require "luarocks.require" require "copas" require "socket" require "ssl" require "lxp" function log(type, area, message) print(type, area, message); end require "core.stanza_dispatch" require "core.rostermanager" require "core.offlinemessage" require "util.stanza" require "util.jid" -- Locals for faster access -- local t_insert = table.insert; local t_concat = table.concat; local t_concatall = function (t, sep) local tt = {}; for _, s in ipairs(t) do t_insert(tt, tostring(s)); end return t_concat(tt, sep); end local m_random = math.random; local format = string.format; local st = stanza; ------------------------------ users = {}; hosts = { ["localhost"] = { type = "local"; connected = true; sessions = {}; }; [""] = { type = "local"; connected = true; sessions = {}; }; } local hosts, users = hosts, users; local ssl_ctx, msg = ssl.newcontext { mode = "server", protocol = "sslv23", key = "/home/matthew/ssl_cert/server.key", certificate = "/home/matthew/ssl_cert/server.crt", capath = "/etc/ssl/certs", verify = "none", } if not ssl_ctx then error("Failed to initialise SSL/TLS support: "..tostring(msg)); end function connect_host(host) hosts[host] = { type = "remote", sendbuffer = {} }; end function handler(conn) local copas_receive, copas_send = copas.receive, copas.send; local reqdata, sktmsg; local session = { sendbuffer = { external = {} }, conn = conn, notopen = true, priority = 0 } -- Logging functions -- local mainlog, log = log; do local conn_name = tostring(conn):match("%w+$"); log = function (type, area, message) mainlog(type, conn_name, message); end end local print = function (...) log("info", "core", t_concatall({...}, "\t")); end session.log = log; -- -- -- -- Send buffers -- local sendbuffer = session.sendbuffer; local send = function (data) return t_insert(sendbuffer, tostring(data)); end; local send_to = function (to, stanza) local node, host, resource = jid.split(to); print("Routing stanza to "":", node, host, resource); if not hosts[host] then print(" ...but host offline, establishing connection"); connect_host(host); t_insert(hosts[host].sendbuffer, stanza); -- This will be sent when s2s connection succeeds elseif hosts[host].connected then print(" ...putting in our external send buffer"); t_insert(sendbuffer.external, { node = node, host = host, resource = resource, data = stanza}); print(" ...there are now "..tostring(#sendbuffer.external).." stanzas in the external send buffer"); end end session.send, session.send_to = send, send_to; -- -- -- print("Client connected"); conn = ssl.wrap(copas.wrap(conn), ssl_ctx); do local succ, msg conn:settimeout(15) while not succ do succ, msg = conn:dohandshake() if not succ then print("SSL: "..tostring(msg)); if msg == 'wantread' then{conn}, nil) elseif msg == 'wantwrite' then, {conn}) else -- other error end end end end print("SSL handshake complete"); -- XML parser initialisation -- local parser; local stanza; local stanza_dispatch = init_stanza_dispatcher(session); local xml_handlers = {}; do local ns_stack = { "" }; local curr_ns = ""; local curr_tag; function xml_handlers:StartElement(name, attr) curr_ns,name = name:match("^(.+):(%w+)$"); print("Tag received:", name, tostring(curr_ns)); if not stanza then if session.notopen then if name == "stream" then = or error("Client failed to specify destination hostname"); session.version = attr.version or 0; session.streamid = m_random(1000000, 99999999); print(session,, "Client opened stream"); send(""); send(format("", session.streamid,; --send(""); --send("PLAIN"); --send [[ ]] --send(""); log("info", "core", "Stream opened successfully"); session.notopen = nil; return; end error("Client failed to open stream successfully"); end if name ~= "iq" and name ~= "presence" and name ~= "message" then error("Client sent invalid top-level stanza"); end stanza = st.stanza(name, { to =, type = attr.type, id =, xmlns = curr_ns }); curr_tag = stanza; else attr.xmlns = curr_ns; stanza:tag(name, attr); end end function xml_handlers:CharacterData(data) if data:match("%S") then stanza:text(data); end end function xml_handlers:EndElement(name) curr_ns,name = name:match("^(.+):(%w+)$"); --print("<""/>", tostring(stanza), tostring(#stanza.last_add < 1), tostring(stanza.last_add[#stanza.last_add].name)); if (not stanza) or #stanza.last_add < 0 or (#stanza.last_add > 0 and name ~= stanza.last_add[#stanza.last_add].name) then error("XML parse error in client stream"); end -- Complete stanza print(name, tostring(#stanza.last_add)); if #stanza.last_add == 0 then stanza_dispatch(stanza); stanza = nil; else stanza:up(); end end --[[ function xml_handlers:StartNamespaceDecl(namespace) table.insert(ns_stack, namespace); curr_ns = namespace; log("debug", "parser", "Entering namespace "..tostring(curr_ns)); end function xml_handlers:EndNamespaceDecl(namespace) table.remove(ns_stack); log("debug", "parser", "Leaving namespace "..tostring(curr_ns)); curr_ns = ns_stack[#ns_stack]; log("debug", "parser", "Entering namespace "..tostring(curr_ns)); end ]] end parser =, ":"); -- -- -- -- Main loop -- print "Receiving..." reqdata = copas_receive(conn, 1); print "Received" while reqdata do parser:parse(reqdata); if #sendbuffer.external > 0 then -- Stanzas queued to go to other places, from us -- ie. other local users, or remote hosts that weren't connected before print(#sendbuffer.external.." stanzas queued for other recipients, sending now..."); for n, packet in pairs(sendbuffer.external) do if not hosts[] then connect_host(; t_insert(hosts[].sendbuffer,; elseif hosts[].type == "local" then print(" to a local user") local destuser = hosts[].sessions[packet.node]; if destuser and destuser.sessions then if not destuser.sessions[packet.resource] then local best_resource; for resource, session in pairs(destuser.sessions) do if not best_session then best_session = session; elseif session.priority >= best_session.priority and session.priority >= 0 then best_session = session; end end if not best_session then,,; else print("resource '"..packet.resource.."' was not online, have chosen to send to '"..best_session.username.."@""/"..best_session.resource.."'"); packet.resource = best_session.resource; end end if destuser.sessions[packet.resource] == session then log("warn", "core", "Attempt to send stanza to self, dropping..."); else print("...sending..."); copas_send(destuser.sessions[packet.resource].conn, tostring(; print("...sent") end elseif == "message" then print(" ...will be stored offline");,,; elseif == "iq" then print(" an iq"); send(st.reply( :tag("error", { type = "cancel" }) :tag("service-unavailable", { xmlns = "urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:xmpp-stanzas" })); end print(" ...removing from send buffer"); sendbuffer.external[n] = nil; end end end if #sendbuffer > 0 then for n, data in ipairs(sendbuffer) do print "Sending..." copas_send(conn, data); print "Sent" sendbuffer[n] = nil; end end print "Receiving..." repeat reqdata, sktmsg = copas_receive(conn, 1); if sktmsg == 'wantread' then print("Received... wantread");{conn}, nil) --print("Socket ready now..."); elseif sktmsg then print("Received socket message:", sktmsg); end until reqdata or sktmsg == "closed"; print("Received", tostring(reqdata)); end log("info", "core", "Client disconnected, connection closed"); end server = socket.bind("*", 5223) assert(server, "Failed to bind to socket") copas.addserver(server, handler) copas.loop();