-- The code in this file should be self-explanatory, though the logic is horrible -- for more info on that, see doc/stanza_routing.txt, which attempts to condense -- the rules from the RFCs (mainly 3921) require "core.servermanager" local log = require "util.logger".init("stanzarouter") local st = require "util.stanza"; local send = require "core.sessionmanager".send_to_session; local send_s2s = require "core.s2smanager".send_to_host; local user_exists = require "core.usermanager".user_exists; local s2s_verify_dialback = require "core.s2smanager".verify_dialback; local s2s_make_authenticated = require "core.s2smanager".make_authenticated; local format = string.format; local tostring = tostring; local jid_split = require "util.jid".split; local print = print; function core_process_stanza(origin, stanza) log("debug", "Received: "..tostring(stanza)) -- TODO verify validity of stanza (as well as JID validity) if stanza.name == "iq" and not(#stanza.tags == 1 and stanza.tags[1].attr.xmlns) then if stanza.attr.type == "set" or stanza.attr.type == "get" then error("Invalid IQ"); elseif #stanza.tags > 1 and not(stanza.attr.type == "error" or stanza.attr.type == "result") then error("Invalid IQ"); end end if origin.type == "c2s" and not origin.full_jid and not(stanza.name == "iq" and stanza.tags[1].name == "bind" and stanza.tags[1].attr.xmlns == "urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:xmpp-bind") then error("Client MUST bind resource after auth"); end local to = stanza.attr.to; -- TODO also, stazas should be returned to their original state before the function ends if origin.type == "c2s" then stanza.attr.from = origin.full_jid; -- quick fix to prevent impersonation (FIXME this would be incorrect when the origin is not c2s) end if not to then core_handle_stanza(origin, stanza); elseif hosts[to] and hosts[to].type == "local" then core_handle_stanza(origin, stanza); elseif stanza.name == "iq" and not select(3, jid_split(to)) then core_handle_stanza(origin, stanza); elseif origin.type == "c2s" or origin.type == "s2sin" then core_route_stanza(origin, stanza); end end -- This function handles stanzas which are not routed any further, -- that is, they are handled by this server function core_handle_stanza(origin, stanza) -- Handlers if origin.type == "c2s" or origin.type == "c2s_unauthed" then local session = origin; if stanza.name == "presence" and origin.roster then if stanza.attr.type == nil or stanza.attr.type == "unavailable" then for jid in pairs(origin.roster) do -- broadcast to all interested contacts local subscription = origin.roster[jid].subscription; if subscription == "both" or subscription == "from" then stanza.attr.to = jid; core_route_stanza(origin, stanza); end end local node, host = jid_split(stanza.attr.from); for _, res in pairs(hosts[host].sessions[node].sessions) do -- broadcast to all resources if res ~= origin and res.full_jid then -- to resource. FIXME is res.full_jid the correct check? Maybe it should be res.presence stanza.attr.to = res.full_jid; core_route_stanza(origin, stanza); end end if not origin.presence then -- presence probes on initial presence local probe = st.presence({from = origin.full_jid, type = "probe"}); for jid in pairs(origin.roster) do -- probe all contacts we are subscribed to local subscription = origin.roster[jid].subscription; if subscription == "both" or subscription == "to" then probe.attr.to = jid; core_route_stanza(origin, probe); end end for _, res in pairs(hosts[host].sessions[node].sessions) do -- broadcast from all resources if res ~= origin and stanza.attr.type ~= "unavailable" and res.presence then -- FIXME does unavailable qualify as initial presence? res.presence.attr.to = origin.full_jid; core_route_stanza(res, res.presence); res.presence.attr.to = nil; end end -- TODO resend subscription requests end origin.presence = stanza; stanza.attr.to = nil; -- reset it else -- TODO error, bad type end else log("debug", "Routing stanza to local"); handle_stanza(session, stanza); end elseif origin.type == "s2sin_unauthed" or origin.type == "s2sin" then if stanza.attr.xmlns == "jabber:server:dialback" then if stanza.name == "verify" then -- We are being asked to verify the key, to ensure it was generated by us log("debug", "verifying dialback key..."); local attr = stanza.attr; print(tostring(attr.to), tostring(attr.from)) print(tostring(origin.to_host), tostring(origin.from_host)) -- FIXME: Grr, ejabberd breaks this one too?? it is black and white in XEP-220 example 34 --if attr.from ~= origin.to_host then error("invalid-from"); end local type = "invalid"; if s2s_verify_dialback(attr.id, attr.from, attr.to, stanza[1]) then type = "valid" end origin.send(format("<db:verify from='%s' to='%s' id='%s' type='%s'>%s</db:verify>", attr.to, attr.from, attr.id, type, stanza[1])); elseif stanza.name == "result" and origin.type == "s2sin_unauthed" then -- he wants to be identified through dialback -- We need to check the key with the Authoritative server local attr = stanza.attr; origin.from_host = attr.from; origin.to_host = attr.to; origin.dialback_key = stanza[1]; log("debug", "asking %s if key %s belongs to them", attr.from, stanza[1]); send_s2s(attr.to, attr.from, format("<db:verify from='%s' to='%s' id='%s'>%s</db:verify>", attr.to, attr.from, origin.streamid, stanza[1])); hosts[attr.from].dialback_verifying = origin; end end elseif origin.type == "s2sout_unauthed" or origin.type == "s2sout" then if stanza.attr.xmlns == "jabber:server:dialback" then if stanza.name == "result" then if stanza.attr.type == "valid" then s2s_make_authenticated(origin); else -- FIXME error("dialback failed!"); end elseif stanza.name == "verify" and origin.dialback_verifying then local valid; local attr = stanza.attr; if attr.type == "valid" then s2s_make_authenticated(origin.dialback_verifying); valid = "valid"; else -- Warn the original connection that is was not verified successfully log("warn", "dialback for "..(origin.dialback_verifying.from_host or "(unknown)").." failed"); valid = "invalid"; end origin.dialback_verifying.send(format("<db:result from='%s' to='%s' id='%s' type='%s'>%s</db:result>", attr.from, attr.to, attr.id, valid, origin.dialback_verifying.dialback_key)); end end else log("warn", "Unhandled origin: %s", origin.type); end end function is_authorized_to_see_presence(origin, username, host) local roster = datamanager.load(username, host, "roster") or {}; local item = roster[origin.username.."@"..origin.host]; return item and (item.subscription == "both" or item.subscription == "from"); end function core_route_stanza(origin, stanza) -- Hooks --- ...later -- Deliver local to = stanza.attr.to; local node, host, resource = jid_split(to); if stanza.name == "presence" and (stanza.attr.type ~= nil and stanza.attr.type ~= "unavailable") then resource = nil; end local host_session = hosts[host] if host_session and host_session.type == "local" then -- Local host local user = host_session.sessions[node]; if user then local res = user.sessions[resource]; if not res then -- if we get here, resource was not specified or was unavailable if stanza.name == "presence" then if stanza.attr.type ~= nil and stanza.attr.type ~= "unavailable" then if stanza.attr.type == "probe" then if is_authorized_to_see_presence(origin, node, host) then for k in pairs(user.sessions) do -- return presence for all resources if user.sessions[k].presence then local pres = user.sessions[k].presence; pres.attr.to = origin.full_jid; pres.attr.from = user.sessions[k].full_jid; send(origin, pres); pres.attr.to = nil; pres.attr.from = nil; end end else send(origin, st.presence({from=user.."@"..host, to=origin.username.."@"..origin.host, type="unsubscribed"})); end elseif stanza.attr.type == "subscribe" then -- TODO elseif stanza.attr.type == "unsubscribe" then -- TODO elseif stanza.attr.type == "subscribed" then -- TODO elseif stanza.attr.type == "unsubscribed" then -- TODO end -- discard any other type else -- sender is available or unavailable for k in pairs(user.sessions) do -- presence broadcast to all user resources if user.sessions[k].full_jid then stanza.attr.to = user.sessions[k].full_jid; send(user.sessions[k], stanza); end end end elseif stanza.name == "message" then -- select a resource to recieve message for k in pairs(user.sessions) do if user.sessions[k].full_jid then res = user.sessions[k]; break; end end -- TODO find resource with greatest priority send(res, stanza); else -- TODO send IQ error end else -- User + resource is online... stanza.attr.to = res.full_jid; send(res, stanza); -- Yay \o/ end else -- user not online if user_exists(node, host) then if stanza.name == "presence" then if stanza.attr.type == "probe" and is_authorized_to_see_presence(origin, node, host) then -- FIXME what to do for not c2s? -- TODO send last recieved unavailable presence else -- TODO send unavailable presence end elseif stanza.name == "message" then -- TODO send message error, or store offline messages elseif stanza.name == "iq" then -- TODO send IQ error end else -- user does not exist -- TODO we would get here for nodeless JIDs too. Do something fun maybe? Echo service? Let plugins use xmpp:server/resource addresses? if stanza.name == "presence" then if stanza.attr.type == "probe" then send(origin, st.presence({from = stanza.attr.to, to = stanza.attr.from, type = "unsubscribed"})); end -- else ignore else send(origin, st.error_reply(stanza, "cancel", "service-unavailable")); end end end elseif origin.type == "c2s" then -- Remote host --stanza.attr.xmlns = "jabber:server"; stanza.attr.xmlns = nil; log("debug", "sending s2s stanza: %s", tostring(stanza)); send_s2s(origin.host, host, stanza); else log("warn", "received stanza from unhandled connection type: %s", origin.type); end stanza.attr.to = to; -- reset end function handle_stanza_toremote(stanza) log("error", "Stanza bound for remote host, but s2s is not implemented"); end