path: root/tools/migration/prosody-migrator.lua
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'tools/migration/prosody-migrator.lua')
1 files changed, 115 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/tools/migration/prosody-migrator.lua b/tools/migration/prosody-migrator.lua
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..82eeab9d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tools/migration/prosody-migrator.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,115 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env lua
+local default_config = (CFG_CONFIGDIR or ".").."/migrator.cfg.lua";
+-- Command-line parsing
+local options = {};
+local handled_opts = 0;
+for i = 1, #arg do
+ if arg[i]:sub(1,2) == "--" then
+ local opt, val = arg[i]:match("([%w-]+)=?(.*)");
+ if opt then
+ options[(opt:sub(3):gsub("%-", "_"))] = #val > 0 and val or true;
+ end
+ handled_opts = i;
+ else
+ break;
+ end
+table.remove(arg, handled_opts);
+-- Load config file
+local function loadfilein(file, env)
+ if loadin then
+ return loadin(env, io.open(file):read("*a"));
+ else
+ local chunk, err = loadfile(file);
+ if chunk then
+ setfenv(chunk, env);
+ end
+ return chunk, err;
+ end
+local config_file = options.config or default_config;
+local from_store = arg[1] or "input";
+local to_store = arg[2] or "output";
+config = {};
+local config_env = setmetatable({}, { __index = function(t, k) return function(tbl) config[k] = tbl; end; end });
+local config_chunk, err = loadfilein(config_file, config_env);
+if not config_chunk then
+ print("There was an error loading the config file, check the file exists");
+ print("and that the syntax is correct:");
+ print("", err);
+ os.exit(1);
+ package.path = CFG_SOURCEDIR.."/?.lua;"..package.path;
+ package.cpath = CFG_SOURCEDIR.."/?.so;"..package.cpath;
+elseif not package.loaded["util.json"] then
+ package.path = "../../?.lua;"..package.path
+ package.cpath = "../../?.so;"..package.cpath
+local have_err;
+if #arg > 0 and #arg ~= 2 then
+ have_err = true;
+ print("Error: Incorrect number of parameters supplied.");
+if not config[from_store] then
+ have_err = true;
+ print("Error: Input store '"..from_store.."' not found in the config file.");
+if not config[to_store] then
+ have_err = true;
+ print("Error: Output store '"..to_store.."' not found in the config file.");
+if not config[from_store].type then
+ have_err = true;
+ print("Error: Input store type not specified in the config file");
+elseif not pcall(require, "migrator."..config[from_store].type) then
+ have_err = true;
+ print("Error: Unrecognised store type for '"..from_store.."': "..config[from_store].type);
+if not config[to_store].type then
+ have_err = true;
+ print("Error: Output store type not specified in the config file");
+elseif not pcall(require, "migrator."..config[to_store].type) then
+ have_err = true;
+ print("Error: Unrecognised store type for '"..to_store.."': "..config[to_store].type);
+if have_err then
+ print("");
+ print("Usage: "..arg[0].." FROM_STORE TO_STORE");
+ print("If no stores are specified, 'input' and 'output' are used.");
+ print("");
+ print("The available stores in your migrator config are:");
+ print("");
+ for store in pairs(config) do
+ print("", store);
+ end
+ print("");
+ os.exit(1);
+local itype = config[from_store].type;
+local otype = config[to_store].type;
+local reader = require("migrator."..itype).reader(config[from_store]);
+local writer = require("migrator."..otype).writer(config[to_store]);
+local json = require "util.json";
+for x in reader do
+ --print(json.encode(x))
+ writer(x);
+writer(nil); -- close