path: root/util/startup.lua
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Diffstat (limited to 'util/startup.lua')
1 files changed, 2 insertions, 10 deletions
diff --git a/util/startup.lua b/util/startup.lua
index 4601bd85..4b3842bb 100644
--- a/util/startup.lua
+++ b/util/startup.lua
@@ -238,16 +238,8 @@ function startup.setup_plugindir()
CFG_PLUGINDIR = table.concat(custom_plugin_paths, path_sep)..path_sep..(CFG_PLUGINDIR or "plugins");
prosody.paths.plugins = CFG_PLUGINDIR;
- -- Checks if installer_plugin_path is a relative paths and makes it an absolute path
- if installer_plugin_path:sub(1,1) ~= "/" then
- -- Works fine when executing prosody from source (configure and make only)
- -- Probably wont be the best install directory, when using a package installation
- local lfs_currentdir = require "lfs".currentdir();
- local current_directory = lfs_currentdir;
- -- Some normalization
- installer_plugin_path = installer_plugin_path:gsub("^%.%"..dir_sep.."+", "");
- installer_plugin_path = current_directory..dir_sep..installer_plugin_path;
- end
+ local current_directory = require "lfs".currentdir();
+ installer_plugin_path = config.resolve_relative_path(current_directory, installer_plugin_path);
-- Checking if the folder exists. If it doesn't, we create it, but we need permissions to do so
if os.execute('[ -d "'..installer_plugin_path..'" ]') ~= 0 then
os.execute("mkdir "..installer_plugin_path);