local st, jid, set = require "util.stanza", require "util.jid", require "util.set"; local admins = set.new(config.get(module:get_host(), "core", "admins")); function handle_announcement(data) local origin, stanza = data.origin, data.stanza; local host, resource = select(2, jid.split(stanza.attr.to)); if resource ~= "announce/online" then return; -- Not an announcement end if not admins:contains(jid.bare(origin.full_jid)) then -- Not an admin? Not allowed! module:log("warn", "Non-admin %s tried to send server announcement", tostring(jid.bare(origin.full_jid))); origin.send(st.error_reply(stanza, "cancel", "service-unavailable")); return; end module:log("info", "Sending server announcement to all online users"); local host_session = hosts[host]; local message = st.clone(stanza); message.attr.type = "headline"; message.attr.from = host; local c = 0; for user in pairs(host_session.sessions) do c = c + 1; message.attr.to = user.."@"..host; core_post_stanza(host_session, message); end module:log("info", "Announcement sent to %d online users", c); return true; end module:hook("message/host", handle_announcement);