path: root/util/template.lua
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'util/template.lua')
1 files changed, 133 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/util/template.lua b/util/template.lua
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..ebd8be14
--- /dev/null
+++ b/util/template.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,133 @@
+local st = require "util.stanza";
+local lxp = require "lxp";
+local setmetatable = setmetatable;
+local pairs = pairs;
+local ipairs = ipairs;
+local error = error;
+local loadstring = loadstring;
+local debug = debug;
+local parse_xml = (function()
+ local ns_prefixes = {
+ ["http://www.w3.org/XML/1998/namespace"] = "xml";
+ };
+ local ns_separator = "\1";
+ local ns_pattern = "^([^"..ns_separator.."]*)"..ns_separator.."?(.*)$";
+ return function(xml)
+ local handler = {};
+ local stanza = st.stanza("root");
+ function handler:StartElement(tagname, attr)
+ local curr_ns,name = tagname:match(ns_pattern);
+ if name == "" then
+ curr_ns, name = "", curr_ns;
+ end
+ if curr_ns ~= "" then
+ attr.xmlns = curr_ns;
+ end
+ for i=1,#attr do
+ local k = attr[i];
+ attr[i] = nil;
+ local ns, nm = k:match(ns_pattern);
+ if nm ~= "" then
+ ns = ns_prefixes[ns];
+ if ns then
+ attr[ns..":"..nm] = attr[k];
+ attr[k] = nil;
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ stanza:tag(name, attr);
+ end
+ function handler:CharacterData(data)
+ data = data:gsub("^%s*", ""):gsub("%s*$", "");
+ stanza:text(data);
+ end
+ function handler:EndElement(tagname)
+ stanza:up();
+ end
+ local parser = lxp.new(handler, "\1");
+ local ok, err, line, col = parser:parse(xml);
+ if ok then ok, err, line, col = parser:parse(); end
+ --parser:close();
+ if ok then
+ return stanza.tags[1];
+ else
+ return ok, err.." (line "..line..", col "..col..")";
+ end
+ end;
+local function create_string_string(str)
+ str = ("%q"):format(str);
+ str = str:gsub("{([^}]*)}", function(s)
+ return '"..(data["'..s..'"]or"").."';
+ end);
+ return str;
+local function create_attr_string(attr, xmlns)
+ local str = '{';
+ for name,value in pairs(attr) do
+ if name ~= "xmlns" or value ~= xmlns then
+ str = str..("[%q]=%s;"):format(name, create_string_string(value));
+ end
+ end
+ return str..'}';
+local function create_clone_string(stanza, lookup, xmlns)
+ if not lookup[stanza] then
+ local s = ('setmetatable({name=%q,attr=%s,tags={'):format(stanza.name, create_attr_string(stanza.attr, xmlns));
+ -- add tags
+ for i,tag in ipairs(stanza.tags) do
+ s = s..create_clone_string(tag, lookup, stanza.attr.xmlns)..";";
+ end
+ s = s..'};';
+ -- add children
+ for i,child in ipairs(stanza) do
+ if child.name then
+ s = s..create_clone_string(child, lookup, stanza.attr.xmlns)..";";
+ else
+ s = s..create_string_string(child)..";"
+ end
+ end
+ s = s..'}, stanza_mt)';
+ s = s:gsub('%.%.""', ""):gsub('([=;])""%.%.', "%1"):gsub(';"";', ";"); -- strip empty strings
+ local n = #lookup + 1;
+ lookup[n] = s;
+ lookup[stanza] = "_"..n;
+ end
+ return lookup[stanza];
+local stanza_mt = st.stanza_mt;
+local function create_cloner(stanza, chunkname)
+ local lookup = {};
+ local name = create_clone_string(stanza, lookup, "");
+ local f = "local setmetatable,stanza_mt=...;return function(data)";
+ for i=1,#lookup do
+ f = f.."local _"..i.."="..lookup[i]..";";
+ end
+ f = f.."return "..name..";end";
+ local f,err = loadstring(f, chunkname);
+ if not f then error(err); end
+ return f(setmetatable, stanza_mt);
+local template_mt = { __tostring = function(t) return t.name end };
+local function create_template(templates, text)
+ local stanza, err = parse_xml(text);
+ if not stanza then error(err); end
+ local info = debug.getinfo(3, "Sl");
+ info = info and ("template(%s:%d)"):format(info.short_src:match("[^\\/]*$"), info.currentline) or "template(unknown)";
+ local template = setmetatable({ apply = create_cloner(stanza, info), name = info, text = text }, template_mt);
+ templates[text] = template;
+ return template;
+local templates = setmetatable({}, { __mode = 'k', __index = create_template });
+return function(text)
+ return templates[text];