path: root/util/dns.lua
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'util/dns.lua')
1 files changed, 242 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/util/dns.lua b/util/dns.lua
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..3b58e03e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/util/dns.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,242 @@
+-- libunbound based net.adns replacement for Prosody IM
+-- Copyright (C) 2012-2015 Kim Alvefur
+-- Copyright (C) 2012 Waqas Hussain
+-- This file is MIT licensed.
+local setmetatable = setmetatable;
+local table = table;
+local t_concat = table.concat;
+local t_insert = table.insert;
+local s_byte = string.byte;
+local s_format = string.format;
+local s_sub = string.sub;
+local iana_data = require "util.dnsregistry";
+local tohex = require "util.hex".encode;
+local inet_ntop = require "util.net".ntop;
+-- Simplified versions of Waqas DNS parsers
+-- Only the per RR parsers are needed and only feed a single RR
+local parsers = {};
+-- No support for pointers, but libunbound appears to take care of that.
+local function readDnsName(packet, pos)
+ if s_byte(packet, pos) == 0 then return ".", pos+1; end
+ local pack_len, r, len = #packet, {};
+ pos = pos or 1;
+ repeat
+ len = s_byte(packet, pos) or 0;
+ t_insert(r, s_sub(packet, pos + 1, pos + len));
+ pos = pos + len + 1;
+ until len == 0 or pos >= pack_len;
+ return t_concat(r, "."), pos;
+-- These are just simple names.
+parsers.CNAME = readDnsName;
+parsers.NS = readDnsName
+parsers.PTR = readDnsName;
+local soa_mt = {
+ __tostring = function(rr)
+ return s_format("%s %s %d %d %d %d %d", rr.mname, rr.rname, rr.serial, rr.refresh, rr.retry, rr.expire, rr.minimum);
+ end;
+function parsers.SOA(packet)
+ local mname, rname, offset;
+ mname, offset = readDnsName(packet, 1);
+ rname, offset = readDnsName(packet, offset);
+ -- Extract all the bytes of these fields in one call
+ local
+ s1, s2, s3, s4, -- serial
+ r1, r2, r3, r4, -- refresh
+ t1, t2, t3, t4, -- retry
+ e1, e2, e3, e4, -- expire
+ m1, m2, m3, m4 -- minimum
+ = s_byte(packet, offset, offset + 19);
+ return setmetatable({
+ mname = mname;
+ rname = rname;
+ serial = s1*0x1000000 + s2*0x10000 + s3*0x100 + s4;
+ refresh = r1*0x1000000 + r2*0x10000 + r3*0x100 + r4;
+ retry = t1*0x1000000 + t2*0x10000 + t3*0x100 + t4;
+ expire = e1*0x1000000 + e2*0x10000 + e3*0x100 + e4;
+ minimum = m1*0x1000000 + m2*0x10000 + m3*0x100 + m4;
+ }, soa_mt);
+parsers.A = inet_ntop;
+parsers.AAAA = inet_ntop;
+local mx_mt = {
+ __tostring = function(rr)
+ return s_format("%d %s", rr.pref, rr.mx)
+ end
+function parsers.MX(packet)
+ local name = readDnsName(packet, 3);
+ local b1,b2 = s_byte(packet, 1, 2);
+ return setmetatable({
+ pref = b1*256+b2;
+ mx = name;
+ }, mx_mt);
+local srv_mt = {
+ __tostring = function(rr)
+ return s_format("%d %d %d %s", rr.priority, rr.weight, rr.port, rr.target);
+ end
+function parsers.SRV(packet)
+ local name = readDnsName(packet, 7);
+ local b1, b2, b3, b4, b5, b6 = s_byte(packet, 1, 6);
+ return setmetatable({
+ priority = b1*256+b2;
+ weight = b3*256+b4;
+ port = b5*256+b6;
+ target = name;
+ }, srv_mt);
+local txt_mt = { __tostring = t_concat };
+function parsers.TXT(packet)
+ local pack_len = #packet;
+ local r, pos, len = {}, 1;
+ repeat
+ len = s_byte(packet, pos) or 0;
+ t_insert(r, s_sub(packet, pos + 1, pos + len));
+ pos = pos + len + 1;
+ until pos >= pack_len;
+ return setmetatable(r, txt_mt);
+parsers.SPF = parsers.TXT;
+-- Acronyms from RFC 7218
+local tlsa_usages = {
+ [0] = "PKIX-CA";
+ [1] = "PKIX-EE";
+ [2] = "DANE-TA";
+ [3] = "DANE-EE";
+ [255] = "PrivCert";
+local tlsa_selectors = {
+ [0] = "Cert",
+ [1] = "SPKI",
+ [255] = "PrivSel",
+local tlsa_match_types = {
+ [0] = "Full",
+ [1] = "SHA2-256",
+ [2] = "SHA2-512",
+ [255] = "PrivMatch",
+local tlsa_mt = {
+ __tostring = function(rr)
+ return s_format("%s %s %s %s",
+ tlsa_usages[rr.use] or rr.use,
+ tlsa_selectors[rr.select] or rr.select,
+ tlsa_match_types[rr.match] or rr.match,
+ tohex(rr.data));
+ end;
+ __index = {
+ getUsage = function(rr) return tlsa_usages[rr.use] end;
+ getSelector = function(rr) return tlsa_selectors[rr.select] end;
+ getMatchType = function(rr) return tlsa_match_types[rr.match] end;
+ }
+function parsers.TLSA(packet)
+ local use, select, match = s_byte(packet, 1,3);
+ return setmetatable({
+ use = use;
+ select = select;
+ match = match;
+ data = s_sub(packet, 4);
+ }, tlsa_mt);
+local svcb_params = {"alpn"; "no-default-alpn"; "port"; "ipv4hint"; "ech"; "ipv6hint"};
+setmetatable(svcb_params, {__index = function(_, n) return "key" .. tostring(n); end});
+local svcb_mt = {
+ __tostring = function (rr)
+ local kv = {};
+ for i = 1, #rr.fields do
+ t_insert(kv, s_format("%s=%q", svcb_params[rr.fields[i].key], tostring(rr.fields[i].value)));
+ -- FIXME the =value part may be omitted when the value is "empty"
+ end
+ return s_format("%d %s %s", rr.prio, rr.name, t_concat(kv, " "));
+ end;
+local svbc_ip_mt = {__tostring = function(ip) return t_concat(ip, ", "); end}
+function parsers.SVCB(packet)
+ local prio_h, prio_l = packet:byte(1,2);
+ local prio = prio_h*256+prio_l;
+ local name, pos = readDnsName(packet, 3);
+ local fields = {};
+ while #packet > pos do
+ local key_h, key_l = packet:byte(pos+0,pos+1);
+ local len_h, len_l = packet:byte(pos+2,pos+3);
+ local key = key_h*256+key_l;
+ local len = len_h*256+len_l;
+ local value = packet:sub(pos+4,pos+4-1+len)
+ if key == 1 then
+ value = setmetatable(parsers.TXT(value), svbc_ip_mt);
+ elseif key == 3 then
+ local port_h, port_l = value:byte(1,2);
+ local port = port_h*256+port_l;
+ value = port;
+ elseif key == 4 then
+ local ip = {};
+ for i = 1, #value, 4 do
+ t_insert(ip, parsers.A(value:sub(i, i+3)));
+ end
+ value = setmetatable(ip, svbc_ip_mt);
+ elseif key == 6 then
+ local ip = {};
+ for i = 1, #value, 16 do
+ t_insert(ip, parsers.AAAA(value:sub(i, i+15)));
+ end
+ value = setmetatable(ip, svbc_ip_mt);
+ end
+ t_insert(fields, { key = key, value = value, len = len });
+ pos = pos+len+4;
+ end
+ return setmetatable({
+ prio = prio, name = name, fields = fields,
+ }, svcb_mt);
+parsers.HTTPS = parsers.SVCB;
+local params = {
+ TLSA = {
+ use = tlsa_usages;
+ select = tlsa_selectors;
+ match = tlsa_match_types;
+ };
+local fallback_mt = {
+ __tostring = function(rr)
+ return s_format([[\# %d %s]], #rr.raw, tohex(rr.raw));
+ end;
+local function fallback_parser(packet)
+ return setmetatable({ raw = packet },fallback_mt);
+setmetatable(parsers, { __index = function() return fallback_parser end });
+return {
+ parsers = parsers;
+ classes = iana_data.classes;
+ types = iana_data.types;
+ errors = iana_data.errors;
+ params = params;