path: root/util/sasl
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Diffstat (limited to 'util/sasl')
1 files changed, 14 insertions, 14 deletions
diff --git a/util/sasl/scram.lua b/util/sasl/scram.lua
index cf2f0ede..31c078a0 100644
--- a/util/sasl/scram.lua
+++ b/util/sasl/scram.lua
@@ -73,11 +73,11 @@ local function validate_username(username, _nodeprep)
return false
-- replace =2C with , and =3D with =
username = username:gsub("=2C", ",");
username = username:gsub("=3D", "=");
-- apply SASLprep
username = saslprep(username);
@@ -108,12 +108,12 @@ end
local function scram_gen(hash_name, H_f, HMAC_f)
local function scram_hash(self, message)
if not self.state then self["state"] = {} end
if type(message) ~= "string" or #message == 0 then return "failure", "malformed-request" end
if not self.state.name then
-- we are processing client_first_message
local client_first_message = message;
-- TODO: fail if authzid is provided, since we don't support them yet
self.state["client_first_message"] = client_first_message;
self.state["gs2_cbind_flag"], self.state["authzid"], self.state["name"], self.state["clientnonce"]
@@ -127,21 +127,21 @@ local function scram_gen(hash_name, H_f, HMAC_f)
if not self.state.name or not self.state.clientnonce then
return "failure", "malformed-request", "Channel binding isn't support at this time.";
self.state.name = validate_username(self.state.name, self.profile.nodeprep);
if not self.state.name then
log("debug", "Username violates either SASLprep or contains forbidden character sequences.")
return "failure", "malformed-request", "Invalid username.";
self.state["servernonce"] = generate_uuid();
-- retreive credentials
if self.profile.plain then
local password, state = self.profile.plain(self, self.state.name, self.realm)
if state == nil then return "failure", "not-authorized"
elseif state == false then return "failure", "account-disabled" end
password = saslprep(password);
if not password then
log("debug", "Password violates SASLprep.");
@@ -161,22 +161,22 @@ local function scram_gen(hash_name, H_f, HMAC_f)
local stored_key, server_key, iteration_count, salt, state = self.profile["scram_"..hashprep(hash_name)](self, self.state.name, self.realm);
if state == nil then return "failure", "not-authorized"
elseif state == false then return "failure", "account-disabled" end
self.state.stored_key = stored_key;
self.state.server_key = server_key;
self.state.iteration_count = iteration_count;
self.state.salt = salt
local server_first_message = "r="..self.state.clientnonce..self.state.servernonce..",s="..base64.encode(self.state.salt)..",i="..self.state.iteration_count;
self.state["server_first_message"] = server_first_message;
return "challenge", server_first_message
-- we are processing client_final_message
local client_final_message = message;
self.state["channelbinding"], self.state["nonce"], self.state["proof"] = client_final_message:match("^c=(.*),r=(.*),.*p=(.*)");
if not self.state.proof or not self.state.nonce or not self.state.channelbinding then
return "failure", "malformed-request", "Missing an attribute(p, r or c) in SASL message.";
@@ -184,10 +184,10 @@ local function scram_gen(hash_name, H_f, HMAC_f)
if self.state.nonce ~= self.state.clientnonce..self.state.servernonce then
return "failure", "malformed-request", "Wrong nonce in client-final-message.";
local ServerKey = self.state.server_key;
local StoredKey = self.state.stored_key;
local AuthMessage = "n=" .. s_match(self.state.client_first_message,"n=(.+)") .. "," .. self.state.server_first_message .. "," .. s_match(client_final_message, "(.+),p=.+")
local ClientSignature = HMAC_f(StoredKey, AuthMessage)
local ClientKey = binaryXOR(ClientSignature, base64.decode(self.state.proof))