path: root/util/debug.lua
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'util/debug.lua')
1 files changed, 51 insertions, 8 deletions
diff --git a/util/debug.lua b/util/debug.lua
index 22d02bf2..3736dd34 100644
--- a/util/debug.lua
+++ b/util/debug.lua
@@ -7,8 +7,24 @@ local censored_names = {
pass = true;
pwd = true;
+local optimal_line_length = 65;
+local termcolours = require "util.termcolours";
+local getstring = termcolours.getstring;
+local styles;
+ _ = termcolours.getstyle;
+ styles = {
+ boundary_padding = _("bright", "white");
+ filename = _("bright", "blue");
+ level_num = _("green");
+ funcname = _("yellow");
+ location = _("yellow");
+ };
local function get_locals_table(level)
+ level = level + 1; -- Skip this function itself
local locals = {};
for local_num = 1, math.huge do
local name, value = debug.getlocal(level, local_num);
@@ -87,30 +103,50 @@ function get_traceback_table(thread, start_level)
return levels;
-function debug.traceback(thread, message, level)
+function debug.traceback(...)
+ local ok, ret = pcall(debug._traceback, ...);
+ if not ok then
+ return "Error in error handling: "..ret;
+ end
+ return ret;
+local function build_source_boundary_marker(last_source_desc)
+ local padding = string.rep("-", math.floor(((optimal_line_length - 6) - #last_source_desc)/2));
+ return getstring(styles.boundary_padding, "v"..padding).." "..getstring(styles.filename, last_source_desc).." "..getstring(styles.boundary_padding, padding..(#last_source_desc%2==0 and "-v" or "v "));
+function debug._traceback(thread, message, level)
if type(thread) ~= "thread" then
thread, message, level = coroutine.running(), thread, message;
if level and type(message) ~= "string" then
return nil, "invalid message";
elseif not level then
- level = message or 2;
+ if type(message) == "number" then
+ level, message = message, nil;
+ else
+ level = 2;
+ end
message = message and (message.."\n") or "";
local levels = get_traceback_table(thread, level+2);
+ local last_source_desc;
local lines = {};
for nlevel, level in ipairs(levels) do
local info = level.info;
local line = "...";
local func_type = info.namewhat.." ";
+ local source_desc = (info.short_src == "[C]" and "C code") or info.short_src or "Unknown";
if func_type == " " then func_type = ""; end;
if info.short_src == "[C]" then
- line = "[ C ] "..func_type.."C function "..(info.name and ("%q"):format(info.name) or "(unknown name)")
+ line = "[ C ] "..func_type.."C function "..getstring(styles.location, (info.name and ("%q"):format(info.name) or "(unknown name)"));
elseif info.what == "main" then
- line = "[Lua] "..info.short_src.." line "..info.currentline;
+ line = "[Lua] "..getstring(styles.location, info.short_src.." line "..info.currentline);
local name = info.name or " ";
if name ~= " " then
@@ -119,19 +155,26 @@ function debug.traceback(thread, message, level)
if func_type == "global " or func_type == "local " then
func_type = func_type.."function ";
- line = "[Lua] "..info.short_src.." line "..info.currentline.." in "..func_type..name.." defined on line "..info.linedefined;
+ line = "[Lua] "..getstring(styles.location, info.short_src.." line "..info.currentline).." in "..func_type..getstring(styles.funcname, name).." (defined on line "..info.linedefined..")";
+ end
+ if source_desc ~= last_source_desc then -- Venturing into a new source, add marker for previous
+ last_source_desc = source_desc;
+ table.insert(lines, "\t "..build_source_boundary_marker(last_source_desc));
nlevel = nlevel-1;
- table.insert(lines, "\t"..(nlevel==0 and ">" or " ").."("..nlevel..") "..line);
+ table.insert(lines, "\t"..(nlevel==0 and ">" or " ")..getstring(styles.level_num, "("..nlevel..") ")..line);
local npadding = (" "):rep(#tostring(nlevel));
- local locals_str = string_from_var_table(level.locals, 65, "\t "..npadding);
+ local locals_str = string_from_var_table(level.locals, optimal_line_length, "\t "..npadding);
if locals_str then
table.insert(lines, "\t "..npadding.."Locals: "..locals_str);
- local upvalues_str = string_from_var_table(level.upvalues, 65, "\t "..npadding);
+ local upvalues_str = string_from_var_table(level.upvalues, optimal_line_length, "\t "..npadding);
if upvalues_str then
table.insert(lines, "\t "..npadding.."Upvals: "..upvalues_str);
+-- table.insert(lines, "\t "..build_source_boundary_marker(last_source_desc));
return message.."stack traceback:\n"..table.concat(lines, "\n");