path: root/plugins/mod_scansion_record.lua
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'plugins/mod_scansion_record.lua')
1 files changed, 126 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/plugins/mod_scansion_record.lua b/plugins/mod_scansion_record.lua
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..8d772b4e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/plugins/mod_scansion_record.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,126 @@
+local names = { "Romeo", "Juliet", "Mercutio", "Tybalt", "Benvolio" };
+local devices = { "", "phone", "laptop", "tablet", "toaster", "fridge", "shoe" };
+local users = {};
+local filters = require "util.filters";
+local id = require "util.id";
+local dt = require "util.datetime";
+local dm = require "util.datamanager";
+local st = require "util.stanza";
+local record_id = id.medium():lower();
+local record_date = os.date("%Y%b%d"):lower();
+local header_file = dm.getpath(record_id, "scansion", record_date, "scs", true);
+local record_file = dm.getpath(record_id, "scansion", record_date, "log", true);
+local head = io.open(header_file, "w");
+local scan = io.open(record_file, "w+");
+local function record(string)
+ scan:write(string);
+local function record_header(string)
+ head:write(string);
+local function record_object(class, name, props)
+ head:write(("[%s] %s\n"):format(class, name));
+ for k,v in pairs(props) do
+ head:write(("\t%s: %s\n"):format(k, v));
+ end
+ head:write("\n");
+local function record_event(session, event)
+ record(session.scansion_id.." "..event.."\n\n");
+local function record_stanza(stanza, session, verb)
+ local flattened = tostring(stanza):gsub("><", ">\n\t<");
+ -- TODO Proper prettyprinting with indentation
+ record(session.scansion_id.." "..verb..":\n\t"..flattened.."\n\n");
+local function record_stanza_in(stanza, session)
+ if stanza.attr.xmlns == nil then
+ local copy = st.clone(stanza);
+ copy.attr.from = nil;
+ record_stanza(copy, session, "sends")
+ end
+ return stanza;
+local function record_stanza_out(stanza, session)
+ if stanza.attr.xmlns == nil then
+ if not (stanza.name == "iq" and stanza:get_child("bind", "urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:xmpp-bind")) then
+ local copy = st.clone(stanza);
+ if copy.attr.to == session.full_jid then
+ copy.attr.to = nil;
+ end
+ record_stanza(copy, session, "receives");
+ end
+ end
+ return stanza;
+module:hook("resource-bind", function (event)
+ local session = event.session;
+ if not users[session.username] then
+ users[session.username] = {
+ character = table.remove(names, 1) or id.short();
+ devices = {};
+ n_devices = 0;
+ };
+ end
+ local user = users[session.username];
+ local device = user.devices[session.resource];
+ if not device then
+ user.n_devices = user.n_devices + 1;
+ device = devices[user.n_devices] or ("device"..id.short());
+ user.devices[session.resource] = device;
+ end
+ session.scansion_character = user.character;
+ session.scansion_device = device;
+ session.scansion_id = user.character..(device ~= "" and "'s "..device or device);
+ record_object("Client", session.scansion_id, {
+ jid = session.full_jid,
+ password = "password",
+ });
+ module:log("info", "Connected: %s", session.scansion_id);
+ record_event(session, "connects");
+ filters.add_filter(session, "stanzas/in", record_stanza_in);
+ filters.add_filter(session, "stanzas/out", record_stanza_out);
+module:hook("resource-unbind", function (event)
+ local session = event.session;
+ if session.scansion_id then
+ record_event(session, "disconnects");
+ end
+record_header("# mod_scansion_record on host '"..module.host.."' recording started "..dt.datetime().."\n\n");
+module:hook_global("server-stopping", function ()
+ record("# recording ended on "..dt.datetime().."\n");
+ module:log("info", "Scansion recording available in %s", header_file);
+prosody.events.add_handler("server-cleanup", function ()
+ scan:seek("set", 0);
+ for line in scan:lines() do
+ head:write(line, "\n");
+ end
+ scan:close();
+ os.remove(record_file);
+ head:close()