path: root/teal-src/plugins/muc/muc.lib.d.tl
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'teal-src/plugins/muc/muc.lib.d.tl')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 178 deletions
diff --git a/teal-src/plugins/muc/muc.lib.d.tl b/teal-src/plugins/muc/muc.lib.d.tl
deleted file mode 100644
index 1e967d7b..00000000
--- a/teal-src/plugins/muc/muc.lib.d.tl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,178 +0,0 @@
-local Stanza = require "util.stanza".stanza_t
-local record Room
- jid : string
- enum Affiliation
- "outcast"
- "none"
- "member"
- "admin"
- "owner"
- end
- enum Role
- "none"
- "visitor"
- "participant"
- "moderator"
- end
- record Occupant
- bare_jid : string
- nick : string
- sessions : { string : Stanza }
- role : Role
- jid : string
- choose_new_primary : function (Occupant) : string
- set_session : function (Occupant, string, Stanza, boolean)
- remove_session : function (Occupant, string)
- each_session : function (Occupant) -- TODO Iterator
- end
- -- Private properties
- _jid_nick : { string : string }
- _occupants : { string : Occupant }
- _data : { string : any }
- _affiliations : { string : Affiliation }
- _affiliation_data : { string : { string : any } }
- -- Occupant methods
- get_occupant_jid : function (Room, real_jid : string) : string
- new_occupant : function (Room, bare_real_jid : string, nick : string) : Occupant
- get_occupant_by_nick : function (Room, nick : string) : Occupant
- type OccupantIterator = function ({string:Occupant}, occupant_jid : string) : string, Occupant
- each_occupant : function (Room, read_only : boolean) : OccupantIterator, {string:Occupant}, nil
- has_occupant : function (Room) : boolean
- get_occupant_by_real_jid : function (Room, real_jid : string) : Occupant
- save_occupant :function (Room, Occupant) : Occupant
- -- Affiliation methods
- type AffiliationIterator = function (any, jid : string) : string, Affiliation
- get_affiliation : function (Room, jid : string) : Affiliation
- each_affiliation : function (Room, Affiliation) : AffiliationIterator, nil, nil
- set_affiliation : function (Room, jid : string, Affiliation, reason : string, data : { string : any }) : boolean, string, string, string -- ok + error tripplet
- get_affiliation_data : function (Room, jid : string, key : string) : any
- set_affiliation_data : function (Room, jid : string, key : string, value : any) : boolean
- get_registered_nick : function (Room, jid : string) : string
- get_registered_jid : function (Room, nick : string) : string
- -- Role methods
- get_default_role : function (Room, Affiliation) : Role, integer
- get_role : function (Room, nick : string) : Role
- may_set_role : function (Room, actor : string, Occupant, Role) : boolean
- set_role : function (Room, actor : string, occupant_jid : string, Role, reason : string) : boolean, string, string, string
- -- Routing input, generally handled by mod_muc and hooked up to Prosody routing events
- handle_first_presence : function (Room, table, Stanza) : boolean
- handle_normal_presence : function (Room, table, Stanza) : boolean
- handle_presence_to_room : function (Room, table, Stanza) : boolean
- handle_presence_to_occupant : function (Room, table, Stanza) : boolean
- handle_message_to_room : function (Room, table, Stanza) : boolean
- handle_message_to_occupant : function (Room, table, Stanza) : boolean
- handle_groupchat_to_room : function (Room, table, Stanza) : boolean
- handle_iq_to_occupant : function (Room, table, Stanza) : boolean
- handle_disco_info_get_query : function (Room, table, Stanza) : boolean
- handle_disco_items_get_query : function (Room, table, Stanza) : boolean
- handle_admin_query_set_command : function (Room, table, Stanza) : boolean
- handle_admin_query_get_command : function (Room, table, Stanza) : boolean
- handle_owner_query_get_to_room : function (Room, table, Stanza) : boolean
- handle_owner_query_set_to_room : function (Room, table, Stanza) : boolean
- handle_mediated_invite : function (Room, table, Stanza) : boolean
- handle_mediated_decline : function (Room, table, Stanza) : boolean
- handle_role_request : function (Room, table, Stanza) : boolean
- handle_register_iq : function (Room, table, Stanza) : boolean
- handle_kickable : function (Room, table, Stanza) : boolean
- -- Routing output
- broadcast : function (Room, Stanza, function (nick : string, Occupant) : boolean)
- broadcast_message : function (Room, Stanza) : boolean
- route_stanza : function (Room, Stanza)
- route_to_occupant : function (Room, Occupant, Stanza)
- -- Sending things to someone joining
- publicise_occupant_status : function (Room, Occupant, x : Stanza, nick : string, actor : string, reason : string, prev_role : Role, force_unavailable : boolean, recipient : Occupant)
- send_occupant_list : function (Room, to : string, filter : function (occupant_jid : string, Occupant) : boolean)
- send_history : function (Room, Stanza)
- send_subject : function (Room, to : string, time : number)
- respond_to_probe : function (Room, table, Stanza, Occupant)
- -- Constructors for various answer stanzas
- get_disco_info : function (Room, Stanza) : Stanza
- get_disco_items : function (Room, Stanza) : Stanza
- build_item_list : function (Room, Occupant, Stanza, is_anonymous : boolean, nick : string, actor_nick : string, actor_jid : string, reason : string) : Stanza
- build_unavailable_presence : function (Room, from_muc_jid : string, to_jid : string) : Stanza
- -- Form handling
- send_form : function (Room, table, Stanza)
- get_form_layout : function (Room, actor : string) : table
- process_form : function (Room, table, Stanza) : boolean
- -- Properties and configuration
- get_name : function (Room) : string
- set_name : function (Room, string) : boolean
- get_description : function (Room) : string
- set_description : function (Room, string) : boolean
- get_language : function (Room) : string
- set_language : function (Room, string) : boolean
- get_hidden : function (Room) : boolean
- set_hidden : function (Room, boolean)
- get_public : function (Room) : boolean
- set_public : function (Room, boolean)
- get_password : function (Room) : string
- set_password : function (Room, string) : boolean
- get_members_only : function (Room) : boolean
- set_members_only : function (Room, boolean) : boolean
- get_allow_member_invites : function (Room) : boolean
- set_allow_member_invites : function (Room, boolean) : boolean
- get_moderated : function (Room) : boolean
- set_moderated : function (Room, boolean) : boolean
- get_persistent : function (Room) : boolean
- set_persistent : function (Room, boolean) : boolean
- get_changesubject : function (Room) : boolean
- set_changesubject : function (Room, boolean) : boolean
- get_subject : function (Room) : string
- set_subject : function (Room, string) : boolean
- get_historylength : function (Room) : integer
- set_historylength : function (Room, integer) : boolean
- get_presence_broadcast : function (Room) : { Role : boolean }
- set_presence_broadcast : function (Room, { Role : boolean }) : boolean
- is_anonymous_for : function (Room, jid : string) : boolean
- get_salt : function (Room) : string
- get_occupant_id : function (Room, Occupant)
- -- Room teardown
- clear : function (Room, x : Stanza)
- destroy : function (Room, newjid : string, reason : string, password : string) : boolean
- -- Room state persistence
- record FrozenRoom
- _jid : string
- _data : { string : any }
- _affiliation_data : { string : { string : any } }
- -- { string : Affiliation }
- end
- record StateEntry
- bare_jid : string
- role : Role
- jid : string
- end
- save : function (Room, forced : boolean, savestate : boolean) : boolean
- freeze : function (Room, live : boolean) : FrozenRoom, { string : StateEntry }
-local record lib
- new_room : function (jid : string, config : { string : any }) : Room
- restore_room : function (Room.FrozenRoom, { string : Room.StateEntry }) : Room
- room_mt : metatable
-return lib