local configmanager = require "core.configmanager"; local log = require "util.logger".init("certmanager"); local ssl = ssl; local ssl_newcontext = ssl and ssl.newcontext; local setmetatable, tostring = setmetatable, tostring; local prosody = prosody; local resolve_path = prosody.resolve_relative_path; module "certmanager" -- Global SSL options if not overridden per-host local default_ssl_config = configmanager.get("*", "core", "ssl"); function create_context(host, mode, config) if not ssl then return nil; end local user_ssl_config = config and config.core.ssl or default_ssl_config; local ssl_config = { mode = mode; protocol = user_ssl_config.protocol or "sslv23"; key = resolve_path(user_ssl_config.key); password = user_ssl_config.password; certificate = resolve_path(user_ssl_config.certificate); capath = resolve_path(user_ssl_config.capath or default_capath); cafile = resolve_path(user_ssl_config.cafile); verify = user_ssl_config.verify or "none"; options = user_ssl_config.options or "no_sslv2"; ciphers = user_ssl_config.ciphers; depth = user_ssl_config.depth; }; log("warn", "keyfile: %q", ssl_config.key); local ctx, err = ssl_newcontext(ssl_config); if not ctx then err = err or "invalid ssl config" local file = err:match("^error loading (.-) %("); if file then if file == "private key" then file = ssl_config.key or "your private key"; elseif file == "certificate" then file = ssl_config.certificate or "your certificate file"; end local reason = err:match("%((.+)%)$") or "some reason"; if reason == "Permission denied" then reason = "Check that the permissions allow Prosody to read this file."; elseif reason == "No such file or directory" then reason = "Check that the path is correct, and the file exists."; elseif reason == "system lib" then reason = "Previous error (see logs), or other system error."; elseif reason == "(null)" or not reason then reason = "Check that the file exists and the permissions are correct"; else reason = "Reason: "..tostring(reason):lower(); end log("error", "SSL/TLS: Failed to load %s: %s", file, reason); else log("error", "SSL/TLS: Error initialising for host %s: %s", host, err ); end ssl = false end return ctx, err; end function reload_ssl_config() default_ssl_config = configmanager.get("*", "core", "ssl"); end prosody.events.add_handler("config-reloaded", reload_ssl_config); return _M;