-- Copyright (C) 2009-2010 Florian Zeitz -- -- This file is MIT/X11 licensed. Please see the -- COPYING file in the source package for more information. -- local st, uuid = require "util.stanza", require "util.uuid"; local xmlns_cmd = "http://jabber.org/protocol/commands"; local states = {} local _M = {}; function _cmdtag(desc, status, sessionid, action) local cmd = st.stanza("command", { xmlns = xmlns_cmd, node = desc.node, status = status }); if sessionid then cmd.attr.sessionid = sessionid; end if action then cmd.attr.action = action; end return cmd; end function _M.new(name, node, handler, permission) return { name = name, node = node, handler = handler, cmdtag = _cmdtag, permission = (permission or "user") }; end function _M.handle_cmd(command, origin, stanza) local cmdtag, actions; local sessionid = stanza.tags[1].attr.sessionid or uuid.generate(); local dataIn = {}; dataIn.to = stanza.attr.to; dataIn.from = stanza.attr.from; dataIn.action = stanza.tags[1].attr.action or "execute"; dataIn.form = stanza.tags[1]:child_with_ns("jabber:x:data"); local data, state = command:handler(dataIn, states[sessionid]); states[sessionid] = state; local stanza = st.reply(stanza); if data.status == "completed" then states[sessionid] = nil; cmdtag = command:cmdtag("completed", sessionid); elseif data.status == "canceled" then states[sessionid] = nil; cmdtag = command:cmdtag("canceled", sessionid); elseif data.status == "error" then states[sessionid] = nil; stanza = st.error_reply(stanza, data.error.type, data.error.condition, data.error.message); origin.send(stanza); return true; else cmdtag = command:cmdtag("executing", sessionid); end for name, content in pairs(data) do if name == "info" then cmdtag:tag("note", {type="info"}):text(content):up(); elseif name == "warn" then cmdtag:tag("note", {type="warn"}):text(content):up(); elseif name == "error" then cmdtag:tag("note", {type="error"}):text(content.message):up(); elseif name =="actions" then actions = st.stanza("actions"); for _, action in ipairs(content) do if (action == "prev") or (action == "next") or (action == "complete") then actions:tag(action):up(); else module:log("error", 'Command "'..command.name.. '" at node "'..command.node..'" provided an invalid action "'..action..'"'); end end elseif name == "form" then cmdtag:add_child((content.layout or content):form(content.values)); elseif name == "result" then cmdtag:add_child((content.layout or content):form(content.values, "result")); elseif name == "other" then cmdtag:add_child(content); end end if not actions then actions = st.stanza("actions"); actions:tag("complete"):up(); end cmdtag:add_child(actions); stanza:add_child(cmdtag); origin.send(stanza); return true; end return _M;