path: root/plugins/mod_s2s
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Diffstat (limited to 'plugins/mod_s2s')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 810 deletions
diff --git a/plugins/mod_s2s/mod_s2s.lua b/plugins/mod_s2s/mod_s2s.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index 0674f981..00000000
--- a/plugins/mod_s2s/mod_s2s.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,810 +0,0 @@
--- Prosody IM
--- Copyright (C) 2008-2010 Matthew Wild
--- Copyright (C) 2008-2010 Waqas Hussain
--- This project is MIT/X11 licensed. Please see the
--- COPYING file in the source package for more information.
-local prosody = prosody;
-local hosts = prosody.hosts;
-local core_process_stanza = prosody.core_process_stanza;
-local tostring, type = tostring, type;
-local t_insert = table.insert;
-local traceback = debug.traceback;
-local add_task = require "util.timer".add_task;
-local st = require "util.stanza";
-local initialize_filters = require "util.filters".initialize;
-local nameprep = require "util.encodings".stringprep.nameprep;
-local new_xmpp_stream = require "util.xmppstream".new;
-local s2s_new_incoming = require "core.s2smanager".new_incoming;
-local s2s_new_outgoing = require "core.s2smanager".new_outgoing;
-local s2s_destroy_session = require "core.s2smanager".destroy_session;
-local uuid_gen = require "util.uuid".generate;
-local fire_global_event = prosody.events.fire_event;
-local runner = require "util.async".runner;
-local connect = require "net.connect".connect;
-local service = require "net.resolvers.service";
-local errors = require "util.error";
-local set = require "util.set";
-local connect_timeout = module:get_option_number("s2s_timeout", 90);
-local stream_close_timeout = module:get_option_number("s2s_close_timeout", 5);
-local opt_keepalives = module:get_option_boolean("s2s_tcp_keepalives", module:get_option_boolean("tcp_keepalives", true));
-local secure_auth = module:get_option_boolean("s2s_secure_auth", false); -- One day...
-local secure_domains, insecure_domains =
- module:get_option_set("s2s_secure_domains", {})._items, module:get_option_set("s2s_insecure_domains", {})._items;
-local require_encryption = module:get_option_boolean("s2s_require_encryption", false);
-local stanza_size_limit = module:get_option_number("s2s_stanza_size_limit"); -- TODO come up with a sensible default (util.xmppstream defaults to 10M)
-local measure_connections = module:measure("connections", "amount");
-local measure_ipv6 = module:measure("ipv6", "amount");
-local sessions = module:shared("sessions");
-local runner_callbacks = {};
-local listener = {};
-local log = module._log;
-local s2s_service_options = {
- default_port = 5269;
- use_ipv4 = module:get_option_boolean("use_ipv4", true);
- use_ipv6 = module:get_option_boolean("use_ipv6", true);
-module:hook("stats-update", function ()
- local count = 0;
- local ipv6 = 0;
- for _, session in pairs(sessions) do
- count = count + 1;
- if session.ip and session.ip:match(":") then
- ipv6 = ipv6 + 1;
- end
- end
- measure_connections(count);
- measure_ipv6(ipv6);
---- Handle stanzas to remote domains
-local bouncy_stanzas = { message = true, presence = true, iq = true };
-local function bounce_sendq(session, reason)
- local sendq = session.sendq;
- if not sendq then return; end
- session.log("info", "Sending error replies for %d queued stanzas because of failed outgoing connection to %s", #sendq, session.to_host);
- local dummy = {
- type = "s2sin";
- send = function ()
- (session.log or log)("error", "Replying to to an s2s error reply, please report this! Traceback: %s", traceback());
- end;
- dummy = true;
- close = function ()
- (session.log or log)("error", "Attempting to close the dummy origin of s2s error replies, please report this! Traceback: %s", traceback());
- end;
- };
- -- FIXME Allow for more specific error conditions
- -- TODO use util.error ?
- local error_type = "cancel";
- local condition = "remote-server-not-found";
- local reason_text;
- if session.had_stream then -- set when a stream is opened by the remote
- error_type, condition = "wait", "remote-server-timeout";
- end
- if errors.is_err(reason) then
- error_type, condition, reason_text = reason.type, reason.condition, reason.text;
- elseif type(reason) == "string" then
- reason_text = reason;
- end
- for i, data in ipairs(sendq) do
- local reply = data[2];
- if reply and not(reply.attr.xmlns) and bouncy_stanzas[reply.name] then
- reply.attr.type = "error";
- reply:tag("error", {type = error_type, by = session.from_host})
- :tag(condition, {xmlns = "urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:xmpp-stanzas"}):up();
- if reason_text then
- reply:tag("text", {xmlns = "urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:xmpp-stanzas"})
- :text("Server-to-server connection failed: "..reason_text):up();
- end
- core_process_stanza(dummy, reply);
- end
- sendq[i] = nil;
- end
- session.sendq = nil;
--- Handles stanzas to existing s2s sessions
-function route_to_existing_session(event)
- local from_host, to_host, stanza = event.from_host, event.to_host, event.stanza;
- if not hosts[from_host] then
- log("warn", "Attempt to send stanza from %s - a host we don't serve", from_host);
- return false;
- end
- if hosts[to_host] then
- log("warn", "Attempt to route stanza to a remote %s - a host we do serve?!", from_host);
- return false;
- end
- local host = hosts[from_host].s2sout[to_host];
- if not host then return end
- -- We have a connection to this host already
- if host.type == "s2sout_unauthed" and (stanza.name ~= "db:verify" or not host.dialback_key) then
- (host.log or log)("debug", "trying to send over unauthed s2sout to "..to_host);
- -- Queue stanza until we are able to send it
- local queued_item = {
- tostring(stanza),
- stanza.attr.type ~= "error" and stanza.attr.type ~= "result" and st.reply(stanza);
- };
- if host.sendq then
- t_insert(host.sendq, queued_item);
- else
- -- luacheck: ignore 122
- host.sendq = { queued_item };
- end
- host.log("debug", "stanza [%s] queued ", stanza.name);
- return true;
- elseif host.type == "local" or host.type == "component" then
- log("error", "Trying to send a stanza to ourselves??")
- log("error", "Traceback: %s", traceback());
- log("error", "Stanza: %s", stanza);
- return false;
- else
- if host.sends2s(stanza) then
- return true;
- end
- end
--- Create a new outgoing session for a stanza
-function route_to_new_session(event)
- local from_host, to_host, stanza = event.from_host, event.to_host, event.stanza;
- log("debug", "opening a new outgoing connection for this stanza");
- local host_session = s2s_new_outgoing(from_host, to_host);
- host_session.version = 1;
- -- Store in buffer
- host_session.bounce_sendq = bounce_sendq;
- host_session.sendq = { {tostring(stanza), stanza.attr.type ~= "error" and stanza.attr.type ~= "result" and st.reply(stanza)} };
- log("debug", "stanza [%s] queued until connection complete", stanza.name);
- connect(service.new(to_host, "xmpp-server", "tcp", s2s_service_options), listener, nil, { session = host_session });
- return true;
-local function keepalive(event)
- return event.session.sends2s(' ');
-module:hook("s2s-read-timeout", keepalive, -1);
-function module.add_host(module)
- if module:get_option_boolean("disallow_s2s", false) then
- module:log("warn", "The 'disallow_s2s' config option is deprecated, please see https://prosody.im/doc/s2s#disabling");
- return nil, "This host has disallow_s2s set";
- end
- module:hook("route/remote", route_to_existing_session, -1);
- module:hook("route/remote", route_to_new_session, -10);
- module:hook("s2s-authenticated", make_authenticated, -1);
- module:hook("s2s-read-timeout", keepalive, -1);
- module:hook_stanza("http://etherx.jabber.org/streams", "features", function (session, stanza) -- luacheck: ignore 212/stanza
- if session.type == "s2sout" then
- -- Stream is authenticated and we are seem to be done with feature negotiation,
- -- so the stream is ready for stanzas. RFC 6120 Section 4.3
- mark_connected(session);
- return true;
- elseif require_encryption and not session.secure then
- session.log("warn", "Encrypted server-to-server communication is required but was not offered by %s", session.to_host);
- session:close({
- condition = "policy-violation",
- text = "Encrypted server-to-server communication is required but was not offered",
- }, nil, "Could not establish encrypted connection to remote server");
- return true;
- elseif not session.dialback_verifying then
- session.log("warn", "No SASL EXTERNAL offer and Dialback doesn't seem to be enabled, giving up");
- session:close({
- condition = "unsupported-feature",
- text = "No viable authentication method offered",
- }, nil, "No viable authentication method offered by remote server");
- return true;
- end
- end, -1);
--- Stream is authorised, and ready for normal stanzas
-function mark_connected(session)
- local sendq = session.sendq;
- local from, to = session.from_host, session.to_host;
- session.log("info", "%s s2s connection %s->%s complete", session.direction:gsub("^.", string.upper), from, to);
- local event_data = { session = session };
- if session.type == "s2sout" then
- fire_global_event("s2sout-established", event_data);
- hosts[from].events.fire_event("s2sout-established", event_data);
- if session.incoming then
- session.send = function(stanza)
- return hosts[from].events.fire_event("route/remote", { from_host = from, to_host = to, stanza = stanza });
- end;
- end
- else
- if session.outgoing and not hosts[to].s2sout[from] then
- session.log("debug", "Setting up to handle route from %s to %s", to, from);
- hosts[to].s2sout[from] = session; -- luacheck: ignore 122
- end
- local host_session = hosts[to];
- session.send = function(stanza)
- return host_session.events.fire_event("route/remote", { from_host = to, to_host = from, stanza = stanza });
- end;
- fire_global_event("s2sin-established", event_data);
- hosts[to].events.fire_event("s2sin-established", event_data);
- end
- if session.direction == "outgoing" then
- if sendq then
- session.log("debug", "sending %d queued stanzas across new outgoing connection to %s", #sendq, session.to_host);
- local send = session.sends2s;
- for i, data in ipairs(sendq) do
- send(data[1]);
- sendq[i] = nil;
- end
- session.sendq = nil;
- end
- end
-function make_authenticated(event)
- local session, host = event.session, event.host;
- if not session.secure then
- if require_encryption or (secure_auth and not(insecure_domains[host])) or secure_domains[host] then
- session:close({
- condition = "policy-violation",
- text = "Encrypted server-to-server communication is required but was not "
- ..((session.direction == "outgoing" and "offered") or "used")
- }, nil, "Could not establish encrypted connection to remote server");
- end
- end
- if hosts[host] then
- session:close({ condition = "undefined-condition", text = "Attempt to authenticate as a host we serve" });
- end
- if session.type == "s2sout_unauthed" then
- session.type = "s2sout";
- elseif session.type == "s2sin_unauthed" then
- session.type = "s2sin";
- elseif session.type ~= "s2sin" and session.type ~= "s2sout" then
- return false;
- end
- if session.incoming and host then
- if not session.hosts[host] then session.hosts[host] = {}; end
- session.hosts[host].authed = true;
- end
- session.log("debug", "connection %s->%s is now authenticated for %s", session.from_host, session.to_host, host);
- if (session.type == "s2sout" and session.external_auth ~= "succeeded") or session.type == "s2sin" then
- -- Stream either used dialback for authentication or is an incoming stream.
- mark_connected(session);
- end
- return true;
---- Helper to check that a session peer's certificate is valid
-function check_cert_status(session)
- local host = session.direction == "outgoing" and session.to_host or session.from_host
- local conn = session.conn:socket()
- local cert
- if conn.getpeercertificate then
- cert = conn:getpeercertificate()
- end
- return module:fire_event("s2s-check-certificate", { host = host, session = session, cert = cert });
---- XMPP stream event handlers
-local stream_callbacks = { default_ns = "jabber:server" };
-function stream_callbacks.handlestanza(session, stanza)
- stanza = session.filter("stanzas/in", stanza);
- session.thread:run(stanza);
-local xmlns_xmpp_streams = "urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:xmpp-streams";
-function stream_callbacks.streamopened(session, attr)
- -- run _streamopened in async context
- session.thread:run({ stream = "opened", attr = attr });
-function stream_callbacks._streamopened(session, attr)
- session.version = tonumber(attr.version) or 0;
- session.had_stream = true; -- Had a stream opened at least once
- -- TODO: Rename session.secure to session.encrypted
- if session.secure == false then
- session.secure = true;
- session.encrypted = true;
- local sock = session.conn:socket();
- if sock.info then
- local info = sock:info();
- (session.log or log)("info", "Stream encrypted (%s with %s)", info.protocol, info.cipher);
- session.compressed = info.compression;
- else
- (session.log or log)("info", "Stream encrypted");
- end
- end
- if session.direction == "incoming" then
- -- Send a reply stream header
- -- Validate to/from
- local to, from = attr.to, attr.from;
- if to then to = nameprep(attr.to); end
- if from then from = nameprep(attr.from); end
- if not to and attr.to then -- COMPAT: Some servers do not reliably set 'to' (especially on stream restarts)
- session:close({ condition = "improper-addressing", text = "Invalid 'to' address" });
- return;
- end
- if not from and attr.from then -- COMPAT: Some servers do not reliably set 'from' (especially on stream restarts)
- session:close({ condition = "improper-addressing", text = "Invalid 'from' address" });
- return;
- end
- -- Set session.[from/to]_host if they have not been set already and if
- -- this session isn't already authenticated
- if session.type == "s2sin_unauthed" and from and not session.from_host then
- session.from_host = from;
- elseif from ~= session.from_host then
- session:close({ condition = "improper-addressing", text = "New stream 'from' attribute does not match original" });
- return;
- end
- if session.type == "s2sin_unauthed" and to and not session.to_host then
- session.to_host = to;
- elseif to ~= session.to_host then
- session:close({ condition = "improper-addressing", text = "New stream 'to' attribute does not match original" });
- return;
- end
- -- For convenience we'll put the sanitised values into these variables
- to, from = session.to_host, session.from_host;
- session.streamid = uuid_gen();
- (session.log or log)("debug", "Incoming s2s received %s", st.stanza("stream:stream", attr):top_tag());
- if to then
- if not hosts[to] then
- -- Attempting to connect to a host we don't serve
- session:close({
- condition = "host-unknown";
- text = "This host does not serve "..to
- });
- return;
- elseif not hosts[to].modules.s2s then
- -- Attempting to connect to a host that disallows s2s
- session:close({
- condition = "policy-violation";
- text = "Server-to-server communication is disabled for this host";
- });
- return;
- end
- end
- if hosts[from] then
- session:close({ condition = "undefined-condition", text = "Attempt to connect from a host we serve" });
- return;
- end
- if session.secure and not session.cert_chain_status then
- if check_cert_status(session) == false then
- return;
- end
- end
- session:open_stream(session.to_host, session.from_host)
- session.notopen = nil;
- if session.version >= 1.0 then
- local features = st.stanza("stream:features");
- if to then
- hosts[to].events.fire_event("s2s-stream-features", { origin = session, features = features });
- else
- (session.log or log)("warn", "No 'to' on stream header from %s means we can't offer any features", from or session.ip or "unknown host");
- fire_global_event("s2s-stream-features-legacy", { origin = session, features = features });
- end
- if ( session.type == "s2sin" or session.type == "s2sout" ) or features.tags[1] then
- log("debug", "Sending stream features: %s", features);
- session.sends2s(features);
- else
- (session.log or log)("warn", "No stream features to offer, giving up");
- session:close({ condition = "undefined-condition", text = "No stream features to offer" });
- end
- end
- elseif session.direction == "outgoing" then
- session.notopen = nil;
- if not attr.id then
- log("warn", "Stream response did not give us a stream id!");
- session:close({ condition = "undefined-condition", text = "Missing stream ID" });
- return;
- end
- session.streamid = attr.id;
- if session.secure and not session.cert_chain_status then
- if check_cert_status(session) == false then
- return;
- end
- end
- -- If server is pre-1.0, don't wait for features, just do dialback
- if session.version < 1.0 then
- if not session.dialback_verifying then
- hosts[session.from_host].events.fire_event("s2sout-authenticate-legacy", { origin = session });
- else
- mark_connected(session);
- end
- end
- end
-function stream_callbacks._streamclosed(session)
- (session.log or log)("debug", "Received </stream:stream>");
- session:close(false);
-function stream_callbacks.streamclosed(session, attr)
- -- run _streamclosed in async context
- session.thread:run({ stream = "closed", attr = attr });
-function stream_callbacks.error(session, error, data)
- if error == "no-stream" then
- session.log("debug", "Invalid opening stream header (%s)", (data:gsub("^([^\1]+)\1", "{%1}")));
- session:close("invalid-namespace");
- elseif error == "parse-error" then
- session.log("debug", "Server-to-server XML parse error: %s", error);
- session:close("not-well-formed");
- elseif error == "stream-error" then
- local condition, text = "undefined-condition";
- for child in data:childtags(nil, xmlns_xmpp_streams) do
- if child.name ~= "text" then
- condition = child.name;
- else
- text = child:get_text();
- end
- if condition ~= "undefined-condition" and text then
- break;
- end
- end
- text = condition .. (text and (" ("..text..")") or "");
- session.log("info", "Session closed by remote with error: %s", text);
- session:close(nil, text);
- end
---- Session methods
-local stream_xmlns_attr = {xmlns='urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:xmpp-streams'};
--- reason: stream error to send to the remote server
--- remote_reason: stream error received from the remote server
--- bounce_reason: stanza error to pass to bounce_sendq because stream- and stanza errors are different
-local function session_close(session, reason, remote_reason, bounce_reason)
- local log = session.log or log;
- if session.conn then
- if session.notopen then
- if session.direction == "incoming" then
- session:open_stream(session.to_host, session.from_host);
- else
- session:open_stream(session.from_host, session.to_host);
- end
- end
- if reason then -- nil == no err, initiated by us, false == initiated by remote
- local stream_error;
- if type(reason) == "string" then -- assume stream error
- stream_error = st.stanza("stream:error"):tag(reason, {xmlns = 'urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:xmpp-streams' });
- elseif type(reason) == "table" and not st.is_stanza(reason) then
- stream_error = st.stanza("stream:error"):tag(reason.condition or "undefined-condition", stream_xmlns_attr):up();
- if reason.text then
- stream_error:tag("text", stream_xmlns_attr):text(reason.text):up();
- end
- if reason.extra then
- stream_error:add_child(reason.extra);
- end
- end
- if st.is_stanza(stream_error) then
- -- to and from are never unknown on outgoing connections
- log("debug", "Disconnecting %s->%s[%s], <stream:error> is: %s",
- session.from_host or "(unknown host)" or session.ip, session.to_host or "(unknown host)", session.type, reason);
- session.sends2s(stream_error);
- end
- end
- session.sends2s("</stream:stream>");
- function session.sends2s() return false; end
- -- luacheck: ignore 422/reason
- -- FIXME reason should be managed in a place common to c2s, s2s, bosh, component etc
- local reason = remote_reason or (reason and (reason.text or reason.condition)) or reason;
- session.log("info", "%s s2s stream %s->%s closed: %s", session.direction:gsub("^.", string.upper),
- session.from_host or "(unknown host)", session.to_host or "(unknown host)", reason or "stream closed");
- -- Authenticated incoming stream may still be sending us stanzas, so wait for </stream:stream> from remote
- local conn = session.conn;
- if reason == nil and not session.notopen and session.incoming then
- add_task(stream_close_timeout, function ()
- if not session.destroyed then
- session.log("warn", "Failed to receive a stream close response, closing connection anyway...");
- s2s_destroy_session(session, reason, bounce_reason);
- conn:close();
- end
- end);
- else
- s2s_destroy_session(session, reason, bounce_reason);
- conn:close(); -- Close immediately, as this is an outgoing connection or is not authed
- end
- end
-function session_stream_attrs(session, from, to, attr) -- luacheck: ignore 212/session
- if not from or (hosts[from] and hosts[from].modules.dialback) then
- attr["xmlns:db"] = 'jabber:server:dialback';
- end
- if not from then
- attr.from = '';
- end
- if not to then
- attr.to = '';
- end
--- Session initialization logic shared by incoming and outgoing
-local function initialize_session(session)
- local stream = new_xmpp_stream(session, stream_callbacks, stanza_size_limit);
- session.thread = runner(function (stanza)
- if st.is_stanza(stanza) then
- core_process_stanza(session, stanza);
- elseif stanza.stream == "opened" then
- stream_callbacks._streamopened(session, stanza.attr);
- elseif stanza.stream == "closed" then
- stream_callbacks._streamclosed(session, stanza.attr);
- end
- end, runner_callbacks, session);
- local log = session.log or log;
- session.stream = stream;
- session.notopen = true;
- function session.reset_stream()
- session.notopen = true;
- session.streamid = nil;
- session.stream:reset();
- end
- session.stream_attrs = session_stream_attrs;
- local filter = initialize_filters(session);
- local conn = session.conn;
- local w = conn.write;
- function session.sends2s(t)
- log("debug", "Sending[%s]: %s", session.type, t.top_tag and t:top_tag() or t:match("^[^>]*>?"));
- if t.name then
- t = filter("stanzas/out", t);
- end
- if t then
- t = filter("bytes/out", tostring(t));
- if t then
- return w(conn, t);
- end
- end
- end
- function session.data(data)
- data = filter("bytes/in", data);
- if data then
- local ok, err = stream:feed(data);
- if ok then return; end
- log("debug", "Received invalid XML (%s) %d bytes: %q", err, #data, data:sub(1, 300));
- if err == "stanza-too-large" then
- session:close({ condition = "policy-violation", text = "XML stanza is too big" }, nil, "Received invalid XML from remote server");
- else
- session:close("not-well-formed", nil, "Received invalid XML from remote server");
- end
- end
- end
- session.close = session_close;
- local handlestanza = stream_callbacks.handlestanza;
- function session.dispatch_stanza(session, stanza) -- luacheck: ignore 432/session
- return handlestanza(session, stanza);
- end
- module:fire_event("s2s-created", { session = session });
- add_task(connect_timeout, function ()
- if session.type == "s2sin" or session.type == "s2sout" then
- return; -- Ok, we're connected
- elseif session.type == "s2s_destroyed" then
- return; -- Session already destroyed
- end
- -- Not connected, need to close session and clean up
- (session.log or log)("debug", "Destroying incomplete session %s->%s due to inactivity",
- session.from_host or "(unknown)", session.to_host or "(unknown)");
- session:close("connection-timeout");
- end);
-function runner_callbacks:ready()
- self.data.log("debug", "Runner %s ready (%s)", self.thread, coroutine.status(self.thread));
- self.data.conn:resume();
-function runner_callbacks:waiting()
- self.data.log("debug", "Runner %s waiting (%s)", self.thread, coroutine.status(self.thread));
- self.data.conn:pause();
-function runner_callbacks:error(err)
- (self.data.log or log)("error", "Traceback[s2s]: %s", err);
-function listener.onconnect(conn)
- conn:setoption("keepalive", opt_keepalives);
- local session = sessions[conn];
- if not session then -- New incoming connection
- session = s2s_new_incoming(conn);
- sessions[conn] = session;
- session.log("debug", "Incoming s2s connection");
- initialize_session(session);
- else -- Outgoing session connected
- session:open_stream(session.from_host, session.to_host);
- end
- session.ip = conn:ip();
-function listener.onincoming(conn, data)
- local session = sessions[conn];
- if session then
- session.data(data);
- end
-function listener.onstatus(conn, status)
- if status == "ssl-handshake-complete" then
- local session = sessions[conn];
- if session and session.direction == "outgoing" then
- session.log("debug", "Sending stream header...");
- session:open_stream(session.from_host, session.to_host);
- end
- end
-function listener.ondisconnect(conn, err)
- local session = sessions[conn];
- if session then
- sessions[conn] = nil;
- (session.log or log)("debug", "s2s disconnected: %s->%s (%s)", session.from_host, session.to_host, err or "connection closed");
- if session.secure == false and err then
- -- TODO util.error-ify this
- err = "Error during negotiation of encrypted connection: "..err;
- end
- s2s_destroy_session(session, err);
- end
-function listener.onfail(data, err)
- local session = data and data.session;
- if session then
- if err and session.direction == "outgoing" and session.notopen then
- (session.log or log)("debug", "s2s connection attempt failed: %s", err);
- end
- (session.log or log)("debug", "s2s disconnected: %s->%s (%s)", session.from_host, session.to_host, err or "connection closed");
- s2s_destroy_session(session, err);
- end
-function listener.onreadtimeout(conn)
- local session = sessions[conn];
- if session then
- local host = session.host or session.to_host;
- return (hosts[host] or prosody).events.fire_event("s2s-read-timeout", { session = session });
- end
-function listener.register_outgoing(conn, session)
- sessions[conn] = session;
- initialize_session(session);
-function listener.ondetach(conn)
- sessions[conn] = nil;
-function listener.onattach(conn, data)
- local session = data and data.session;
- if session then
- session.conn = conn;
- sessions[conn] = session;
- initialize_session(session);
- end
--- Complete the sentence "Your certificate " with what's wrong
-local function friendly_cert_error(session) --> string
- if session.cert_chain_status == "invalid" then
- if session.cert_chain_errors then
- local cert_errors = set.new(session.cert_chain_errors[1]);
- if cert_errors:contains("certificate has expired") then
- return "has expired";
- elseif cert_errors:contains("self signed certificate") then
- return "is self-signed";
- end
- end
- return "is not trusted"; -- for some other reason
- elseif session.cert_identity_status == "invalid" then
- return "is not valid for this name";
- end
- -- this should normally be unreachable except if no s2s auth module was loaded
- return "could not be validated";
-function check_auth_policy(event)
- local host, session = event.host, event.session;
- local must_secure = secure_auth;
- if not must_secure and secure_domains[host] then
- must_secure = true;
- elseif must_secure and insecure_domains[host] then
- must_secure = false;
- end
- if must_secure and (session.cert_chain_status ~= "valid" or session.cert_identity_status ~= "valid") then
- local reason = friendly_cert_error(session);
- session.log("warn", "Forbidding insecure connection to/from %s because its certificate %s", host or session.ip or "(unknown host)", reason);
- -- XEP-0178 recommends closing outgoing connections without warning
- -- but does not give a rationale for this.
- -- In practice most cases are configuration mistakes or forgotten
- -- certificate renewals. We think it's better to let the other party
- -- know about the problem so that they can fix it.
- session:close({ condition = "not-authorized", text = "Your server's certificate "..reason },
- nil, "Remote server's certificate "..reason);
- return false;
- end
-module:hook("s2s-check-certificate", check_auth_policy, -1);
-module:hook("server-stopping", function(event)
- local reason = event.reason;
- for _, session in pairs(sessions) do
- session:close{ condition = "system-shutdown", text = reason };
- end
-end, -200);
-module:provides("net", {
- name = "s2s";
- listener = listener;
- default_port = 5269;
- encryption = "starttls";
- ssl_config = { -- FIXME This is not used atm, see mod_tls
- verify = { "peer", "client_once", };
- };
- multiplex = {
- protocol = "xmpp-server";
- pattern = "^<.*:stream.*%sxmlns%s*=%s*(['\"])jabber:server%1.*>";
- };