path: root/util/httpstream.lua
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'util/httpstream.lua')
1 files changed, 137 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/util/httpstream.lua b/util/httpstream.lua
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..bdc3fce7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/util/httpstream.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,137 @@
+local coroutine = coroutine;
+local tonumber = tonumber;
+local deadroutine = coroutine.create(function() end);
+local function parser(success_cb, parser_type, options_cb)
+ local data = coroutine.yield();
+ local function readline()
+ local pos = data:find("\r\n", nil, true);
+ while not pos do
+ data = data..coroutine.yield();
+ pos = data:find("\r\n", nil, true);
+ end
+ local r = data:sub(1, pos-1);
+ data = data:sub(pos+2);
+ return r;
+ end
+ local function readlength(n)
+ while #data < n do
+ data = data..coroutine.yield();
+ end
+ local r = data:sub(1, n);
+ data = data:sub(n + 1);
+ return r;
+ end
+ local function readheaders()
+ local headers = {}; -- read headers
+ while true do
+ local line = readline();
+ if line == "" then break; end -- headers done
+ local key, val = line:match("^([^%s:]+): *(.*)$");
+ if not key then coroutine.yield("invalid-header-line"); end -- TODO handle multi-line and invalid headers
+ key = key:lower();
+ headers[key] = headers[key] and headers[key]..","..val or val;
+ end
+ return headers;
+ end
+ if not parser_type or parser_type == "server" then
+ while true do
+ -- read status line
+ local status_line = readline();
+ local method, path, httpversion = status_line:match("^(%S+)%s+(%S+)%s+HTTP/(%S+)$");
+ if not method then coroutine.yield("invalid-status-line"); end
+ path = path:gsub("^//+", "/"); -- TODO parse url more
+ local headers = readheaders();
+ -- read body
+ local len = tonumber(headers["content-length"]);
+ len = len or 0; -- TODO check for invalid len
+ local body = readlength(len);
+ success_cb({
+ method = method;
+ path = path;
+ httpversion = httpversion;
+ headers = headers;
+ body = body;
+ });
+ end
+ elseif parser_type == "client" then
+ while true do
+ -- read status line
+ local status_line = readline();
+ local httpversion, status_code, reason_phrase = status_line:match("^HTTP/(%S+)%s+(%d%d%d)%s+(.*)$");
+ status_code = tonumber(status_code);
+ if not status_code then coroutine.yield("invalid-status-line"); end
+ local headers = readheaders();
+ -- read body
+ local have_body = not
+ ( (options_cb and options_cb().method == "HEAD")
+ or (status_code == 204 or status_code == 304 or status_code == 301)
+ or (status_code >= 100 and status_code < 200) );
+ local body;
+ if have_body then
+ local len = tonumber(headers["content-length"]);
+ if headers["transfer-encoding"] == "chunked" then
+ body = "";
+ while true do
+ local chunk_size = readline():match("^%x+");
+ if not chunk_size then coroutine.yield("invalid-chunk-size"); end
+ chunk_size = tonumber(chunk_size, 16)
+ if chunk_size == 0 then break; end
+ body = body..readlength(chunk_size);
+ if readline() ~= "" then coroutine.yield("invalid-chunk-ending"); end
+ end
+ local trailers = readheaders();
+ elseif len then -- TODO check for invalid len
+ body = readlength(len);
+ else -- read to end
+ repeat
+ local newdata = coroutine.yield();
+ data = data..newdata;
+ until newdata == "";
+ body, data = data, "";
+ end
+ end
+ success_cb({
+ code = status_code;
+ httpversion = httpversion;
+ headers = headers;
+ body = body;
+ -- COMPAT the properties below are deprecated
+ responseversion = httpversion;
+ responseheaders = headers;
+ });
+ end
+ else coroutine.yield("unknown-parser-type"); end
+function new(success_cb, error_cb, parser_type, options_cb)
+ local co = coroutine.create(parser);
+ coroutine.resume(co, success_cb, parser_type, options_cb)
+ return {
+ feed = function(self, data)
+ if not data then
+ if parser_type == "client" then coroutine.resume(co, ""); end
+ co = deadroutine;
+ return error_cb();
+ end
+ local success, result = coroutine.resume(co, data);
+ if result then
+ co = deadroutine;
+ return error_cb(result);
+ end
+ end;
+ };
+return _M;