path: root/spec/util_strbitop_spec.lua
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Diffstat (limited to 'spec/util_strbitop_spec.lua')
1 files changed, 85 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/spec/util_strbitop_spec.lua b/spec/util_strbitop_spec.lua
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..963c9516
--- /dev/null
+++ b/spec/util_strbitop_spec.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,85 @@
+local strbitop = require "util.strbitop";
+describe("util.strbitop", function ()
+ describe("sand()", function ()
+ it("works", function ()
+ assert.equal(string.rep("Aa", 100), strbitop.sand(string.rep("a", 200), "Aa"));
+ end);
+ it("returns empty string if first argument is empty", function ()
+ assert.equal("", strbitop.sand("", ""));
+ assert.equal("", strbitop.sand("", "key"));
+ end);
+ it("returns initial string if key is empty", function ()
+ assert.equal("hello", strbitop.sand("hello", ""));
+ end);
+ end);
+ describe("sor()", function ()
+ it("works", function ()
+ assert.equal(string.rep("a", 200), strbitop.sor(string.rep("Aa", 100), "a"));
+ end);
+ it("returns empty string if first argument is empty", function ()
+ assert.equal("", strbitop.sor("", ""));
+ assert.equal("", strbitop.sor("", "key"));
+ end);
+ it("returns initial string if key is empty", function ()
+ assert.equal("hello", strbitop.sor("hello", ""));
+ end);
+ end);
+ describe("sxor()", function ()
+ it("works", function ()
+ assert.equal(string.rep("Aa", 100), strbitop.sxor(string.rep("a", 200), " \0"));
+ end);
+ it("returns empty string if first argument is empty", function ()
+ assert.equal("", strbitop.sxor("", ""));
+ assert.equal("", strbitop.sxor("", "key"));
+ end);
+ it("returns initial string if key is empty", function ()
+ assert.equal("hello", strbitop.sxor("hello", ""));
+ end);
+ end);
+ describe("common_prefix_bits()", function ()
+ local function B(s)
+ assert(#s%8==0, "Invalid test input: B(s): s should be a multiple of 8 bits in length");
+ local byte = 0;
+ local out_str = {};
+ for i = 1, #s do
+ local bit_ascii = s:byte(i);
+ if bit_ascii == 49 then -- '1'
+ byte = byte + 2^((7-(i-1))%8);
+ elseif bit_ascii ~= 48 then
+ error("Invalid test input: B(s): s should contain only '0' or '1' characters");
+ end
+ if (i-1)%8 == 7 then
+ table.insert(out_str, string.char(byte));
+ byte = 0;
+ end
+ end
+ return table.concat(out_str);
+ end
+ local _cpb = strbitop.common_prefix_bits;
+ local function test(a, b)
+ local Ba, Bb = B(a), B(b);
+ local ret1 = _cpb(Ba, Bb);
+ local ret2 = _cpb(Bb, Ba);
+ assert(ret1 == ret2, ("parameter order should not make a difference to the result (%s, %s) = %d, reversed = %d"):format(a, b, ret1, ret2));
+ return ret1;
+ end
+ it("works on single bytes", function ()
+ assert.equal(0, test("00000000", "11111111"));
+ assert.equal(1, test("10000000", "11111111"));
+ assert.equal(0, test("01000000", "11111111"));
+ assert.equal(0, test("01000000", "11111111"));
+ assert.equal(8, test("11111111", "11111111"));
+ end);
+ it("works on multiple bytes", function ()
+ for i = 0, 16 do
+ assert.equal(i, test(string.rep("1", i)..string.rep("0", 16-i), "1111111111111111"));
+ end
+ end);
+ end);