path: root/util
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diff --git a/util/prosodyctl/check.lua b/util/prosodyctl/check.lua
index f1b530d9..67762c13 100644
--- a/util/prosodyctl/check.lua
+++ b/util/prosodyctl/check.lua
@@ -325,7 +325,12 @@ local function check(arg)
local ok = true;
local function contains_match(hayset, needle) for member in hayset do if member:find(needle) then return true end end end
local function disabled_hosts(host, conf) return host ~= "*" and conf.enabled ~= false; end
+ local function is_user_host(host, conf) return host ~= "*" and conf.component_module == nil; end
+ local function is_component_host(host, conf) return host ~= "*" and conf.component_module ~= nil; end
local function enabled_hosts() return it.filter(disabled_hosts, it.sorted_pairs(configmanager.getconfig())); end
+ local function enabled_user_hosts() return it.filter(is_user_host, it.sorted_pairs(configmanager.getconfig())); end
+ local function enabled_components() return it.filter(is_component_host, it.sorted_pairs(configmanager.getconfig())); end
local checks = {};
function checks.disabled()
local disabled_hosts_set = set.new();
@@ -802,6 +807,22 @@ local function check(arg)
+ -- Check features
+ do
+ local missing_features = {};
+ for host in enabled_user_hosts() do
+ local all_features = checks.features(host, true);
+ if not all_features then
+ table.insert(missing_features, host);
+ end
+ end
+ if #missing_features > 0 then
+ print("");
+ print(" Some of your hosts may be missing features due to a lack of configuration.");
+ print(" For more details, use the 'prosodyctl check features' command.");
+ end
+ end
function checks.dns()
@@ -1450,6 +1471,217 @@ local function check(arg)
+ function checks.features(host, quiet)
+ if not quiet then
+ print("Feature report");
+ end
+ local common_subdomains = {
+ http_file_share = "share";
+ muc = "groups";
+ };
+ local function print_feature_status(feature, host)
+ if quiet then return; end
+ print("", feature.ok and "OK" or "(!)", feature.name);
+ if not feature.ok then
+ if feature.lacking_modules then
+ table.sort(feature.lacking_modules);
+ print("", "", "Suggested modules: ");
+ for _, module in ipairs(feature.lacking_modules) do
+ print("", "", (" - %s: https://prosody.im/doc/modules/mod_%s"):format(module, module));
+ end
+ end
+ if feature.lacking_components then
+ table.sort(feature.lacking_components);
+ for _, component_module in ipairs(feature.lacking_components) do
+ local subdomain = common_subdomains[component_module];
+ if subdomain then
+ print("", "", "Suggested component:");
+ print("");
+ print("", "", "", ("Component %q %q"):format(subdomain.."."..host, component_module));
+ print("", "", "", ("-- Documentation: https://prosody.im/doc/modules/mod_%s"):format(component_module));
+ else
+ print("", "", ("Suggested component: %s"):format(component_module));
+ end
+ end
+ print("");
+ print("", "", "If you have already configured any these components, they may not be");
+ print("", "", "linked correctly to "..host..". For more info see https://prosody.im/doc/components");
+ end
+ end
+ print("");
+ end
+ local all_ok = true;
+ local config = configmanager.getconfig();
+ local f, s, v;
+ if check_host then
+ f, s, v = it.values({ check_host });
+ else
+ f, s, v = enabled_user_hosts();
+ end
+ for host in f, s, v do
+ local modules_enabled = set.new(config["*"].modules_enabled);
+ modules_enabled:include(set.new(config[host].modules_enabled));
+ -- { [component_module] = { hostname1, hostname2, ... } }
+ local host_components = setmetatable({}, { __index = function (t, k) return rawset(t, k, {})[k]; end });
+ do
+ local hostapi = api(host);
+ -- Find implicitly linked components
+ for other_host in enabled_components() do
+ local parent_host = other_host:match("^[^.]+%.(.+)$");
+ if parent_host == host then
+ local component_module = configmanager.get(other_host, "component_module");
+ if component_module then
+ table.insert(host_components[component_module], other_host);
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ -- And components linked explicitly
+ for _, disco_item in ipairs(hostapi:get_option_array("disco_items", {})) do
+ local other_host = disco_item[1];
+ local component_module = configmanager.get(other_host, "component_module");
+ if component_module then
+ table.insert(host_components[component_module], other_host);
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ local current_feature;
+ local function check_module(suggested, alternate, ...)
+ if set.intersection(modules_enabled, set.new({suggested, alternate, ...})):empty() then
+ current_feature.lacking_modules = current_feature.lacking_modules or {};
+ table.insert(current_feature.lacking_modules, suggested);
+ end
+ end
+ local function check_component(suggested, alternate, ...)
+ local found;
+ for _, component_module in ipairs({ suggested, alternate, ... }) do
+ found = #host_components[component_module] > 0;
+ if found then break; end
+ end
+ if not found then
+ current_feature.lacking_components = current_feature.lacking_components or {};
+ table.insert(current_feature.lacking_components, suggested);
+ end
+ end
+ local features = {
+ {
+ name = "Basic functionality";
+ check = function ()
+ check_module("disco");
+ check_module("roster");
+ check_module("saslauth");
+ check_module("tls");
+ check_module("pep");
+ end;
+ };
+ {
+ name = "Multi-device sync";
+ check = function ()
+ check_module("carbons");
+ check_module("mam");
+ check_module("bookmarks");
+ end;
+ };
+ {
+ name = "Mobile optimizations";
+ check = function ()
+ check_module("smacks");
+ check_module("csi_simple", "csi_battery_saver");
+ end;
+ };
+ {
+ name = "Web connections";
+ check = function ()
+ check_module("bosh");
+ check_module("websocket");
+ end;
+ };
+ {
+ name = "User profiles";
+ check = function ()
+ check_module("vcard_legacy", "vcard");
+ end;
+ };
+ {
+ name = "Blocking";
+ check = function ()
+ check_module("blocklist");
+ end;
+ };
+ {
+ name = "Push notifications";
+ check = function ()
+ check_module("cloud_notify");
+ end;
+ };
+ {
+ name = "Audio/video calls";
+ check = function ()
+ check_module(
+ "turn_external",
+ "external_services",
+ "turncredentials",
+ "extdisco"
+ );
+ end;
+ };
+ {
+ name = "File sharing";
+ check = function ()
+ check_component("http_file_share", "http_upload");
+ end;
+ };
+ {
+ name = "Group chats";
+ check = function ()
+ check_component("muc");
+ end;
+ };
+ };
+ if not quiet then
+ print(host);
+ end
+ for _, feature in ipairs(features) do
+ current_feature = feature;
+ feature.check();
+ feature.ok = not feature.lacking_modules and not feature.lacking_components;
+ -- For improved presentation, we group the (ok) and (not ok) features
+ if feature.ok then
+ print_feature_status(feature, host);
+ end
+ end
+ for _, feature in ipairs(features) do
+ if not feature.ok then
+ all_ok = false;
+ print_feature_status(feature, host);
+ end
+ end
+ if not quiet then
+ print("");
+ end
+ end
+ return all_ok;
+ end
if what == nil or what == "all" then
local ret;
ret = checks.disabled();