-- Prosody IM v0.1 -- Copyright (C) 2008 Matthew Wild -- Copyright (C) 2008 Waqas Hussain -- -- This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or -- modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License -- as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 -- of the License, or (at your option) any later version. -- -- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, -- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of -- MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the -- GNU General Public License for more details. -- -- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License -- along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software -- Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. -- local plugin_dir = CFG_PLUGINDIR or "./plugins/"; local logger = require "util.logger"; local log = logger.init("modulemanager"); local addDiscoInfoHandler = require "core.discomanager".addDiscoInfoHandler; local eventmanager = require "core.eventmanager"; local config = require "core.configmanager"; local multitable_new = require "util.multitable".new; local loadfile, pcall = loadfile, pcall; local setmetatable, setfenv, getfenv = setmetatable, setfenv, getfenv; local pairs, ipairs = pairs, ipairs; local t_insert = table.insert; local type = type; local tostring, print = tostring, print; -- We need this to let modules access the real global namespace local _G = _G; module "modulemanager" local api = {}; -- Module API container local modulemap = {}; local m_handler_info = multitable_new(); local m_stanza_handlers = multitable_new(); local handler_info = {}; local stanza_handlers = {}; local modulehelpers = setmetatable({}, { __index = _G }); -- Load modules when a host is activated function load_modules_for_host(host) local modules_enabled = config.get(host, "core", "modules_enabled"); if modules_enabled then for _, module in pairs(modules_enabled) do load(host, module); end end end eventmanager.add_event_hook("host-activated", load_modules_for_host); -- function load(host, module_name, config) if not (host and module_name) then return nil, "insufficient-parameters"; end local mod, err = loadfile(plugin_dir.."mod_"..module_name..".lua"); if not mod then log("error", "Unable to load module '%s': %s", module_name or "nil", err or "nil"); return nil, err; end if not modulemap[host] then modulemap[host] = {}; stanza_handlers[host] = {}; elseif modulemap[host][module_name] then log("warn", "%s is already loaded for %s, so not loading again", module_name, host); return nil, "module-already-loaded"; end local _log = logger.init(host..":"..module_name); local api_instance = setmetatable({ name = module_name, host = host, config = config, _log = _log, log = function (self, ...) return _log(...); end }, { __index = api }); local pluginenv = setmetatable({ module = api_instance }, { __index = _G }); setfenv(mod, pluginenv); local success, ret = pcall(mod); if not success then log("error", "Error initialising module '%s': %s", name or "nil", ret or "nil"); return nil, ret; end modulemap[host][module_name] = mod; return true; end function is_loaded(host, name) return modulemap[host] and modulemap[host][name] and true; end function unload(host, name, ...) local mod = modulemap[host] and modulemap[host][name]; if not mod then return nil, "module-not-loaded"; end if type(mod.unload) == "function" then local ok, err = pcall(mod.unload, ...) if (not ok) and err then log("warn", "Non-fatal error unloading module '%s' from '%s': %s", name, host, err); end end end function handle_stanza(host, origin, stanza) local name, xmlns, origin_type = stanza.name, stanza.attr.xmlns, origin.type; if name == "iq" and xmlns == "jabber:client" then xmlns = stanza.tags[1].attr.xmlns; log("debug", "Stanza of type %s from %s has xmlns: %s", name, origin_type, xmlns); end local handlers = m_stanza_handlers:get(host, origin_type, name, xmlns); if handlers then log("debug", "Passing stanza to mod_%s", handler_info[handlers[1]].name); (handlers[1])(origin, stanza); return true; else log("debug", "Stanza unhandled by any modules, xmlns: %s", stanza.attr.xmlns); -- we didn't handle it end end ----- API functions exposed to modules ----------- -- Must all be in api.* -- Returns the name of the current module function api:get_name() return self.name; end -- Returns the host that the current module is serving function api:get_host() return self.host; end local function _add_handler(module, origin_type, tag, xmlns, handler) local handlers = m_stanza_handlers:get(module.host, origin_type, tag, xmlns); local msg = (tag == "iq") and "namespace" or "payload namespace"; if not handlers then m_stanza_handlers:add(module.host, origin_type, tag, xmlns, handler); handler_info[handler] = module; module:log("debug", "I now handle tag '%s' [%s] with %s '%s'", tag, origin_type, msg, xmlns); else module:log("warn", "I wanted to handle tag '%s' [%s] with %s '%s' but mod_%s already handles that", tag, origin_type, msg, xmlns, handler_info[handlers[1]].module.name); end end function api:add_handler(origin_type, tag, xmlns, handler) if not (origin_type and tag and xmlns and handler) then return false; end if type(origin_type) == "table" then for _, origin_type in ipairs(origin_type) do _add_handler(self, origin_type, tag, xmlns, handler); end else _add_handler(self, origin_type, tag, xmlns, handler); end end function api:add_iq_handler(origin_type, xmlns, handler) self:add_handler(origin_type, "iq", xmlns, handler); end function api:add_feature(xmlns) addDiscoInfoHandler(self.host, function(reply, to, from, node) if #node == 0 then reply:tag("feature", {var = xmlns}):up(); return true; end end); end function api:add_event_hook (...) return eventmanager.add_event_hook(...); end -------------------------------------------------------------------- return _M;