-- Prosody IM -- Copyright (C) 2008-2010 Matthew Wild -- Copyright (C) 2008-2010 Waqas Hussain -- -- This project is MIT/X11 licensed. Please see the -- COPYING file in the source package for more information. -- -- luacheck: ignore 212/self module:set_global(); module:depends("admin_socket"); local hostmanager = require "core.hostmanager"; local modulemanager = require "core.modulemanager"; local s2smanager = require "core.s2smanager"; local portmanager = require "core.portmanager"; local helpers = require "util.helpers"; local server = require "net.server"; local st = require "util.stanza"; local _G = _G; local prosody = _G.prosody; local unpack = table.unpack or unpack; -- luacheck: ignore 113 local iterators = require "util.iterators"; local keys, values = iterators.keys, iterators.values; local jid_bare, jid_split, jid_join = import("util.jid", "bare", "prepped_split", "join"); local set, array = require "util.set", require "util.array"; local cert_verify_identity = require "util.x509".verify_identity; local envload = require "util.envload".envload; local envloadfile = require "util.envload".envloadfile; local has_pposix, pposix = pcall(require, "util.pposix"); local async = require "util.async"; local serialization = require "util.serialization"; local serialize_config = serialization.new ({ fatal = false, unquoted = true}); local time = require "util.time"; local t_insert = table.insert; local t_concat = table.concat; local format_number = require "util.human.units".format; local format_table = require "util.human.io".table; local commands = module:shared("commands") local def_env = module:shared("env"); local default_env_mt = { __index = def_env }; local function redirect_output(target, session) local env = setmetatable({ print = session.print }, { __index = function (_, k) return rawget(target, k); end }); env.dofile = function(name) local f, err = envloadfile(name, env); if not f then return f, err; end return f(); end; return env; end console = {}; local runner_callbacks = {}; function runner_callbacks:error(err) module:log("error", "Traceback[shell]: %s", err); self.data.print("Fatal error while running command, it did not complete"); self.data.print("Error: "..tostring(err)); end local function send_repl_output(session, line) return session.send(st.stanza("repl-output"):text(tostring(line))); end function console:new_session(admin_session) local session = { send = function (t) return send_repl_output(admin_session, t); end; print = function (...) local t = {}; for i=1,select("#", ...) do t[i] = tostring(select(i, ...)); end return send_repl_output(admin_session, table.concat(t, "\t")); end; serialize = tostring; disconnect = function () admin_session:close(); end; }; session.env = setmetatable({}, default_env_mt); session.thread = async.runner(function (line) console:process_line(session, line); end, runner_callbacks, session); -- Load up environment with helper objects for name, t in pairs(def_env) do if type(t) == "table" then session.env[name] = setmetatable({ session = session }, { __index = t }); end end session.env.output:configure(); return session; end local function handle_line(event) local session = event.origin.shell_session; if not session then session = console:new_session(event.origin); event.origin.shell_session = session; end local line = event.stanza:get_text(); local useglobalenv; local result = st.stanza("repl-result"); if line:match("^>") then line = line:gsub("^>", ""); useglobalenv = true; else local command = line:match("^%w+") or line:match("%p"); if commands[command] then commands[command](session, line); event.origin.send(result); return; end end session.env._ = line; if not useglobalenv and commands[line:lower()] then commands[line:lower()](session, line); event.origin.send(result); return; end local chunkname = "=console"; local env = (useglobalenv and redirect_output(_G, session)) or session.env or nil -- luacheck: ignore 311/err local chunk, err = envload("return "..line, chunkname, env); if not chunk then chunk, err = envload(line, chunkname, env); if not chunk then err = err:gsub("^%[string .-%]:%d+: ", ""); err = err:gsub("^:%d+: ", ""); err = err:gsub("''", "the end of the line"); result.attr.type = "error"; result:text("Sorry, I couldn't understand that... "..err); event.origin.send(result); return; end end local taskok, message = chunk(); if not message then if type(taskok) ~= "string" and useglobalenv then taskok = session.serialize(taskok); end result:text("Result: "..tostring(taskok)); elseif (not taskok) and message then result.attr.type = "error"; result:text("Error: "..tostring(message)); else result:text("OK: "..tostring(message)); end event.origin.send(result); end module:hook("admin/repl-input", function (event) local ok, err = pcall(handle_line, event); if not ok then event.origin.send(st.stanza("repl-result", { type = "error" }):text(err)); end end); -- Console commands -- -- These are simple commands, not valid standalone in Lua function commands.help(session, data) local print = session.print; local section = data:match("^help (%w+)"); if not section then print [[Commands are divided into multiple sections. For help on a particular section, ]] print [[type: help SECTION (for example, 'help c2s'). Sections are: ]] print [[]] print [[c2s - Commands to manage local client-to-server sessions]] print [[s2s - Commands to manage sessions between this server and others]] print [[http - Commands to inspect HTTP services]] -- XXX plural but there is only one so far print [[module - Commands to load/reload/unload modules/plugins]] print [[host - Commands to activate, deactivate and list virtual hosts]] print [[user - Commands to create and delete users, and change their passwords]] print [[muc - Commands to create, list and manage chat rooms]] print [[server - Uptime, version, shutting down, etc.]] print [[port - Commands to manage ports the server is listening on]] print [[dns - Commands to manage and inspect the internal DNS resolver]] print [[xmpp - Commands for sending XMPP stanzas]] print [[debug - Commands for debugging the server]] print [[config - Reloading the configuration, etc.]] print [[console - Help regarding the console itself]] elseif section == "c2s" then print [[c2s:show(jid) - Show all client sessions with the specified JID (or all if no JID given)]] print [[c2s:show_insecure() - Show all unencrypted client connections]] print [[c2s:show_secure() - Show all encrypted client connections]] print [[c2s:show_tls() - Show TLS cipher info for encrypted sessions]] print [[c2s:count() - Count sessions without listing them]] print [[c2s:close(jid) - Close all sessions for the specified JID]] print [[c2s:closeall() - Close all active c2s connections ]] elseif section == "s2s" then print [[s2s:show(domain) - Show all s2s connections for the given domain (or all if no domain given)]] print [[s2s:show_tls(domain) - Show TLS cipher info for encrypted sessions]] print [[s2s:close(from, to) - Close a connection from one domain to another]] print [[s2s:closeall(host) - Close all the incoming/outgoing s2s sessions to specified host]] elseif section == "http" then print [[http:list(hosts) - Show HTTP endpoints]] elseif section == "module" then print [[module:info(module, host) - Show information about a loaded module]] print [[module:load(module, host) - Load the specified module on the specified host (or all hosts if none given)]] print [[module:reload(module, host) - The same, but unloads and loads the module (saving state if the module supports it)]] print [[module:unload(module, host) - The same, but just unloads the module from memory]] print [[module:list(host) - List the modules loaded on the specified host]] elseif section == "host" then print [[host:activate(hostname) - Activates the specified host]] print [[host:deactivate(hostname) - Disconnects all clients on this host and deactivates]] print [[host:list() - List the currently-activated hosts]] elseif section == "user" then print [[user:create(jid, password) - Create the specified user account]] print [[user:password(jid, password) - Set the password for the specified user account]] print [[user:delete(jid) - Permanently remove the specified user account]] print [[user:list(hostname, pattern) - List users on the specified host, optionally filtering with a pattern]] elseif section == "muc" then -- TODO `muc:room():foo()` commands print [[muc:create(roomjid, { config }) - Create the specified MUC room with the given config]] print [[muc:list(host) - List rooms on the specified MUC component]] print [[muc:room(roomjid) - Create the specified MUC room with the given config]] elseif section == "server" then print [[server:version() - Show the server's version number]] print [[server:uptime() - Show how long the server has been running]] print [[server:memory() - Show details about the server's memory usage]] print [[server:shutdown(reason) - Shut down the server, with an optional reason to be broadcast to all connections]] elseif section == "port" then print [[port:list() - Lists all network ports prosody currently listens on]] print [[port:close(port, interface) - Close a port]] elseif section == "dns" then print [[dns:lookup(name, type, class) - Do a DNS lookup]] print [[dns:addnameserver(nameserver) - Add a nameserver to the list]] print [[dns:setnameserver(nameserver) - Replace the list of name servers with the supplied one]] print [[dns:purge() - Clear the DNS cache]] print [[dns:cache() - Show cached records]] elseif section == "xmpp" then print [[xmpp:ping(localhost, remotehost) -- Sends a ping to a remote XMPP server and reports the response]] elseif section == "config" then print [[config:reload() - Reload the server configuration. Modules may need to be reloaded for changes to take effect.]] print [[config:get([host,] option) - Show the value of a config option.]] elseif section == "stats" then -- luacheck: ignore 542 -- TODO describe how stats:show() works elseif section == "debug" then print [[debug:logevents(host) - Enable logging of fired events on host]] print [[debug:events(host, event) - Show registered event handlers]] print [[debug:timers() - Show information about scheduled timers]] elseif section == "console" then print [[Hey! Welcome to Prosody's admin console.]] print [[First thing, if you're ever wondering how to get out, simply type 'quit'.]] print [[Secondly, note that we don't support the full telnet protocol yet (it's coming)]] print [[so you may have trouble using the arrow keys, etc. depending on your system.]] print [[]] print [[For now we offer a couple of handy shortcuts:]] print [[!! - Repeat the last command]] print [[!old!new! - repeat the last command, but with 'old' replaced by 'new']] print [[]] print [[For those well-versed in Prosody's internals, or taking instruction from those who are,]] print [[you can prefix a command with > to escape the console sandbox, and access everything in]] print [[the running server. Great fun, but be careful not to break anything :)]] end end -- Session environment -- -- Anything in def_env will be accessible within the session as a global variable --luacheck: ignore 212/self local serialize_defaults = module:get_option("console_prettyprint_settings", { fatal = false, unquoted = true, maxdepth = 2}) def_env.output = {}; function def_env.output:configure(opts) if type(opts) ~= "table" then opts = { preset = opts }; end if not opts.fallback then -- XXX Error message passed to fallback is lost, does it matter? opts.fallback = tostring; end for k,v in pairs(serialize_defaults) do if opts[k] == nil then opts[k] = v; end end self.session.serialize = serialization.new(opts); end def_env.server = {}; function def_env.server:insane_reload() prosody.unlock_globals(); dofile "prosody" prosody = _G.prosody; return true, "Server reloaded"; end function def_env.server:version() return true, tostring(prosody.version or "unknown"); end function def_env.server:uptime() local t = os.time()-prosody.start_time; local seconds = t%60; t = (t - seconds)/60; local minutes = t%60; t = (t - minutes)/60; local hours = t%24; t = (t - hours)/24; local days = t; return true, string.format("This server has been running for %d day%s, %d hour%s and %d minute%s (since %s)", days, (days ~= 1 and "s") or "", hours, (hours ~= 1 and "s") or "", minutes, (minutes ~= 1 and "s") or "", os.date("%c", prosody.start_time)); end function def_env.server:shutdown(reason) prosody.shutdown(reason); return true, "Shutdown initiated"; end local function human(kb) return format_number(kb*1024, "B", "b"); end function def_env.server:memory() if not has_pposix or not pposix.meminfo then return true, "Lua is using "..human(collectgarbage("count")); end local mem, lua_mem = pposix.meminfo(), collectgarbage("count"); local print = self.session.print; print("Process: "..human((mem.allocated+mem.allocated_mmap)/1024)); print(" Used: "..human(mem.used/1024).." ("..human(lua_mem).." by Lua)"); print(" Free: "..human(mem.unused/1024).." ("..human(mem.returnable/1024).." returnable)"); return true, "OK"; end def_env.module = {}; local function get_hosts_set(hosts) if type(hosts) == "table" then if hosts[1] then return set.new(hosts); elseif hosts._items then return hosts; end elseif type(hosts) == "string" then return set.new { hosts }; elseif hosts == nil then return set.new(array.collect(keys(prosody.hosts))); end end -- Hosts with a module or all virtualhosts if no module given -- matching modules_enabled in the global section local function get_hosts_with_module(hosts, module) local hosts_set = get_hosts_set(hosts) / function (host) if module then -- Module given, filter in hosts with this module loaded if modulemanager.is_loaded(host, module) then return host; else return nil; end end if not hosts then -- No hosts given, filter in VirtualHosts if prosody.hosts[host].type == "local" then return host; else return nil end end; -- No module given, but hosts are, don't filter at all return host; end; if module and modulemanager.get_module("*", module) then hosts_set:add("*"); end return hosts_set; end function def_env.module:info(name, hosts) if not name then return nil, "module name expected"; end local print = self.session.print; hosts = get_hosts_with_module(hosts, name); if hosts:empty() then return false, "mod_" .. name .. " does not appear to be loaded on the specified hosts"; end for host in hosts do local mod = modulemanager.get_module(host, name); if mod.module.host == "*" then print("in global context"); elseif mod.module:get_host_type() == "local" then print("on VirtualHost " .. mod.module.host); elseif mod.module:get_host_type() == "component" then local component_type = module:context(host):get_option_string("component_module", type); if component_type == "component" then component_type = "external"; end print("on " .. component_type .. " Component " .. mod.module.host); end print(" path: " .. (mod.module.path or "n/a")); if mod.module.status_message then print(" status: [" .. mod.module.status_type .. "] " .. mod.module.status_message); end if mod.module.dependencies and next(mod.module.dependencies) ~= nil then print(" dependencies:"); for dep in pairs(mod.module.dependencies) do print(" - mod_" .. dep); end end end return true; end function def_env.module:load(name, hosts, config) hosts = get_hosts_with_module(hosts); -- Load the module for each host local ok, err, count, mod = true, nil, 0; for host in hosts do if (not modulemanager.is_loaded(host, name)) then mod, err = modulemanager.load(host, name, config); if not mod then ok = false; if err == "global-module-already-loaded" then if count > 0 then ok, err, count = true, nil, 1; end break; end self.session.print(err or "Unknown error loading module"); else count = count + 1; self.session.print("Loaded for "..mod.module.host); end end end return ok, (ok and "Module loaded onto "..count.." host"..(count ~= 1 and "s" or "")) or ("Last error: "..tostring(err)); end function def_env.module:unload(name, hosts) hosts = get_hosts_with_module(hosts, name); -- Unload the module for each host local ok, err, count = true, nil, 0; for host in hosts do if modulemanager.is_loaded(host, name) then ok, err = modulemanager.unload(host, name); if not ok then ok = false; self.session.print(err or "Unknown error unloading module"); else count = count + 1; self.session.print("Unloaded from "..host); end end end return ok, (ok and "Module unloaded from "..count.." host"..(count ~= 1 and "s" or "")) or ("Last error: "..tostring(err)); end local function _sort_hosts(a, b) if a == "*" then return true elseif b == "*" then return false else return a:gsub("[^.]+", string.reverse):reverse() < b:gsub("[^.]+", string.reverse):reverse(); end end function def_env.module:reload(name, hosts) hosts = array.collect(get_hosts_with_module(hosts, name)):sort(_sort_hosts) -- Reload the module for each host local ok, err, count = true, nil, 0; for _, host in ipairs(hosts) do if modulemanager.is_loaded(host, name) then ok, err = modulemanager.reload(host, name); if not ok then ok = false; self.session.print(err or "Unknown error reloading module"); else count = count + 1; if ok == nil then ok = true; end self.session.print("Reloaded on "..host); end end end return ok, (ok and "Module reloaded on "..count.." host"..(count ~= 1 and "s" or "")) or ("Last error: "..tostring(err)); end function def_env.module:list(hosts) hosts = array.collect(set.new({ not hosts and "*" or nil }) + get_hosts_set(hosts)):sort(_sort_hosts); local print = self.session.print; for _, host in ipairs(hosts) do print((host == "*" and "Global" or host)..":"); local modules = array.collect(keys(modulemanager.get_modules(host) or {})):sort(); if #modules == 0 then if prosody.hosts[host] then print(" No modules loaded"); else print(" Host not found"); end else for _, name in ipairs(modules) do local status, status_text = modulemanager.get_module(host, name).module:get_status(); local status_summary = ""; if status == "warn" or status == "error" then status_summary = (" (%s: %s)"):format(status, status_text); end print((" %s%s"):format(name, status_summary)); end end end end def_env.config = {}; function def_env.config:load(filename, format) local config_load = require "core.configmanager".load; local ok, err = config_load(filename, format); if not ok then return false, err or "Unknown error loading config"; end return true, "Config loaded"; end function def_env.config:get(host, key) if key == nil then host, key = "*", host; end local config_get = require "core.configmanager".get return true, serialize_config(config_get(host, key)); end function def_env.config:reload() local ok, err = prosody.reload_config(); return ok, (ok and "Config reloaded (you may need to reload modules to take effect)") or tostring(err); end local function common_info(session, line) if session.id then line[#line+1] = "["..session.id.."]" else line[#line+1] = "["..session.type..(tostring(session):match("%x*$")).."]" end end local function session_flags(session, line) line = line or {}; common_info(session, line); if session.type == "c2s" then local status, priority = "unavailable", tostring(session.priority or "-"); if session.presence then status = session.presence:get_child_text("show") or "available"; end line[#line+1] = status.."("..priority..")"; end if session.cert_identity_status == "valid" then line[#line+1] = "(authenticated)"; end if session.dialback_key then line[#line+1] = "(dialback)"; end if session.external_auth then line[#line+1] = "(SASL)"; end if session.secure then line[#line+1] = "(encrypted)"; end if session.compressed then line[#line+1] = "(compressed)"; end if session.smacks then line[#line+1] = "(sm)"; end if session.state then if type(session.csi_counter) == "number" then line[#line+1] = string.format("(csi:%s queue #%d)", session.state, session.csi_counter); else line[#line+1] = string.format("(csi:%s)", session.state); end end if session.ip and session.ip:match(":") then line[#line+1] = "(IPv6)"; end if session.remote then line[#line+1] = "(remote)"; end if session.incoming and session.outgoing then line[#line+1] = "(bidi)"; elseif session.is_bidi or session.bidi_session then line[#line+1] = "(bidi)"; end if session.bosh_version then line[#line+1] = "(bosh)"; end if session.websocket_request then line[#line+1] = "(websocket)"; end return table.concat(line, " "); end local function tls_info(session, line) line = line or {}; common_info(session, line); if session.secure then local sock = session.conn and session.conn.socket and session.conn:socket(); if sock then local info = sock.info and sock:info(); if info then line[#line+1] = ("(%s with %s)"):format(info.protocol, info.cipher); else -- TLS session might not be ready yet line[#line+1] = "(cipher info unavailable)"; end if sock.getsniname then local name = sock:getsniname(); if name then line[#line+1] = ("(SNI:%q)"):format(name); end end if sock.getalpn then local proto = sock:getalpn(); if proto then line[#line+1] = ("(ALPN:%q)"):format(proto); end end end else line[#line+1] = "(insecure)"; end return table.concat(line, " "); end def_env.c2s = {}; local function get_jid(session) if session.username then return session.full_jid or jid_join(session.username, session.host, session.resource); end local conn = session.conn; local ip = session.ip or "?"; local clientport = conn and conn:clientport() or "?"; local serverip = conn and conn.server and conn:server():ip() or "?"; local serverport = conn and conn:serverport() or "?" return jid_join("["..ip.."]:"..clientport, session.host or "["..serverip.."]:"..serverport); end local function get_c2s() local c2s = array.collect(values(prosody.full_sessions)); c2s:append(array.collect(values(module:shared"/*/c2s/sessions"))); c2s:append(array.collect(values(module:shared"/*/bosh/sessions"))); c2s:unique(); return c2s; end local function show_c2s(callback) get_c2s():sort(function(a, b) if a.host == b.host then if a.username == b.username then return (a.resource or "") > (b.resource or ""); end return (a.username or "") > (b.username or ""); end return _sort_hosts(a.host or "", b.host or ""); end):map(function (session) callback(get_jid(session), session) end); end function def_env.c2s:count() local c2s = get_c2s(); return true, "Total: ".. #c2s .." clients"; end function def_env.c2s:show(match_jid, annotate) local print, count = self.session.print, 0; annotate = annotate or session_flags; local curr_host = false; show_c2s(function (jid, session) if curr_host ~= session.host then curr_host = session.host; print(curr_host or "(not connected to any host yet)"); end if (not match_jid) or jid:match(match_jid) then count = count + 1; print(annotate(session, { " ", jid })); end end); return true, "Total: "..count.." clients"; end function def_env.c2s:show_insecure(match_jid) local print, count = self.session.print, 0; show_c2s(function (jid, session) if ((not match_jid) or jid:match(match_jid)) and not session.secure then count = count + 1; print(jid); end end); return true, "Total: "..count.." insecure client connections"; end function def_env.c2s:show_secure(match_jid) local print, count = self.session.print, 0; show_c2s(function (jid, session) if ((not match_jid) or jid:match(match_jid)) and session.secure then count = count + 1; print(jid); end end); return true, "Total: "..count.." secure client connections"; end function def_env.c2s:show_tls(match_jid) return self:show(match_jid, tls_info); end local function build_reason(text, condition) if text or condition then return { text = text, condition = condition or "undefined-condition", }; end end function def_env.c2s:close(match_jid, text, condition) local count = 0; show_c2s(function (jid, session) if jid == match_jid or jid_bare(jid) == match_jid then count = count + 1; session:close(build_reason(text, condition)); end end); return true, "Total: "..count.." sessions closed"; end function def_env.c2s:closeall(text, condition) local count = 0; --luacheck: ignore 212/jid show_c2s(function (jid, session) count = count + 1; session:close(build_reason(text, condition)); end); return true, "Total: "..count.." sessions closed"; end def_env.s2s = {}; function def_env.s2s:show(match_jid, annotate) local print = self.session.print; annotate = annotate or session_flags; local count_in, count_out = 0,0; local s2s_list = { }; local s2s_sessions = module:shared"/*/s2s/sessions"; for _, session in pairs(s2s_sessions) do local remotehost, localhost, direction; if session.direction == "outgoing" then direction = "->"; count_out = count_out + 1; remotehost, localhost = session.to_host or "?", session.from_host or "?"; else direction = "<-"; count_in = count_in + 1; remotehost, localhost = session.from_host or "?", session.to_host or "?"; end local sess_lines = { l = localhost, r = remotehost, annotate(session, { "", direction, remotehost or "?" })}; if (not match_jid) or remotehost:match(match_jid) or localhost:match(match_jid) then table.insert(s2s_list, sess_lines); -- luacheck: ignore 421/print local print = function (s) table.insert(sess_lines, " "..s); end if session.sendq then print("There are "..#session.sendq.." queued outgoing stanzas for this connection"); end if session.type == "s2sout_unauthed" then if session.notopen then print("The has not yet been opened"); elseif not session.dialback_key then print("Dialback has not been initiated yet"); elseif session.dialback_key then print("Dialback has been requested, but no result received"); end end if session.type == "s2sin_unauthed" then print("Connection not yet authenticated"); elseif session.type == "s2sin" then for name in pairs(session.hosts) do if name ~= session.from_host then print("also hosts "..tostring(name)); end end end end end -- Sort by local host, then remote host table.sort(s2s_list, function(a,b) if a.l == b.l then return _sort_hosts(a.r, b.r); end return _sort_hosts(a.l, b.l); end); local lasthost; for _, sess_lines in ipairs(s2s_list) do if sess_lines.l ~= lasthost then print(sess_lines.l); lasthost=sess_lines.l end for _, line in ipairs(sess_lines) do print(line); end end return true, "Total: "..count_out.." outgoing, "..count_in.." incoming connections"; end function def_env.s2s:show_tls(match_jid) return self:show(match_jid, tls_info); end local function print_subject(print, subject) for _, entry in ipairs(subject) do print( (" %s: %q"):format( entry.name or entry.oid, entry.value:gsub("[\r\n%z%c]", " ") ) ); end end -- As much as it pains me to use the 0-based depths that OpenSSL does, -- I think there's going to be more confusion among operators if we -- break from that. local function print_errors(print, errors) for depth, t in pairs(errors) do print( (" %d: %s"):format( depth-1, table.concat(t, "\n| ") ) ); end end function def_env.s2s:showcert(domain) local print = self.session.print; local s2s_sessions = module:shared"/*/s2s/sessions"; local domain_sessions = set.new(array.collect(values(s2s_sessions))) /function(session) return (session.to_host == domain or session.from_host == domain) and session or nil; end; local cert_set = {}; for session in domain_sessions do local conn = session.conn; conn = conn and conn:socket(); if not conn.getpeerchain then if conn.dohandshake then error("This version of LuaSec does not support certificate viewing"); end else local cert = conn:getpeercertificate(); if cert then local certs = conn:getpeerchain(); local digest = cert:digest("sha1"); if not cert_set[digest] then local chain_valid, chain_errors = conn:getpeerverification(); cert_set[digest] = { { from = session.from_host, to = session.to_host, direction = session.direction }; chain_valid = chain_valid; chain_errors = chain_errors; certs = certs; }; else table.insert(cert_set[digest], { from = session.from_host, to = session.to_host, direction = session.direction }); end end end end local domain_certs = array.collect(values(cert_set)); -- Phew. We now have a array of unique certificates presented by domain. local n_certs = #domain_certs; if n_certs == 0 then return "No certificates found for "..domain; end local function _capitalize_and_colon(byte) return string.upper(byte)..":"; end local function pretty_fingerprint(hash) return hash:gsub("..", _capitalize_and_colon):sub(1, -2); end for cert_info in values(domain_certs) do local certs = cert_info.certs; local cert = certs[1]; print("---") print("Fingerprint (SHA1): "..pretty_fingerprint(cert:digest("sha1"))); print(""); local n_streams = #cert_info; print("Currently used on "..n_streams.." stream"..(n_streams==1 and "" or "s")..":"); for _, stream in ipairs(cert_info) do if stream.direction == "incoming" then print(" "..stream.to.." <- "..stream.from); else print(" "..stream.from.." -> "..stream.to); end end print(""); local chain_valid, errors = cert_info.chain_valid, cert_info.chain_errors; local valid_identity = cert_verify_identity(domain, "xmpp-server", cert); if chain_valid then print("Trusted certificate: Yes"); else print("Trusted certificate: No"); print_errors(print, errors); end print(""); print("Issuer: "); print_subject(print, cert:issuer()); print(""); print("Valid for "..domain..": "..(valid_identity and "Yes" or "No")); print("Subject:"); print_subject(print, cert:subject()); end print("---"); return ("Showing "..n_certs.." certificate" ..(n_certs==1 and "" or "s") .." presented by "..domain.."."); end function def_env.s2s:close(from, to, text, condition) local print, count = self.session.print, 0; local s2s_sessions = module:shared"/*/s2s/sessions"; local match_id; if from and not to then match_id, from = from, nil; elseif not to then return false, "Syntax: s2s:close('from', 'to') - Closes all s2s sessions from 'from' to 'to'"; elseif from == to then return false, "Both from and to are the same... you can't do that :)"; end for _, session in pairs(s2s_sessions) do local id = session.id or (session.type..tostring(session):match("[a-f0-9]+$")); if (match_id and match_id == id) or (session.from_host == from and session.to_host == to) then print(("Closing connection from %s to %s [%s]"):format(session.from_host, session.to_host, id)); (session.close or s2smanager.destroy_session)(session, build_reason(text, condition)); count = count + 1 ; end end return true, "Closed "..count.." s2s session"..((count == 1 and "") or "s"); end function def_env.s2s:closeall(host, text, condition) local count = 0; local s2s_sessions = module:shared"/*/s2s/sessions"; for _,session in pairs(s2s_sessions) do if not host or session.from_host == host or session.to_host == host then session:close(build_reason(text, condition)); count = count + 1; end end if count == 0 then return false, "No sessions to close."; else return true, "Closed "..count.." s2s session"..((count == 1 and "") or "s"); end end def_env.host = {}; def_env.hosts = def_env.host; function def_env.host:activate(hostname, config) return hostmanager.activate(hostname, config); end function def_env.host:deactivate(hostname, reason) return hostmanager.deactivate(hostname, reason); end function def_env.host:list() local print = self.session.print; local i = 0; local type; for host, host_session in iterators.sorted_pairs(prosody.hosts, _sort_hosts) do i = i + 1; type = host_session.type; if type == "local" then print(host); else type = module:context(host):get_option_string("component_module", type); if type ~= "component" then type = type .. " component"; end print(("%s (%s)"):format(host, type)); end end return true, i.." hosts"; end def_env.port = {}; function def_env.port:list() local print = self.session.print; local services = portmanager.get_active_services().data; local n_services, n_ports = 0, 0; for service, interfaces in iterators.sorted_pairs(services) do n_services = n_services + 1; local ports_list = {}; for interface, ports in pairs(interfaces) do for port in pairs(ports) do table.insert(ports_list, "["..interface.."]:"..port); end end n_ports = n_ports + #ports_list; print(service..": "..table.concat(ports_list, ", ")); end return true, n_services.." services listening on "..n_ports.." ports"; end function def_env.port:close(close_port, close_interface) close_port = assert(tonumber(close_port), "Invalid port number"); local n_closed = 0; local services = portmanager.get_active_services().data; for service, interfaces in pairs(services) do -- luacheck: ignore 213 for interface, ports in pairs(interfaces) do if not close_interface or close_interface == interface then if ports[close_port] then self.session.print("Closing ["..interface.."]:"..close_port.."..."); local ok, err = portmanager.close(interface, close_port) if not ok then self.session.print("Failed to close "..interface.." "..close_port..": "..err); else n_closed = n_closed + 1; end end end end end return true, "Closed "..n_closed.." ports"; end def_env.muc = {}; local console_room_mt = { __index = function (self, k) return self.room[k]; end; __tostring = function (self) return "MUC room <"..self.room.jid..">"; end; }; local function check_muc(jid) local room_name, host = jid_split(jid); if not prosody.hosts[host] then return nil, "No such host: "..host; elseif not prosody.hosts[host].modules.muc then return nil, "Host '"..host.."' is not a MUC service"; end return room_name, host; end function def_env.muc:create(room_jid, config) local room_name, host = check_muc(room_jid); if not room_name then return room_name, host; end if not room_name then return nil, host end if config ~= nil and type(config) ~= "table" then return nil, "Config must be a table"; end if prosody.hosts[host].modules.muc.get_room_from_jid(room_jid) then return nil, "Room exists already" end return prosody.hosts[host].modules.muc.create_room(room_jid, config); end function def_env.muc:room(room_jid) local room_name, host = check_muc(room_jid); if not room_name then return room_name, host; end local room_obj = prosody.hosts[host].modules.muc.get_room_from_jid(room_jid); if not room_obj then return nil, "No such room: "..room_jid; end return setmetatable({ room = room_obj }, console_room_mt); end function def_env.muc:list(host) local host_session = prosody.hosts[host]; if not host_session or not host_session.modules.muc then return nil, "Please supply the address of a local MUC component"; end local print = self.session.print; local c = 0; for room in host_session.modules.muc.each_room() do print(room.jid); c = c + 1; end return true, c.." rooms"; end local um = require"core.usermanager"; def_env.user = {}; function def_env.user:create(jid, password) local username, host = jid_split(jid); if not prosody.hosts[host] then return nil, "No such host: "..host; elseif um.user_exists(username, host) then return nil, "User exists"; end local ok, err = um.create_user(username, password, host); if ok then return true, "User created"; else return nil, "Could not create user: "..err; end end function def_env.user:delete(jid) local username, host = jid_split(jid); if not prosody.hosts[host] then return nil, "No such host: "..host; elseif not um.user_exists(username, host) then return nil, "No such user"; end local ok, err = um.delete_user(username, host); if ok then return true, "User deleted"; else return nil, "Could not delete user: "..err; end end function def_env.user:password(jid, password) local username, host = jid_split(jid); if not prosody.hosts[host] then return nil, "No such host: "..host; elseif not um.user_exists(username, host) then return nil, "No such user"; end local ok, err = um.set_password(username, password, host, nil); if ok then return true, "User password changed"; else return nil, "Could not change password for user: "..err; end end function def_env.user:list(host, pat) if not host then return nil, "No host given"; elseif not prosody.hosts[host] then return nil, "No such host"; end local print = self.session.print; local total, matches = 0, 0; for user in um.users(host) do if not pat or user:match(pat) then print(user.."@"..host); matches = matches + 1; end total = total + 1; end return true, "Showing "..(pat and (matches.." of ") or "all " )..total.." users"; end def_env.xmpp = {}; local new_id = require "util.id".medium; function def_env.xmpp:ping(localhost, remotehost, timeout) localhost = select(2, jid_split(localhost)); remotehost = select(2, jid_split(remotehost)); if not localhost then return nil, "Invalid sender hostname"; elseif not prosody.hosts[localhost] then return nil, "No such local host"; end if not remotehost then return nil, "Invalid destination hostname"; elseif prosody.hosts[remotehost] then return nil, "Both hosts are local"; end local iq = st.iq{ from=localhost, to=remotehost, type="get", id=new_id()} :tag("ping", {xmlns="urn:xmpp:ping"}); local time_start = time.now(); local ret, err = async.wait_for(module:context(localhost):send_iq(iq, nil, timeout)); if ret then return true, ("pong from %s in %gs"):format(ret.stanza.attr.from, time.now() - time_start); else return false, tostring(err); end end def_env.dns = {}; local adns = require"net.adns"; local function get_resolver(session) local resolver = session.dns_resolver; if not resolver then resolver = adns.resolver(); session.dns_resolver = resolver; end return resolver; end function def_env.dns:lookup(name, typ, class) local resolver = get_resolver(self.session); local ret, err = async.wait_for(resolver:lookup_promise(name, typ, class)); if ret then return true, ret; elseif err then return false, err; end end function def_env.dns:addnameserver(...) local resolver = get_resolver(self.session); resolver._resolver:addnameserver(...) return true end function def_env.dns:setnameserver(...) local resolver = get_resolver(self.session); resolver._resolver:setnameserver(...) return true end function def_env.dns:purge() local resolver = get_resolver(self.session); resolver._resolver:purge() return true end function def_env.dns:cache() local resolver = get_resolver(self.session); return true, "Cache:\n"..tostring(resolver._resolver.cache) end def_env.http = {}; function def_env.http:list(hosts) local print = self.session.print; hosts = array.collect(set.new({ not hosts and "*" or nil }) + get_hosts_set(hosts)):sort(_sort_hosts); local output = format_table({ { title = "Module", width = "20%" }, { title = "URL", width = "80%" }, }, 132); for _, host in ipairs(hosts) do local http_apps = modulemanager.get_items("http-provider", host); if #http_apps > 0 then local http_host = module:context(host):get_option_string("http_host"); if host == "*" then print("Global HTTP endpoints available on all hosts:"); else print("HTTP endpoints on "..host..(http_host and (" (using "..http_host.."):") or ":")); end print(output()); for _, provider in ipairs(http_apps) do local mod = provider._provided_by; local url = module:context(host):http_url(provider.name, provider.default_path); mod = mod and "mod_"..mod or "" print(output{mod, url}); end print(""); end end local default_host = module:get_option_string("http_default_host"); if not default_host then print("HTTP requests to unknown hosts will return 404 Not Found"); else print("HTTP requests to unknown hosts will be handled by "..default_host); end return true; end def_env.debug = {}; function def_env.debug:logevents(host) helpers.log_host_events(host); return true; end function def_env.debug:events(host, event) local events_obj; if host and host ~= "*" then if host == "http" then events_obj = require "net.http.server"._events; elseif not prosody.hosts[host] then return false, "Unknown host: "..host; else events_obj = prosody.hosts[host].events; end else events_obj = prosody.events; end return true, helpers.show_events(events_obj, event); end function def_env.debug:timers() local print = self.session.print; local add_task = require"util.timer".add_task; local h, params = add_task.h, add_task.params; local function normalize_time(t) return t; end local function format_time(t) return os.date("%F %T", math.floor(normalize_time(t))); end if h then print("-- util.timer"); elseif server.timer then print("-- net.server.timer"); h = server.timer.add_task.timers; normalize_time = server.timer.to_absolute_time or normalize_time; end if h then local timers = {}; for i, id in ipairs(h.ids) do local t, cb = h.priorities[i], h.items[id]; if not params then local param = cb.param; if param then cb = param.callback; else cb = cb.timer_callback or cb; end elseif params[id] then cb = params[id].callback or cb; end table.insert(timers, { format_time(t), cb }); end table.sort(timers, function (a, b) return a[1] < b[1] end); for _, t in ipairs(timers) do print(t[1], t[2]) end end if server.event_base then local count = 0; for _, v in pairs(debug.getregistry()) do if type(v) == "function" and v.callback and v.callback == add_task._on_timer then count = count + 1; end end print(count .. " libevent callbacks"); end if h then local next_time = h:peek(); if next_time then return true, ("Next event at %s (in %.6fs)"):format(format_time(next_time), normalize_time(next_time) - time.now()); end end return true; end -- COMPAT: debug:timers() was timer:info() for some time in trunk def_env.timer = { info = def_env.debug.timers }; def_env.stats = {}; local short_units = { seconds = "s", bytes = "B", }; local stats_methods = {}; function stats_methods:render_single_fancy_histogram_ex(print, prefix, metric_family, metric, cumulative) local creation_timestamp, sum, count local buckets = {} local prev_bucket_count = 0 for suffix, extra_labels, value in metric:iter_samples() do if suffix == "_created" then creation_timestamp = value elseif suffix == "_sum" then sum = value elseif suffix == "_count" then count = value else local bucket_threshold = extra_labels["le"] local bucket_count if cumulative then bucket_count = value else bucket_count = value - prev_bucket_count prev_bucket_count = value end if bucket_threshold == "+Inf" then t_insert(buckets, {threshold = 1/0, count = bucket_count}) elseif bucket_threshold ~= nil then t_insert(buckets, {threshold = tonumber(bucket_threshold), count = bucket_count}) end end end if #buckets == 0 or not creation_timestamp or not sum or not count then print("[no data or not a histogram]") return false end local graph_width, graph_height, wscale = #buckets, 10, 1; if graph_width < 8 then wscale = 8 elseif graph_width < 16 then wscale = 4 elseif graph_width < 32 then wscale = 2 end local eighth_chars = " ▁▂▃▄▅▆▇█"; local max_bin_samples = 0 for _, bucket in ipairs(buckets) do if bucket.count > max_bin_samples then max_bin_samples = bucket.count end end print(""); print(prefix) print(("_"):rep(graph_width*wscale).." "..max_bin_samples); for row = graph_height, 1, -1 do local row_chars = {}; local min_eighths, max_eighths = 8, 0; for i = 1, #buckets do local char_eighths = math.ceil(math.max(math.min((graph_height/(max_bin_samples/buckets[i].count))-(row-1), 1), 0)*8); if char_eighths < min_eighths then min_eighths = char_eighths; end if char_eighths > max_eighths then max_eighths = char_eighths; end if char_eighths == 0 then row_chars[i] = ("-"):rep(wscale); else local char = eighth_chars:sub(char_eighths*3+1, char_eighths*3+3); row_chars[i] = char:rep(wscale); end end print(table.concat(row_chars).."|- "..string.format("%.8g", math.ceil((max_bin_samples/graph_height)*(row-0.5)))); end local legend_pat = string.format("%%%d.%dg", wscale-1, wscale-1) local row = {} for i = 1, #buckets do local threshold = buckets[i].threshold t_insert(row, legend_pat:format(threshold)) end t_insert(row, " " .. metric_family.unit) print(t_concat(row, "/")) return true end function stats_methods:render_single_fancy_histogram(print, prefix, metric_family, metric) return self:render_single_fancy_histogram_ex(print, prefix, metric_family, metric, false) end function stats_methods:render_single_fancy_histogram_cf(print, prefix, metric_family, metric) -- cf = cumulative frequency return self:render_single_fancy_histogram_ex(print, prefix, metric_family, metric, true) end function stats_methods:cfgraph() for _, stat_info in ipairs(self) do local family_name, metric_family = unpack(stat_info, 1, 2) local function print(s) table.insert(stat_info.output, s); end if not self:render_family(print, family_name, metric_family, self.render_single_fancy_histogram_cf) then return self end end return self; end function stats_methods:histogram() for _, stat_info in ipairs(self) do local family_name, metric_family = unpack(stat_info, 1, 2) local function print(s) table.insert(stat_info.output, s); end if not self:render_family(print, family_name, metric_family, self.render_single_fancy_histogram) then return self end end return self; end function stats_methods:render_single_counter(print, prefix, metric_family, metric) local created_timestamp, current_value for suffix, _, value in metric:iter_samples() do if suffix == "_created" then created_timestamp = value elseif suffix == "_total" then current_value = value end end if current_value and created_timestamp then local base_unit = short_units[metric_family.unit] or metric_family.unit local unit = base_unit .. "/s" local factor = 1 if base_unit == "s" then -- be smart! unit = "%" factor = 100 elseif base_unit == "" then unit = "events/s" end print(("%-50s %s"):format(prefix, format_number(factor * current_value / (self.now - created_timestamp), unit.." [avg]"))); end end function stats_methods:render_single_gauge(print, prefix, metric_family, metric) local current_value for _, _, value in metric:iter_samples() do current_value = value end if current_value then local unit = short_units[metric_family.unit] or metric_family.unit print(("%-50s %s"):format(prefix, format_number(current_value, unit))); end end function stats_methods:render_single_summary(print, prefix, metric_family, metric) local sum, count for suffix, _, value in metric:iter_samples() do if suffix == "_sum" then sum = value elseif suffix == "_count" then count = value end end if sum and count then local unit = short_units[metric_family.unit] or metric_family.unit if count == 0 then print(("%-50s %s"):format(prefix, "no obs.")); else print(("%-50s %s"):format(prefix, format_number(sum / count, unit.."/event [avg]"))); end end end function stats_methods:render_family(print, family_name, metric_family, render_func) local labelkeys = metric_family.label_keys if #labelkeys > 0 then print(family_name) for labelset, metric in metric_family:iter_metrics() do local labels = {} for i, k in ipairs(labelkeys) do local v = labelset[i] t_insert(labels, ("%s=%s"):format(k, v)) end local prefix = " "..t_concat(labels, " ") render_func(self, print, prefix, metric_family, metric) end else for _, metric in metric_family:iter_metrics() do render_func(self, print, family_name, metric_family, metric) end end end local function stats_tostring(stats) local print = stats.session.print; for _, stat_info in ipairs(stats) do if #stat_info.output > 0 then print("\n#"..stat_info[1]); print(""); for _, v in ipairs(stat_info.output) do print(v); end print(""); else local metric_family = stat_info[2] if metric_family.type_ == "counter" then stats:render_family(print, stat_info[1], metric_family, stats.render_single_counter) elseif metric_family.type_ == "gauge" or metric_family.type_ == "unknown" then stats:render_family(print, stat_info[1], metric_family, stats.render_single_gauge) elseif metric_family.type_ == "summary" or metric_family.type_ == "histogram" then stats:render_family(print, stat_info[1], metric_family, stats.render_single_summary) end end end return #stats.." statistics displayed"; end local stats_mt = {__index = stats_methods, __tostring = stats_tostring } local function new_stats_context(self) -- TODO: instead of now(), it might be better to take the time of the last -- interval, if the statistics backend is set to use periodic collection -- Otherwise we get strange stuff like average cpu usage decreasing until -- the next sample and so on. return setmetatable({ session = self.session, stats = true, now = time.now() }, stats_mt); end function def_env.stats:show(name_filter) local statsman = require "core.statsmanager" local collect = statsman.collect if collect then -- force collection if in manual mode collect() end local metric_registry = statsman.get_metric_registry(); local displayed_stats = new_stats_context(self); for family_name, metric_family in iterators.sorted_pairs(metric_registry:get_metric_families()) do if not name_filter or family_name:match(name_filter) then table.insert(displayed_stats, { family_name, metric_family, output = {} }) end end return displayed_stats; end ------------- function printbanner(session) local option = module:get_option_string("console_banner", "full"); if option == "full" or option == "graphic" then session.print [[ ____ \ / _ | _ \ _ __ ___ ___ _-_ __| |_ _ | |_) | '__/ _ \/ __|/ _ \ / _` | | | | | __/| | | (_) \__ \ |_| | (_| | |_| | |_| |_| \___/|___/\___/ \__,_|\__, | A study in simplicity |___/ ]] end if option == "short" or option == "full" then session.print("Welcome to the Prosody administration console. For a list of commands, type: help"); session.print("You may find more help on using this console in our online documentation at "); session.print("https://prosody.im/doc/console\n"); end if option ~= "short" and option ~= "full" and option ~= "graphic" then session.print(option); end end