path: root/spec/util_async_spec.lua
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'spec/util_async_spec.lua')
1 files changed, 616 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/spec/util_async_spec.lua b/spec/util_async_spec.lua
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..d2de8c94
--- /dev/null
+++ b/spec/util_async_spec.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,616 @@
+local async = require "util.async";
+describe("util.async", function()
+ local debug = false;
+ local print = print;
+ if debug then
+ require "util.logger".add_simple_sink(print);
+ else
+ print = function () end
+ end
+ local function mock_watchers(event_log)
+ local function generic_logging_watcher(name)
+ return function (...)
+ table.insert(event_log, { name = name, n = select("#", ...)-1, select(2, ...) });
+ end;
+ end;
+ return setmetatable(mock{
+ ready = generic_logging_watcher("ready");
+ waiting = generic_logging_watcher("waiting");
+ error = generic_logging_watcher("error");
+ }, {
+ __index = function (_, event)
+ -- Unexpected watcher called
+ assert(false, "unexpected watcher called: "..event);
+ end;
+ })
+ end
+ local function new(func)
+ local event_log = {};
+ local spy_func = spy.new(func);
+ return async.runner(spy_func, mock_watchers(event_log)), spy_func, event_log;
+ end
+ describe("#runner", function()
+ it("should work", function()
+ local r = new(function (item) assert(type(item) == "number") end);
+ r:run(1);
+ r:run(2);
+ end);
+ it("should be ready after creation", function ()
+ local r = new(function () end);
+ assert.equal(r.state, "ready");
+ end);
+ it("should do nothing if the queue is empty", function ()
+ local did_run;
+ local r = new(function () did_run = true end);
+ r:run();
+ assert.equal(r.state, "ready");
+ assert.is_nil(did_run);
+ r:run("hello");
+ assert.is_true(did_run);
+ end);
+ it("should support queuing work items without running", function ()
+ local did_run;
+ local r = new(function () did_run = true end);
+ r:enqueue("hello");
+ assert.equal(r.state, "ready");
+ assert.is_nil(did_run);
+ r:run();
+ assert.is_true(did_run);
+ end);
+ it("should support queuing multiple work items", function ()
+ local last_item;
+ local r, s = new(function (item) last_item = item; end);
+ r:enqueue("hello");
+ r:enqueue("there");
+ r:enqueue("world");
+ assert.equal(r.state, "ready");
+ r:run();
+ assert.equal(r.state, "ready");
+ assert.spy(s).was.called(3);
+ assert.equal(last_item, "world");
+ end);
+ it("should support all simple data types", function ()
+ local last_item;
+ local r, s = new(function (item) last_item = item; end);
+ local values = { {}, 123, "hello", true, false };
+ for i = 1, #values do
+ r:enqueue(values[i]);
+ end
+ assert.equal(r.state, "ready");
+ r:run();
+ assert.equal(r.state, "ready");
+ assert.spy(s).was.called(#values);
+ for i = 1, #values do
+ assert.spy(s).was.called_with(values[i]);
+ end
+ assert.equal(last_item, values[#values]);
+ end);
+ it("should work with no parameters", function ()
+ local item = "fail";
+ local r = async.runner();
+ local f = spy.new(function () item = "success"; end);
+ r:run(f);
+ assert.spy(f).was.called();
+ assert.equal(item, "success");
+ end);
+ it("supports a default error handler", function ()
+ local item = "fail";
+ local r = async.runner();
+ local f = spy.new(function () error("test error"); end);
+ assert.error_matches(function ()
+ r:run(f);
+ end, "test error");
+ assert.spy(f).was.called();
+ assert.equal(item, "fail");
+ end);
+ describe("#errors", function ()
+ describe("should notify", function ()
+ local last_processed_item, last_error;
+ local r;
+ r = async.runner(function (item)
+ if item == "error" then
+ error({ e = "test error" });
+ end
+ last_processed_item = item;
+ end, mock{
+ ready = function () end;
+ waiting = function () end;
+ error = function (runner, err)
+ assert.equal(r, runner);
+ last_error = err;
+ end;
+ });
+ -- Simple item, no error
+ r:run("hello");
+ assert.equal(r.state, "ready");
+ assert.equal(last_processed_item, "hello");
+ assert.spy(r.watchers.ready).was_not.called();
+ assert.spy(r.watchers.error).was_not.called();
+ -- Trigger an error inside the runner
+ assert.equal(last_error, nil);
+ r:run("error");
+ test("the correct watcher functions", function ()
+ -- Only the error watcher should have been called
+ assert.spy(r.watchers.ready).was_not.called();
+ assert.spy(r.watchers.waiting).was_not.called();
+ assert.spy(r.watchers.error).was.called(1);
+ end);
+ test("with the correct error", function ()
+ -- The error watcher state should be correct, to
+ -- demonstrate the error was passed correctly
+ assert.is_table(last_error);
+ assert.equal(last_error.e, "test error");
+ last_error = nil;
+ end);
+ assert.equal(r.state, "ready");
+ assert.equal(last_processed_item, "hello");
+ end);
+ do
+ local last_processed_item, last_error;
+ local r;
+ local wait, done;
+ r = async.runner(function (item)
+ if item == "error" then
+ error({ e = "test error" });
+ elseif item == "wait" then
+ wait, done = async.waiter();
+ wait();
+ error({ e = "post wait error" });
+ end
+ last_processed_item = item;
+ end, mock({
+ ready = function () end;
+ waiting = function () end;
+ error = function (runner, err)
+ assert.equal(r, runner);
+ last_error = err;
+ end;
+ }));
+ randomize(false); --luacheck: ignore 113/randomize
+ it("should not be fatal to the runner", function ()
+ r:run("world");
+ assert.equal(r.state, "ready");
+ assert.spy(r.watchers.ready).was_not.called();
+ assert.equal(last_processed_item, "world");
+ end);
+ it("should work despite a #waiter", function ()
+ -- This test covers an important case where a runner
+ -- throws an error while being executed outside of the
+ -- main loop. This happens when it was blocked ('waiting'),
+ -- and then released (via a call to done()).
+ last_error = nil;
+ r:run("wait");
+ assert.equal(r.state, "waiting");
+ assert.spy(r.watchers.waiting).was.called(1);
+ done();
+ -- At this point an error happens (state goes error->ready)
+ assert.equal(r.state, "ready");
+ assert.spy(r.watchers.error).was.called(1);
+ assert.spy(r.watchers.ready).was.called(1);
+ assert.is_table(last_error);
+ assert.equal(last_error.e, "post wait error");
+ last_error = nil;
+ r:run("hello again");
+ assert.spy(r.watchers.ready).was.called(1);
+ assert.spy(r.watchers.waiting).was.called(1);
+ assert.spy(r.watchers.error).was.called(1);
+ assert.equal(r.state, "ready");
+ assert.equal(last_processed_item, "hello again");
+ end);
+ end
+ it("should continue to process work items", function ()
+ local last_item;
+ local runner, runner_func = new(function (item)
+ if item == "error" then
+ error("test error");
+ end
+ last_item = item;
+ end);
+ runner:enqueue("one");
+ runner:enqueue("error");
+ runner:enqueue("two");
+ runner:run();
+ assert.equal(runner.state, "ready");
+ assert.spy(runner_func).was.called(3);
+ assert.spy(runner.watchers.error).was.called(1);
+ assert.spy(runner.watchers.ready).was.called(0);
+ assert.spy(runner.watchers.waiting).was.called(0);
+ assert.equal(last_item, "two");
+ end);
+ it("should continue to process work items during resume", function ()
+ local wait, done, last_item;
+ local runner, runner_func = new(function (item)
+ if item == "wait-error" then
+ wait, done = async.waiter();
+ wait();
+ error("test error");
+ end
+ last_item = item;
+ end);
+ runner:enqueue("one");
+ runner:enqueue("wait-error");
+ runner:enqueue("two");
+ runner:run();
+ done();
+ assert.equal(runner.state, "ready");
+ assert.spy(runner_func).was.called(3);
+ assert.spy(runner.watchers.error).was.called(1);
+ assert.spy(runner.watchers.waiting).was.called(1);
+ assert.spy(runner.watchers.ready).was.called(1);
+ assert.equal(last_item, "two");
+ end);
+ end);
+ end);
+ describe("#waiter", function()
+ it("should error outside of async context", function ()
+ assert.has_error(function ()
+ async.waiter();
+ end);
+ end);
+ it("should work", function ()
+ local wait, done;
+ local r = new(function (item)
+ assert(type(item) == "number")
+ if item == 3 then
+ wait, done = async.waiter();
+ wait();
+ end
+ end);
+ r:run(1);
+ assert(r.state == "ready");
+ r:run(2);
+ assert(r.state == "ready");
+ r:run(3);
+ assert(r.state == "waiting");
+ done();
+ assert(r.state == "ready");
+ --for k, v in ipairs(l) do print(k,v) end
+ end);
+ it("should work", function ()
+ --------------------
+ local wait, done;
+ local last_item = 0;
+ local r = new(function (item)
+ assert(type(item) == "number")
+ assert(item == last_item + 1);
+ last_item = item;
+ if item == 3 then
+ wait, done = async.waiter();
+ wait();
+ end
+ end);
+ r:run(1);
+ assert(r.state == "ready");
+ r:run(2);
+ assert(r.state == "ready");
+ r:run(3);
+ assert(r.state == "waiting");
+ r:run(4);
+ assert(r.state == "waiting");
+ done();
+ assert(r.state == "ready");
+ --for k, v in ipairs(l) do print(k,v) end
+ end);
+ it("should work", function ()
+ --------------------
+ local wait, done;
+ local last_item = 0;
+ local r = new(function (item)
+ assert(type(item) == "number")
+ assert((item == last_item + 1) or item == 3);
+ last_item = item;
+ if item == 3 then
+ wait, done = async.waiter();
+ wait();
+ end
+ end);
+ r:run(1);
+ assert(r.state == "ready");
+ r:run(2);
+ assert(r.state == "ready");
+ r:run(3);
+ assert(r.state == "waiting");
+ r:run(3);
+ assert(r.state == "waiting");
+ r:run(3);
+ assert(r.state == "waiting");
+ r:run(4);
+ assert(r.state == "waiting");
+ for i = 1, 3 do
+ done();
+ if i < 3 then
+ assert(r.state == "waiting");
+ end
+ end
+ assert(r.state == "ready");
+ --for k, v in ipairs(l) do print(k,v) end
+ end);
+ it("should work", function ()
+ --------------------
+ local wait, done;
+ local last_item = 0;
+ local r = new(function (item)
+ assert(type(item) == "number")
+ assert((item == last_item + 1) or item == 3);
+ last_item = item;
+ if item == 3 then
+ wait, done = async.waiter();
+ wait();
+ end
+ end);
+ r:run(1);
+ assert(r.state == "ready");
+ r:run(2);
+ assert(r.state == "ready");
+ r:run(3);
+ assert(r.state == "waiting");
+ r:run(3);
+ assert(r.state == "waiting");
+ for i = 1, 2 do
+ done();
+ if i < 2 then
+ assert(r.state == "waiting");
+ end
+ end
+ assert(r.state == "ready");
+ r:run(4);
+ assert(r.state == "ready");
+ assert(r.state == "ready");
+ --for k, v in ipairs(l) do print(k,v) end
+ end);
+ it("should work with multiple runners in parallel", function ()
+ -- Now with multiple runners
+ --------------------
+ local wait1, done1;
+ local last_item1 = 0;
+ local r1 = new(function (item)
+ assert(type(item) == "number")
+ assert((item == last_item1 + 1) or item == 3);
+ last_item1 = item;
+ if item == 3 then
+ wait1, done1 = async.waiter();
+ wait1();
+ end
+ end, "r1");
+ local wait2, done2;
+ local last_item2 = 0;
+ local r2 = new(function (item)
+ assert(type(item) == "number")
+ assert((item == last_item2 + 1) or item == 3);
+ last_item2 = item;
+ if item == 3 then
+ wait2, done2 = async.waiter();
+ wait2();
+ end
+ end, "r2");
+ r1:run(1);
+ assert(r1.state == "ready");
+ r1:run(2);
+ assert(r1.state == "ready");
+ r1:run(3);
+ assert(r1.state == "waiting");
+ r1:run(3);
+ assert(r1.state == "waiting");
+ r2:run(1);
+ assert(r1.state == "waiting");
+ assert(r2.state == "ready");
+ r2:run(2);
+ assert(r1.state == "waiting");
+ assert(r2.state == "ready");
+ r2:run(3);
+ assert(r1.state == "waiting");
+ assert(r2.state == "waiting");
+ done2();
+ r2:run(3);
+ assert(r1.state == "waiting");
+ assert(r2.state == "waiting");
+ done2();
+ r2:run(4);
+ assert(r1.state == "waiting");
+ assert(r2.state == "ready");
+ for i = 1, 2 do
+ done1();
+ if i < 2 then
+ assert(r1.state == "waiting");
+ end
+ end
+ assert(r1.state == "ready");
+ r1:run(4);
+ assert(r1.state == "ready");
+ assert(r1.state == "ready");
+ --for k, v in ipairs(l1) do print(k,v) end
+ end);
+ it("should work work with multiple runners in parallel", function ()
+ --------------------
+ local wait1, done1;
+ local last_item1 = 0;
+ local r1 = new(function (item)
+ print("r1 processing ", item);
+ assert(type(item) == "number")
+ assert((item == last_item1 + 1) or item == 3);
+ last_item1 = item;
+ if item == 3 then
+ wait1, done1 = async.waiter();
+ wait1();
+ end
+ end, "r1");
+ local wait2, done2;
+ local last_item2 = 0;
+ local r2 = new(function (item)
+ print("r2 processing ", item);
+ assert.is_number(item);
+ assert((item == last_item2 + 1) or item == 3);
+ last_item2 = item;
+ if item == 3 then
+ wait2, done2 = async.waiter();
+ wait2();
+ end
+ end, "r2");
+ r1:run(1);
+ assert.equal(r1.state, "ready");
+ r1:run(2);
+ assert.equal(r1.state, "ready");
+ r1:run(5);
+ assert.equal(r1.state, "ready");
+ r1:run(3);
+ assert.equal(r1.state, "waiting");
+ r1:run(5); -- Will error, when we get to it
+ assert.equal(r1.state, "waiting");
+ done1();
+ assert.equal(r1.state, "ready");
+ r1:run(3);
+ assert.equal(r1.state, "waiting");
+ r2:run(1);
+ assert.equal(r1.state, "waiting");
+ assert.equal(r2.state, "ready");
+ r2:run(2);
+ assert.equal(r1.state, "waiting");
+ assert.equal(r2.state, "ready");
+ r2:run(3);
+ assert.equal(r1.state, "waiting");
+ assert.equal(r2.state, "waiting");
+ done2();
+ assert.equal(r1.state, "waiting");
+ assert.equal(r2.state, "ready");
+ r2:run(3);
+ assert.equal(r1.state, "waiting");
+ assert.equal(r2.state, "waiting");
+ done2();
+ assert.equal(r1.state, "waiting");
+ assert.equal(r2.state, "ready");
+ r2:run(4);
+ assert.equal(r1.state, "waiting");
+ assert.equal(r2.state, "ready");
+ done1();
+ assert.equal(r1.state, "ready");
+ r1:run(4);
+ assert.equal(r1.state, "ready");
+ assert.equal(r1.state, "ready");
+ end);
+ it("should support multiple done() calls", function ()
+ local processed_item;
+ local wait, done;
+ local r, rf = new(function (item)
+ wait, done = async.waiter(4);
+ wait();
+ processed_item = item;
+ end);
+ r:run("test");
+ for _ = 1, 3 do
+ done();
+ assert.equal(r.state, "waiting");
+ assert.is_nil(processed_item);
+ end
+ done();
+ assert.equal(r.state, "ready");
+ assert.equal(processed_item, "test");
+ assert.spy(r.watchers.error).was_not.called();
+ end);
+ it("should not allow done() to be called more than specified", function ()
+ local processed_item;
+ local wait, done;
+ local r, rf = new(function (item)
+ wait, done = async.waiter(4);
+ wait();
+ processed_item = item;
+ end);
+ r:run("test");
+ for _ = 1, 4 do
+ done();
+ end
+ assert.has_error(done);
+ assert.equal(r.state, "ready");
+ assert.equal(processed_item, "test");
+ assert.spy(r.watchers.error).was_not.called();
+ end);
+ it("should allow done() to be called before wait()", function ()
+ local processed_item;
+ local r, rf = new(function (item)
+ local wait, done = async.waiter();
+ done();
+ wait();
+ processed_item = item;
+ end);
+ r:run("test");
+ assert.equal(processed_item, "test");
+ assert.equal(r.state, "ready");
+ -- Since the observable state did not change,
+ -- the watchers should not have been called
+ assert.spy(r.watchers.waiting).was_not.called();
+ assert.spy(r.watchers.ready).was_not.called();
+ end);
+ end);
+ describe("#ready()", function ()
+ it("should return false outside an async context", function ()
+ assert.falsy(async.ready());
+ end);
+ it("should return true inside an async context", function ()
+ local r = new(function ()
+ assert.truthy(async.ready());
+ end);
+ r:run(true);
+ assert.spy(r.func).was.called();
+ assert.spy(r.watchers.error).was_not.called();
+ end);
+ end);