-- Prosody IM -- Copyright (C) 2008-2010 Matthew Wild -- Copyright (C) 2008-2010 Waqas Hussain -- -- This project is MIT/X11 licensed. Please see the -- COPYING file in the source package for more information. -- local softreq = require"util.dependencies".softreq; local ssl = softreq"ssl"; if not ssl then return { create_context = function () return nil, "LuaSec (required for encryption) was not found"; end; reload_ssl_config = function () end; } end local configmanager = require "core.configmanager"; local log = require "util.logger".init("certmanager"); local ssl_context = ssl.context or softreq"ssl.context"; local ssl_newcontext = ssl.newcontext; local new_config = require"util.sslconfig".new; local stat = require "lfs".attributes; local x509 = require "util.x509"; local lfs = require "lfs"; local tonumber, tostring = tonumber, tostring; local pairs = pairs; local t_remove = table.remove; local type = type; local io_open = io.open; local select = select; local now = os.time; local next = next; local prosody = prosody; local pathutil = require"util.paths"; local resolve_path = pathutil.resolve_relative_path; local config_path = prosody.paths.config or "."; local luasec_major, luasec_minor = ssl._VERSION:match("^(%d+)%.(%d+)"); local luasec_version = tonumber(luasec_major) * 100 + tonumber(luasec_minor); -- TODO Use ssl.config instead of require here once we are sure that the fix -- in LuaSec has been widely distributed -- https://github.com/brunoos/luasec/issues/149 local luasec_has = softreq"ssl.config" or { algorithms = { ec = luasec_version >= 5; }; capabilities = { curves_list = luasec_version >= 7; }; options = { cipher_server_preference = luasec_version >= 2; no_ticket = luasec_version >= 4; no_compression = luasec_version >= 5; single_dh_use = luasec_version >= 2; single_ecdh_use = luasec_version >= 2; }; }; local _ENV = nil; -- luacheck: std none -- Global SSL options if not overridden per-host local global_ssl_config = configmanager.get("*", "ssl"); local global_certificates = configmanager.get("*", "certificates") or "certs"; local crt_try = { "", "/%s.crt", "/%s/fullchain.pem", "/%s.pem", }; local key_try = { "", "/%s.key", "/%s/privkey.pem", "/%s.pem", }; local function find_cert(user_certs, name) local certs = resolve_path(config_path, user_certs or global_certificates); log("debug", "Searching %s for a key and certificate for %s...", certs, name); for i = 1, #crt_try do local crt_path = certs .. crt_try[i]:format(name); local key_path = certs .. key_try[i]:format(name); if stat(crt_path, "mode") == "file" then if crt_path == key_path then if key_path:sub(-4) == ".crt" then key_path = key_path:sub(1, -4) .. "key"; elseif key_path:sub(-14) == "/fullchain.pem" then key_path = key_path:sub(1, -14) .. "privkey.pem"; end end if stat(key_path, "mode") == "file" then log("debug", "Selecting certificate %s with key %s for %s", crt_path, key_path, name); return { certificate = crt_path, key = key_path }; end end end log("debug", "No certificate/key found for %s", name); end local function index_certs(dir, files_by_name, depth_limit) files_by_name = files_by_name or {}; depth_limit = depth_limit or 3; if depth_limit <= 0 then return files_by_name; end for file in lfs.dir(dir) do local full = pathutil.join(dir, file); if lfs.attributes(full, "mode") == "directory" then if file:sub(1,1) ~= "." then index_certs(full, files_by_name, depth_limit-1); end -- TODO support more filename patterns? elseif full:match("%.crt$") or full:match("/fullchain%.pem$") then local f = io_open(full); if f then -- TODO look for chained certificates local firstline = f:read(); if firstline == "-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----" then f:seek("set") local cert = ssl.loadcertificate(f:read("*a")) -- TODO if more than one cert is found for a name, the most recently -- issued one should be used. -- for now, just filter out expired certs -- TODO also check if there's a corresponding key if cert:validat(now()) then local names = x509.get_identities(cert); log("debug", "Found certificate %s with identities %q", full, names); for name, services in pairs(names) do -- TODO check services if files_by_name[name] then files_by_name[name][full] = services; else files_by_name[name] = { [full] = services; }; end end end end f:close(); end end end log("debug", "Certificate index: %q", files_by_name); -- | hostname | filename | service | return files_by_name; end local cert_index; local function find_host_cert(host) if not host then return nil; end if not cert_index then cert_index = index_certs(global_certificates); end local certs = cert_index[host]; if certs then local cert_filename, services = next(certs); if services["*"] then log("debug", "Using cert %q from index", cert_filename); return find_cert(cert_filename, host); end end return find_cert(configmanager.get(host, "certificate"), host) or find_host_cert(host:match("%.(.+)$")); end local function find_service_cert(service, port) if not cert_index then cert_index = index_certs(global_certificates); end for _, certs in pairs(cert_index) do for cert_filename, services in pairs(certs) do if services[service] or services["*"] then log("debug", "Using cert %q from index", cert_filename); return find_cert(cert_filename, service); end end end local cert_config = configmanager.get("*", service.."_certificate"); if type(cert_config) == "table" then cert_config = cert_config[port] or cert_config.default; end return find_cert(cert_config, service); end -- Built-in defaults local core_defaults = { capath = "/etc/ssl/certs"; depth = 9; protocol = "tlsv1+"; verify = "none"; options = { cipher_server_preference = luasec_has.options.cipher_server_preference; no_ticket = luasec_has.options.no_ticket; no_compression = luasec_has.options.no_compression and configmanager.get("*", "ssl_compression") ~= true; single_dh_use = luasec_has.options.single_dh_use; single_ecdh_use = luasec_has.options.single_ecdh_use; }; verifyext = { "lsec_continue", -- Continue past certificate verification errors "lsec_ignore_purpose", -- Validate client certificates as if they were server certificates }; curve = luasec_has.algorithms.ec and not luasec_has.capabilities.curves_list and "secp384r1"; curveslist = { "X25519", "P-384", "P-256", "P-521", }; ciphers = { -- Enabled ciphers in order of preference: "HIGH+kEECDH", -- Ephemeral Elliptic curve Diffie-Hellman key exchange "HIGH+kEDH", -- Ephemeral Diffie-Hellman key exchange, if a 'dhparam' file is set "HIGH", -- Other "High strength" ciphers -- Disabled cipher suites: "!PSK", -- Pre-Shared Key - not used for XMPP "!SRP", -- Secure Remote Password - not used for XMPP "!3DES", -- 3DES - slow and of questionable security "!aNULL", -- Ciphers that does not authenticate the connection }; } if luasec_has.curves then for i = #core_defaults.curveslist, 1, -1 do if not luasec_has.curves[ core_defaults.curveslist[i] ] then t_remove(core_defaults.curveslist, i); end end else core_defaults.curveslist = nil; end local path_options = { -- These we pass through resolve_path() key = true, certificate = true, cafile = true, capath = true, dhparam = true } local function create_context(host, mode, ...) local cfg = new_config(); cfg:apply(core_defaults); local service_name, port = host:match("^(%S+) port (%d+)$"); if service_name then log("debug", "Automatically locating certs for service %s on port %s", service_name, port); cfg:apply(find_service_cert(service_name, tonumber(port))); else log("debug", "Automatically locating certs for host %s", host); cfg:apply(find_host_cert(host)); end cfg:apply({ mode = mode, -- We can't read the password interactively when daemonized password = function() log("error", "Encrypted certificate for %s requires 'ssl' 'password' to be set in config", host); end; }); cfg:apply(global_ssl_config); for i = select('#', ...), 1, -1 do cfg:apply(select(i, ...)); end local user_ssl_config = cfg:final(); if mode == "server" then if not user_ssl_config.certificate then log("info", "No certificate present in SSL/TLS configuration for %s. SNI will be required.", host); end if user_ssl_config.certificate and not user_ssl_config.key then return nil, "No key present in SSL/TLS configuration for "..host; end end for option in pairs(path_options) do if type(user_ssl_config[option]) == "string" then user_ssl_config[option] = resolve_path(config_path, user_ssl_config[option]); else user_ssl_config[option] = nil; end end -- LuaSec expects dhparam to be a callback that takes two arguments. -- We ignore those because it is mostly used for having a separate -- set of params for EXPORT ciphers, which we don't have by default. if type(user_ssl_config.dhparam) == "string" then local f, err = io_open(user_ssl_config.dhparam); if not f then return nil, "Could not open DH parameters: "..err end local dhparam = f:read("*a"); f:close(); user_ssl_config.dhparam = function() return dhparam; end end local ctx, err = ssl_newcontext(user_ssl_config); -- COMPAT Older LuaSec ignores the cipher list from the config, so we have to take care -- of it ourselves (W/A for #x) if ctx and user_ssl_config.ciphers then local success; success, err = ssl_context.setcipher(ctx, user_ssl_config.ciphers); if not success then ctx = nil; end end if not ctx then err = err or "invalid ssl config" local file = err:match("^error loading (.-) %("); if file then local typ; if file == "private key" then typ = file; file = user_ssl_config.key or "your private key"; elseif file == "certificate" then typ = file; file = user_ssl_config.certificate or "your certificate file"; end local reason = err:match("%((.+)%)$") or "some reason"; if reason == "Permission denied" then reason = "Check that the permissions allow Prosody to read this file."; elseif reason == "No such file or directory" then reason = "Check that the path is correct, and the file exists."; elseif reason == "system lib" then reason = "Previous error (see logs), or other system error."; elseif reason == "no start line" then reason = "Check that the file contains a "..(typ or file); elseif reason == "(null)" or not reason then reason = "Check that the file exists and the permissions are correct"; else reason = "Reason: "..tostring(reason):lower(); end log("error", "SSL/TLS: Failed to load '%s': %s (for %s)", file, reason, host); else log("error", "SSL/TLS: Error initialising for %s: %s", host, err); end end return ctx, err, user_ssl_config; end local function reload_ssl_config() global_ssl_config = configmanager.get("*", "ssl"); global_certificates = configmanager.get("*", "certificates") or "certs"; if luasec_has.options.no_compression then core_defaults.options.no_compression = configmanager.get("*", "ssl_compression") ~= true; end cert_index = index_certs(global_certificates); end prosody.events.add_handler("config-reloaded", reload_ssl_config); return { create_context = create_context; reload_ssl_config = reload_ssl_config; find_cert = find_cert; find_host_cert = find_host_cert; };