-- Prosody IM -- Copyright (C) 2008-2010 Matthew Wild -- Copyright (C) 2008-2010 Waqas Hussain -- -- This project is MIT/X11 licensed. Please see the -- COPYING file in the source package for more information. -- -- luacheck: ignore 212/self module:set_global(); module:depends("admin_shell"); local console_listener = { default_port = 5582; default_mode = "*a"; interface = "" }; local async = require "util.async"; local st = require "util.stanza"; local def_env = module:shared("admin_shell/env"); local default_env_mt = { __index = def_env }; local function printbanner(session) local option = module:get_option_string("console_banner", "full"); if option == "full" or option == "graphic" then session.print [[ ____ \ / _ | _ \ _ __ ___ ___ _-_ __| |_ _ | |_) | '__/ _ \/ __|/ _ \ / _` | | | | | __/| | | (_) \__ \ |_| | (_| | |_| | |_| |_| \___/|___/\___/ \__,_|\__, | A study in simplicity |___/ ]] end if option == "short" or option == "full" then session.print("Welcome to the Prosody administration console. For a list of commands, type: help"); session.print("You may find more help on using this console in our online documentation at "); session.print("https://prosody.im/doc/console\n"); end if option ~= "short" and option ~= "full" and option ~= "graphic" then session.print(option); end end console = {}; local runner_callbacks = {}; function runner_callbacks:ready() self.data.conn:resume(); end function runner_callbacks:waiting() self.data.conn:pause(); end function runner_callbacks:error(err) module:log("error", "Traceback[telnet]: %s", err); self.data.print("Fatal error while running command, it did not complete"); self.data.print("Error: "..tostring(err)); end function console:new_session(conn) local w = function(s) conn:write(s:gsub("\n", "\r\n")); end; local session = { conn = conn; send = function (t) if st.is_stanza(t) and t.name == "repl-result" then t = "| "..t:get_text().."\n"; end w(tostring(t)); end; print = function (...) local t = {}; for i=1,select("#", ...) do t[i] = tostring(select(i, ...)); end w("| "..table.concat(t, "\t").."\n"); end; serialize = tostring; disconnect = function () conn:close(); end; }; session.env = setmetatable({}, default_env_mt); session.thread = async.runner(function (line) console:process_line(session, line); session.send(string.char(0)); end, runner_callbacks, session); -- Load up environment with helper objects for name, t in pairs(def_env) do if type(t) == "table" then session.env[name] = setmetatable({ session = session }, { __index = t }); end end session.env.output:configure(); return session; end function console:process_line(session, line) line = line:gsub("\r?\n$", ""); if line == "bye" or line == "quit" or line == "exit" or line:byte() == 4 then session.print("See you!"); session:disconnect(); return; end return module:fire_event("admin/repl-line", { origin = session, stanza = st.stanza("repl"):text(line) }); end local sessions = {}; function module.save() return { sessions = sessions } end function module.restore(data) if data.sessions then for conn in pairs(data.sessions) do conn:setlistener(console_listener); local session = console:new_session(conn); sessions[conn] = session; end end end function console_listener.onconnect(conn) -- Handle new connection local session = console:new_session(conn); sessions[conn] = session; printbanner(session); session.send(string.char(0)); end function console_listener.onincoming(conn, data) local session = sessions[conn]; local partial = session.partial_data; if partial then data = partial..data; end for line in data:gmatch("[^\n]*[\n\004]") do if session.closed then return end session.thread:run(line); end session.partial_data = data:match("[^\n]+$"); end function console_listener.onreadtimeout(conn) local session = sessions[conn]; if session then session.send("\0"); return true; end end function console_listener.ondisconnect(conn, err) -- luacheck: ignore 212/err local session = sessions[conn]; if session then session.disconnect(); sessions[conn] = nil; end end function console_listener.ondetach(conn) sessions[conn] = nil; end module:provides("net", { name = "console"; listener = console_listener; default_port = 5582; private = true; });