lua
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'plugins/mod_http_files.lua')
1 files changed, 39 insertions, 135 deletions
diff --git a/plugins/mod_http_files.lua b/plugins/mod_http_files.lua
index a8398c01..b921116a 100644
--- a/plugins/mod_http_files.lua
+++ b/plugins/mod_http_files.lua
@@ -7,14 +7,9 @@
-local server = require"net.http.server";
-local lfs = require "lfs";
-local os_date = os.date;
local open = io.open;
-local stat = lfs.attributes;
-local build_path = require"socket.url".build_path;
-local path_sep = package.config:sub(1,1);
+local fileserver = require"net.http.files";
local base_path = module:get_option_path("http_files_dir", module:get_option_path("http_path"));
local cache_size = module:get_option_number("http_files_cache_size", 128);
@@ -38,7 +33,9 @@ if not mime_map then
module:shared("/*/http_files/mime").types = mime_map;
local mime_types, err = open(module:get_option_path("mime_types_file", "/etc/mime.types", "config"), "r");
- if mime_types then
+ if not mime_types then
+ module:log("debug", "Could not open MIME database: %s", err);
+ else
local mime_data = mime_types:read("*a");
setmetatable(mime_map, {
@@ -51,148 +48,55 @@ if not mime_map then
-local forbidden_chars_pattern = "[/%z]";
-if prosody.platform == "windows" then
- forbidden_chars_pattern = "[/%z\001-\031\127\"*:<>?|]"
+local function get_calling_module()
+ local info = debug.getinfo(3, "S");
+ if not info then return "An unknown module"; end
+ return info.source:match"mod_[^/\\.]+" or info.short_src;
-local urldecode = require "util.http".urldecode;
-function sanitize_path(path)
- if not path then return end
- local out = {};
- local c = 0;
- for component in path:gmatch("([^/]+)") do
- component = urldecode(component);
- if component:find(forbidden_chars_pattern) then
- return nil;
- elseif component == ".." then
- if c <= 0 then
- return nil;
- end
- out[c] = nil;
- c = c - 1;
- elseif component ~= "." then
- c = c + 1;
- out[c] = component;
- end
- end
- if path:sub(-1,-1) == "/" then
- out[c+1] = "";
- end
- return "/"..table.concat(out, "/");
-local cache = require "util.cache".new(cache_size);
+-- COMPAT -- TODO deprecate
function serve(opts)
if type(opts) ~= "table" then -- assume path string
opts = { path = opts };
- -- luacheck: ignore 431
- local base_path = opts.path;
- local dir_indices = opts.index_files or dir_indices;
- local directory_index = opts.directory_index;
- local function serve_file(event, path)
- local request, response = event.request, event.response;
- local sanitized_path = sanitize_path(path);
- if path and not sanitized_path then
- return 400;
- end
- path = sanitized_path;
- local orig_path = sanitize_path(request.path);
- local full_path = base_path .. (path or ""):gsub("/", path_sep);
- local attr = stat(full_path:match("^.*[^\\/]")); -- Strip trailing path separator because Windows
- if not attr then
- return 404;
- end
- local request_headers, response_headers = request.headers, response.headers;
- local last_modified = os_date('!%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S GMT', attr.modification);
- response_headers.last_modified = last_modified;
- local etag = ('"%x-%x-%x"'):format(attr.change or 0, attr.size or 0, attr.modification or 0);
- response_headers.etag = etag;
- local if_none_match = request_headers.if_none_match
- local if_modified_since = request_headers.if_modified_since;
- if etag == if_none_match
- or (not if_none_match and last_modified == if_modified_since) then
- return 304;
- end
- local data = cache:get(orig_path);
- if data and data.etag == etag then
- response_headers.content_type = data.content_type;
- data = data.data;
- elseif attr.mode == "directory" and path then
- if full_path:sub(-1) ~= "/" then
- local dir_path = { is_absolute = true, is_directory = true };
- for dir in orig_path:gmatch("[^/]+") do dir_path[#dir_path+1]=dir; end
- response_headers.location = build_path(dir_path);
- return 301;
- end
- for i=1,#dir_indices do
- if stat(full_path..dir_indices[i], "mode") == "file" then
- return serve_file(event, path..dir_indices[i]);
- end
- end
- if directory_index then
- data = server._events.fire_event("directory-index", { path = request.path, full_path = full_path });
- end
- if not data then
- return 403;
- end
- cache:set(orig_path, { data = data, content_type = mime_map.html; etag = etag; });
- response_headers.content_type = mime_map.html;
- else
- local f, err = open(full_path, "rb");
- if not f then
- module:log("debug", "Could not open %s. Error was %s", full_path, err);
- return 403;
- end
- local ext = full_path:match("%.([^./]+)$");
- local content_type = ext and mime_map[ext];
- response_headers.content_type = content_type;
- if attr.size > cache_max_file_size then
- response_headers.content_length = attr.size;
- module:log("debug", "%d > cache_max_file_size", attr.size);
- return response:send_file(f);
- else
- data = f:read("*a");
- f:close();
- end
- cache:set(orig_path, { data = data; content_type = content_type; etag = etag });
- end
- return response:send(data);
+ if opts.directory_index == nil then
+ opts.directory_index = directory_index;
- return serve_file;
+ if opts.mime_map == nil then
+ opts.mime_map = mime_map;
+ end
+ if opts.cache_size == nil then
+ opts.cache_size = cache_size;
+ end
+ if opts.cache_max_file_size == nil then
+ opts.cache_max_file_size = cache_max_file_size;
+ end
+ if opts.index_files == nil then
+ opts.index_files = dir_indices;
+ end
+ module:log("warn", "%s should be updated to use 'net.http.files' instead of mod_http_files", get_calling_module());
+ return fileserver.serve(opts);
function wrap_route(routes)
+ module:log("debug", "%s should be updated to use 'net.http.files' instead of mod_http_files", get_calling_module());
for route,handler in pairs(routes) do
if type(handler) ~= "function" then
- routes[route] = serve(handler);
+ routes[route] = fileserver.serve(handler);
return routes;
-if base_path then
- module:provides("http", {
- route = {
- ["GET /*"] = serve {
- path = base_path;
- directory_index = directory_index;
- }
- };
- });
- module:log("debug", "http_files_dir not set, assuming use by some other module");
+module:provides("http", {
+ route = {
+ ["GET /*"] = fileserver.serve({
+ path = base_path;
+ directory_index = directory_index;
+ mime_map = mime_map;
+ cache_size = cache_size;
+ cache_max_file_size = cache_max_file_size;
+ index_files = dir_indices;
+ });
+ };