-- Prosody IM -- Copyright (C) 2008-2010 Matthew Wild -- Copyright (C) 2008-2010 Waqas Hussain -- -- This project is MIT/X11 licensed. Please see the -- COPYING file in the source package for more information. -- local _G = _G; local setmetatable, rawget, rawset, io, os, error, dofile, type, pairs, ipairs = setmetatable, rawget, rawset, io, os, error, dofile, type, pairs, ipairs; local format, math_max, t_insert = string.format, math.max, table.insert; local envload = require"prosody.util.envload".envload; local deps = require"prosody.util.dependencies"; local resolve_relative_path = require"prosody.util.paths".resolve_relative_path; local glob_to_pattern = require"prosody.util.paths".glob_to_pattern; local path_sep = package.config:sub(1,1); local get_traceback_table = require "prosody.util.debug".get_traceback_table; local encodings = deps.softreq"prosody.util.encodings"; local nameprep = encodings and encodings.stringprep.nameprep or function (host) return host:lower(); end local _M = {}; local _ENV = nil; -- luacheck: std none _M.resolve_relative_path = resolve_relative_path; -- COMPAT local parser = nil; local config_mt = { __index = function (t, _) return rawget(t, "*"); end}; local config = setmetatable({ ["*"] = { } }, config_mt); local files = {}; -- When host not found, use global local host_mt = { __index = function(_, k) return config["*"][k] end } function _M.getconfig() return config; end function _M.get(host, key) return config[host][key]; end function _M.rawget(host, key) local hostconfig = rawget(config, host); if hostconfig then return rawget(hostconfig, key); end end local function set(config_table, host, key, value) if host and key then local hostconfig = rawget(config_table, host); if not hostconfig then hostconfig = rawset(config_table, host, setmetatable({}, host_mt))[host]; end hostconfig[key] = value; return true; end return false; end local function rawget_option(config_table, host, key) if host and key then local hostconfig = rawget(config_table, host); if not hostconfig then return nil; end return rawget(hostconfig, key); end end function _M.set(host, key, value) return set(config, host, key, value); end function _M.load(filename, config_format) config_format = config_format or filename:match("%w+$"); if config_format == "lua" then local f, err = io.open(filename); if f then local new_config = setmetatable({ ["*"] = { } }, config_mt); local ok, err = parser.load(f:read("*a"), filename, new_config); f:close(); if ok then config = new_config; end return ok, "parser", err; end return f, "file", err; end if not config_format then return nil, "file", "no parser specified"; else return nil, "file", "no parser for "..(config_format); end end function _M.files() return files; end -- Built-in Lua parser do local pcall = _G.pcall; local function get_line_number(config_file) local tb = get_traceback_table(nil, 2); for i = 1, #tb do if tb[i].info.short_src == config_file then return tb[i].info.currentline; end end end parser = {}; function parser.load(data, config_file, config_table) local set_options = {}; -- set_options[host.."/"..option_name] = true (when the option has been set already in this file) local warnings = {}; local env; -- The ' = true' are needed so as not to set off __newindex when we assign the functions below env = setmetatable({ Host = true, host = true, VirtualHost = true, Component = true, component = true, Include = true, include = true, RunScript = true }, { __index = function (_, k) if k:match("^ENV_") then return os.getenv(k:sub(5)); end if k == "Lua" then return _G; end local val = rawget_option(config_table, env.__currenthost or "*", k); if val ~= nil then return val; end local g_val = rawget(_G, k); if g_val ~= nil then t_insert(warnings, ("%s:%d: direct usage of the Lua API is deprecated - replace `%s` with `Lua.%s`"):format(config_file, get_line_number(config_file), k, k)); end return g_val; end, __newindex = function (_, k, v) local host = env.__currenthost or "*"; local option_path = host.."/"..k; if set_options[option_path] then t_insert(warnings, ("%s:%d: Duplicate option '%s'"):format(config_file, get_line_number(config_file), k)); end set_options[option_path] = true; set(config_table, env.__currenthost or "*", k, v); end }); rawset(env, "__currenthost", "*") -- Default is global function env.VirtualHost(name) if not name then error("Host must have a name", 2); end local prepped_name = nameprep(name); if not prepped_name then error(format("Name of Host %q contains forbidden characters", name), 0); end name = prepped_name; if rawget(config_table, name) and rawget(config_table[name], "component_module") then error(format("Host %q clashes with previously defined %s Component %q, for services use a sub-domain like conference.%s", name, config_table[name].component_module:gsub("^%a+$", { component = "external", muc = "MUC"}), name, name), 0); end rawset(env, "__currenthost", name); -- Needs at least one setting to logically exist :) set(config_table, name or "*", "defined", true); return function (config_options) rawset(env, "__currenthost", "*"); -- Return to global scope if type(config_options) == "string" then error(format("VirtualHost entries do not accept a module name (module '%s' provided for host '%s')", config_options, name), 2); elseif type(config_options) ~= "table" then error("Invalid syntax following VirtualHost, expected options but received a "..type(config_options), 2); end for option_name, option_value in pairs(config_options) do set(config_table, name or "*", option_name, option_value); end end; end env.Host, env.host = env.VirtualHost, env.VirtualHost; function env.Component(name) if not name then error("Component must have a name", 2); end local prepped_name = nameprep(name); if not prepped_name then error(format("Name of Component %q contains forbidden characters", name), 0); end name = prepped_name; if rawget(config_table, name) and rawget(config_table[name], "defined") and not rawget(config_table[name], "component_module") then error(format("Component %q clashes with previously defined VirtualHost %q, for services use a sub-domain like conference.%s", name, name, name), 0); end set(config_table, name, "component_module", "component"); -- Don't load the global modules by default set(config_table, name, "load_global_modules", false); rawset(env, "__currenthost", name); local function handle_config_options(config_options) rawset(env, "__currenthost", "*"); -- Return to global scope for option_name, option_value in pairs(config_options) do set(config_table, name or "*", option_name, option_value); end end return function (module) if type(module) == "string" then set(config_table, name, "component_module", module); return handle_config_options; end return handle_config_options(module); end end env.component = env.Component; function env.Include(file) -- Check whether this is a wildcard Include if file:match("[*?]") then local lfs = deps.softreq "lfs"; if not lfs then error(format("Error expanding wildcard pattern in Include %q - LuaFileSystem not available", file)); end local path_pos, glob = file:match("()([^"..path_sep.."]+)$"); local path = file:sub(1, math_max(path_pos-2,0)); local config_path = config_file:gsub("[^"..path_sep.."]+$", ""); if #path > 0 then path = resolve_relative_path(config_path, path); else path = config_path; end local patt = glob_to_pattern(glob); for f in lfs.dir(path) do if f:sub(1,1) ~= "." and f:match(patt) then env.Include(path..path_sep..f); end end return; end -- Not a wildcard, so resolve (potentially) relative path and run through config parser file = resolve_relative_path(config_file:gsub("[^"..path_sep.."]+$", ""), file); local f, err = io.open(file); if f then local ret, err = parser.load(f:read("*a"), file, config_table); if not ret then error(err:gsub("%[string.-%]", file), 0); end if err then for _, warning in ipairs(err) do t_insert(warnings, warning); end end end if not f then error("Error loading included "..file..": "..err, 0); end return f, err; end env.include = env.Include; function env.RunScript(file) return dofile(resolve_relative_path(config_file:gsub("[^"..path_sep.."]+$", ""), file)); end local chunk, err = envload(data, "@"..config_file, env); if not chunk then return nil, err; end local ok, err = pcall(chunk); if not ok then return nil, err; end t_insert(files, config_file); return true, warnings; end end return _M;