path: root/tools/openfire2prosody.lua
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'tools/openfire2prosody.lua')
1 files changed, 109 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/tools/openfire2prosody.lua b/tools/openfire2prosody.lua
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..cd3e62e5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tools/openfire2prosody.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,109 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env lua
+-- Prosody IM
+-- Copyright (C) 2008-2009 Waqas Hussain
+-- This project is MIT/X11 licensed. Please see the
+-- COPYING file in the source package for more information.
+package.path = package.path..";../?.lua";
+package.cpath = package.cpath..";../?.so"; -- needed for util.pposix used in datamanager
+local my_name = arg[0];
+if my_name:match("[/\\]") then
+ package.path = package.path..";"..my_name:gsub("[^/\\]+$", "../?.lua");
+ package.cpath = package.cpath..";"..my_name:gsub("[^/\\]+$", "../?.so");
+-- ugly workaround for getting datamanager to work outside of prosody :(
+prosody = { };
+prosody.platform = "unknown";
+if os.getenv("WINDIR") then
+ prosody.platform = "windows";
+elseif package.config:sub(1,1) == "/" then
+ prosody.platform = "posix";
+local parse_xml = require "util.xml".parse;
+package.loaded["util.logger"] = {init = function() return function() end; end}
+local dm = require "util.datamanager"
+local arg = ...;
+local help = "/? -? ? /h -h /help -help --help";
+if not arg or help:find(arg, 1, true) then
+ print([[Openfire importer for Prosody
+ Usage: openfire2prosody.lua filename.xml hostname
+ os.exit(1);
+local host = select(2, ...) or "localhost";
+local file = assert(io.open(arg));
+local data = assert(file:read("*a"));
+local xml = assert(parse_xml(data));
+assert(xml.name == "Openfire", "The input file is not an Openfire XML export");
+local substatus_mapping = { ["0"] = "none", ["1"] = "to", ["2"] = "from", ["3"] = "both" };
+for _,tag in ipairs(xml.tags) do
+ if tag.name == "User" then
+ local username, password, roster;
+ for _,tag in ipairs(tag.tags) do
+ if tag.name == "Username" then
+ username = tag:get_text();
+ elseif tag.name == "Password" then
+ password = tag:get_text();
+ elseif tag.name == "Roster" then
+ roster = {};
+ local pending = {};
+ for _,tag in ipairs(tag.tags) do
+ if tag.name == "Item" then
+ local jid = assert(tag.attr.jid, "Roster item has no JID");
+ if tag.attr.substatus ~= "-1" then
+ local item = {};
+ item.name = tag.attr.name;
+ item.subscription = assert(substatus_mapping[tag.attr.substatus], "invalid substatus");
+ item.ask = tag.attr.askstatus == "0" and "subscribe" or nil;
+ local groups = {};
+ for _,tag in ipairs(tag) do
+ if tag.name == "Group" then
+ groups[tag:get_text()] = true;
+ end
+ end
+ item.groups = groups;
+ roster[jid] = item;
+ end
+ if tag.attr.recvstatus == "1" then pending[jid] = true; end
+ end
+ end
+ if next(pending) then
+ roster[false] = { pending = pending };
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ assert(username and password, "No username or password");
+ local ret, err = dm.store(username, host, "accounts", {password = password});
+ print("["..(err or "success").."] stored account: "..username.."@"..host.." = "..password);
+ if roster then
+ local ret, err = dm.store(username, host, "roster", roster);
+ print("["..(err or "success").."] stored roster: "..username.."@"..host.." = "..password);
+ end
+ end