-- This module returns a table that is suitable for use as a util.error registry, -- and a function to return a util.error object given callback 'code' and 'body' -- parameters. local codes = require "net.http.codes"; local util_error = require "util.error"; local error_templates = { -- This code is used by us to report a client-side or connection error. -- Instead of using the code, use the supplied body text to get one of -- the more detailed errors below. [0] = { code = 0, type = "cancel", condition = "internal-server-error"; text = "Connection or internal error"; }; -- These are net.http built-in errors, they are returned in -- the body parameter when code == 0 ["cancelled"] = { code = 0, type = "cancel", condition = "remote-server-timeout"; text = "Request cancelled"; }; ["connection-closed"] = { code = 0, type = "wait", condition = "remote-server-timeout"; text = "Connection closed"; }; ["certificate-chain-invalid"] = { code = 0, type = "cancel", condition = "remote-server-timeout"; text = "Server certificate not trusted"; }; ["certificate-verify-failed"] = { code = 0, type = "cancel", condition = "remote-server-timeout"; text = "Server certificate invalid"; }; ["connection failed"] = { code = 0, type = "cancel", condition = "remote-server-not-found"; text = "Connection failed"; }; ["invalid-url"] = { code = 0, type = "modify", condition = "bad-request"; text = "Invalid URL"; }; -- This doesn't attempt to map every single HTTP code (not all have sane mappings), -- but all the common ones should be covered. XEP-0086 was used as reference for -- most of these. [400] = { type = "modify", condition = "bad-request" }; [401] = { type = "auth", condition = "not-authorized" }; [402] = { type = "auth", condition = "payment-required" }; [403] = { type = "auth", condition = "forbidden" }; [404] = { type = "cancel", condition = "item-not-found" }; [405] = { type = "cancel", condition = "not-allowed" }; [406] = { type = "modify", condition = "not-acceptable" }; [407] = { type = "auth", condition = "registration-required" }; [408] = { type = "wait", condition = "remote-server-timeout" }; [409] = { type = "cancel", condition = "conflict" }; [410] = { type = "cancel", condition = "gone" }; [411] = { type = "modify", condition = "bad-request" }; [412] = { type = "cancel", condition = "conflict" }; [413] = { type = "modify", condition = "resource-constraint" }; [414] = { type = "modify", condition = "resource-constraint" }; [415] = { type = "cancel", condition = "feature-not-implemented" }; [416] = { type = "modify", condition = "bad-request" }; [422] = { type = "modify", condition = "bad-request" }; [423] = { type = "wait", condition = "resource-constraint" }; [429] = { type = "wait", condition = "resource-constraint" }; [431] = { type = "modify", condition = "resource-constraint" }; [451] = { type = "auth", condition = "forbidden" }; [500] = { type = "wait", condition = "internal-server-error" }; [501] = { type = "cancel", condition = "feature-not-implemented" }; [502] = { type = "wait", condition = "remote-server-timeout" }; [503] = { type = "cancel", condition = "service-unavailable" }; [504] = { type = "wait", condition = "remote-server-timeout" }; [507] = { type = "wait", condition = "resource-constraint" }; [511] = { type = "auth", condition = "not-authorized" }; }; for k, v in pairs(codes) do if error_templates[k] then error_templates[k].code = k; error_templates[k].text = v; else error_templates[k] = { type = "cancel", condition = "undefined-condition", text = v, code = k }; end end setmetatable(error_templates, { __index = function(_, k) if type(k) ~= "number" then return nil; end return { type = "cancel"; condition = "undefined-condition"; text = codes[k] or (k.." Unassigned"); code = k; }; end }); local function new(code, body, context) if code == 0 then return util_error.new(body, context, error_templates); else return util_error.new(code, context, error_templates); end end return { registry = error_templates; new = new; };