local stats = require "util.statistics".new(); local config = require "core.configmanager"; local log = require "util.logger".init("stats"); local timer = require "util.timer"; local fire_event = prosody.events.fire_event; local stats_config = config.get("*", "statistics_interval"); local stats_interval = tonumber(stats_config); if stats_config and not stats_interval then log("error", "Invalid 'statistics_interval' setting, statistics will be disabled"); end local measure, collect; local latest_stats = {}; local changed_stats = {}; local stats_extra = {}; if stats_interval then log("debug", "Statistics collection is enabled every %d seconds", stats_interval); function measure(type, name) local f = assert(stats[type], "unknown stat type: "..type); return f(name); end local mark_collection_start = measure("times", "stats.collection"); local mark_processing_start = measure("times", "stats.processing"); function collect() local mark_collection_done = mark_collection_start(); changed_stats, stats_extra = {}, {}; for stat_name, getter in pairs(stats.get_stats()) do local type, value, extra = getter(); local old_value = latest_stats[stat_name]; latest_stats[stat_name] = value; if value ~= old_value then changed_stats[stat_name] = value; end if extra then stats_extra[stat_name] = extra; end end mark_collection_done(); local mark_processing_done = mark_processing_start(); fire_event("stats-updated", { stats = latest_stats, changed_stats = changed_stats, stats_extra = stats_extra }); mark_processing_done(); return stats_interval; end timer.add_task(stats_interval, collect); else log("debug", "Statistics collection is disabled"); -- nop function measure() return measure; end function collect() end end return { measure = measure; collect = collect; get_stats = function () return latest_stats, changed_stats, stats_extra; end; };